The greatest tragedy in U.S. history

You mean a market democrats want people to earn more money, stop crushing the economy....

I think you are a little deluded. The economy is being crushed by the 1%.

By design.

Shit, guy, we had full employment under Clinton-42 (get used to calling Hillary Clinton-45). The 1% hated it. They had to pay fair wages because there were so few candidates to be had.

The couldn't get Bush-43 in there fast enough to fuck that up.
Yes.... democrats.....
You know the saddest part about that? The libtard masters have actually convinced the libtard minions that a cell phone is critical items that warrants government subsidization.
The "libtard" in question being George Bush, expanding a program signed into law by Ronald Reagan...
Yeah.....uh....cell phones didn't even exist when Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. They debuted commercially in 1983 and at that time cost $4,000. :lmao:

Are you this stupid in real life?
And then, there is you.....
No - it's not the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, or 3 police officers in Louisiana. It's not 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing. It's not the Watts Riots, the LA Riots, or the New Orleans Riots. It's not the $19 trillion in national debt or the erosion or rights. Unbelievably, it's not even slavery.

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history (in world history for that matter) is the unimaginable sacrifices men and women who founded this country and fought in wars to protect it, made - only to have modern-day liberals take their sacrifices and turn them into bargaining chips to be traded in for pitiful government table scraps and other handouts.

I guess for some - who never had to make any sacrifices and had freedom handed to them on a silver platter - liberty just doesn't mean that much. Millions throughout U.S. history made tremendous sacrifices - up to and including giving their lives - only to have it voluntarily surrendered by those on the left for some stamps allowing the purchase of cigarettes and beer.

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration
It's too bad that our dog eat dog society has given us another tragedy. 50% of homeless are veterans.

Shelters | I-PLUS
if you make so little that you are getting hand outs from the taxpayer, chances are that you actually dont pay tax when all is said and done.

You might be referring to the great republican anti poverty measure known as the EITC?

You do know that's a republican program. Right? And that Reagan loved that program. Expanded that program. Paul Ryan wants to expand it again.

Hey I guess it's better than requiring corporations to pay employees more money. Let the rest of us taxpayers absorb the cost. Great eh?

Republicans are just as much big government as the filthy ass Democrats. They may be better in a relative terms but at the end of the day they do the about the same big government shit as the Democrats including worthless budget breaking entitlement programs.

The discussion forum tacit of using the kindergarten playground ploy of claiming you are innocent because somebody else is also guilty is intellectual and moral cowardice.
Bush was wrong to have the stupid program and Obama was more wrong to grow it in order to get the welfare bitches to vote for him.

Was it ok that Bush used the phone to get welfare bitches to vote for him? It was ok when it was for Bush. Right?

Nope. It was wrong. Bush was a Liberal and many of his policies were big government Democrat type polices and that is one of the reasons I dumped the Republican Party many years ago.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver the same bad government as we would have got from the Democrats.

When are you going to pull your head out of your ass and stop voting for big government Democrats? I suspect never.

actually, the "Obamaphone" program was started under Bush-41.

The Obama Phone?

It is also run by a private company.

Bush was wrong to have the stupid program and Obama was more wrong to grow it in order to get the welfare bitches to vote for him.

Your kindergarten playground tactic of shirking responsibility by saying "Johnny also did it" doesn't hold water because welfare programs are wrong no matter if they are supported by Democrats or Republicans.

That's the typical Liberal response. Liberals tell the rest of us how much smarter and more educated they are yet their actions are exactly the same as those of us they consider stupid.

Are you referring to the habit of some to cite facts from objective sources?

Yeah, clearly that has to stop.

That you think saying "Johnny also did it" is an objective source only goes to prove what I said. Thanks.

I had one your fellow Liberals claim he had an objective source stating something, that when he finally provided the source after 5 requests, it didn't say what he claimed it said. In other words, his own objective source disproved his claim. Rather than being honorable, which I never expected a Liberal to do, and saying he was in error, he rambled on about how it was almost what he said then tried to add another factor in to say it reached what his source didn't say.
About 55 innocent people were murdered during the Rodney King riots partially because the liberal media encouraged violence as a solution for perceived legal injustice. The reckless conduct of the liberal media is the greatest tragedy in modern times.
Still not as tragic as people dying for liberty just to have liberals voluntarily surrender it for "free" cigarettes and beer.
No one has ever been allowed to buy cigarettes or beer with SNAP or WIC funds. And the colonists provided for their poor; it used to be a town action. You should learn what you're talking about.
About 55 innocent people were murdered during the Rodney King riots partially because the liberal media encouraged violence as a solution for perceived legal injustice. The reckless conduct of the liberal media is the greatest tragedy in modern times.
Still not as tragic as people dying for liberty just to have liberals voluntarily surrender it for "free" cigarettes and beer.

Don't forget the Obamaphones.
Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

The Obama Phone?
you do realize that there is a 17% tax added to your phone bill that covers the cost of the obama phones right? it might not be a tax taken from your pay directly, but if you pay a phone bill, you pay for those worthless leeches to have cell phones to make their drug deals with.
90 minutes per month on a Trac phone. It is meant for emergencies and necessary communications. Drug dealers have Smartphones.

No one has ever been allowed to buy cigarettes or beer with SNAP or WIC funds. And the colonists provided for their poor; it used to be a town action. You should learn what you're talking about.

No but they use the welfare money to buy junk food while using the money they make selling pot or stealing firearms or whatever to buy beer and cigarettes.
Still not as tragic as people dying for liberty just to have liberals voluntarily surrender it for "free" cigarettes and beer.

I certainly hope you don't mean SNAP Benefits (Food Stamps). Only idiots think you can use a SNAP card to buy beer and cigarettes.
did you know you can use the SNAP card at an atm? guess what, use it for the cash then you can use the cash to buy your beer, drugs and cigarettes.
Doh! Down goes Lewdog.....Down goes Lewdog! :lol:

I went down to a page that doesn't say anything, and is from the state of Connecticut not the federal government.
check any state, its not that hard. the card can be used at the ATM for cash, or you can get cash back at the register.
No you can't.

90 minutes per month on a Trac phone. It is meant for emergencies and necessary communications. Drug dealers have Smartphones.

I suspect that that if there were ever any monitoring of the welfare cell phones we would find out that they are very seldom used for emergencies and mostly used for silly ghetto gossip.

This welfare bitch thinks her Obamaphone is repayment for voting for Obama.


No one has ever been allowed to buy cigarettes or beer with SNAP or WIC funds. And the colonists provided for their poor; it used to be a town action. You should learn what you're talking about.

No but they use the welfare money to buy junk food while using the money they make selling pot or stealing firearms or whatever to buy beer and cigarettes.
Then that's what you should have said.
I suspect that that if there were ever any monitoring of the welfare cell phones we would find out that they are very seldom used for emergencies and mostly used for silly ghetto gossip.

This welfare bitch thinks her Obamaphone is repayment for voting for Obama.

The sad part is. That's the deal. Dumbocrats promise to confiscate the wealth of producers and throw a small part of it at libtard minions in exchange for votes.
And the colonists provided for their poor; it used to be a town action. You should learn what you're talking about.
Yeah....of their own free will. Not forced by government. No government intervention. You know, the way the United States was intended to be. You should really learn what the hell your'e talking about before commenting.
90 minutes per month on a Trac phone. It is meant for emergencies and necessary communications. Drug dealers have Smartphones.
What constitutes "necessary communications"?!? People lived thousands of years without cell phones and people still do it today. You cannot justify such a frivolous item - so stop trying.
You know the saddest part about that? The libtard masters have actually convinced the libtard minions that a cell phone is critical items that warrants government subsidization.
The "libtard" in question being George Bush, expanding a program signed into law by Ronald Reagan...
Yeah.....uh....cell phones didn't even exist when Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. They debuted commercially in 1983 and at that time cost $4,000. :lmao:

Are you this stupid in real life?
And then, there is you.....
Still nursin' a butthurt, lass?
Bush was wrong to have the stupid program and Obama was more wrong to grow it in order to get the welfare bitches to vote for him.

Was it ok that Bush used the phone to get welfare bitches to vote for him? It was ok when it was for Bush. Right?

Nope. It was wrong. Bush was a Liberal and many of his policies were big government Democrat type polices and that is one of the reasons I dumped the Republican Party many years ago.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver the same bad government as we would have got from the Democrats.

When are you going to pull your head out of your ass and stop voting for big government Democrats? I suspect never.

You "dumped" the Republican party after how many votes for Scrub?

90 minutes per month on a Trac phone. It is meant for emergencies and necessary communications. Drug dealers have Smartphones.
What constitutes "necessary communications"?!? People lived thousands of years without cell phones and people still do it today. You cannot justify such a frivolous item - so stop trying.

I guess the answer to my question is

"Damn right, Mr. Slim......every bit as stupid!"

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