The greatest tragedy in U.S. history

The issue is the constitutionality. If liberals desire these things so much - why not accomplish them through private foundations? Everybody would be a winner. Nobody could complain about it, we would have constitutional government, and those who need help would still receive it.

Why should we when we can simply VOTE for programs.

Hey, guy, you want to end welfare, there's a simple way for your beloved 1% to do it. Pay the hired help a fair wage and stop cheating them.

But we have Battered Wife Conservatives like you who keep making excuses for them.
The issue is the constitutionality. If liberals desire these things so much - why not accomplish them through private foundations? Everybody would be a winner. Nobody could complain about it, we would have constitutional government, and those who need help would still receive it.

Why should we when we can simply VOTE for programs.

Hey, guy, you want to end welfare, there's a simple way for your beloved 1% to do it. Pay the hired help a fair wage and stop cheating them.

But we have Battered Wife Conservatives like you who keep making excuses for them.
You mean a market democrats want people to earn more money, stop crushing the economy....
You mean a market democrats want people to earn more money, stop crushing the economy....

I think you are a little deluded. The economy is being crushed by the 1%.

By design.

Shit, guy, we had full employment under Clinton-42 (get used to calling Hillary Clinton-45). The 1% hated it. They had to pay fair wages because there were so few candidates to be had.

The couldn't get Bush-43 in there fast enough to fuck that up.

you do realize that there is a 17% tax added to your phone bill that covers the cost of the obama phones right? it might not be a tax taken from your pay directly, but if you pay a phone bill, you pay for those worthless leeches to have cell phones to make their drug deals with.

These Moon Bats don't understand the concept of taxes.

They don't understand that when the filthy government requires that you pay them money then it is a tax.

They think the Obamaphone Fairy magically creates the phones for the welfare queens and that nobody has to pay for them. They are stupid like that.

You know the saddest part about that? The libtard masters have actually convinced the libtard minions that a cell phone is critical items that warrants government subsidization. First it was just food. Then it was healthcare as well. Then it was also housing. Then it became electric and gas as well. Then transportation was thrown in. Now the most frivolous, luxury items imaginable (such as fuck'n cell phone that 99% of the people in Afghanistan have never even seen and manage to survive just fine without one) is suddenly a "critical" survival item. And of course, these libtard minions are all too happy to agree that it is critical because it's just one more thing that they can get for free without having to have any gratitude for it.

These Moon Bats are sad people.

They don't believe in personal responsibility or paying their own way. They demand that the government steal the money from other people to pay their bills. They are too sorry to provide for their own food, medical care, housing and cell phone. They think that since they are alive then they are entitled to force somebody else to pay their bills for them.

It is simple greed and thievery. Moon Bats are like that.
About 55 innocent people were murdered during the Rodney King riots partially because the liberal media encouraged violence as a solution for perceived legal injustice. The reckless conduct of the liberal media is the greatest tragedy in modern times.
Still not as tragic as people dying for liberty just to have liberals voluntarily surrender it for "free" cigarettes and beer.

Don't forget the Obamaphones.
Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

The Obama Phone?
you do realize that there is a 17% tax added to your phone bill that covers the cost of the obama phones right? it might not be a tax taken from your pay directly, but if you pay a phone bill, you pay for those worthless leeches to have cell phones to make their drug deals with.

You "understand" that it has NOTHING to do with Obama, right? And the tax to which you are referring is 6%......and it pays for other programs as well...
About 55 innocent people were murdered during the Rodney King riots partially because the liberal media encouraged violence as a solution for perceived legal injustice. The reckless conduct of the liberal media is the greatest tragedy in modern times.
Still not as tragic as people dying for liberty just to have liberals voluntarily surrender it for "free" cigarettes and beer.

Don't forget the Obamaphones.
Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

The Obama Phone?
you do realize that there is a 17% tax added to your phone bill that covers the cost of the obama phones right? it might not be a tax taken from your pay directly, but if you pay a phone bill, you pay for those worthless leeches to have cell phones to make their drug deals with.
You know the saddest part about that? The libtard masters have actually convinced the libtard minions that a cell phone is critical items that warrants government subsidization. First it was just food. Then it was healthcare as well. Then it was also housing. Then it became electric and gas as well. Then transportation was thrown in. Now the most frivolous, luxury items imaginable (such as fuck'n cell phone that 99% of the people in Afghanistan have never even seen and manage to survive just fine without one) is suddenly a "critical" survival item. And of course, these libtard minions are all too happy to agree that it is critical because it's just one more thing that they can get for free without having to have any gratitude for it.
The "libtard" in question being George Bush, expanding a program signed into law by Ronald Reagan...
These Moon Bats don't understand the concept of taxes.

They don't understand that when the filthy government requires that you pay them money then it is a tax.

They think the Obamaphone Fairy magically creates the phones for the welfare queens and that nobody has to pay for them. They are stupid like that.

actually, the "Obamaphone" program was started under Bush-41.

The Obama Phone?

It is also run by a private company.
These Moon Bats are sad people.

They don't believe in personal responsibility or paying their own way. They demand that the government steal the money from other people to pay their bills. They are too sorry to provide for their own food, medical care, housing and cell phone. They think that since they are alive then they are entitled to force somebody else to pay their bills for them.

It is simple greed and thievery. Moon Bats are like that.

so the real question is who is stealing what, exactly.

Our economy is about 17 Trillion divided amongst 310 million Americans. So the economic worth of the country produces $56,000 for every man woman and child.

But- the top 1% control 43% of that wealth. They didn't do the physical labor to create that wealth, they merely benefited from the division of it. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. they did not do 87% of the work involved in creating it.

The bottom 40% control less than 1% of the wealth total. While a lot of these folks are poor and have no jobs, a lot of them do. so they are creating the wealth and just not benefiting from it.

So when you have rich companies like Walmart and McDonalds underpaying the people who do the work and then instructing them how to apply for government benefits, who is getting over here. Not the minimum wage workers, they are doing what you've asked them to do- work.

nope, it's your beloved 1%, who make sure they don't pay a lot of the taxes to subsidize their own workforce. They let you do it, and you hate their workforce.

That's how messed up this is for you Battered Housewife Conservatives.
These Moon Bats are sad people.

They don't believe in personal responsibility or paying their own way. They demand that the government steal the money from other people to pay their bills. They are too sorry to provide for their own food, medical care, housing and cell phone. They think that since they are alive then they are entitled to force somebody else to pay their bills for them.

It is simple greed and thievery. Moon Bats are like that.

so the real question is who is stealing what, exactly.

Our economy is about 17 Trillion divided amongst 310 million Americans. So the economic worth of the country produces $56,000 for every man woman and child.

But- the top 1% control 43% of that wealth. They didn't do the physical labor to create that wealth, they merely benefited from the division of it. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. they did not do 87% of the work involved in creating it.

The bottom 40% control less than 1% of the wealth total. While a lot of these folks are poor and have no jobs, a lot of them do. so they are creating the wealth and just not benefiting from it.

So when you have rich companies like Walmart and McDonalds underpaying the people who do the work and then instructing them how to apply for government benefits, who is getting over here. Not the minimum wage workers, they are doing what you've asked them to do- work.

nope, it's your beloved 1%, who make sure they don't pay a lot of the taxes to subsidize their own workforce. They let you do it, and you hate their workforce.

That's how messed up this is for you Battered Housewife Conservatives.

If you think you are entitled to more money then go out and earn it Moon Bat.

If you don't like corporations then don't buy their products. Problem solved.

If you don't think you are making enough money then get another job making more money or get more productive so your labor will be more in demand.

It is wrong to use the filthy ass oppressive government to steal what you are too sorry to earn yourself.

You are not entitled to get what I earned just because you are are alive and a sorry asshole and think that you aren't getting your fair share.

If you are concerned about income disparity then how come you were a dumbass that voted for that idiot Obama? Since he has been President income disparity between the rich and the poor has widened and poverty has increased.

You dumbass Libtard Moon Bats vote for extreme far Left politicians that destroy the economy with failed Left economics and then you bitch about the consequences.
We passed the point of no return when the American people voted Obama into office. That is when I realized that the enemies of freedom outnumbered the friends of freedom among the American people. There is no way to go back now.
I think to their credit - the American people overwhelmingly realized their mistake and corrected it. Both the House and the Senate were not only handed back over to Republican's at the very first election post-Obama inauguration, but it also included the first real conservatives since the Reagan Administration (Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, etc.). Plus, look at the governors that were elected - Scott Walker, John Kasich, Nikki Haley, etc.

We seem to screw up the presidency as a nation with choices like George W. Bush, John Kerry, Barack Obama, John McCain, Donald Trump, and Hitlery Clinton. But I think we've made great strides in all other phases of public office.

Did you cast one or more votes for GDub?

At what point did you determine that he had to go under the bus?

actually, the "Obamaphone" program was started under Bush-41.

The Obama Phone?

It is also run by a private company.

Bush was wrong to have the stupid program and Obama was more wrong to grow it in order to get the welfare bitches to vote for him.

Your kindergarten playground tactic of shirking responsibility by saying "Johnny also did it" doesn't hold water because welfare programs are wrong no matter if they are supported by Democrats or Republicans.

actually, the "Obamaphone" program was started under Bush-41.

The Obama Phone?

It is also run by a private company.

Bush was wrong to have the stupid program and Obama was more wrong to grow it in order to get the welfare bitches to vote for him.

Your kindergarten playground tactic of shirking responsibility by saying "Johnny also did it" doesn't hold water because welfare programs are wrong no matter if they are supported by Democrats or Republicans.

That's the typical Liberal response. Liberals tell the rest of us how much smarter and more educated they are yet their actions are exactly the same as those of us they consider stupid.
if you make so little that you are getting hand outs from the taxpayer, chances are that you actually dont pay tax when all is said and done.

You might be referring to the great republican anti poverty measure known as the EITC?

You do know that's a republican program. Right? And that Reagan loved that program. Expanded that program. Paul Ryan wants to expand it again.

Hey I guess it's better than requiring corporations to pay employees more money. Let the rest of us taxpayers absorb the cost. Great eh?
even if you did pay a little bit (which i doubt),, it would be offset by the money contributed by others.
your theory that you pay taxes fails

Hey big money dude. Do you take advantage of provisions in he tax code to reduce your taxes owed? Sure you do. Or you are stupid.

Same thing with a low wage earner. They pay taxes every pay period just like you do (or did). Then that low wage earner uses the government provided tax code to get their refund.

You make it sound like its the low wage workers fault the government gave them this provision in the code.

Just like you would be stupid to.ignore favorable tax treatment, so would they.

Quit bitching about the low wage worker and instead.bitch about the congress that won't do away with the EITC.
You know the saddest part about that? The libtard masters have actually convinced the libtard minions that a cell phone is critical items that warrants government subsidization.
The "libtard" in question being George Bush, expanding a program signed into law by Ronald Reagan...
Yeah.....uh....cell phones didn't even exist when Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. They debuted commercially in 1983 and at that time cost $4,000. :lmao:

actually, the "Obamaphone" program was started under Bush-41.

The Obama Phone?

It is also run by a private company.

Bush was wrong to have the stupid program and Obama was more wrong to grow it in order to get the welfare bitches to vote for him.

Your kindergarten playground tactic of shirking responsibility by saying "Johnny also did it" doesn't hold water because welfare programs are wrong no matter if they are supported by Democrats or Republicans.

That's the typical Liberal response. Liberals tell the rest of us how much smarter and more educated they are yet their actions are exactly the same as those of us they consider stupid.

Are you referring to the habit of some to cite facts from objective sources?

Yeah, clearly that has to stop.
You know the saddest part about that? The libtard masters have actually convinced the libtard minions that a cell phone is critical items that warrants government subsidization.
The "libtard" in question being George Bush, expanding a program signed into law by Ronald Reagan...
Yeah.....uh....cell phones didn't even exist when Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. They debuted commercially in 1983 and at that time cost $4,000. :lmao:

Are you this stupid in real life?
You know the saddest part about that? The libtard masters have actually convinced the libtard minions that a cell phone is critical items that warrants government subsidization.
The "libtard" in question being George Bush, expanding a program signed into law by Ronald Reagan...
Yeah.....uh....cell phones didn't even exist when Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. They debuted commercially in 1983 and at that time cost $4,000. :lmao:

Are you this stupid in real life?

LMAO. Hey please don't tell the idiot patriot that there were land line phones when Reagan was president. And that the program originally funded landlines.

Tell him that, it'll blow his mind maybe.

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