The Green Cult


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The greens are anti capitalism and pro marxist leftism. True greens are very strange people, they should live in communes...

The Left's religion of destruction on full display.
April 24, 2017

Bruce Thornton

Hard upon Passover and Easter Week comes the two high holy days for the Green Cult, last Saturday’s Earth Day, and next Saturday’s People’s Climate March. This two-bit nature-worship calls itself “environmentalism,” but like another pseudo-science that ravaged the modern world, Marxism, this “ism” is definitely a “wasm,” its contradictions, hypocrisies, and cognitive incoherence patent. But just as Marx’s poltergeist lives on in various collectivists ideologies, environmentalism exacts a huge cost from those who can least afford it.


Industrial capitalism, of course, and its soul-killing technologies are the villains responsible for a modern world that pollutes for profit and ravages mother earth. This stance is blatantly hypocritical, since most of us today would not last five minutes without the technologies that have given us clean water, abundant food, and protection from nature’s fury. Idealizing nature is a luxury of the well fed who don’t have to wrestle sustenance from a harsh indifferent environment.

Worse yet, environmentalism has become the ally of post-Marxist leftism, since both find an enemy in free-market capitalism. Raymond Aron explains why: capitalism “has succeeded by means which were not laid down in the revolutionary code. Prosperity, power, the tendency towards uniformity of economic conditions––these results have been achieved by private initiative, by competition, rather than State intervention, in other words by capitalism.” That’s why at every G8, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank protest, the Greenpeace flag can be seen waving side-by-side with the hammer and sickle. Anything that undermines the politico-economic order that kicked Marxism into the dustbin of history is collectivism’s ally.


But the greater irony is that for those who truly care about the environment, making people prosperous is the proven path to taking better care of nature. We improved our environment when we didn’t need all our wealth just to eat another day. The developing world can do the same thing. We just need to stop letting selfish, self-indulgent, well-fed enviro-cultists determine policies whose costs they don’t have to bear.

The Green Cult’s Holy Week

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