The Growing Conservative Consensus Regarding Trump's Eligibility....

No, my answer is that these homeless veterans were always going to be losers and frankly, throwing money at them is kind of a waste. There's a very good chance most of these immigrants will become productive citizens at some point. Lying about homeless veterans being thrown out to favor immigrants is to rile up people who would otherwise cross the street to avoid the stew-bum in an Army jacket.
I just wish more Democrats would be as honest as you about contempt for homeless veterans, and love for illegals.
If we have an abundance of asylum seekers, it's because your boy Trump dismantled the system we had for sorting through them inthe hope they would be discouraged from coming here... instead it's just created a huge backlog in dealing with them.
Biden's been president for more than two years, and had congress and the Senate during those two years. It is long past the time when chanting "Orange Man Bad," justifies the Biden mess.
A secure border is a fantasy. If the Maginot Line and the Great Wall of China could be gotten around, a fence can be gotten around.

What we need to do is make the country unwelcoming AFTER they get here. We wouldn't have illegals if we didn't have white people hiring them.

Go after the farmer who hires illegals without papers. Go after the rich people who hire Lupe to watch their kids because they can't be bothered. Go after the home owner who hires a truckload of day-laborers to finish that DIY job that turned out to be harder than HGTV made it look.

Don't pretend that we aren't the problem... because we are.
We need a system like Canada's in which immigrants are chosen for their ability to contribute to the United States. But that has to start with a secure border.
Uh, she got scared because protestors complained about her bigotry, and she had to hide in a room for a little while until people snuck her out. She wasn't "Kidnapped".
You get chased from one place to another under threat of violence and held in that room until you can be snuck out, that is indeed kidnapping. Be hones that you support it due to her "bigotry."
The problem is, if you take away Title IX and scholarships for sports no one watches, this wouldn't be an issue. "Wah, someone is gaming the system we were gaming!"

I have a bias. When I went to College (Paid for by serving in the National Guard before I went Active Duty), I was on the student government, and I dealt with this one airhead- dumber than a fucking box of rocks, really - but she was getting a full ride as a swimmer. The ironic thing was that the university ONLY had an Athletics program because Title IX demanded it, and because it didn't make any money, it was paid for by Student Fees. (in fact, over 50% of student fees went to supporting the Athletics program, meanwhile they couldn't give away tickets to the sporting events.)

Maybe- you know, just maybe - we need to get our colleges back to being institutions of learning.
I get. You are willing to type a cloud of irrelevant words to avoid commenting on the fundamental unfairness of dudes competing against women and girls.
Spitting (which is what the song actually mentions) is assault. You're not allowed to do that to anyone.

But you do have the right to cuss a police officer... it's constitutionally protected speech.

I wouldn't recommend it, because most cops are good guys trying to do a difficult job. Then again, I've never been pulled over for a Driving While Black, because I'm white.

And unless you actually own the flag that you are stomping on and burning, that's vandalism, also a crime. And even if you own it, you may still be committing a crime if you're careless about starting a fire where it could spread out of control.

Wow, you really are stretching to find a way to justify your violent fantasies. Has there ever been a flag burned a protest that started a bigger fire?

Of course, you are lyingly dismissing the more significant crimes that the song actually mentions, in order to not just imply, but flat out lie by saying, that it only condemns “constitutionally protected activities”

No, I just point out that the redneck song isn't about crime prevention, it's about wanting to abuse people you disagree with. Sadly, it's White Grievance Politics in music form. People in the small towns are just as poor as they are in the big cities, but the big cities actually have stuff going on.

There’s a common perception that cities are dangerous places to live, plagued by crime and disease—and that small towns and the countryside are generally safer and healthier. But data tell a different story.

According to a 2021 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on mortality data from 1999 to 2019, people living in rural areas die at higher rates than those living in urban areas—and the gap has been widening. Rates for the top 10 causes of death in 2019 (including heart disease, cancer and accidents) were all higher in rural areas. And the pandemic has only exacerbated things: COVID is now the third leading cause of death nationwide, and rural areas account for a higher share of those deaths per capita than urban areas.

Compared with people living in cities, rural residents are less likely to have access to health care and more likely to live in poverty. Rural states and counties also tend to lean Republican, and many of them have resisted adopting public policies
known to improve health.
Biden's been president for more than two years, and had congress and the Senate during those two years. It is long past the time when chanting "Orange Man Bad," justifies the Biden mess.

Our immigration system has been broken since the 1990's... and it's largely our own fault.

Let's take a look at how NAFTA broke the immigration system. YOu see, when NAFTA was passed, our government subsidized, genetically engineered yellow corn had free access to the Mexican Market, crowding out the farmers of traditional Mexican white corn. As a result, millions of poor peasant farm workers were displaced in their own country. Guess where a lot of them ended up? Hanging around outside the Home Depot.

Trump took an already bad system and fucked it up even worse. What we need is comprehensive immigration reform, but we won't get it as long as we are appeasing the guys who live in mortal fear that their daughters might date a Mexican.

We need a system like Canada's in which immigrants are chosen for their ability to contribute to the United States. But that has to start with a secure border.

Actually, Canada's problem is no one wants to actually live there because it's too fucking cold and they only have 6 hours of daylight in the winter.

There's no such thing as a "Secure border".

You get chased from one place to another under threat of violence and held in that room until you can be snuck out, that is indeed kidnapping. Be hones that you support it due to her "bigotry."

Um, no, that's just going from one room to another because you picked a fight with people that actually bothered to fight back against your bigotry. If she sat down and kept her mouth shut, she'd have been fine. Or at least picked her venues. Don't take your hate to a place where it won't be appreciated.

For instance, I'm not going to go to Salt Lake City and to my recitation about how Joseph Smith was a Child Molesting Fraud. Doesn't make it any less true, but not really worth the trouble.

I get. You are willing to type a cloud of irrelevant words to avoid commenting on the fundamental unfairness of dudes competing against women and girls.

I'm sorry you were too stupid to understand the point because I used too many big words. Title IX is a scam, so I don't really care when the scammers get beaten at their own scam. Someone is willing to have their dick cut off to win a meaningless contest to win a scholarship, more power to them.
I just wish more Democrats would be as honest as you about contempt for homeless veterans, and love for illegals.

Well, funny story. My father was an immigrant (and veteran) and my soon to be wife is an immigrant. So, yes, I am sympathetic to immigrants.

But even if I weren't, practical matter - WE NEED IMMIGRANTS. We are running out of white people because we aren't reproducing at replacement levels and haven't for years.

As for homeless veterans... uh, they really have no one to blame but themselves. The military gave them skill sets and discipline and a hiring advantage when they got out, and some of them were such losers they still ended up on the street.
No, I just point out that the redneck song isn't about crime prevention, it's about wanting to abuse people you disagree with

Right, because assault, carjacking, and armed robbery aren't crimes; they are just areas of disagreement.

But even if I weren't, practical matter - WE NEED IMMIGRANTS. We are running out of white people because we aren't reproducing at replacement levels and haven't for years.
Then let's pay white people to have white children.
Um, no, that's just going from one room to another because you picked a fight with people that actually bothered to fight back against your bigotry. If she sat down and kept her mouth shut, she'd have been fine. Or at least picked her venues. Don't take your hate to a place where it won't be appreciated.
So, no free speech for people you disagree with.
For instance, I'm not going to go to Salt Lake City and to my recitation about how Joseph Smith was a Child Molesting Fraud. Doesn't make it any less true, but not really worth the trouble.
That's the best place to go to talk about that, if your aim is to convince people. Why talk about that in places where they already hate Mormons?

Great part about the United States is (or used to be) that you could give a speech that you know people will not agree with, and not be attacked by a violent mob.
It's the Dims' fault..

Um, no, actually, we had a pretty simple solution in 2008 with McCain-Kennedy, which GW Bush endorsed. Enhanced border security, enhanced identification in the workplace, and a path to citizenship for people who had been here for a while and kept out of trouble. Republicans scuttled it, because they play to the racism of their base.

Right, because assault, carjacking, and armed robbery aren't crimes; they are just areas of disagreement.
Nope, they are the end result of a racially and economically unjust society. Wealth redistribution by other means.

Then let's pay white people to have white children.

Uh, given all the misery White people have inflicted since 1492, I don't really think the world needs more of us.

And here's the reality--- people of color are going to be the majority in this country, eventually. We can either do right by them or just wait until the turn the tables on us.

So, no free speech for people you disagree with.

She can shoot her mouth off at whatever white power rally she wants... But if she gets in the face of LGBTQ people trying to deny them decent treatment, she gets what she deserves.

That's the best place to go to talk about that, if your aim is to convince people. Why talk about that in places where they already hate Mormons?

Great part about the United States is (or used to be) that you could give a speech that you know people will not agree with, and not be attacked by a violent mob.

First, I have no interest in convincing Mormons they belong to a cult. Shit, Look at Bob... I pointed out that Joseph Smith was banging 14 year old girls, and he's gone into crazy obsessive mode ever since.

I maybe might want to warn some unsuspecting people from joining the cult because those two boys in the white shirts seemed "nice".

Secondly, real world...
If I go to Skokie, Illinois in a Nazi costume, I'm going to get my ass whooped.
If I go to the West Side in a Klan outfit, I'm going to get my ass whooped.
if I go into a Church and start chanting 'Hail Satan", I'm going to get my ass whooped.

And if I go to a campus with a lot of LGBTQ students on it and start ranting a lot of homophobic and transphobic shit, I'm likely to get my ass whooped.
She can shoot her mouth off at whatever white power rally she wants... But if she gets in the face of LGBTQ people trying to deny them decent treatment, she gets what she deserves.
She was not in anyone's face. Pure snowflakery to say that anyone speaking in public is "in your face."

The LGBTQ people are not the only ones allowed to speak at public colleges.
First, I have no interest in convincing Mormons they belong to a cult. Shit, Look at Bob... I pointed out that Joseph Smith was banging 14 year old girls, and he's gone into crazy obsessive mode ever since.

I maybe might want to warn some unsuspecting people from joining the cult because those two boys in the white shirts seemed "nice".
Yes, and you have every right to do that, without being attacked by a mob.
Secondly, real world...
If I go to Skokie, Illinois in a Nazi costume, I'm going to get my ass whooped.
If I go to the West Side in a Klan outfit, I'm going to get my ass whooped.
if I go into a Church and start chanting 'Hail Satan", I'm going to get my ass whooped.

And if I go to a campus with a lot of LGBTQ students on it and start ranting a lot of homophobic and transphobic shit, I'm likely to get my ass whooped.
But if a singer says that if you go to a small town and insult a policeman you're going to get your ass whooped, that's jus' wrong.
She was not in anyone's face. Pure snowflakery to say that anyone speaking in public is "in your face."

The LGBTQ people are not the only ones allowed to speak at public colleges.

I'm sorry, was she a student at that college? Why was she speaking there at all?

"Boo hoo, I didn't get a trophy, so Trans-women need to be persecuted"

Yeah, they aren't taking kindly to that, for some reason.

Yes, and you have every right to do that, without being attacked by a mob.

Uh, no... the first Amendment just says Congress can't pass a law preventing me from doing that.
Beyond that, it's kind of my own judgement.

But if a singer says that if you go to a small town and insult a policeman you're going to get your ass whooped, that's jus' wrong.
Last time I checked, the police worked for us. Or that's how it's supposed to work.

It says “any office”, dope.

There’s no way to parse that. It’s clear language.
"who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

The President is not any of these
"who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

The President is not any of these

It seems to me that the President would be an “officer of the United States”, in the meaning that the use of that term here seems to indicate.

In any event, Biden's polices regarding our southern border and the foreign criminals invading us across it absolutely constitutes “given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”. Same for every other member of Congress, or any member of any state legislature, any executive or judicial officer, who has similarly aided and abetted these enemies.

The Democraps had better think very long and very hard before they open this Pandora's box. It is no stretch at all to take this Amendment to absolutely render nearly all of them ineligible for office; a point that will be long past by the time they are able to twist and stretch it far enough to construe Trump as ineligible.
It seems to me that the President would be an “officer of the United States”, in the meaning that the use of that term here seems to indicate.
Nope. The President appoints officers of the United States.

The wiki page is actually pretty good.

In any event, Biden's polices regarding our southern border and the foreign criminals invading us across it absolutely constitutes “given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”. Same for every other member of Congress, or any member of any state legislature, any executive or judicial officer, who has similarly aided and abetted these enemies.

The Democraps had better think very long and very hard before they open this Pandora's box. It is no stretch at all to take this Amendment to absolutely render nearly all of them ineligible for office; a point that will be long past by the time they are able to twist and stretch it far enough to construe Trump as ineligible.
It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they try this bullshit. THey are that desperate and that afraid of Trump.
It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they try this bullshit. THey are that desperate and that afraid of Trump.

They just might.

It does seem that those on the left wrong are somehow incapable of realizing how powers that they want to abusively claim and use against their enemies can be turned back against them.

In this case, it's not even close. Exactly as written, and in exact regard to behavior ibn which the Democraps have undeniably behaved, that passage can easily be construed to render the whole degenerate lot of them ineligible for public office.

But there's a great deal of stretching and twisting that has to happen to construe it against Mr. Trump.

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