The Growing Conservative Consensus Regarding Trump's Eligibility....

Good luck proving that in court.

Shouldn't be a problem. Trump's own people are turning on him.

Really? So assault, carjacking, and armed robbery are constitutionally-protected activities?
Um... yeah those are crimes. It's too bad we have such grinding poverty that we allow that in the richest country in the world... but.
Cuss out a cop, ...Stomp on the flag and light it upYeah, ya think you're tough
Sorry, you are allowed to swear at a cop or stop on the flag and burn it... Those are constitutionally protected activities.

The ironic thing about "Small Towns" is that they are just as poor as the inner cities, but they keep voting for the People who Screwed them because they are right with Jesus.

So Cleetus and Billy Bob can smoke their Crystal Meth and wonder about the blacks smoking crack.
Actually, I always felt I had the most important job in the unit because an army runs on logistics. Napoleon was the first to realize that.
Yes, it does. Has nothing to do with what I said.
Your weird obsession with Hunter aside, there are a lot of programs to help veterans... but they have to help themselves. Let's be honest, very few guys come out of their service with PTSD.
So your answer to the obvious preference the Biden administration is showing illegal aliens over American veterans is to say there are very few American veterans who need help. Well, there are far less American homeless veterans than there are homeless illegals that Biden is encouraging to flood the U.S., but I hope the Dems will continue to be obvious in ignoring one over the other.
As for the stereotype you have of a border jumper, the reality is we have border jumpers because they are willing to do the jobs Americans need done but won't do. We could solve that problem with a simple guest worker program. But we won't.
Yes, we should do that guest worker idea as soon as we have the border secure. Without a secure border, any such program is an exensive joke that accomplishes nothing.
What I find amusing about Riley Gaines is that no one would care how fast she could swim unless the government mandated Title IX programs on the universities. Get rid of Title IX tomorrow, all the Cis-gendered women would find other ways to pay for college. But that same government says, "Hey, you need to make allowances for transgender women" and she freaks the fuck out.
She freaked out? She was the one that was attacked and kidnapped by a mob. She just says it is unfair for her to have been forced to compete against a male.

Your answer that girls should not even play sports unless they are physically equal to men is a bizarre dodge.
Who wants to compete with slave labor. I don't feel like working like some cooly.

Then prepare to lose. Like it or not, the Chinese are winning because they aren't engaged in the silly shit we do.

This is no longer an argument between Capitalism and Communism... the Chinese have more or less embraced Capitalism in all but name.

This is a contest between Democracy and Technocracy... and Technocracy is winning because people aren't elected the best and brightest.

You can be a complete moron and get elected to Congress. Just look at Marjorie Taylor Greene or Alexandra Osocio Cortez. These people are fucking morons, but they got enough people to vote for them.
You have to REALLY know what you are doing to get appointed to the Chinese National People's Congress. So while we argue about silly shit, they are finding ways to do it better.
So your answer to the obvious preference the Biden administration is showing illegal aliens over American veterans is to say there are very few American veterans who need help. Well, there are far less American homeless veterans than there are homeless illegals that Biden is encouraging to flood the U.S., but I hope the Dems will continue to be obvious in ignoring one over the other.

No, my answer is that these homeless veterans were always going to be losers and frankly, throwing money at them is kind of a waste. There's a very good chance most of these immigrants will become productive citizens at some point. Lying about homeless veterans being thrown out to favor immigrants is to rile up people who would otherwise cross the street to avoid the stew-bum in an Army jacket.

If we have an abundance of asylum seekers, it's because your boy Trump dismantled the system we had for sorting through them inthe hope they would be discouraged from coming here... instead it's just created a huge backlog in dealing with them.

Yes, we should do that guest worker idea as soon as we have the border secure. Without a secure border, any such program is an exensive joke that accomplishes nothing.

A secure border is a fantasy. If the Maginot Line and the Great Wall of China could be gotten around, a fence can be gotten around.

What we need to do is make the country unwelcoming AFTER they get here. We wouldn't have illegals if we didn't have white people hiring them.

Go after the farmer who hires illegals without papers. Go after the rich people who hire Lupe to watch their kids because they can't be bothered. Go after the home owner who hires a truckload of day-laborers to finish that DIY job that turned out to be harder than HGTV made it look.

Don't pretend that we aren't the problem... because we are.

She freaked out? She was the one that was attacked and kidnapped by a mob. She just says it is unfair for her to have been forced to compete against a male.

Your answer that girls should not even play sports unless they are physically equal to men is a bizarre dodge.

Uh, she got scared because protestors complained about her bigotry, and she had to hide in a room for a little while until people snuck her out. She wasn't "Kidnapped".

The problem is, if you take away Title IX and scholarships for sports no one watches, this wouldn't be an issue. "Wah, someone is gaming the system we were gaming!"

I have a bias. When I went to College (Paid for by serving in the National Guard before I went Active Duty), I was on the student government, and I dealt with this one airhead- dumber than a fucking box of rocks, really - but she was getting a full ride as a swimmer. The ironic thing was that the university ONLY had an Athletics program because Title IX demanded it, and because it didn't make any money, it was paid for by Student Fees. (in fact, over 50% of student fees went to supporting the Athletics program, meanwhile they couldn't give away tickets to the sporting events.)

Maybe- you know, just maybe - we need to get our colleges back to being institutions of learning.

Looks like The5thHorseman is wrongo!

Still the response should be the same: start telling us why we need four more years of Bidenomics, Bidenborder, and Bidencrime?
His lead is growing in the primaries. Thats does not mean his actual vote in the general will increase.

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