The Gun Owner Database- Another Way To Skin The Cat

No because you seem to be a danger to others and yourself. I think you're a joke regardless, doesn't mean I want anyone including you to be harmed.
The good news is most these right wing nuts are deep in their 70s or older. They hardly have the energy to get out of their chair.


You keep thinking that, cupcake commie. 80 year old Americans will hurt you, punk! They actually know what it's about, unlike you, you're just a stooge. they actually fought for you to be the free douchebag that you are. :eek:
Must be time for your nap grandpa.
Yeah, he is long overdue for a dirt nap.

Man up and come try and make me take one, you fucking commie pussy! You ever been hunting a day in your life?

I'll fucking rule you, punkass child. You'll be done before you know what happened.
I'm shaking in my boots, internet bad ass, LOL.
At all. I know.
Why does the fact you cannot demonstrate its necessity or efficacy of a restriction not in any way prevent you from supporting it?

I did but you're an extremist who isn't going to accept anything I say.
cause you haven't said anything. you think you can monitor private sales! :auiqs.jpg: and you don't know they already do background checks. hmmmm what else you got?:auiqs.jpg:
Seller is responsible if gun sold is used in a crime. That will fix that.
Can't put them in jail, and shouldn't but sure, a state can put fines on things like improper storage, illegal sale, loaning to a person who couldn't pass a check, etc.
Why not put them in jail?

Yep, I think if the gun wasn't used in a crime then perhaps a hefty fine. If the gun was used in a crime then they are an accomplice to it.
The good news is most these right wing nuts are deep in their 70s or older. They hardly have the energy to get out of their chair.


You keep thinking that, cupcake commie. 80 year old Americans will hurt you, punk! They actually know what it's about, unlike you, you're just a stooge. they actually fought for you to be the free douchebag that you are. :eek:
Must be time for your nap grandpa.
Yeah, he is long overdue for a dirt nap.

Man up and come try and make me take one, you fucking commie pussy! You ever been hunting a day in your life?

I'll fucking rule you, punkass child. You'll be done before you know what happened.
I'm shaking in my boots, internet bad ass, LOL.

I don't see you gettin' froggy, bitch.
80-90% do and I provided multiple polls to back me up. Also a link to a bill the house passed that would make background checks mandatory for all sales. The only reason it's not up for a vote is because Mitch won't put it up. What more do you want?
Here's a poll for you:

From 11/08/2016:

Punk. How accurate is/was it, hmm?


Mary, not only did you not know who was in charge of the DOJ, your retarded ass also does not know what a poll is.
what is a poll, a sample of 100 out of 330 million, and then you get to say 80 to 90%? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

More than 100. Polls work, they've proven to be accurate and it's much better than the nothing you have.
Yeah we saw that last election...

Yep, polls were within a couple of points. 2018 kind of worked about right too.
I did but you're an extremist who isn't going to accept anything I say.
cause you haven't said anything. you think you can monitor private sales! :auiqs.jpg: and you don't know they already do background checks. hmmmm what else you got?:auiqs.jpg:
Seller is responsible if gun sold is used in a crime. That will fix that.
Can't put them in jail, and shouldn't but sure, a state can put fines on things like improper storage, illegal sale, loaning to a person who couldn't pass a check, etc.
Why not put them in jail?
well if you did that, then every official that had contact with the dude in Florida at Parkland should be in jail, right? I mean they scrubbed his history, arrested him like thirty times. And instead of going after them you want to take the 99% of joe blows guns. too fking funny. you're so irrational there's no ability to discuss topics of such complexity with you

Or do both.
I did but you're an extremist who isn't going to accept anything I say.
cause you haven't said anything. you think you can monitor private sales! :auiqs.jpg: and you don't know they already do background checks. hmmmm what else you got?:auiqs.jpg:
Seller is responsible if gun sold is used in a crime. That will fix that.
Can't put them in jail, and shouldn't but sure, a state can put fines on things like improper storage, illegal sale, loaning to a person who couldn't pass a check, etc.
Why not put them in jail?

Why not hang you for being a traitor?

You are going against the 2nd amendment of the Constitution, after all.

Nope, background checks are constitutional.
I did but you're an extremist who isn't going to accept anything I say.
cause you haven't said anything. you think you can monitor private sales! :auiqs.jpg: and you don't know they already do background checks. hmmmm what else you got?:auiqs.jpg:
Seller is responsible if gun sold is used in a crime. That will fix that.
Can't put them in jail, and shouldn't but sure, a state can put fines on things like improper storage, illegal sale, loaning to a person who couldn't pass a check, etc.
Why not put them in jail?

Yep, I think if the gun wasn't used in a crime then perhaps a hefty fine. If the gun was used in a crime then they are an accomplice to it.
No, accomplice liability requires some foreknowledge of the crime. But states can mandate people store, sell, loan their firearms in certain ways. A misdemeanor fine can get up into the thousands. I'd get people's attention.
Here's a poll for you:

From 11/08/2016:

Punk. How accurate is/was it, hmm?


Mary, not only did you not know who was in charge of the DOJ, your retarded ass also does not know what a poll is.
what is a poll, a sample of 100 out of 330 million, and then you get to say 80 to 90%? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

More than 100. Polls work, they've proven to be accurate and it's much better than the nothing you have.
Yeah we saw that last election...

Yep, polls were within a couple of points. 2018 kind of worked about right too.

Of course 91% to 9% is within a "couple points", amirite? :abgg2q.jpg:
Not for private sales.
that's outside governance, you'll never control that, explain how you stop a somebody, you have no idea exists?

I doubt every background check would be performed. However if you sell a gun to someone and that person is arrested with the gun and tells the cops who they bought it from and whether a background check were performed then the seller could be in trouble. Plus, most people will want to follow the law and do their due diligence to ensure they aren't selling to someone who shouldn't have one.

Fuck off, you communist turd, k? I have guns from both World Wars. Go fuck yourself with your inane commie gun registration bullshit.

This is America, K? Just in case you didn't comprehend that: This is America, bitch!

We're talking about background checks not registration and I don't care what you are pointing at your head at 2:00am.

It never was pointed at my head, you commie douche.

I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

How'd you like an 8mm Mauser high velocity copper jacketed lead head injection, you commie faggot!

Yeah..I didn't think so.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?
cause you haven't said anything. you think you can monitor private sales! :auiqs.jpg: and you don't know they already do background checks. hmmmm what else you got?:auiqs.jpg:
Seller is responsible if gun sold is used in a crime. That will fix that.
Can't put them in jail, and shouldn't but sure, a state can put fines on things like improper storage, illegal sale, loaning to a person who couldn't pass a check, etc.
Why not put them in jail?

Yep, I think if the gun wasn't used in a crime then perhaps a hefty fine. If the gun was used in a crime then they are an accomplice to it.
No, accomplice liability requires some foreknowledge of the crime. But states can mandate people store, sell, loan their firearms in certain ways. A misdemeanor fine can get up into the thousands. I'd get people's attention.

Ok. I still see how jail time could come in if you break the law by not having the background check run.
I did but you're an extremist who isn't going to accept anything I say.
cause you haven't said anything. you think you can monitor private sales! :auiqs.jpg: and you don't know they already do background checks. hmmmm what else you got?:auiqs.jpg:
Seller is responsible if gun sold is used in a crime. That will fix that.
Can't put them in jail, and shouldn't but sure, a state can put fines on things like improper storage, illegal sale, loaning to a person who couldn't pass a check, etc.
Why not put them in jail?

Why not hang you for being a traitor?

You are going against the 2nd amendment of the Constitution, after all.
We aren’t discussing well regulated militias.
Mary, not only did you not know who was in charge of the DOJ, your retarded ass also does not know what a poll is.
what is a poll, a sample of 100 out of 330 million, and then you get to say 80 to 90%? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

More than 100. Polls work, they've proven to be accurate and it's much better than the nothing you have.
Yeah we saw that last election...

Yep, polls were within a couple of points. 2018 kind of worked about right too.

Of course 91% to 9% is within a "couple points", amirite? :abgg2q.jpg:

Mary, you are so damn dumb. I already told you, that's not a poll.
If guns were registered when sold then gun safety would improve. For example there could be checks that they were stored correctly and away from kids. Thats a good thing in my opinion.
Firearm registration is unconstitutional you fat tub of shit
It’s creepy when our law abiding are scared to register firearms. Makes you wonder how law abiding they really are.
Registering your firearms means that you do not own them anymore…
Now, explain how and why, if 80-90% of the people -actually- agree with you, you don't you have what you want now
I mean other than that pathetic talking point you tried to regurgitate a moment ago.
Already answered, if you disagree then feel free to supply an opinion.
Already did, which you failed address.
So now we're back to your pending explanation as how and why, if 80-90% of the people -actually- agree with you, you don't you have what you want now.
The only reason it's not up for a vote is because Mitch won't put it up.
You said this before; it was soundly dismissed in a rebuttal you cannot address..
So now we're back to your pending explanation as how and why, if 80-90% of the people -actually- agree with you, you don't you have what you want no
What didn't I address?
Look at you, playing stupid -- and doing a great job at it.
Me: If 80-90% of the people -actually-agree with you, why don't you have what you want now?
You: One guy in the senate
Me: You think that if 80-90% of the people agreed with you, the Republicans in the Senate would not have pressured, if not forced, McConnell to bring it to the floor?
You: <crickets>

Thus: You said this before; it was soundly dismissed in a rebuttal you cannot address..
So now we're back to your pending explanation as how and why, if 80-90% of the people -actually- agree with you, you don't you have what you want now?
I dunno that we want to put people in jail. For one thing, it costs money. And, while no right is absolute, I think it's really wrong to put people in jail just because they don't have the money to pay a fine. I believe a state can basically garnish a tax refund or something, and that'd get a poor working man's attention. I don't think we should be anti-gun. But a state should be able to force gun owners to use their rights responsibly.

And restaurants, and even individuals, can get in deep shite for serving drunks booze. I'm not offended if gun owners face similar responsibility. A neighbor can sue you, and city can fine you, if you use your property to unreasonably interfer with your neighbor's property.

Nothing will get done nationally. Although some states may see enough people fed up with the gopers inaction in the senate. But within states, people can demand action, and make it very uncomfortable for pols who pander to the 2nd Amend Absolutists. Wyo and Miss will be safe to be crazy. That's what they want. Other states shouldn't have to use them as the high water mark of social responsibility.
Nothing here changes the fact you seek to place unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on his - and everyone else's - right to keep and bear arms.
By going through a background check? I disagree.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity and efficacy of the requirement for a universal background check - thus, your disagreement means nothing, and does not change the fact you seek to place unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on his - and everyone else's - right to keep and bear arms.
I can't...
At all. I know.
Why does the fact you cannot demonstrate its necessity or efficacy of a restriction not in any way prevent you from supporting it?
I did....
This is a lie; nowhere have you even tried to demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy of the restrictions you seek.

This, the question remains:
Why does the fact you cannot demonstrate its necessity or efficacy of a restriction not in any way prevent you from supporting it?
Feds order Apple and Google to turn over names in data base of gunscope app users...
Exclusive: Feds Demand Apple And Google Hand Over Names Of 10,000+ Users Of A Gun Scope App
Funny we used no apps in Korea for our Snipers, and I don't think they used them in Nam either.
You lost both of those wars. Got your arses kicked.
The federal government wanted to lose, They made sure of it with rules of engagement

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