The Gun Owner Database- Another Way To Skin The Cat

Nope, background checks are constitutional.
Please cite the holding from the USSC to that effect.

Please cite the holding that yelling fire in a crowed theater is protected by the 1st amendment.

I will give you this though from the National Review:
Universal Background Checks Don't Violate Second Amendment | National Review

I recommend you read the entire thing but the below is important.

The Court also emphasized, however, that the Second Amendment is not “unlimited.” It is not a right “to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” Instead, the Court provided examples of permissible regulation of firearms consistent with the Second Amendment. The right does not “protect those weapons not typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, such as short-barreled shotguns,” nor does it grant an unregulated right to carry concealed firearms. These limits were “supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.”

With regard to background checks, the Court included examples of “presumptively lawful regulatory measures.” According to the majority, “nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”

Although the Court subsequently found that the 14th Amendment incorporates the Second Amendment against the states in McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010), the Supreme Court has not decided another case on the Second Amendment. Several federal appeals courts, however, have adopted a two-part test to review limitations on firearm possession. These courts ask whether “a particular provision impinges upon a right protected by the Second Amendment.” In applying this first step, the courts have found that a regulation that is “long-standing” is “presumptively lawful” because it has been long accepted by the public and unlikely to burden a constitutional right. Second, the courts ask whether “the provision passes muster under the appropriate level of scrutiny.” In applying this crucial second step, these circuit courts have chosen to apply intermediate, rather than strict, scrutiny, which allows the government to engage in a reasonable balancing between public safety and the individual right.

Expanding federal background checks should survive the first step of this post-Heller analysis. To be sure, the federal background-check system does not appear to be a long-standing regulation; it began with the 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. The background-check system, however, is merely a means to carry out regulations that are long-standing. Enacted in 1968, the federal Gun Control Act prohibits the transfer of handguns to, among others, convicted felons and anyone under 21.

Neither the Supreme Court nor the federal courts of appeals have held these restrictions on possession to violate the Constitution. As the Supreme Court observed in Heller, its decision does not “cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill.” If these restrictions do not violate the Second Amendment, it is difficult to find that a background-check system would violate it, as a background-check system is only a means of enforcing the underlying rules. Indeed, the background-check system would appear to be a vital mechanism to ensure that firearms sellers do not violate the terms of the national Gun Control Act.

Even if a court believed that the expanded background-check system failed the first step, courts of appeals would still uphold it if it survived intermediate scrutiny. When applying intermediate scrutiny, a court will ask whether a regulation is “substantially related to an important governmental objective.” Preventing the transfer of firearms to the categories of individuals prohibited by the Gun Control Act would qualify as an important governmental objective. Congress clearly seeks to prevent guns from coming into the possession of individuals who might misuse them for criminal purposes or might lack the appropriate level of personal responsibility and self-control. When Heller returned to the lower courts, the D.C. Circuit found that the governmental objectives served by registration requirements — protection of law-enforcement officers and crime control — satisfied the important governmental objective requirement. Those interests are among the same ones advanced by the proposed expanded background checks now.
that's outside governance, you'll never control that, explain how you stop a somebody, you have no idea exists?

I doubt every background check would be performed. However if you sell a gun to someone and that person is arrested with the gun and tells the cops who they bought it from and whether a background check were performed then the seller could be in trouble. Plus, most people will want to follow the law and do their due diligence to ensure they aren't selling to someone who shouldn't have one.

Fuck off, you communist turd, k? I have guns from both World Wars. Go fuck yourself with your inane commie gun registration bullshit.

This is America, K? Just in case you didn't comprehend that: This is America, bitch!

We're talking about background checks not registration and I don't care what you are pointing at your head at 2:00am.

It never was pointed at my head, you commie douche.

I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

How'd you like an 8mm Mauser high velocity copper jacketed lead head injection, you commie faggot!

Yeah..I didn't think so.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?

Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.
I doubt every background check would be performed. However if you sell a gun to someone and that person is arrested with the gun and tells the cops who they bought it from and whether a background check were performed then the seller could be in trouble. Plus, most people will want to follow the law and do their due diligence to ensure they aren't selling to someone who shouldn't have one.

Fuck off, you communist turd, k? I have guns from both World Wars. Go fuck yourself with your inane commie gun registration bullshit.

This is America, K? Just in case you didn't comprehend that: This is America, bitch!

We're talking about background checks not registration and I don't care what you are pointing at your head at 2:00am.

It never was pointed at my head, you commie douche.

I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

How'd you like an 8mm Mauser high velocity copper jacketed lead head injection, you commie faggot!

Yeah..I didn't think so.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?

Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.

So you think gun owners should threaten to shoot people?
Fuck off, you communist turd, k? I have guns from both World Wars. Go fuck yourself with your inane commie gun registration bullshit.

This is America, K? Just in case you didn't comprehend that: This is America, bitch!

We're talking about background checks not registration and I don't care what you are pointing at your head at 2:00am.

It never was pointed at my head, you commie douche.

I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

How'd you like an 8mm Mauser high velocity copper jacketed lead head injection, you commie faggot!

Yeah..I didn't think so.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?

Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.

So you think gun owners should threaten to shoot people?
I am no great street fighter. A battalion of Chinese soldiers could take over Portland, Oregon. And you have the Portland mentality.
I'm not interested in taking your guns away unless you have a violent criminal background, a history of mental illness or a restraining order.
Not that you'll admit, anyway,.
You ARE, however, interesting in placing unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on his right to keep and bear arms.

I am a gun owner, so no I'm not interested in banning all guns or taking any unless the owners are mentall ill or criminals.

Bullshit. No progressive loon, like you owns a gun. You rely on government to do your dirty work.
Fuck off, you communist turd, k? I have guns from both World Wars. Go fuck yourself with your inane commie gun registration bullshit.

This is America, K? Just in case you didn't comprehend that: This is America, bitch!

We're talking about background checks not registration and I don't care what you are pointing at your head at 2:00am.

It never was pointed at my head, you commie douche.

I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

How'd you like an 8mm Mauser high velocity copper jacketed lead head injection, you commie faggot!

Yeah..I didn't think so.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?

Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.

So you think gun owners should threaten to shoot people?

I think non-gun owners and non-gun advocates should probably not talk shit to people that actually have guns confiscated from Nazis, bitch. AKA Real Americans. Those whose parents liberated Dachau and things like that.
what is a poll, a sample of 100 out of 330 million, and then you get to say 80 to 90%? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

More than 100. Polls work, they've proven to be accurate and it's much better than the nothing you have.
Yeah we saw that last election...

Yep, polls were within a couple of points. 2018 kind of worked about right too.

Of course 91% to 9% is within a "couple points", amirite? :abgg2q.jpg:

Mary, you are so damn dumb. I already told you, that's not a poll.

Proof? :dunno: Looks exactly like a poll to me, bitch.
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Fuck off, you communist turd, k? I have guns from both World Wars. Go fuck yourself with your inane commie gun registration bullshit.

This is America, K? Just in case you didn't comprehend that: This is America, bitch!

We're talking about background checks not registration and I don't care what you are pointing at your head at 2:00am.

It never was pointed at my head, you commie douche.

I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

How'd you like an 8mm Mauser high velocity copper jacketed lead head injection, you commie faggot!

Yeah..I didn't think so.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?

Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.

So you think gun owners should threaten to shoot people?

I think you are a faggot that has no business talking about people's gun rights.

You cannot be a real American, you're too much anti-2nd Amendment.
HappyJoy is a leftist faggot!

Lemme tell you something about how my cousin came under MG42 machine gun fire, bitch!
You just want to confiscate the firearms, Nazi creep.
Fuck You. You need hanged as the online troll anti- American traitor you are, bitch!
Billy, feel free to remove your rating, but I ain't bullshittin'

Thing that really bothers me is that we all see what's coming. There used to be doubts. Not any more. Plain view.
That said, even though millions clearly see the writing on the wall, NO ONE does anything.
No forming groups. No planning. No strategies to deal with it. NOTHING.
It's as if everyone took some magic pill and collectively decided they were already owned.

A little talk and complaining here and there....but otherwise....200 million ankles grabbed

I guess everyone's waiting for the Internet to become heavily censored, anti-Leftist speech banned, Right wing rights revoked, guns taken.......then everyone will say "oh..maybe we shoulda done something while we coulda? :dunno:

It's still not yet illegal to form groups and talk. But soon it will be I'm certain.
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We're talking about background checks not registration and I don't care what you are pointing at your head at 2:00am.

It never was pointed at my head, you commie douche.

I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

How'd you like an 8mm Mauser high velocity copper jacketed lead head injection, you commie faggot!

Yeah..I didn't think so.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?

Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.

So you think gun owners should threaten to shoot people?

I think you are a faggot that has no business talking about people's gun rights.

You cannot be a real American, you're too much anti-2nd Amendment.

Angry little Mary.
It never was pointed at my head, you commie douche.

I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

How'd you like an 8mm Mauser high velocity copper jacketed lead head injection, you commie faggot!

Yeah..I didn't think so.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?

Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.

So you think gun owners should threaten to shoot people?

I think you are a faggot that has no business talking about people's gun rights.

You cannot be a real American, you're too much anti-2nd Amendment.

Angry little Mary.
Prove me wrong, you leftist unAmerican piece of shit! How much do you get behind Americans? Hmm?
I don't really want to know where you pointed it then, Mary.

See? That's one of those threats I've told you that you shouldn't make. Why not try being a responsible gun owner?

Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.

So you think gun owners should threaten to shoot people?

I think you are a faggot that has no business talking about people's gun rights.

You cannot be a real American, you're too much anti-2nd Amendment.

Angry little Mary.
Prove me wrong, you leftist unAmerican piece of shit!

Are you saying you're not an angry little Mary?
Same reason you're not a real American. We're not going to agree on that.

So you think gun owners should threaten to shoot people?

I think you are a faggot that has no business talking about people's gun rights.

You cannot be a real American, you're too much anti-2nd Amendment.

Angry little Mary.
Prove me wrong, you leftist unAmerican piece of shit!

Are you saying you're not an angry little Mary?
Yeah, well, I'm angry, I'm angry at the fact you're a traitorous commie and allowed to walk free in America.
You should be stomped on the back avenue, for real.

That may someday come to a screeching halt for leftist turds like you.

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