The gun used yesterday...was California compliant, it was likely and SKS

We can send rovers to mars, but we can't make a safe, smart gun? Um... no.
Are you saying a "smart gun" would have stopped LWL Hodgkinson?
I'm saying that a smartgun would be a major step forward.
I disagree with the idea since it is a further step towards Federal gun control.

66mcno.jpg actually wouldn't. You saw many of the reasons it would be dumb.......
No, it could work fine, you could arm it before you go to bed and it stays armed 8 hours or whatever.

Now you are just trolling...or should I say, continuing to troll....
It's the future, brah. The police will disable your guns before they even show up.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will nor are all as trusting in the Federal government to take care of us.

No, it could work fine, you could arm it before you go to bed and it stays armed 8 hours or whatever.

Now you are just trolling...or should I say, continuing to troll....
It's the future, brah. The police will disable your guns before they even show up.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will.
First of all, I don't own a gun, and secondly, it's the future, sooner or later it will happen.
Now you are just trolling...or should I say, continuing to troll....
It's the future, brah. The police will disable your guns before they even show up.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will.
First of all, I don't own a gun, and secondly, it's the future, sooner or later it will happen.
Of course you don't own a gun. You trust that the police will be there to help you within seconds of being robbed, mugged or carjacked. You trust the government to always take care of dependents like you. I think, in the long run, that is a very foolish philosophy.

Information coming out.....looks like it may have been the SKS......

GUN WATCH: Firearms Used at Assassination attempt on Republican House Members

I listened to the tape of the gun fight. It is difficult to be precise. I thought I could differentiate between rifle and pistol shots. I counted about 20, maybe 22 rifle shots, and about 42-44 pistol shots. The shooter had a rifle and a 9mm pistol. We know the rifle was fired. I suspect the pistol was fired as well. We know both Capitol police officers fired their pistols.

If the rifle was fired about 20 times, it seems likely that is was a classical SKS with a 10 round magazine, rather than the rarer models with a 20 round magazine or a detachable magazine. There was plenty of time on the audio recording for the shooter to reload with a stripper clip after shooting 10 rounds. We should find out shortly.

So.......then this would be a California compliant rifle......
10 round, non-detachable magazine.....

The Chicago Tribune Story from the above link....

In Belleville, alleged gunman remembered 'as a very irascible, angry little man'

In Belleville, Hodgkinson had purchased at least three guns, all from a local gun dealer, and had a permit to carry a concealed weapon, a source said. Among those three guns was an SKS assault rifle, the source said.

So....all the guns were bought legally.....
So gun laws didn't stop him from getting that gun, now did they?

What gun laws. The problem is we don't have meaningful gun laws.


They don't let their citizens own guns and they have very little violent crime.

America is the dumb kid who keeps writing "2+2=Cat" and thinking he's smart.
There are reports that the shooter used an old, Russian rifle that would be California compliant...still waiting for more information....

BREAKING: Congress Baseball Shooter Used SKS, 9mm Handgun - The Truth About Guns

Original reports coming out of the shooting of GOP congress members at a Virginia baseball field reported that the attacker used a firearm “similar to an M4” in the attack. Reports are now emerging (confirmed by multiple sources) that the firearm in use was actually an SKS and a 9mm handgun.

The SKS is a semi-automatic rifle which pre-dates the AK-47 by about four years as a potential battle rifle for the Soviet Red Army. Designed as a top loading stripper clip fed gas operated rifle, the gun has since often been modified to use detachable magazines as well. SKS firearms imported into the United States are predominantly Yugoslavian manufactured, and while Russian and Chinese models are available they remain rare and sought after by collectors. That makes CNN’s statement about the SKS (“a Chinese-made variant of the popular AK rifle”) almost entirely incorrect.
Did he buy it in CA? Did he use it in CA?
Unless it has a bayonet on it, an SKS would be legal in California. OTOH, if he's been convicted of domestic violence or adjudicated to have mental health issues, he wouldn't be legal to buy a gun.
Ok, but I'm curious as to the California connection in this case......what is it?

California has some of the strictest laws regarding rifles and magazines.
So gun laws didn't stop him from getting that gun, now did they?

What gun laws. The problem is we don't have meaningful gun laws.


They don't let their citizens own guns and they have very little violent crime.

America is the dumb kid who keeps writing "2+2=Cat" and thinking he's smart.
12q WU7
So gun laws didn't stop him from getting that gun, now did they?

What gun laws. The problem is we don't have meaningful gun laws.


They don't let their citizens own guns and they have very little violent crime.

America is the dumb kid who keeps writing "2+2=Cat" and thinking he's smart.

Yeah, how has the fact that Europe is basically "gun free" worked out for them with the influx of military aged muslim refugees? The European women need to either carry mace and be on birth control or cover up their faces so they don't get a "train" pulled on them and there are certain parts of European cities that even cops will not venture into while the disarmed public have become sitting ducks. Psuedo liberal fucks like you want Americans unarmed and only "da gubermint" should have them...but wait? Isn't the police part of this corporate entity you lovingly refer to as "gubermint"? They have guns and they seem to be using them with little or no regard to the safety of the serfs that they are allegedly sworn to protect.

Did you know that the first thing that happens when communism takes over is that the public is disarmed? Democide is responsible for over 200 million people that were unarmed since 1900. So, to sum it all up? If you want the guns that are the last line of defense for Americans to be confiscated? Sign up to go "door to door" like the KGB and try to "disarm" the people that have every GOD given right in the world to have and the means to protect themselves and their families......I doubt you will do so.
There are reports that the shooter used an old, Russian rifle that would be California compliant...still waiting for more information....

so let me get this straight.

A mentally ill man with at least three arrests for domestic violence was still able to acquire a military grade weapon, which he used to shoot a Congressman who has spent his career doing the bidding of the National Rampage Association.

Yeah, i can see why you are worried. These scumbags won't come up with laws to protect schoolchildren from these nuts, but they damned well will protect themselves.

Hey...dipshit...this is a military grade weapon.........and he was never convicted.....we know the law isn't real important to left wingers...but the law let this guy go...likely because he was in a democrat controlled county and he was active in democrat politics....that is now being looked into here in Illinois....

View attachment 133210

A Henry 1892? Hmm, that looks like it loads like a Marlin model 60.

He's speaking of the original Henry rifle of Civil War fame. Or, as the Confederate soldiers who faced them in combat "that damned Yankee rifle they load on Sunday and shoot all week!"

MSRP: $2,300 Pfffffffft!

Could have a .308 super dolled up AR for that.

Yeah, but an original Henry will set you back a minimum of 15,000. That's quite a bankroll for when you sell it.
It's the future, brah. The police will disable your guns before they even show up.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will.
First of all, I don't own a gun, and secondly, it's the future, sooner or later it will happen.
Of course you don't own a gun. You trust that the police will be there to help you within seconds of being robbed, mugged or carjacked. You trust the government to always take care of dependents like you. I think, in the long run, that is a very foolish philosophy.


Back in 1969, my dad was a peace officer that worked graveyard and he taught my mom how to use a snub-nosed revolver and had her keep it at her bedside at all times. One night, someone broke in through the back door and came walking up the hallway. It woke me and my little brother up and my mom grabbed the gun. I was freaking out because my mom was telling the intruder that she had a gun and it was loaded. I could see the intruder's shadow and I wanted to go and protect my mom but she told us to stay put and was she ever afraid. Our room was almost directly across from my parents but not quite. Eventually he shagged ass and left. Back then they had rotary phones, no such thing as 911 and most people back then didn't have a phone in every room. About six months later this 18 year old kid that lived across the alley from us was arrested for raping and strangulating to death a woman that lived on his block. They could never prove that this was the same kid that broke in our house but I would say the probability is rather high that it was. I am awfully glad that she had a gun to protect her and us with....but leftards don't believe people should have that ability....fuck these POS.
Yeah, how has the fact that Europe is basically "gun free" worked out for them with the influx of military aged muslim refugees? The European women need to either carry mace and be on birth control or cover up their faces so they don't get a "train" pulled on them and there are certain parts of European cities that even cops will not venture into while the disarmed public have become sitting ducks.

I realize that's what Alex Jones tells you what happens, Cocksucker Dale, but the reality is, Europe has very low crime rates compared to the US.

I'm honestly surprised you aren't claiming that this attack on Tuesday was another false flag.

Psuedo liberal fucks like you want Americans unarmed and only "da gubermint" should have them...but wait? Isn't the police part of this corporate entity you lovingly refer to as "gubermint"? They have guns and they seem to be using them with little or no regard to the safety of the serfs that they are allegedly sworn to protect.

well, there is no reason for any civilian to own a gun, but I'm not totally adverse to letting some of you have them so you can feel better about your tiny peckers. As long as you go through a thorough background check, and we yank those guns the minute you get caught doing something you aren't supposed to do. Oh, yeah, and if you are stocking up like the Zombies are going to show up, someone should look at that.

You wouldn't qualify, of course. You're fucking batshit crazy and you think the Trilateralist Lizard People are out to get you. You're the kind of person who inevitably shoots up a mall or a school or something.

But a regular person who just like to hunt or target shoot. Not much of a problem there.
So gun laws didn't stop him from getting that gun, now did they?

What gun laws. The problem is we don't have meaningful gun laws.


They don't let their citizens own guns and they have very little violent crime.

America is the dumb kid who keeps writing "2+2=Cat" and thinking he's smart.

No....they haven't figured it out...since their gun crime rates are going up, not down....they had societies that were able to civilize their young males...the welfare state has ruined that....teenage girls having children with no fathers...are createing young sociopaths they can't civilize.......

gun crime in Australia...going up

gun crime in Britain...going up....

And criminals and terrorists in Europe get guns easily........


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.
The Met Police's figures showed there were 2,544 gun crime offences from April 2016 to April 2017 compared to 1,793 offences from 2015 until 2016.
Knife crime also increased by 24% with 12,074 recorded offences from 2016 to 2017.


Gun city: Young, dumb and armed

The notion that a military-grade weapon could be in the hands of local criminals is shocking, but police have already seized at least five machine guns and assault rifles in the past 18 months. The AK-47 was not among them.

Only a fortnight ago, law enforcement authorities announced they were hunting another seven assault rifles recently smuggled into the country. Weapons from the shipment have been used in armed robberies and drive-by shootings.

These are just a handful of the thousands of illicit guns fuelling a wave of violent crime in the world’s most liveable city.


Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since then-Prime Minister John Howard introduced a nationwide firearm buyback scheme in response to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

Shootings have become almost a weekly occurrence, with more than 125 people, mostly young men, wounded in the past five year


While the body count was higher during Melbourne’s ‘Underbelly War’ (1999-2005), more people have been seriously maimed in the recent spate of shootings and reprisals.

Crimes associated with firearm possession have also more than doubled, driven by the easy availability of handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and, increasingly, machine guns, that are smuggled into the country or stolen from licensed owners.


These weapons have been used in dozens of recent drive-by shootings of homes and businesses, as well as targeted and random attacks in parks, shopping centres and roads.

“They’re young, dumb and armed,” said one former underworld associate, who survived a shooting attempt in the western suburbs several years ago.

“It used to be that if you were involved in something bad you might have to worry about [being shot]. Now people get shot over nothing - unprovoked.”


Gun crime soars
In this series, Fairfax Media looks at Melbourne’s gun problem and the new breed of criminals behind the escalating violence.

The investigation has found:

  • There have been at least 99 shootings in the past 20 months - more than one incident a week since January 2015
  • Known criminals were caught with firearms 755 times last year, compared to 143 times in 2011
  • The epicentre of the problem is a triangle between Coolaroo, Campbellfield and Glenroy in the north-west, with Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Dandenong in the south-east close behind
  • Criminals are using gunshot wounds to the arms and legs as warnings to pay debts
  • Assault rifles and handguns are being smuggled into Australia via shipments of electronics and metal parts
In response to the violence, it can be revealed the state government is planning to introduce new criminal offences for drive-by shootings, manufacturing of firearms with new technologies such as 3D printers, and more police powers to keep weapons out of the hands of known criminals.

And then you have America.......more guns in the hands of Law abiding people......and the crime rate goes down....


We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

You are wrong joe....there is nothing about guns in this country that you get right...
Yeah, how has the fact that Europe is basically "gun free" worked out for them with the influx of military aged muslim refugees? The European women need to either carry mace and be on birth control or cover up their faces so they don't get a "train" pulled on them and there are certain parts of European cities that even cops will not venture into while the disarmed public have become sitting ducks.

I realize that's what Alex Jones tells you what happens, Cocksucker Dale, but the reality is, Europe has very low crime rates compared to the US.

I'm honestly surprised you aren't claiming that this attack on Tuesday was another false flag.

Psuedo liberal fucks like you want Americans unarmed and only "da gubermint" should have them...but wait? Isn't the police part of this corporate entity you lovingly refer to as "gubermint"? They have guns and they seem to be using them with little or no regard to the safety of the serfs that they are allegedly sworn to protect.

well, there is no reason for any civilian to own a gun, but I'm not totally adverse to letting some of you have them so you can feel better about your tiny peckers. As long as you go through a thorough background check, and we yank those guns the minute you get caught doing something you aren't supposed to do. Oh, yeah, and if you are stocking up like the Zombies are going to show up, someone should look at that.

You wouldn't qualify, of course. You're fucking batshit crazy and you think the Trilateralist Lizard People are out to get you. You're the kind of person who inevitably shoots up a mall or a school or something.

But a regular person who just like to hunt or target shoot. Not much of a problem there.

Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack...and to save lives....according to bill clinton and barak obama...

And guns in the hands of normal people lowers the crime rate....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
It's the future, brah. The police will disable your guns before they even show up.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will.
First of all, I don't own a gun, and secondly, it's the future, sooner or later it will happen.
Of course you don't own a gun. You trust that the police will be there to help you within seconds of being robbed, mugged or carjacked. You trust the government to always take care of dependents like you. I think, in the long run, that is a very foolish philosophy.

It's your paranoia talking again. Please seek help.
No, it could work fine, you could arm it before you go to bed and it stays armed 8 hours or whatever.

Now you are just trolling...or should I say, continuing to troll....
It's the future, brah. The police will disable your guns before they even show up.
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will nor are all as trusting in the Federal government to take care of us.

I officially crown you King of Paranoia. Or are you a spear chucker?
No....they haven't figured it out...since their gun crime rates are going up, not down....they had societies that were able to civilize their young males...the welfare state has ruined that....teenage girls having children with no fathers...are createing young sociopaths they can't civilize.......

Guy, they have 48 gun homicides while we have 11,000 a year.

I think they are the ones who got this right.

That said, I don't think I want to read another round of your NRA Spooge...
The Socialist wet dream: Suuuure, you can have your just can never use them.

With the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup cop groups, we're headed in that direction. It's the future.
I'm sure you'll just bend over and take it. Not all of us will.
First of all, I don't own a gun, and secondly, it's the future, sooner or later it will happen.
Of course you don't own a gun. You trust that the police will be there to help you within seconds of being robbed, mugged or carjacked. You trust the government to always take care of dependents like you. I think, in the long run, that is a very foolish philosophy.


Back in 1969, my dad was a peace officer that worked graveyard and he taught my mom how to use a snub-nosed revolver and had her keep it at her bedside at all times. One night, someone broke in through the back door and came walking up the hallway. It woke me and my little brother up and my mom grabbed the gun. I was freaking out because my mom was telling the intruder that she had a gun and it was loaded. I could see the intruder's shadow and I wanted to go and protect my mom but she told us to stay put and was she ever afraid. Our room was almost directly across from my parents but not quite. Eventually he shagged ass and left. Back then they had rotary phones, no such thing as 911 and most people back then didn't have a phone in every room. About six months later this 18 year old kid that lived across the alley from us was arrested for raping and strangulating to death a woman that lived on his block. They could never prove that this was the same kid that broke in our house but I would say the probability is rather high that it was. I am awfully glad that she had a gun to protect her and us with....but leftards don't believe people should have that ability....fuck these POS.
I live in a much better neighbourhood than that. Shit like that never happens where I live. I rarely if ever even lock my front door at night.
Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack...and to save lives....according to bill clinton and barak obama...

FBI, who actually collected real data and didn't repeat bullshit reports, said only 47,000.

Since we have only 200 Justified homicides by civilians, I doubt the 47K number.

Hard to really believe you guys who talk about how you needs you some guns so you can shoots you some Negroes... er... criminals... yeah.. criminals, would have 1,500,000 opportunities to do so and would only manage to pull it off 200 times.
No....they haven't figured it out...since their gun crime rates are going up, not down....they had societies that were able to civilize their young males...the welfare state has ruined that....teenage girls having children with no fathers...are createing young sociopaths they can't civilize.......

Guy, they have 48 gun homicides while we have 11,000 a year.

I think they are the ones who got this right.

That said, I don't think I want to read another round of your NRA Spooge...

No....they had a low gun murder rate before they banned guns in 1996, and then gun crime spiked...and gun murder then returned to the exact same level.......the gun ban and confiscation had nothing to do with their gun murder rate...since it stayed the same.......their gun crime rate, however, went up...and stayed up...the difference between them and us? Their criminals don't commit murder with their guns......until now......they are starting to murder more often......

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