The Hamas atrocity stories are FAKE


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Here is where the Fake Hamas atrocity stories come from

Founded by a serial rapist known as the ā€œHaredi Jeffrey Epstein,ā€ Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to ā€œmass rapeā€ to a fetus cut from its mother.​

Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.​

Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.​

Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.​

During an October 31 Senate hearing on Israelā€™s war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Summoning as much emotion as a dour Democratic Party operative could muster, Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization: ā€œA young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table,ā€ Blinken intoned. ā€œThe fatherā€™s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The motherā€™s breast cut off, the girlā€™s foot amputated, the boyā€™s fingers cut off before they were executed.ā€

The Secretary of State concluded, ā€œThat is what this [Israeli] society is dealing with.ā€

Though Blinken did not state the source of his disturbing claim ā€“ and was not prompted to do so by any senator ā€“ it matched testimony delivered by Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern Israel region of a religious ā€œdisaster victim identificationā€ organization called ZAKA. Indeed, Landau has rehashed various forms of the story Blinken referenced since October 12, detailing how Hamas militants viciously mutilated and killed a 6 and 8 year-old child and their parents in Kibbutz Beeri before dining in their home.

Despite the presence of multiple potential witnesses inside Beeri before ZAKA arrived to collect dead bodies, independent testimony corroborating Landauā€™s claim has yet to surface. Further, there are no recorded deaths of siblings around the age of 6 to 8 in Beeri on October 7. Any record of a young child killed in the manner Landau described is similarly nonexistent, as are photos of the murdered family he described. In fact, the only siblings anywhere close to this age range who died in the community on that dayā€”12-year-old twins Liel and Yanai Hetrzroniā€”were killed by Israeli tank shelling.

Landauā€™s story ā€“ and by extension, Blinkenā€™s testimony before the Senate ā€“ therefore appears to have been spun out of whole cloth; a cynical fabrication intended to dramatize the supposed barbarism of Hamas in order to widen the political space for Israelā€™s rampage in the Gaza Strip. As this investigation will demonstrate, Landauā€™s tale was merely one of many tall tales concocted by a small circle of dubious characters who have managed to shape the official narrative of October 7 in Western media.

Though Israeli officials played a central role in Tel Avivā€™s misinformation campaign surrounding the events of October 7ā€” falsely claiming, for instance, that the bodies of dead Jewish babies were found dangling from a laundry line in one kibbutzā€”the most inflammatory allegations have emerged from a collection of ultra-Orthodox volunteer organizations such as ZAKA. Though ZAKA specializes ā€œin body collection and disposal,ā€ the group has no coronary credentials and is staffed by droves of poorly trained volunteers.

From ā€œconfirmingā€ the fraudulent story of beheaded babies found in a kibbutz to blatantly inventing others about Hamas fighters cutting fetuses out of pregnant womenā€™s bodies, severing a little girlā€™s arm, and baking a baby in an oven, ZAKA and rival groups have demonstrated a remarkable gift for seeding the media with depraved tales of alleged Hamas brutality. In doing so, they have armed Western leaders like Blinken and President Joe Biden with the narrative they would weaponize in order to block ceasefire proposals and rearm a military that has killed over 15,000 civilians in Gaza in less than two months.


Follow -Up material available soon .

Taken from the Grayzone
The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican Gomorrah, Goliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America's state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions
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You're starting to worry me a little, babe. :rolleyes:

Whether what she posted about these particular stories is true or untrue... Atrocity propaganda is a real thing, that goes back many decades, in numerous wars around the world. It is designed to promote outrage and passionate hatred for the enemy, to get people completely onboard with war.

An example in history would be "babies on bayonets" during WW1. (watch the video below.)

People are so quick to believe things that "confirm" their preexisting ideas or bigotry, but apparently what many fail to realize is that we've been lied to over and over, by corrupt powers who want perpetual war for their own global it is amazing to me that still so many people constantly believe war lies, every time. Especially the ones that are obviously sensationalistic and designed to provoke emotion.

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Whether what she posted about these particular stories is true or untrue... Atrocity propaganda is a real thing, that goes back many decades, in numerous wars around the world. It is designed to promote outrage and passionate hatred for the enemy, to get people completely onboard with war.

An example in history would be "babies on bayonets" during WW1. (watch the video below.)

People are so quick to believe things that "confirm" their preexisting ideas or bigotry, but apparently what many fail to realize is that we've been lied to over and over, by corrupt powers who want perpetual war for their own global it is amazing to me that still so many people constantly believe war lies, every time. Especially the ones that are obviously sensationalistic and seem designed to provoke emotion.

Whether it's propaganda or not is irrelevant to me because I already know where my loyalties lie. I have always been pro-Israel and anti-Muslim, for one thing. Plus there's the fact that the crowds of people protesting in favor of the Palestinians are of the same leftard mindset as those who clashed with police during the 1968 Democratic Convention riots, who protested the Seattle WTO in 1999 under GW, who took part in the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests, the same people who protested President Trump for four years, and the same who took part in a year of riots, looting, arson, assault, and murder during the 2020 George Floyd protests.
You're starting to worry me a little, babe. :rolleyes:
I have known all along that Mossad worked very closely with Kyiv since the conflict started there .
And they are masters of propaganda .
My general background told me immediately that the Israel stories were largely absurd and also in the context of other happenings which showed that Oct 7 was a False Flag .
And possibly at the top both sides are working together for Deep State . Yes indeed .Distinctly possible .
I have investigated and these reports cannot be dismissed -- perhaps the more so because Grayzone is generally regarded as very left wing and Blumenthal has a high reputation .
But it is difficult to know very much about anything these days with total certainty .
I am not suggesting that Freedom Fighter behaviour has been better or exemplary .
I simply do not know .
But I think I do know that the Israel extremists want Gaza for its resources and also to build a rival canal to the Suez running across the Negev Desert as well as solving its obvious other problems ..
So imho as ever .
Whether it's propaganda or not is irrelevant to me because I already know where my loyalties lie. I have always been pro-Israel and anti-Muslim, for one thing. Plus there's the fact that the crowds of people protesting in favor of the Palestinians are of the same leftard mindset as those who clashed with police during the 1968 Democratic Convention riots, who protested the Seattle WTO in 1999 under GW, who took part in the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests, the same people who protested President Trump for four years, and the same who took part in a year of riots, looting, arson, assault, and murder during the 2020 George Floyd protests.
But . But . But
What you do not know is the relation the top Israel elite have to the Fourth Reich and Deep State .
No sane person believes ordinary Jews are crazy , bad etc .
But Deep State may not have the most clever people but it does have the most powerful , wealthy , deceitful and cunning . And probably Evil .
Here is where the Fake Hamas atrocity stories come from

Founded by a serial rapist known as the ā€œHaredi Jeffrey Epstein,ā€ Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to ā€œmass rapeā€ to a fetus cut from its mother.​

Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.​

Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.​

Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.​

During an October 31 Senate hearing on Israelā€™s war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Summoning as much emotion as a dour Democratic Party operative could muster, Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization: ā€œA young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table,ā€ Blinken intoned. ā€œThe fatherā€™s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The motherā€™s breast cut off, the girlā€™s foot amputated, the boyā€™s fingers cut off before they were executed.ā€

The Secretary of State concluded, ā€œThat is what this [Israeli] society is dealing with.ā€

Though Blinken did not state the source of his disturbing claim ā€“ and was not prompted to do so by any senator ā€“ it matched testimony delivered by Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern Israel region of a religious ā€œdisaster victim identificationā€ organization called ZAKA. Indeed, Landau has rehashed various forms of the story Blinken referenced since October 12, detailing how Hamas militants viciously mutilated and killed a 6 and 8 year-old child and their parents in Kibbutz Beeri before dining in their home.

Despite the presence of multiple potential witnesses inside Beeri before ZAKA arrived to collect dead bodies, independent testimony corroborating Landauā€™s claim has yet to surface. Further, there are no recorded deaths of siblings around the age of 6 to 8 in Beeri on October 7. Any record of a young child killed in the manner Landau described is similarly nonexistent, as are photos of the murdered family he described. In fact, the only siblings anywhere close to this age range who died in the community on that dayā€”12-year-old twins Liel and Yanai Hetrzroniā€”were killed by Israeli tank shelling.

Landauā€™s story ā€“ and by extension, Blinkenā€™s testimony before the Senate ā€“ therefore appears to have been spun out of whole cloth; a cynical fabrication intended to dramatize the supposed barbarism of Hamas in order to widen the political space for Israelā€™s rampage in the Gaza Strip. As this investigation will demonstrate, Landauā€™s tale was merely one of many tall tales concocted by a small circle of dubious characters who have managed to shape the official narrative of October 7 in Western media.

Though Israeli officials played a central role in Tel Avivā€™s misinformation campaign surrounding the events of October 7ā€” falsely claiming, for instance, that the bodies of dead Jewish babies were found dangling from a laundry line in one kibbutzā€”the most inflammatory allegations have emerged from a collection of ultra-Orthodox volunteer organizations such as ZAKA. Though ZAKA specializes ā€œin body collection and disposal,ā€ the group has no coronary credentials and is staffed by droves of poorly trained volunteers.

From ā€œconfirmingā€ the fraudulent story of beheaded babies found in a kibbutz to blatantly inventing others about Hamas fighters cutting fetuses out of pregnant womenā€™s bodies, severing a little girlā€™s arm, and baking a baby in an oven, ZAKA and rival groups have demonstrated a remarkable gift for seeding the media with depraved tales of alleged Hamas brutality. In doing so, they have armed Western leaders like Blinken and President Joe Biden with the narrative they would weaponize in order to block ceasefire proposals and rearm a military that has killed over 15,000 civilians in Gaza in less than two months.


Follow -Up material available soon .

Taken from the Grayzone
The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican Gomorrah, Goliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America's state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions
I guess all of those videos of Gaza residents beating the lifeless bodies of nude women in the back of trucks was all just AI?
But . But . But
What you do not know is the relation the top Israel elite have to the Fourth Reich and Deep State .
No sane person believes ordinary Jews are crazy , bad etc .
But Deep State may not have the most clever people but it does have the most powerful , wealthy , deceitful and cunning . And probably Evil .

My enemy is globalism, whether it be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, atheist, or whatever.
My enemy is globalism, whether it be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, atheist, or whatever.


Regardless of what those photo-ops show, I don't think Netanyahu is a "globalist." The goal of worldwide globalism is the redistribution of wealth to third-world developing nations, a replacement of predominantly white, Anglo-saxons through miscegenation of the races, and a world where there is only one government, one currency, and one language.

In all seriousness, I don't see Netanyahu wanting Israel to be the center of the world. Israel wants to maintain their own customs, their own language, their own religion, and their own state. Unlike true globalism, which does not believe in borders, autonomous nations, etc. If anything, true globalism is the force driving Israel to be overrun by people who want nothing more than to destroy it.
My enemy is globalism, whether it be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, atheist, or whatever.
I might appear to be slightly pedantic , but Globalism is simply one strategy for manipulation and control and is an expression of Deep State .
Deep State is a real "thing" . Globalism is a type of action philosophy to achieve their / those objectives
But . But . But
What you do not know is the relation the top Israel elite have to the Fourth Reich and Deep State .
No sane person believes ordinary Jews are crazy , bad etc .
But Deep State may not have the most clever people but it does have the most powerful , wealthy , deceitful and cunning . And probably Evil .

Hmmm...., sounds like Fifth Column propaganda coming from you.
Edward Bernays and Josef Goebbels approves of your response.
Regardless of what those photo-ops show, I don't think Netanyahu is a "globalist." The goal of worldwide globalism is the redistribution of wealth to third-world developing nations, a replacement of predominantly white, Anglo-saxons through miscegenation of the races, and a world where there is only one government, one currency, and one language.

In all seriousness, I don't see Netanyahu wanting Israel to be the center of the world. Israel wants to maintain their own customs, their own language, their own religion, and their own state. Unlike true globalism, which does not believe in borders, autonomous nations, etc. If anything, true globalism is the force driving Israel to be overrun by people who want nothing more than to destroy it.

The anti-globalist media I have been following. . . have suggested this is just a Hegelian plan to help create a global ID so everyone can be tracked and traced, and this is what will help get conservatives on board with the plan for a global ID.

What better way to tell who is an illegal and who is a citizen? What better way to track who has obeyed their "carbon credit climate change allowance?" What better way to tell who is a terrorist, and who is a good little worker to cross the border? What better way to tell who has obediently taken their BIG PHARMA jab? :dunno:


". . . Established in 2020, DIWG comprises Australia, Canada, Finland, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, and is chaired by Australiaā€™s Digital Transformation Agency. The group was initially formed to allow its members to ā€œshare experiences and opportunities for the use of digital identity initiatives, with a focus on the response to and recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 on governments and peopleā€.

Cross-border cooperation between Israel and MENA region is key to addressing climate change​

May 30, 2023

Whether it's propaganda or not is irrelevant to me because I already know where my loyalties lie. I have always been pro-Israel and anti-Muslim, for one thing. Plus there's the fact that the crowds of people protesting in favor of the Palestinians are of the same leftard mindset as those who clashed with police during the 1968 Democratic Convention riots, who protested the Seattle WTO in 1999 under GW, who took part in the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests, the same people who protested President Trump for four years, and the same who took part in a year of riots, looting, arson, assault, and murder during the 2020 George Floyd protests.

Are you admitting to being just another disloyal "Israel Firster" whose first loyalty is to a regime that betrays, exploits and effectively deceives gullible Americans? (1)

Have you ever spent time in the Middle East or met any of the people you hate or know anything about how Israel has murdered Americans, stolen our technological secrets and sold them to hostile governments, extracted $ Trillions from American's witless taxpayers and repeatedly cheated easily deceived Americans?

The people who oppose Israel's genocidal agenda are no different from the people who oppose any genocide just as people who are complicit should be hung.

(1). ā€œStupid pro-Israel Americans - have you heard these quotes from your hero Netanyahu? See below?ā€

- ā€œIt is very good! It will be good for Israel!ā€ Benjamin Nutandyahoo on the 9/11 attacks

- ā€œOnce we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.ā€ ā€” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

- ā€œMy opinion of Christian Zionists? Theyā€™re scum. But donā€™t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.ā€ā€” Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

- ā€œAmerica is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something, so then they say something ā€“ so what? Look, I wasnā€™t afraid to maneuver the Americans, I wasnā€™t afraid to go against the UN.ā€ Benjamin Netanyahu
Here is where the Fake Hamas atrocity stories come from

Founded by a serial rapist known as the ā€œHaredi Jeffrey Epstein,ā€ Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to ā€œmass rapeā€ to a fetus cut from its mother.​

Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.​

Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.​

Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.​

During an October 31 Senate hearing on Israelā€™s war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Summoning as much emotion as a dour Democratic Party operative could muster, Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization: ā€œA young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table,ā€ Blinken intoned. ā€œThe fatherā€™s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The motherā€™s breast cut off, the girlā€™s foot amputated, the boyā€™s fingers cut off before they were executed.ā€

The Secretary of State concluded, ā€œThat is what this [Israeli] society is dealing with.ā€

Though Blinken did not state the source of his disturbing claim ā€“ and was not prompted to do so by any senator ā€“ it matched testimony delivered by Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern Israel region of a religious ā€œdisaster victim identificationā€ organization called ZAKA. Indeed, Landau has rehashed various forms of the story Blinken referenced since October 12, detailing how Hamas militants viciously mutilated and killed a 6 and 8 year-old child and their parents in Kibbutz Beeri before dining in their home.

Despite the presence of multiple potential witnesses inside Beeri before ZAKA arrived to collect dead bodies, independent testimony corroborating Landauā€™s claim has yet to surface. Further, there are no recorded deaths of siblings around the age of 6 to 8 in Beeri on October 7. Any record of a young child killed in the manner Landau described is similarly nonexistent, as are photos of the murdered family he described. In fact, the only siblings anywhere close to this age range who died in the community on that dayā€”12-year-old twins Liel and Yanai Hetrzroniā€”were killed by Israeli tank shelling.

Landauā€™s story ā€“ and by extension, Blinkenā€™s testimony before the Senate ā€“ therefore appears to have been spun out of whole cloth; a cynical fabrication intended to dramatize the supposed barbarism of Hamas in order to widen the political space for Israelā€™s rampage in the Gaza Strip. As this investigation will demonstrate, Landauā€™s tale was merely one of many tall tales concocted by a small circle of dubious characters who have managed to shape the official narrative of October 7 in Western media.

Though Israeli officials played a central role in Tel Avivā€™s misinformation campaign surrounding the events of October 7ā€” falsely claiming, for instance, that the bodies of dead Jewish babies were found dangling from a laundry line in one kibbutzā€”the most inflammatory allegations have emerged from a collection of ultra-Orthodox volunteer organizations such as ZAKA. Though ZAKA specializes ā€œin body collection and disposal,ā€ the group has no coronary credentials and is staffed by droves of poorly trained volunteers.

From ā€œconfirmingā€ the fraudulent story of beheaded babies found in a kibbutz to blatantly inventing others about Hamas fighters cutting fetuses out of pregnant womenā€™s bodies, severing a little girlā€™s arm, and baking a baby in an oven, ZAKA and rival groups have demonstrated a remarkable gift for seeding the media with depraved tales of alleged Hamas brutality. In doing so, they have armed Western leaders like Blinken and President Joe Biden with the narrative they would weaponize in order to block ceasefire proposals and rearm a military that has killed over 15,000 civilians in Gaza in less than two months.


Follow -Up material available soon .

Taken from the Grayzone
The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican Gomorrah, Goliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America's state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions
Amazing how many ā€œconservativesā€ still buy the official, mainstream narrative. 99.999% of the time they'll all agree that the mainstream news is ā€œfake newsā€ and yet the moment CNN and FAUX reports on the happenings in Israeli (Is A Real Lie) they become obedient hens and buy everything they're told as if it's the gospel truth. The .0001% of us can only sit back and shake our heads in disbelief.
Hmmm...., sounds like Fifth Column propaganda coming from you.
Edward Bernays and Josef Goebbels approves of your response.
Stop being a complete ass .
Make sensible and consdidered comments or otherwise go and talk to yourself .
Try reading substance instead of indulging in ad hominem schoolboy drivel .
You really make a complete fool of yourself at times .
Here is where the Fake Hamas atrocity stories come from

Founded by a serial rapist known as the ā€œHaredi Jeffrey Epstein,ā€ Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to ā€œmass rapeā€ to a fetus cut from its mother.​

Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.​

Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.​

Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.​

During an October 31 Senate hearing on Israelā€™s war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Summoning as much emotion as a dour Democratic Party operative could muster, Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization: ā€œA young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table,ā€ Blinken intoned. ā€œThe fatherā€™s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The motherā€™s breast cut off, the girlā€™s foot amputated, the boyā€™s fingers cut off before they were executed.ā€

The Secretary of State concluded, ā€œThat is what this [Israeli] society is dealing with.ā€

Though Blinken did not state the source of his disturbing claim ā€“ and was not prompted to do so by any senator ā€“ it matched testimony delivered by Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern Israel region of a religious ā€œdisaster victim identificationā€ organization called ZAKA. Indeed, Landau has rehashed various forms of the story Blinken referenced since October 12, detailing how Hamas militants viciously mutilated and killed a 6 and 8 year-old child and their parents in Kibbutz Beeri before dining in their home.

Despite the presence of multiple potential witnesses inside Beeri before ZAKA arrived to collect dead bodies, independent testimony corroborating Landauā€™s claim has yet to surface. Further, there are no recorded deaths of siblings around the age of 6 to 8 in Beeri on October 7. Any record of a young child killed in the manner Landau described is similarly nonexistent, as are photos of the murdered family he described. In fact, the only siblings anywhere close to this age range who died in the community on that dayā€”12-year-old twins Liel and Yanai Hetrzroniā€”were killed by Israeli tank shelling.

Landauā€™s story ā€“ and by extension, Blinkenā€™s testimony before the Senate ā€“ therefore appears to have been spun out of whole cloth; a cynical fabrication intended to dramatize the supposed barbarism of Hamas in order to widen the political space for Israelā€™s rampage in the Gaza Strip. As this investigation will demonstrate, Landauā€™s tale was merely one of many tall tales concocted by a small circle of dubious characters who have managed to shape the official narrative of October 7 in Western media.

Though Israeli officials played a central role in Tel Avivā€™s misinformation campaign surrounding the events of October 7ā€” falsely claiming, for instance, that the bodies of dead Jewish babies were found dangling from a laundry line in one kibbutzā€”the most inflammatory allegations have emerged from a collection of ultra-Orthodox volunteer organizations such as ZAKA. Though ZAKA specializes ā€œin body collection and disposal,ā€ the group has no coronary credentials and is staffed by droves of poorly trained volunteers.

From ā€œconfirmingā€ the fraudulent story of beheaded babies found in a kibbutz to blatantly inventing others about Hamas fighters cutting fetuses out of pregnant womenā€™s bodies, severing a little girlā€™s arm, and baking a baby in an oven, ZAKA and rival groups have demonstrated a remarkable gift for seeding the media with depraved tales of alleged Hamas brutality. In doing so, they have armed Western leaders like Blinken and President Joe Biden with the narrative they would weaponize in order to block ceasefire proposals and rearm a military that has killed over 15,000 civilians in Gaza in less than two months.


Follow -Up material available soon .

Taken from the Grayzone
The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican Gomorrah, Goliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America's state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions
It's probably a 50/50 case ...thiers been a couple dubious reports
Casue the palis are fucking animal stone age savages and the Israelis are conniving murderous sons of bithes

Bacon ?


Mmmm bacon

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