The Hamas Charter

Wrong! Do Israelis ever take responsibility for the shit they do?

What is wrong, why shouldn't Israelis take responsibility for their victories?
All you've been doing in this thread is whining about Egyptian defeat,
and now angry that we even talk about it...

Israelis are a diverse nation,
there isn't much original thought,
or opposition allowed in Arab politics.
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What is wrong, why shouldn't Israelis take responsibility for their victories?

All you've been doing in this thread is whining about Egyptian defeat,
and now angry that we even talk about it... funny don't you think?
No, you want to have your cake and eat it to! And that's bullshit! You won the war; but you started the war! Period.
No, you want to have your cake and eat it to! And that's bullshit! You won the war; but you started the war! Period.

Military collisions are not the beginning of wars,
but their final stage towards a conclusion.

Egypt declared its military motive for the "gun show-off",
Israel responded with action which is - why it was a six-day war.

That's simply the most genuine military tactic,
and a healthy human reaction to bullying.
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The Israeli people do have a right to form a state. They do not have a right to form a state on land they have no sovereign title to. And that is Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.

They do have sovereign title. They should frankly kick the Arabs out of all of it. Arabs have a homeland in Jordan.

Remember, the Balfour Mandate for Ottoman Palestine was Jordan for the Arabs, Israel for the Jews, and Lebanon for the Christians.

Of course the Arabs, backed by the Soviets, overthrew Lebanon and made it another Muslim shithole.

You Muslim Supremacists want to do the same to Israel. Not one grain of sand not ruled by Muslims.
The Israeli people do have a right to form a state. They do not have a right to form a state on land they have no sovereign title to. And that is Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.

Who has sovereign title to Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem?
No, you want to have your cake and eat it too! And that's bullshit! You won the war; but you started the war! Period.
BULLSHIT …., The Arabs INITIATED the War and Israel beat them down like the animals they are . Gaza was part of Egypt, not “ Palestine “ the W Bank and E Jerusalem part of Jordan ; not “ Palestine “. PERIOD
Military collisions are not the beginning of wars,
but their final stage towards a conclusion.

Egypt declared its military motive for the "gun show-off",
Israel responded with action which is - why it was a six-day war.

That's simply the most genuine military tactic,
and a healthy human reaction to bullying.
I agree.
They do have sovereign title. They should frankly kick the Arabs out of all of it. Arabs have a homeland in Jordan.

Remember, the Balfour Mandate for Ottoman Palestine was Jordan for the Arabs, Israel for the Jews, and Lebanon for the Christians.

Of course the Arabs, backed by the Soviets, overthrew Lebanon and made it another Muslim shithole.

You Muslim Supremacists want to do the same to Israel. Not one grain of sand not ruled by Muslims.
The Balfour Declaration came with a caviot. The Zionists may have a country, as long has they ensure the rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population. But you didn't do that.
You are right! The rocket fire is a war crime. But think about this, the rocket fire didn't start until 2001. That's a full 34 years after the occupation started. Just sayin...

There is no occupation, and the Arabs have been shooting rockets into Israel since 1947.

Would you agree that the way to clear this all up is to Nuke Mecca?

I mean, you Muslim Supremacists say your god Allah and his pet demon Allah are all powerful, right>

So Israel tells the Muslim world that on February 15th, they're going to drop a 1 megaton nuke on the Kabbah, destroying the idol - killing Allah.

Now if Muhammad is the god the Muzzie Beasts claim, no mere Nuke will harm the idol, the home of the fetid Djin Allah - right?

Let the test begin - proving once and for all just how powerful the god Muhammad and his pet Djin are...


Standard Disclaimer: Ever notice that the idol of Islam looks a lot like a clit?

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