The Hard Left Is Eating The Modern Campus Alive


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
We have to take back all academia and that also means from K-12...:desk:

Liberals and Campus Violence

July 2, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

"When your next college free speech controversy erupts, don’t blame liberals.” That's the message of Georgetown's Jacques Berlinerblau.

Jacques distinguishes between liberals and leftists.


There's a degree of truth to this. But, as with the USSR, the radical left has the strength that it does because most left of center, whether they call themselves liberals or progressives, act as their useful idiots. Their governing principle is no enemies to the left.

Worse still, the current intersectional incarnation, which hides leftist politics behind identity politics, has the unequivocal and unthinking support of the people who call themselves liberals. It's why these thugs have been able to paralyze administrators and faculty by screaming about their pain, crying that their bodies and minds are being destroyed, and demanding safe spaces.

They may not follow the argument to its logical conclusion, but neither do they offer any meaningful intellectual resistance. And that's because they think that the difference is more about tactics than outcome.

Much of the motivating power for this does indeed come from the radical left. Specifically from a few radical faculty members who actually implement what they teach. But all that was necessary for their triumph was the complicity of "liberals".


Liberals and Campus Violence
It's where the free market has taken us bro ;-)
Government run education is the free market? How do you figure?
Our government was created by the people and has evolved by the leaders elected by the people. Whatever laws and programs and agencies that have came to be are a product of majority votes or elected officials decisions all dictated by the will of the people. Sorry if that busts your bubble. Good news is you still have time to try and change things. You got Trump in there. He is sure to mix it up
It's where the free market has taken us bro ;-)
Government run education is the free market? How do you figure?
Our government was created by the people and has evolved by the leaders elected by the people. Whatever laws and programs and agencies that have came to be are a product of majority votes or elected officials decisions all dictated by the will of the people. Sorry if that busts your bubble. Good news is you still have time to try and change things. You got Trump in there. He is sure to mix it up
So I must ask again, what about that is free market? Government took it over but it's free market? How does that work?
It's where the free market has taken us bro ;-)
Government run education is the free market? How do you figure?
Our government was created by the people and has evolved by the leaders elected by the people. Whatever laws and programs and agencies that have came to be are a product of majority votes or elected officials decisions all dictated by the will of the people. Sorry if that busts your bubble. Good news is you still have time to try and change things. You got Trump in there. He is sure to mix it up
Maybe we should change programs/laws like you guys change history, like the civil war...:dunno:
It's where the free market has taken us bro ;-)
Government run education is the free market? How do you figure?
Our government was created by the people and has evolved by the leaders elected by the people. Whatever laws and programs and agencies that have came to be are a product of majority votes or elected officials decisions all dictated by the will of the people. Sorry if that busts your bubble. Good news is you still have time to try and change things. You got Trump in there. He is sure to mix it up
Maybe we should change programs/laws like you guys change history, like the civil war...:dunno:
Well yeah, yall got congress and the White House... that's kind of the point, make/change laws to do what you think is best for the country.
It's where the free market has taken us bro ;-)


The free market would have put their safe place seeking asses in the unemployment line.



It obviously didn't.


Shall we take the state and federal tax dollars away from those colleges which would then place them on the free market and see what happens?

I'm fine doing so. It would free up tax money for other things.


It's where the free market has taken us bro ;-)


The free market would have put their safe place seeking asses in the unemployment line.



It obviously didn't.


Shall we take the state and federal tax dollars away from those colleges which would then place them on the free market and see what happens?

I'm fine doing so. It would free up tax money for other things.



If that's what you and your leadership think is going to work best for the American people then go for it and see how it plays out. I for one think education is one of the most important factors that effects our society. I don't see how defunding it will make it better but that's just my POV

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