The Hard Reality of a Debt Ceiling Showdown: Jim Jordan eviscerates Biden for not negotiating with House Republicans

Yeah... like I said... it is about spending. Whether that was lats month or tomorrow.
All the conservatives are wanting to do is take a look at all of the MASSIVE - MASSIVE - MASSIVE spending the Dems passed in a hurry before the election... and their buddy McConnel in the Senate passed.
And they can do that. When you get the monthly bill for that new car you bought, it's a little late to decide if you can afford it. That month's bill is due and must be paid. You might sell that car so you don't end up owing next month's bill, but you still owe the bills that have already come due. Same thing.
Yeah... like I said... it is about spending. Whether that was lats month or tomorrow.
All the conservatives are wanting to do is take a look at all of the MASSIVE - MASSIVE - MASSIVE spending the Dems passed in a hurry before the election... and their buddy McConnel in the Senate passed.
1/4 of all the debt we owe was accumulated during trump's term.
I thought I had. The debt ceiling has no direct effect on future spending. If you think not paying what we already owe will prevent politicians from spending a penny, you are mistaken.
The Right plans to seize on the debt ceiling to ram through unpopular ideas. The strategy could force Democrats to choose between government paralysis or draconian cuts to the federal budget — possibly even Social Security and Medicare.

the federal government will once again reach the debt limit, or the amount of money it can legally borrow to pay its employees, contractors, and bills. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said that she can keep the government running through June with “extraordinary measures,” but after that, Congress will need to vote to legally raise the debt limit in order to keep virtually all parts of the government running.

By any rational measure, this shouldn’t be a big deal. There’s little technical reason for the debt ceiling to exist at all — a view shared, among others, by Yellen herself. Despite support from even moderate figures like Yellen, Democrats refused to eliminate the debt ceiling when they controlled both houses of Congress. Instead, they handed Republicans a loaded gun.

With the debt ceiling, as with counting votes or certifying an election, the Right hopes to seize on this otherwise drab government function as a point of leverage to thrust unpopular ideas onto the country. A faction of the incoming House Republican majority all but forced Kevin McCarthy to commit to shutting down the government before they would support his run for Speaker of the House. To be fair, McCarthy hardly needed to be strong-armed: he already said last fall that he planned to play chicken with Democrats over a government shut down in order to force cuts to Social Security and other government programs.

In fact, as the Washington Post reported Friday, rather than try to figure out a way to avoid a needless debt crisis, House Republicans’ primary concern is finding a way to make the Treasury keep paying investors who hold government bonds when the government shuts down. Instead of avoiding needless harm to the economy, they just want to shield their real constituents from the worst of the fallout.

For such a plan to work, it would have to both pass the Senate and receive Joe Biden’s signature — both of which, for the moment, appear to be nonstarters. But Biden and the Democrat-led Senate also need the House to agree to raise the debt limit and pass a budget if they want the government to keep running.

What looks like a stalemate on paper unfortunately favors the Right. Republicans are only too happy for most of the government to close down, meaning they have far less to lose in sticking to a hard line in negotiations. That leaves Biden and Democrats with two unacceptable outcomes: a nonfunctioning government, or draconian cuts to the federal budget, including potentially to Social Security and Medicare.

The most likely course of events is after several weeks of needless pain, representatives of economic sectors that depend to a greater extent on steady credit and government regulation will put enough pressure on McCarthy to go back on his promises to the far-right members of his caucus. He’ll eventually force through a stopgap measure that gets Democrats to agree to inflict significant pain on the American people for no good reason (if not as much as Republicans want), and then the far right of the party will depose him as speaker. Some other equally masochistic empty suit will take his place, we’ll all forget about it for six months, nothing will change, and then it will be time for the country to take another stupid ride on the same merry-go-round, our pockets a little emptier for it.

Doesn’t it always seem to turn out that way somehow?

I would disagree with you. Republicans have the most to lose. Voters will know who is responsible for this. They may think that, but they will be the losers.
It allows the debt to increase. If not, then I'm not sure what definition of "ceiling" you're using there.
Debt ceiling is an extremely poor choice of words for this. You obviously aren't willing to take my word for it, so do a little research for yourself if you're interested. I have no idea where to find an accurate description, but I'll see what I can find.
Trump's tax cuts cost the Treasury trillions and most of it went to the rich.
If the dems use this as an excuse not to care about spending, then it won't matter. It is like a Family Guy Joke where the fat girl drinks a Diet Coke and says she can eat whatever she wants. I'd love for either side to finally do something about the spending, but thinking you can squeeze rich people like Leprechauns and make it all ok is completely dishonest.
Debt ceiling is an extremely poor choice of words for this. You obviously aren't willing to take my word for it, so do a little research for yourself if you're interested. I have no idea where to find an accurate description, but I'll see what I can find.
The "ceiling" is fake of course. It is an excellent choice of words if the intent is to be deceptive, which it is.

The chief benefit of the "debt ceiling" is to give the GOP a chance to pretend that it doesn't want to spend money almost as fast as the Democrats spend it. When they "shut down the government," the spending continues of course, and the debt goes up, whether the "ceiling increase" has been voted in or not. Even when they "lay off" "non-essential" employees, it is with a wink and a nod that the "workers" will get "back pay," so the layoffs themselves add to the debt.

Still, no harm is done by the GOP shenanigans and posturing, other than fooling some voters into thinking that the GOP is more fiscally responsible than the DNC.
In our personal lives, raising the debt ceiling is paying your electric bill with a payday loan because you blew your paycheck at the club. Is that a good idea?
Is defaulting a good idea?
I would disagree with you. Republicans have the most to lose. Voters will know who is responsible for this. They may think that, but they will be the losers.
Responsible for what though? What disasters have occurred in the previous debt ceiling food fights?
And Democrats don't want to curb their spending, the immature have taken over the party.
The spending was bipartisan. Now the Republicans don’t want to pay the bills.
After Trump raised the debt by $7.5 trillion?
Republican's didn't say a word, when they raised the debt ceiling..........3 times.
As soon as a democrat gets in office, they whine.
You seem surprised...

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