The Hard Reality of a Debt Ceiling Showdown: Jim Jordan eviscerates Biden for not negotiating with House Republicans

I see, so because it was bipartisan you feel the spending ought to continue. How stupid can ya get.
It has nothing to do with allowing spending to continue. It’s about paying the bills you’ve already incurred. The place to stop your spending is in the budgetary process, not pay your bills process.
Too funny. Shutting down the world for the flu is nobel. Shutting down (sort of) the US government because they won’t cut their ridiculously massive soending is a tragedy.
It is the Republicans who are shrugging this off. Democrats should say not just "no" but "hell no". Worth noting that the Republicans' first act was to increase the deficit. In addition, they altered the rules to grease the way for tax cuts for the rich which increases the deficit further. What are Republicans going to cut? If we follow their plan then this country would be paralyzed. Without air traffic controllers, airlines will have to stop flying. Meat inspections would cease putting people's health at risk.

That was hilarious.
^^^official Deplorable deadbeat policy. After all, the LOTUS never paid his bills, why should the US?
Dems are pretending again. Dems jack up the government spending then shout from the rooftops that we must pay our bills. I just exposed your FAKE NEWS fool, go lick your wounds.
Shutting down (sort of) the US government because they won’t cut their ridiculously massive soending is a tragedy.
You mean 'defaulting on debt incurred is a tragedy'? Well, just the mention of it dropped the US' credit rating the last time this game was played.
And they can do that. When you get the monthly bill for that new car you bought, it's a little late to decide if you can afford it. That month's bill is due and must be paid. You might sell that car so you don't end up owing next month's bill, but you still owe the bills that have already come due. Same thing.
Most of the spending hasn't been spent. You realize that it is a BUDGET? The day it passed they didn't go out and start spending. They allocated money they didn't have - thus why the ceiling needs raised.
Stop grasping for straws and just admit it. They shouldn't have passed over a $trillion they didn't have
Is defaulting a good idea?
No, which is why the Republicans are using the threat of default to get concessions on spending. Dont' worry, they won't default, they'll come out with some plan to postpone it until everyone forgets about it again. Look, we see the same outrage every single time we get to this point and no one does anything to prevent it from happening again, and again, and again.
Are there any democrats willing to admit their side is adding to the debt? I would hope they are not delusional enough to think that tax hikes will make everything better and that the current spending mess is just dandy. If you took a massive amount of earnings from working people, it wouldn't come close to the spending we have. There are no magical rich people to make it all better. So please stop saying that raising taxes on everybody makes you responsible and admit that you are equally responsible for piling on debt. I'm not excusing republicans, but it would be nice if democrats could at least admit they have a spending problem they can't tax their way out of.
It has nothing to do with allowing spending to continue. It’s about paying the bills you’ve already incurred. The place to stop your spending is in the budgetary process, not pay your bills process.
Of course the republicans and liberterians aint smart enough to realize this. Not paying our bills will have very negative effects on our society but they don't care. Why not wait a year and fight for cuts in next years budget? Of course that is an election year and if they go after the poor or American leadership in science, infrastructure or the safetynet they will also become the minority once again but it makes a hell of a lot more sense.
Are there any democrats willing to admit their side is adding to the debt? I would hope they are not delusional enough to think that tax hikes will make everything better and that the current spending mess is just dandy. If you took a massive amount of earnings from working people, it wouldn't come close to the spending we have. There are no magical rich people to make it all better. So please stop saying that raising taxes on everybody makes you responsible and admit that you are equally responsible for piling on debt. I'm not excusing republicans, but it would be nice if democrats could at least admit they have a spending problem they can't tax their way out of.
At least we spend the money on the American people, help the poor and invest in our society! WTF does your side do besides give amazon a free pass to cheat and to attack people that don't follow your narrow mindset. At least when you invest in your own country you help increase the scope of the economy and which leads more ability to pay it down.
At least we spend the money on the American people, help the poor and invest in our society! WTF does your side do besides give amazon a free pass to cheat and to attack people that don't follow your narrow mindset. At least when you invest in your own country you help increase the scope of the economy and which leads more ability to pay it down.
Can you just admit the democrats are spending money we don't have? I know the republicans do the same thing, but for the love of toast, can't you admit there is no blank check you can shake rich people for? You can't say you are building up the country on borrowed money. Will not work. Plus, how much of the spending actually gets to Americans anyway? After pork projects and slush funds, plus the ridiculous amount of money we send overseas, the American People see no benefit from borrowed spending.
It has nothing to do with allowing spending to continue. It’s about paying the bills you’ve already incurred. The place to stop your spending is in the budgetary process, not pay your bills process.
Do you think there is any way to get Washington to cut spending in the budgetary process? I can't even get democrats to admit they have a spending problem too. Isn't it bad for congress to know they have a blank check for whatever spending mess they create? I'm not saying fighting the debt ceiling is an answer, but is there anything at all to get Washington to cut their spending?
Did Gym ever get around to reporting the sexual abuse of his wrestlers?
Did the American people ever get around to holding the Democrat filth accountable for stealing the 2020 Presidential election or hold the Potatohead family accountable for getting rich from selling out the country?

How about just holding Potatohead accountable for the sexual abuse of his daughter? Can't we at least do that?
Are there any democrats willing to admit their side is adding to the debt? I would hope they are not delusional enough to think that tax hikes will make everything better and that the current spending mess is just dandy. If you took a massive amount of earnings from working people, it wouldn't come close to the spending we have. There are no magical rich people to make it all better. So please stop saying that raising taxes on everybody makes you responsible and admit that you are equally responsible for piling on debt. I'm not excusing republicans, but it would be nice if democrats could at least admit they have a spending problem they can't tax their way out of.
Yes, we have a debt problem, and yes, we will either pay our debt, or the entire economic system of the country will collapse. Then the question becomes whether we all should pay our fair share of the debt that we as a country caused, or if the rich are allowed to shirk their responsibility. Should a multi million dollar company, or individual get away with paying a lower percentage of their income than a secretary filing papers?

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