The Hard Reality of a Debt Ceiling Showdown: Jim Jordan eviscerates Biden for not negotiating with House Republicans

Work with someone who wants to shirk our obligations? You know that's just goofy, right?
You probably don’t realize that you just grunted out sadly incomplete “thoughts.”

Bottom line: Brandon spoke some happy horseshit but when it comes down to it, he isn’t willing to back up his own words.

MAGAs fell for it again. You are about to get raked over the coals for the next three months. Idiots!
Republicans still insisting on massive spending cuts before they help raise the debt ceiling and Democrats refusing to engage the idea.
Fuck the Democrats.
$31,000,0000,000,000 in debt and they want to continue to kick the can down the road.
When our currency collapses, we collapse.
Fuck the Democrats.
$31,000,0000,000,000 in debt and they want to continue to kick the can down the road.
When our currency collapses, we collapse.
Cool let's tax those making over $100,000 at 75%, no deductions.
You understand the debt ceiling is about paying the bills we already owe, and not any future expenditures, don't you?
From the OP:
Republicans still insisting on massive spending cuts before they help raise the debt ceiling and Democrats refusing to engage the idea.

Are you so against spending cuts that you're willing to not pay the bills?
Yes, we have a debt problem, and yes, we will either pay our debt, or the entire economic system of the country will collapse. Then the question becomes whether we all should pay our fair share of the debt that we as a country caused, or if the rich are allowed to shirk their responsibility. Should a multi million dollar company, or individual get away with paying a lower percentage of their income than a secretary filing papers?
I noticed you never said we have a spending problem. Do you think you can tax yourself out of this? Do you think you can squeeze labor hard enough for an insatiable wish list? It would be great to close loopholes on the wealthy, but it would not come close to paying the blank check congress puts in those 5000 page bills. I'm willing to admit Trump should have NEVER signed Pelosi's spending bill. I don't buy the military needs it excuse anymore. If I can admit Trump screwed the pooch, then can you admit you can't tax your way out of the massive spending?
Why is it that people like you only whine about the Federal Debt when there's a Democrat in Office?

Never a peep when there's a Republican in Office.

"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself." -Ronald Reagan
Republicans were stupid and added to the debt, now can you admit there is an actual spending problem and democrats need to help? You can't tax your way out of it. Somebody on either side needs to attack SPENDING. I'd love it if democrats did just that.
Cool let's tax those making over $100,000 at 75%, no deductions.
Do you actually think you can tax yourself out of this? Haven't there been studies on massive taxation like you proposed that don't even make a dent in the reckless spending? Squeezing working people is not going to cover the blank check. The only solution is to get rid of the blank check. I don't care who does it, but for the love of holy, someone needs to do it. Democrats like you won't even admit that spending is a problem.
From the OP:
Republicans still insisting on massive spending cuts before they help raise the debt ceiling and Democrats refusing to engage the idea.

Are you so against spending cuts that you're willing to not pay the bills?
You're willing to trash the full faith and credit of the US to give rich people more tax breaks? You're MAGA. of course you ae.
I noticed you never said we have a spending problem. Do you think you can tax yourself out of this? Do you think you can squeeze labor hard enough for an insatiable wish list? It would be great to close loopholes on the wealthy, but it would not come close to paying the blank check congress puts in those 5000 page bills. I'm willing to admit Trump should have NEVER signed Pelosi's spending bill. I don't buy the military needs it excuse anymore. If I can admit Trump screwed the pooch, then can you admit you can't tax your way out of the massive spending?
You think tax breaks for the rich will solve our problems?
You think tax breaks for the rich will solve our problems?

You think tax breaks for the rich will solve our problems?
You can try to take us much from working people as you want. Go for it. Just don't pretend it will cover the blank check coming out of congress. You can't actually believe you can tax your way out of overspending. Just admit it, democrats spend an unsustainable amount of money too. I can say Trump spent too much, so please, just quit pretending you can tax yourself out of this mess. It is like an addict needing to admit they have a problem.
The Biden administration and House Republicans are heading toward an initial Thursday debt ceiling deadline without even a hint of an endgame, ensuring a months-long standoff that’s poised to rattle financial markets amid worries about a recession this year.

If you weren't such a shrew, you'd realize that the '23 Recession is a LOCK. And the game-plan of the democrats has always been to reap every last drop of benefit for themselves and their agenda like mad screaming banshees for the first two years of Biden's term to turn America as far as possible into a Chinese-run global commodity for the WEF, then dump all of the consequences and blame for the fallout on the Republicans and their running of the congress using the MSM to blame THEM for the consequences of two years of insane spending and reckless subversion, so that the bleating idiots of the public vote them back into power to finish the job.
The debt ceiling shouldn't be a partisan issue. We need to pay our bills.
Pretty much everything is a partisan issue now. Restaurants. Music. Sports. You name it.

What does it usually mean when a person starts dividing out what debts they will pay and what debts they will not pay? That means you're declaring bankruptcy.

The GQP appears to want the country to go bankrupt under a Democrat President's watch. That's how partisan things are.
You're willing to trash the full faith and credit of the US to give rich people more tax breaks?
Do you even read the posts you respond to? I said nothing about tax breaks. Pay attention, simplejack.
You're MAGA.
MAGA is a campaign phrase, historically used by both repubs and dems. It's not an individual.
of course you ae.
F'n retard.

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