The Head Of A Chicken Was Found In A KFC Meal.

Right. After all they are just buying a bucket of animal parts when you look at it logically... so you get one more animal part like the head? fried in that oil and grease it all tastes like chicken anyway and your dog is probably going to just love the crunchy head part. Hell , not a big deal but ... who eats KFC anyway? haven't had that in years! and dont plan on it now! hahahaha
Last time I ate KFC, probably twelve years ago, I got a screaming headache from the MSG.
I wonder if the guy who ordered chicken heads complained because those morons sent him a chicken wing instead of a chicken head.

I ordered a dozen chicken heads, but you only gave me 11 chicken heads and a chicken wing.

Where's my other chicken head, dammit!?!
Now, let's not be gross. I use chicken feet for making stock. As long as the scaly and claw parts are strained out, you'd never know.
All seriousness put aside now... you want to rock that pot luck dinner? dont be the one caught bringing that boring potato salad ever again. trust me......

I think its a southern dish....
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I wonder if the guy who ordered chicken heads complained because those morons sent him a chicken wing instead of a chicken head.

I ordered a dozen chicken heads, but you only gave me 11 chicken heads and a chicken wing.

Where's my other chicken head, dammit!?!

It appears that the KFC customer who was shorted a chicken head returned with some serious voodoo wrath!


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