The heart of the Trump-Russia propaganda

Earth to Theowl32, there are no home schooled Einstein's walking around the planet.

Have a nice day.

alternet? can i run to emotionally based sites full of speculation and wonder and "fake news" and be credible when i counter this stuff?

or will you attack the source as being biased then lob out a few more biased sites of your own as proof?
alternet? can i run to emotionally based sites full of speculation and wonder and "fake news" and be credible when i counter this stuff?

or will you attack the source as being biased then lob out a few more biased sites of your own as proof?
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

BTW, the source isn't Alternet.
alternet? can i run to emotionally based sites full of speculation and wonder and "fake news" and be credible when i counter this stuff?

or will you attack the source as being biased then lob out a few more biased sites of your own as proof?
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

BTW, the source isn't Alternet.

hover over it - i see a link to alternet. i didn't feel like waiting a few more minutes for the site to load. the big bold emotionally driven headlines told me enough about their purpose where i lost interest.

and i'll go with my own rebuttals for now, thank you. when you stop posting from the top 20 reasons to hate trump today type sites, i'll put more thought into it.
hover over it - i see a link to alternet. i didn't feel like waiting a few more minutes for the site to load. the big bold emotionally driven headlines told me enough about their purpose where i lost interest.

and i'll go with my own rebuttals for now, thank you. when you stop posting from the top 20 reasons to hate trump today type sites, i'll put more thought into it.
If you didn't go to the link, then you don't know what it said. And if you don't know what it said, then you don't know what you're responding to. And if you don't know what you're responding to, then you don't know what you're talking about.

So I ask you, "Why do you comment on things you know nothing about?"
hover over it - i see a link to alternet. i didn't feel like waiting a few more minutes for the site to load. the big bold emotionally driven headlines told me enough about their purpose where i lost interest.

and i'll go with my own rebuttals for now, thank you. when you stop posting from the top 20 reasons to hate trump today type sites, i'll put more thought into it.
If you didn't go to the link, then you don't know what it said. And if you don't know what it said, then you don't know what you're responding to. And if you don't know what you're responding to, then you don't know what you're talking about.

So I ask you, "Why do you comment on things you know nothing about?"

i went to the link. it took forever to come up. while waiting BIG BOLD "WHY TRUMP IS EVIL NOW" headlines came up.

i just don't go to sites that tell me beforehand how i should feel about a story. that only means the rest of the story will work to validate their emotions put into the headline.

i know what i'm responding to quite well. thanks for asking.
Earth to Theowl32, there are no home schooled Einstein's walking around the planet.

Famous home schooled scientists.


Albert Einstein
Blaise Pascal
Booker T. Washington
George Washington Carver
Pierre Curie



Alexander Graham Bell
Benjamin Franklin
Cyrus McCormick
Eli Whitney
Thomas Edison
Orville Wright
Wilbur Wright


Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
George Washington
Grover Cleveland
James Garfield
James Madison
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
John Tyler
Theodore Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson
William Henry Harrison
Woodrow Wilson


Felix Mendelssohn
Irving Berlin
John Philip Sousa
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Etc., etc.

Famous Homeschoolers

It's kind of hard to find 'non-famous' ones, obviously ...

Please, people, put down the bongs, stay away from TV and MSM outlets.
i went to the link. it took forever to come up. while waiting BIG BOLD "WHY TRUMP IS EVIL NOW" headlines came up.
And you're a fucking liar because that doesn't pop up when you go to the link.

i just don't go to sites that tell me beforehand how i should feel about a story. that only means the rest of the story will work to validate their emotions put into the headline.
You don't go to those sites because your mind is made up and you're afraid of change.

i know what i'm responding to quite well. thanks for asking.
No you don't. You admitted you don't. You can't comment on something you haven't read and claim you know what you're talking about.

Let me guess, home schooled, right?
Have you noticed that until this Trump-Russia crap started it was becoming commonplace to call the Democrats "socialists" and "communists"?

With this single piece of propaganda the Socialists repatriated the Democrat party in the minds of many Americans,


Sometimes the conspiring left comes up with some brilliant BS
When have they done anything brilliant? If you refer to making up never ending lies, then you need to think again. The democrats keep sinking lower and lower in a pit of their own creation.

The only ones guilty of fraud and it is a FACT were the democrats. AFTER all of the FACTS that came out about Hillary and the level of corruption of the emails, it was far more important to HYPE Trump and Russians through their pets in the media.

The parrots on the left follow right along.

If there was ANTHING you ever needed to know just what pathetic fucking goddamn morons the left are, look no further than Colbert announcing to his pathetic crowd that Comey was fired. They all cheered loudly and then after telling them they were supposed to be booing, they booed.

Within 30 seconds, their media gods redirected their minds from months of saying Comey and Trump conspired with the Russians to commit fraud and calling for comey's firing, to being united in saying Trump fired him to cover up the fraud that he committed with Comey and Russians. (yes that is confusing, but that is also left wing parrot logic)

That is precisely why the democrat pets (the media) hype. Trust me, the left wing media are pathetic morons. Oh, they all think they are all just so smart and educated. They truly believe they are all part of that elite club. They are nothing but babbling baboons. That is about it.
Earth to Theowl32, there are no home schooled Einstein's walking around the planet.

Have a nice day.
What does that have to do with anything? What are you thinking the Russians did?
i went to the link. it took forever to come up. while waiting BIG BOLD "WHY TRUMP IS EVIL NOW" headlines came up.
And you're a fucking liar because that doesn't pop up when you go to the link.

i just don't go to sites that tell me beforehand how i should feel about a story. that only means the rest of the story will work to validate their emotions put into the headline.
You don't go to those sites because your mind is made up and you're afraid of change.

i know what i'm responding to quite well. thanks for asking.
No you don't. You admitted you don't. You can't comment on something you haven't read and claim you know what you're talking about.

Let me guess, home schooled, right?

wow. you always this insult driven?

i didn't say pop up. i said the headlines CAME UP - as in the site was slow to load and the headlines came up first - not in a pop up - and that's not what i said, now is it?

so for now, your comprehension skills are up to 2nd grade. got it.

i don't go to those sites cause they're emotional tirades, like you are on now, and those are NEVER based on fact, but emotions. i don't prance around telling you how i feel is the way we all should, keep your prancing to yourself.

let me guess - you're an idiot. but then, you've kinda taken the guesswork out.

when you can talk w/o going into an emotional pavlovian response, holler. til then i'm just not gonna play your games.
They're trying to spin Hillary's criminality and illegal server being hacked and the info given to Wikileaks originating with her own crimes as something Trump is responsible for, that's all. They're stupid, just like their base. No mystery here, and no Russians hacking voting machines or other gibberish.

Why are you afraid to stay on subject, and discuss Trump's collusion with Putin?
wow. you always this insult driven?
No. Only when someone looks me in the eye and tells me gravity plays no role in plane crashes. Saying something to me that we both know is false, really pisses me off.

i didn't say pop up. i said the headlines CAME UP - as in the site was slow to load and the headlines came up first - not in a pop up - and that's not what i said, now is it?
There were no "headlines" that said "Trump is evil".

so for now, your comprehension skills are up to 2nd grade. got it.
We don't even know yours, because you're too afraid to read the article.

i don't go to those sites cause they're emotional tirades, like you are on now, and those are NEVER based on fact, but emotions. i don't prance around telling you how i feel is the way we all should, keep your prancing to yourself.
That has nothing to do with the article in the link.

let me guess - you're an idiot. but then, you've kinda taken the guesswork out.
Personal attacks are no substitute for understanding my point.

when you can talk w/o going into an emotional pavlovian response, holler. til then i'm just not gonna play your games.
How convenient?

I'll be right here when you decide to stop lying to yourself.

Trump is going to be impeached for racketeering with the Russians.
Oh shit, that wasn't meant for you. I know you're too pussy to debate this issue, so I won't waste your meaningless time any longer.
yawn. now calling me a pussy.

the one doing the name calling is usually the one who's got nothing.

and you certainly got nothing.

ignore +1

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