The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party

7 Ways Republicans Use Slavery Rhetoric to Scare White People

Republicans routinely use the theme of slavery, framed within an old Southern fear of retribution against whites. :eusa_whistle:

7 Ways Republicans Use Slavery Rhetoric to Scare White People | Alternet
Fear of blacks in southern cities and towns that were 60% or 70% black was common in the 20th century. Keeping blacks in their place was considered a safety issue. I'm sure some of that feeling exist today and it's there to be exploited.
Laugh as they may, Republicans suffer from a demographic problem

They have lost the black vote and gays forever
The Hispanic vote with strong Christian and family values was once theirs for the taking. But they pissed it away to pander to the radical right. They took 27% in the last election

By blocking immigration reform, they will get even less in 2016

Drop below 25% and you will risk losing Florida, Arizona and Texas. Do that and you will never elect another Republican President

the thing i find funny is that you Democrats think that Hispanics love and respect your party....they would drop you guys in a heartbeat if a strong 3rd party showed up that treated and talked to them like people instead of votes......
Whitehall, the demographics aren't shifting away from the dems.

I know this is hard for you, but that's the point.

The GOP far right is forcing the party to suicide itself.

And that is why the GOP mainstream stomped the TP into the mud this primary system.

That's only stopping the bleeding. Next the GOP needs to go after women and minorities.

I think the Republican Party as we now know it is doomed. They can blame the media, free stuff, crooked elections or whatever. But until they hit rock bottom they will not change. By the time they hit rock bottom they will have lost a generation of voters

that may be true RW....but i dont think the Democrats are impressing a hell of a lot of people either......if all these dumbass "party" people would start caring about the Country instead of the "party" and start showing it at the polls both parties may be doomed....
Geeze louise are you putting up another thread on this bullshit again?

White alone, percent, 2012 (a) 77.9%

Black or African American alone, percent definition and source info Black or African American alone, percent, 2012 (a) 13.1%

American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent definition and source info American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent, 2012 (a) 1.2%

Asian alone, percent definition and source info Asian alone, percent, 2012 (a) 5.1%

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent definition and source info Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent, 2012 (a) 0.2%

Two or More Races, percent definition and source info Two or More Races, percent, 2012 2.4%

Hispanic or Latino, percent definition and source info Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2012 (b) 16.9%

White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent definition and source info White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2012 63.0%

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
Here's a couple of things not in your statistics. At the current rate of increase of the minorities, they will become the majority by 2050. Also minorities tend to block vote. This is not good news for Republicans because the issues that they favor, the minorities don't.

dont be to sure about that...Hispanics agree with the Republicans on a lot more than what you may think.....but the way many Republicans talk about them,they are not to inclined to side with they go with the "lessor of 2 evils" the Democrats.....and they know that they are looked at by them as votes,not they take over the party....that will change,as well as the party itself....
Geeze louise are you putting up another thread on this bullshit again?

White alone, percent, 2012 (a) 77.9%

Black or African American alone, percent definition and source info Black or African American alone, percent, 2012 (a) 13.1%

American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent definition and source info American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent, 2012 (a) 1.2%

Asian alone, percent definition and source info Asian alone, percent, 2012 (a) 5.1%

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent definition and source info Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent, 2012 (a) 0.2%

Two or More Races, percent definition and source info Two or More Races, percent, 2012 2.4%

Hispanic or Latino, percent definition and source info Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2012 (b) 16.9%

White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent definition and source info White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2012 63.0%

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
Here's a couple of things not in your statistics. At the current rate of increase of the minorities, they will become the majority by 2050. Also minorities tend to block vote. This is not good news for Republicans because the issues that they favor, the minorities don't.

dont be to sure about that...Hispanics agree with the Republicans on a lot more than what you may think.....but the way many Republicans talk about them,they are not to inclined to side with they go with the "lessor of 2 evils" the Democrats.....and they know that they are looked at by them as votes,not they take over the party....that will change,as well as the party itself....
That is a key problem for Republicans. To court minorities, would be interpreted by much of the party as support for issues that Republicans strongly oppose. In a way democrats have the same type problem. If democrats reached out to traditional Republican strongholds like christian conservatives or gun owners, they would be blasted by the party. I think it all boils down to polarization. There are so few liberal republicans or conservative democrats, any meaningful compromise is very difficult.

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