The hilarious difference between Republican "free stuff" and Democratic "free stuff"



Have you noticed, when Democrats talk about helping the middle class and poor, they bring up education, daycare, school lunches, health care, infrastructure and so on? Typically revolving around learning and building. Republicans call all that "free stuff" in voices dripping with scorn and derision.

When Republicans talk about helping the middle class and poor, they talk about cutting food stamps and welfare for the poor, which will make them work. They talk about cutting corporate taxes re eliminating them altogether. They talk about tax cuts for the wealthy because they are the job creators and they want to block immigrants from coming here because immigrants will take their minimum wage, low skills job.

I wonder which actually costs the country more, helping the middle class rebuild the country or shoveling money to the wealthy? And I wonder why subsidies and not paying tax isn't "free stuff"? Seems what Republicans are doing costs even more.

So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.

that's the TRUE difference right there. but to a progressive like redeani, if we aren't putting more dept on the backs of our Great Grandchildren then they'll post threads like this
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.

that's the TRUE difference right there. but to a progressive like redeani, if we aren't putting more dept on the backs of our Great Grandchildren then they'll post threads like this

Their only objective is class warfare. They could really care less about the downtrodden.
Dean,Dean,Dean.....just because something sounds reasonable in your mind doesnt mean you should post it.

So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?
Lol is that how you feel about oil subsidies? Tell me, if you use government services like highways, shouldn't you pay the tax for them?

So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?

Are you like an unmarried fat nerd libertarian who doesn't like paying for other peoples kids to get an education?
No, actually the dems have been giving away free stuff since lbj's great society and fdr's sponge programs and our country has gotten progressively worse in terms of debt, education, homeless, poverty etc.

that's the TRUE difference right there. but to a progressive like redeani, if we aren't putting more dept on the backs of our Great Grandchildren then they'll post threads like this

Their only objective is class warfare. They could really care less about the downtrodden.

exactly, they only care about the poor when they can use them to beat up a Republican. If they cared about people they wouldn't support abortion, the killings of 58Million unborn human beings and counting.
the OP makes a fool of himself daily here.
in response to this useless pile of steaming left-wing pooh i will just ask for the whole, or even partial list of corporate "welfare" and/or subsidies Democrats even TRIED to end in their four years of majorityh of BOTH chambers of Congress.

show of hands(posts) who thinks IF you can get a left-wing loser to reply at all he/she is going to say:

1. cry like a baby their majority wasnt big ENOUGH
2. "admit" there is no difference between the two (while continuing to make posts ridiculing and blasting only Republicans)????

the OP makes a fool of himself daily here.
in response to this useless pile of steaming left-wing pooh i will just ask for the whole, or even partial list of corporate "welfare" and/or subsidies Democrats even TRIED to end in their four years of majorityh of BOTH chambers of Congress.

show of hands(posts) who thinks IF you can get a left-wing loser to reply at all he/she is going to say:

1. cry like a baby their majority wasnt big ENOUGH
2. "admit" there is no difference between the two (while continuing to make posts ridiculing and blasting only Republicans)????

Democrats had a majority for a couple of months, not four years and you know it. So stop outright lying. It's disgraceful.

Republicans had it for years under Bush which is why they were able to use reconciliation three times. Do you remember what for?

So. . . . let me get this straight. You think keeping your own money is. . . . .free stuff? Is that your argument?
Lol is that how you feel about oil subsidies? Tell me, if you use government services like highways, shouldn't you pay the tax for them?

My company doesn't receive any oil subsidies. Could you point to where I could get some though? I would greatly appreciate it.
the OP makes a fool of himself daily here.
in response to this useless pile of steaming left-wing pooh i will just ask for the whole, or even partial list of corporate "welfare" and/or subsidies Democrats even TRIED to end in their four years of majorityh of BOTH chambers of Congress.

show of hands(posts) who thinks IF you can get a left-wing loser to reply at all he/she is going to say:

1. cry like a baby their majority wasnt big ENOUGH
2. "admit" there is no difference between the two (while continuing to make posts ridiculing and blasting only Republicans)????

Democrats had a majority for a couple of months, not four years and you know it. So stop outright lying. It's disgraceful.

Republicans had it for years under Bush which is why they were able to use reconciliation three times. Do you remember what for?

Democrats had a majority for four years. They only had a supermajority for a few months. Republicans never had a supermajority.
the OP makes a fool of himself daily here.
in response to this useless pile of steaming left-wing pooh i will just ask for the whole, or even partial list of corporate "welfare" and/or subsidies Democrats even TRIED to end in their four years of majorityh of BOTH chambers of Congress.

show of hands(posts) who thinks IF you can get a left-wing loser to reply at all he/she is going to say:

1. cry like a baby their majority wasnt big ENOUGH
2. "admit" there is no difference between the two (while continuing to make posts ridiculing and blasting only Republicans)????


I hate to see so many become party over country. but that is what we see with the left/democrats of today. it's some sad stuff and the trouble is they vote for OUR LIVES
the OP makes a fool of himself daily here.
in response to this useless pile of steaming left-wing pooh i will just ask for the whole, or even partial list of corporate "welfare" and/or subsidies Democrats even TRIED to end in their four years of majorityh of BOTH chambers of Congress.

show of hands(posts) who thinks IF you can get a left-wing loser to reply at all he/she is going to say:

1. cry like a baby their majority wasnt big ENOUGH
2. "admit" there is no difference between the two (while continuing to make posts ridiculing and blasting only Republicans)????

Democrats had a majority for a couple of months, not four years and you know it. So stop outright lying. It's disgraceful.

Republicans had it for years under Bush which is why they were able to use reconciliation three times. Do you remember what for?

Democrats had a majority for four years. They only had a supermajority for a few months. Republicans never had a supermajority.
And yet, Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times. How do you explain that and do you remember for what. It was a big deal. It gave us over three trillion in deficit.
the OP makes a fool of himself daily here.
in response to this useless pile of steaming left-wing pooh i will just ask for the whole, or even partial list of corporate "welfare" and/or subsidies Democrats even TRIED to end in their four years of majorityh of BOTH chambers of Congress.

show of hands(posts) who thinks IF you can get a left-wing loser to reply at all he/she is going to say:

1. cry like a baby their majority wasnt big ENOUGH
2. "admit" there is no difference between the two (while continuing to make posts ridiculing and blasting only Republicans)????


I hate to see so many become party over country. but that is what we see with the left/democrats of today. it's some sad stuff and the trouble is they vote for OUR LIVES
The country is the people. Republicans support corporations over people. In fact, they believe corporations ARE the people. You know that right? How do you know? They tell us. Just ask Mitt Romney.
the OP makes a fool of himself daily here.
in response to this useless pile of steaming left-wing pooh i will just ask for the whole, or even partial list of corporate "welfare" and/or subsidies Democrats even TRIED to end in their four years of majorityh of BOTH chambers of Congress.

show of hands(posts) who thinks IF you can get a left-wing loser to reply at all he/she is going to say:

1. cry like a baby their majority wasnt big ENOUGH
2. "admit" there is no difference between the two (while continuing to make posts ridiculing and blasting only Republicans)????

Democrats had a majority for a couple of months, not four years and you know it. So stop outright lying. It's disgraceful.

Republicans had it for years under Bush which is why they were able to use reconciliation three times. Do you remember what for?

Democrats had a majority for four years. They only had a supermajority for a few months. Republicans never had a supermajority.
And yet, Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times. How do you explain that and do you remember for what. It was a big deal. It gave us over three trillion in deficit.

more hilarity form left-wing losers ignoring that they voted for every penny of "republican" debt and deficit spending; then added trillions of their own

libs are losers who lie to themselves
the OP makes a fool of himself daily here.
in response to this useless pile of steaming left-wing pooh i will just ask for the whole, or even partial list of corporate "welfare" and/or subsidies Democrats even TRIED to end in their four years of majorityh of BOTH chambers of Congress.

show of hands(posts) who thinks IF you can get a left-wing loser to reply at all he/she is going to say:

1. cry like a baby their majority wasnt big ENOUGH
2. "admit" there is no difference between the two (while continuing to make posts ridiculing and blasting only Republicans)????


I hate to see so many become party over country. but that is what we see with the left/democrats of today. it's some sad stuff and the trouble is they vote for OUR LIVES
The country is the people. Republicans support corporations over people. In fact, they believe corporations ARE the people. You know that right? How do you know? They tell us. Just ask Mitt Romney.

more hilarity from the loser lefty ignoring the FACT that corporations have it better than they EVER did now; under obama
left-wnig nutjobs say they care for people

well they sure did care for the corporation "people"!!!

lmao record profits on the DEMOCRAT WATCH

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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