The "The audacity of Al Sharpton"


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I agree with the author, race relations are worse now than before Obama took the White House.

When Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th president of the United States, there were high hopes for what he could accomplish. A nation that had made it’s way past slavery, through a Civil War and beyond segregation was finally going to fully heal as Americans elected their first black president. Sadly, that promise and those dreams never came true. In fact, the opposite has happened. America’s race scars have been cut wide open, and the healing has been replaced with unnecessary and deceitful division. How? Obama’s decision to build a partnership with and lend credibility to one particular person is partially to blame.

MSNBC host, tax evader and proclaimed “Reverend” Al Sharpton is a top adviser to President Obama and has been since day one in the Oval Office. In fact, with more than 60 visits to the White House during Obama’s tenure, you could say Sharpton is one of the top advisers outside of paid staff. Heck, he’s even vacationed with the president on Martha’s Vineyard and has a close relationship with senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett. He’s also played a key role in advising Obama about nominations to powerful positions inside the federal government, including a replacement for Attorney General Eric Holder as the nation’s top law enforcement officer.

It was just recently that President Obama spoke at Sharpton’s April 2014 National Action Network conference, where he praised and glorified him as a leader.

“I want to say, first of all, thank you to your leader, Reverend Al Sharpton. Give him a big round of applause,” Obama said, giving him even more legitimacy. Attorney General Eric Holder said similar things during a speech at the conference, going out of his way to repeatedly thank him for his friendship and longtime partnership.

Considering Al Sharpton has taught his followers and young men in the black community to judge and hate those born with a different skin color, it’s alarming how much access he’s had to the most powerful offices in the country. Sharpton is a liar, conman and professional manipulator. Throughout his years on the public stage, which have been many, the majority on the left have embraced his ideas and upheld him as a go-to source on problems plaguing the black community. Sharpton has been performing this act for years, and he’s finally made it to the A-list on the White House visitor’s log.

When “peaceful” protesters took to the streets of New York City for Al Sharpton’s Million Marchers earlier this month, many of them chanted, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do want them? Now!”

Did Sharpton rightly condemn them? No. Instead, he offered soft rhetoric and tried to distance himself from his own supporters in order to evade responsibility for their actions. When NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were executed, Sharpton had the audacity to turn himself into the victim and tried to gain sympathy from the press by playing an alleged death threat voicemail.

“Hey [n-word], stop killing innocent people. I’m going to get you!” the voicemail Sharpton played said. Is it legitimate? With Sharpton’s track record, who knows.

"I've had several like this. ... We are now under intense threat from those that are misguided, by those that are trying to blame everyone from civil rights leaders to the mayor rather than deal with an ugly spirit that all of us need to fight,” Sharpton lamented. “The blame game will only lead to further kinds of venom and further division.”

How rich. The man who has made a living and a career spewing racial venom and inciting a false blame game for decades now wants everyone else to avoid … the blame game.

This isn’t the first time Sharpton has been on the side of the wrong “victim.” Cowards like Sharpton stoke bogus racial flames with gasoline and then run away crying politics or “blame” when real consequences happen, whether it’s the lives of young men being ruined by people like Tawana Brawley, or the families of NYPD officers Ramos and Liu who will never see them again.

If Al Sharpton and his ilk really worked to solve problems and true racial disparities in America, they’d work their way out of a job, out of money and, most importantly, out of power, which is why Sharpton has been championing the same causes for decades with little results to show for it.

Will President Obama ever condemn Sharpton? Will Holder? No, and it’s because they truly agree with his ideas and believe in his positions, regardless of whether those ideas and positions are based in fact or help the country move forward.

Like the brave police officers of the New York City Police Department have turned their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio, it’s about time the same be done to Sharpton.

Katie Pavlich The audacity of Al Sharpton TheHill
Once I got over my initial furor and indignation, I too had a glimmer of hope that this half-bred foreigner could bridge the many divides of our society.

When he was re-elected, my furor and indignation had vanished. It was replaced by pure disgust and revulsion, and a disbelief that the voting public would once again return this lawless ignorant moron to the White House.
Instead of bridging, he is just the opposite, he's the most divisive president ever.
Look at what he's doing with illegal immigration, he knows that millions of Americans are disgusted with what he's doing, but does he care ? Hell no, in fact I believe one of the main reason he's doing it is to poke us in the eye.
He calls white people crackers, Jewish people diamond merchants, and gays homos.

Teach your children well, Al.
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He calls white people crackers, Jewish people diamond merchants, and gays homos.

Teach you children well, Al.
Yep, he's as divisive as can be, which makes him the perfect advisor for the most divisive president of all time.
Remember back in '08 when Obama was running for president, and word came out about his pastor that he was a divisive fuck who had said some pretty provocative things ?
Obama dropped him like a hot potato, because at that time he realized that having someone like that hanging around wasn't too damn smart.
What happened to that guy ? Today Obama knows fully well how divisive Sharpton is, and he also knows he's evading his taxes, yet over and over Obama aligns himself with the prick. He joins him hand in hand BECAUSE he's divisive, because he loves to piss half the population off. Obama is like a spoiled little prick who loves the opportunity to throw sand in eyes of the opposition.
I don't want to see libs be able to sweep Sharpton under the rug. They need to speak out whether they support Sharpton being a close advisor to Obama.

Come on conservatives, don't let libs be quiet on this.
WaPo Fact Checker: Giuliani Right on Sharpton Visits to WH

When Rudy Giuliani contended that President Barack Obama was contributing to propaganda encouraging people to "hate the police," it drew a four-Pinocchio (mostly false) rating from The Washington Post. Rather than backing down, the former New York City mayor defended his statement, taking on the Post's Fact Checker.

Responding to a question on CBS News' "Face the Nation" about the Post's fact-checking of his statement, Giuliani said: "So, I think the Washington Post fact-checking was substantially inaccurate. And they missed the one big point, Al Sharpton" and the number of times he has visited the White House since 2009.

That response was noted by Glenn Kessler, the Post's Fact Checker, who has issued a revised rating, bringing the four-Pinocchio rating down to one.

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