The Hill: Impressive US Economy

If Trump had this economy, the Trumpists would be posting what a genius Trump is. That is a fact!
No.....I bitched then too.....I don't play "teams at any cost." If Trump wins he will have to deal with whatever he finds and not fall victim to the stupid habit of just blaming his predecessor.
Yup . Covid and the fiscal actions of both Trump and Biden caused a spike in inflation

That’s past history now and prices are coming down


Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%

Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%
Ouch!.... Those Numbers suck...
Like I said....I have never seen so many people shopping with calculators .....
now if he could just provide the data to support them...but he never does that.

I don't put any stock in polls... They can't be trusted....none of them. However I do my own data collection: I've been watching 60 days the whole loin has gone from $2.00/lb to $2.79/lb. I think I heard that there was a pig virus in China?
I don't put any stock in polls... They can't be trusted....none of them. However I do my own data collection: I've been watching 60 days the whole loin has gone from $2.00/lb to $2.79/lb. I think I heard that there was a pig virus in China?

Everyone who works, pays taxes, and buys things knows what Joe Biden's economy looks like.

Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%
now if he could just provide the data to support them...but he never does that.

I didn't put any stock in polls... They can't be trusted....none of them. However I do my own data collection: I've been watching 60 days the whole loin has gone from $2.00/lb to $2.79/lb. I think I heard that there was a pig virus in China
Everyone who works, pays taxes, and buys things knows what Joe Biden's economy looks like.

Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%
I don't put any stock in polls... They can't be trusted....none of them.

Prices are not based upon a poll. He posted very specific price increases. I would like to see the data behind his numbers.

I've been watching 60 days the whole loin has gone from $2.00/lb to $2.79/lb.

Pork is always all over the place. We do not buy much any longer, my wife is less a fan than she once was. In our poorer days pork loins were cheap and we ate a lot of them. Now my wife and kids will not look at one!
I didn't put any stock in polls... They can't be trusted....none of them. However I do my own data collection: I've been watching 60 days the whole loin has gone from $2.00/lb to $2.79/lb. I think I heard that there was a pig virus in China

Well somebody allowed the Chinese to buy Smithfield so we're raising their pork for them using our grain and
water and fertilizer and fuel and land. :mad:
The US economy is not only strong but it is leading the world

Republicans/Trumpers are invested in claiming that we are doing terribly and keep talking about how “bad” things are for “someone”

Oh no, say it isn't true.

Every first Friday of this year (here, here and here) we have spent hours deconstructing the glaring propaganda peddled by Biden's Labor Department, meant to show just one thing - how "strong" the economy is under the current administration - and exposing just how ugly the underlying labor data truly is. Last Friday's nonfarm payrolls was the most recent case in point: for those who didn't read our extended analysis titled "Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Years", which dissected the laughable claim that the US added 272K payrolls (more than the highest estimate), here is what we found.

While the Establishment Survey did indeed report that 272K "jobs" were added, this number also included multiple job holders; stripping those out,
we get that the actual number of "employed" workers plunged by 408K...

... which is also why the unemployment rate actually went up to 4.0% for the first time in over three years, despite this marvelous "increase" in payrolls. More importantly, it means that gap between the always upward sloping (and market moving) Establishment Survey - which counts the number of payrolls - and the flatlined Household Survey - which counts the number of actually employed workers - which hasn't made a new high since late 2023 and is back to where it was last summer, is now a stunning 9 million, the biggest on record.
But how is it possible that payrolls rose nearly 300K while overall employment tumbled by more than 400K? Well, this is where another propaganda gimmick so frequently abused by the BLS comes into play: the birth death adjustment, a statistical fudge factor that imputes job growth for any given month based on the entirely subjective assumption made by a group of pro-Biden bureaucrats of how many new businesses were created (or destroyed) in the US economy any given moment. Well, in May, the Birth/Death adjustment - recently exposed by none other than Bloomberg - "added" 231K payrolls to the pre-seasonally adjustment number; more astounding is that the Birth-Death imputation has resulted in 56% of all "payroll growth", or 1.9 million statistical "payrolls" in the past year, when according to the BLS a total of 3.4 million "payrolls" were crated.
There's more. While one can debate the quantitative aspects of the jobs report, there is no debating the qualitative: there it's one giant disaster: as we learned in May, whatever the actual number of payrolls (again, not jobs) added, what we know is that the trend of full-time to part-time worker conversions continues, with 625K full-time jobs lost in May, offset by 286K part-time jobs....
.. which is hardly a new trend: in fact, over the past year, the US has lost 1.2 million full-time jobs, replaced with 1.5 million part-time jobs.

I don't put any stock in polls... They can't be trusted....none of them. However I do my own data collection: I've been watching 60 days the whole loin has gone from $2.00/lb to $2.79/lb. I think I heard that there was a pig virus in China?
Most of the cost increases were from shortages and increase in overhead.

In CA most of there prices went up because of all of the above and Grabbin Newsome raising the minimum-wage to $20/hr
This certainly brought out the nutters
Because they believe in the dystopian, counterfactual narrative that the economy is in horrible shape that they hear every day on RWM. You know............lies.

The producer price index released Thursday showed a decline of 0.2% in May. That can be welcome news for investors looking for signs of cooling inflationary pressures. Economists polled by Dow Jones expected prices to tick up 0.1% in the month.

But Republicans are going to continue to lie about the economy being ‘bad.’
You fucking dipshit. Inflation is at 19% which is the worst it's ever been in my lifetime.

Now sit your childish ass down and STFU.

This is about peoples' lives, most Americans, not your "Go Team Ra Ra" bullshit.

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Inflation is at 3% ya stupid fuck

"The 19% inflation experienced since January 2020 is permanent. There are no deflationary plans to bring back price levels to what they were in 2020. Our best hope, therefore, is only to slow the amount that inflation continues to increase in the future. At the long-term average inflation rate of 3% since the formation of the CPI index in 1919, a dollar depreciates to 74 cents in a decade, and to 22 cents in 50 years."


"The 19% inflation experienced since January 2020 is permanent. There are no deflationary plans to bring back price levels to what they were in 2020. Our best hope, therefore, is only to slow the amount that inflation continues to increase in the future. At the long-term average inflation rate of 3% since the formation of the CPI index in 1919, a dollar depreciates to 74 cents in a decade, and to 22 cents in 50 years."

Yea and?

Inflation is currently 3%

Has been around that for a while now

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