The Hill: Impressive US Economy

The US economy is not only strong but it is leading the world

Republicans/Trumpers are invested in claiming that we are doing terribly and keep talking about how ā€œbadā€ things are for ā€œsomeoneā€

But THEY are doing just fine. Itā€™s always ā€œsomeone elseā€ thatā€™s struggling

The truth is, despite paying higher prices due to the inflation (now passed) caused by Covid, we are doing well. In fact better than any country on earth.

And oh yeah, grocery prices are starting to come down

Face it folks

Biden has done a really good job


Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%
Gotta keep an eye on the consumer, who may be getting close to tapped out. Private equity has fucking wrecked the residential real estate market, and I don't think that has fully played out yet. Interest rates really need to drop a bit soon, but they don't need to crater again. Enough of that. Great to the see the inflation numbers getting closer to target, that's been a really nice vector, considering.

As always, plenty of mixed signals, but pretty good. Yeah, impressive.

And now we return to your regularly scheduled partisan slap fight.
Yup . Covid and the fiscal actions of both Trump and Biden caused a spike in inflation

Thatā€™s past history now and prices are coming down

The US economy is not only strong but it is leading the world

Republicans/Trumpers are invested in claiming that we are doing terribly and keep talking about how ā€œbadā€ things are for ā€œsomeoneā€

But THEY are doing just fine. Itā€™s always ā€œsomeone elseā€ thatā€™s struggling

The truth is, despite paying higher prices due to the inflation (now passed) caused by Covid, we are doing well. In fact better than any country on earth.

And oh yeah, grocery prices are starting to come down

Face it folks

Biden has done a really good job

LOL, this is a good message, democrats need to get this talking point out there. It may not go over well, but don't let that stop you from repeating it over and over and over again.
No joke, this is good stuff!
As you can see, the nutters arenā€™t at all impressed by this.

They care only about getting Trump re-elected
What is wrong, lesh, you can not join in and discuss the comments made in the thread you created?
LOL, this is a good message, democrats need to get this talking point out there. It may not go over well, but don't let that stop you from repeating it over and over and over again.
No joke, this is good stuff!
Yep that's exactly what they need to keep I watch people in the grocery stores sweating over what to take home and what to leave behind. Fastidiously banging away on the calculators in the aisles, frowning, muttering under their breath and cursing as the calculator keeps returning ban news. Add to this the headline that suddenly appears on their cell phones... .. " Biden Economy is doing Great for Americans! "....... yep....exxxxaclty what they need to keep doing.
When Trump was
Yep that's exactly what they need to keep I watch people in the grocery stores sweating over what to take home and what to leave behind. Fastidiously banging away on the calculators in the aisles, frowning, muttering under their breath and cursing as the calculator keeps returning ban news. Add to this the headline that suddenly appears on their cell phones... .. " Biden Economy is doing Great for Americans! "....... yep....exxxxaclty what they need to keep doing.
The large majority of Americans believe their personal finances are good or better.

When Trump was

The large majority of Americans believe their personal finances are good or better.

Ahhh! Oh goody...... a poll! Look everybody.....a Poll that says what its financial supporters want it to say!

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The US economy is not only strong but it is leading the world

Republicans/Trumpers are invested in claiming that we are doing terribly and keep talking about how ā€œbadā€ things are for ā€œsomeoneā€

But THEY are doing just fine. Itā€™s always ā€œsomeone elseā€ thatā€™s struggling

The truth is, despite paying higher prices due to the inflation (now passed) caused by Covid, we are doing well. In fact better than any country on earth.

And oh yeah, grocery prices are starting to come down

Face it folks

Biden has done a really good job

Further proof that the USA controls the price of oil and inflation, across the world


WTF are youā€¦ never mind. Youā€™re an idiot

We certainly influence the price of oilā€¦ just as any major producer does

I have no idea what you think youā€™re saying about inflation.

Ours is running about 3%. The rest of the world considerably higher

World Bank, that is old oil money, profiting from government policies. Nice that Lesh is looking at Republicans for news.

OP obviously has difficulty reading or is extremely gullible .

And his blue and yellow Ukey colours mark him as a multiple loser,

Even Powell yesterday pointed out that the Biden presented figures were Fake
That makes it as humiliating as it could be be

The article is pure bullshit.....if that was the case why is the Chinese economy on the verge of total collapse?

Yes, the article is bullshit but we can learn a lot from the article. The article is about what an old Republican institution is telling us. The article is about the World Bank which is an Oil money institution. Old oil money figured out very quickly there is a lot more money to be made by collecting interest being the conduit to lend money to countries.

Currently, old oil money is interested in financing the trillions to be spent on the Green Renewable Sustainable (hahahaha) economy.

When the world banks says things look good, it means there are billions to made off the trillions the USA will give to corporations to build the New Economy of the World.

World Bank, promoting Solar panels and Wind turbines, or endless manufacturing using chemicals from fossil fuels.
" The 19% inflation experienced since January 2020 is permanent. There are no deflationary plans to bring back price levels to what they were in 2020. Our best hope, therefore, is only to slow the amount that inflation continues to increase in the future. At the long-term average inflation rate of 3% since the formation of the CPI index in 1919,"

OP is dumb or dishonest or both.
If Trump had this economy, the Trumpists would be posting what a genius Trump is. That is a fact!
Overstated for the purposes of media coverage.

Delinquency rates aren't skyrocketing, they're returning to historic norms. The government sent loads of money to people during the pandemic and predictably delinquency rates went down. Now that we aren't shoving cash into people's bank accounts, they've got back up to where they were before the pandemic.
If Trump had this economy, the Trumpists would be posting what a genius Trump is. That is a fact!
Trump does not have this economy. A Trump economy is the opposite of the socialist, marxist, one world order economy of the Democrats and RINOs
Trump does not have this economy. A Trump economy is the opposite of the socialist, marxist, one world order economy of the Democrats and RINOs
My comment flew right over your head.
My comment flew right over your head.
No, your comment did not fly over my head. What is over your head is the type of economy this is and how this economy is benefiting the government and corporations while hurting and destroying our standard of living.
" The 19% inflation experienced since January 2020 is permanent. There are no deflationary plans to bring back price levels to what they were in 2020. Our best hope, therefore, is only to slow the amount that inflation continues to increase in the future. At the long-term average inflation rate of 3% since the formation of the CPI index in 1919,"

OP is dumb or dishonest or both.
Is there a third descriptive? Cuz I don't think the two sufficiently cover it.
Yes, the US Economy is confiscating more money from the people than any other Nation in the word. The economy is great for the Government tax collectors, Government workers, and the trillions spent on welfare. That is welfare for Democrat ran corporations.
85,000 new IRS agents set to spread out in the country and use income taxes as an excuse to take everyone's guns.

I still remember the IRS going after a gun dealer in Montana.

The fight was over their insistence on making copies of all of the ATF forms which are protected by law and must be maintained only at the dealership.

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