The Historical DNA of America’s Civil Wars


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Historical DNA of America’s Civil Wars

Red vs. Blue: “Fundamental Transformation” of America, as proposed by former President Barack Obama, will be upon us.

24 Jun 2024 ~~ By Lee Cary

This will be short. It needn’t be long.
Ask any American citizen—be it a recent High School grad or a Wall Street financial wizard—this question.
When did the American Revolution begin?”
The learned among the queried will answer:
“It began when, in April 1775, British troops and colonial militia fought on the road to Lexington and Concord.” _"The Shot Heard Round the World" (emphasis mine)
Next question:
“When did the Civil War break out between the American states North and South?”
Some will say it started in April 1861 when South Carolina troops fired on Fort Sumter as a supply ship tried to reach the federal troops based in the fort.
But before the war between the Union and the Confederacy went full throttle, there was the “Bleeding Kansas, Bloody Kansas, or the Border War”. That was “a series of violent civil confrontations in Kansas Territory, and to a lesser extent in western Missouri, between 1854 and 1859. It emerged from a political and ideological debate over the legality of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas.”
Last question:
“When might a third American Civil War” begin?”
In labeling the January 6, 2021 conflagration outside the U.S. Capitol Building an “insurrection,” the left tacitly alleged that a Third American Revolution has begun led by MAGA Republicans.
Some who attended the event remain jailed without trial. “In the three years since the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol, federal prosecutors have charged more than 1,265 defendants across nearly all 50 states and D.C. and secured sentences of incarceration for more than 460 people, according to newly released numbers from the U.S. Attorney's Office in D.C.” (source)

I agree with the author and his op-ed.
Ask anyone who has graduated High School in the last twelve years these qustions and they will stare at you blankly.
The battle at the Concord Bridge "The shot heard round the world" used to be taught as early as the 3rd grade along with Marco Polo and other historical facts.
What Americans in general have not be aware of is that in 2008 Barack Hussein Obama (a man of several aliases) fired the opening shot of the second American Civil War when he proclaimed the "Fundamental Transformation of America".
The riots of 2020 were just a precursor to what is in store for we Americans in 2025.
Meh, I'll be just fine out here in the Hinterlands.

Who knows, depending on the light pollution of today maybe I'll get to drive to the top of the mountain and see DC glow red in the East again like in '68.
The only reason there has not been a full takeover by Democra Neo-Marxists is that the number of Red States far out numbers Blue States.
Even in New York State, the Cities controlled by Democrats do not control the towns and villages that surround them. These are mainly conservative and Red.
The only reason there has not been a full takeover by Democra Neo-Marxists is that the number of Red States far out numbers Blue States.
Even in New York State, the Cities controlled by Democrats do not control the towns and villages that surround them. These are mainly conservative and Red.
We Are Born in the Dugout and Made to Believe We've Been Benched

It took only 30,000 British to conquer the hundreds of millions of people in India. That is because the caste system created a weak and cowardly population. We have a similar tyranny here, but it is never blamed as a whole. The only accusations come from serfs supporting one side of it and blaming the other side of it.

The Historical DNA of America’s Civil Wars

Red vs. Blue: “Fundamental Transformation” of America, as proposed by former President Barack Obama, will be upon us.

24 Jun 2024 ~~ By Lee Cary

This will be short. It needn’t be long.
Ask any American citizen—be it a recent High School grad or a Wall Street financial wizard—this question.
When did the American Revolution begin?”
The learned among the queried will answer:
“It began when, in April 1775, British troops and colonial militia fought on the road to Lexington and Concord.” _"The Shot Heard Round the World" (emphasis mine)
Next question:
“When did the Civil War break out between the American states North and South?”
Some will say it started in April 1861 when South Carolina troops fired on Fort Sumter as a supply ship tried to reach the federal troops based in the fort.
But before the war between the Union and the Confederacy went full throttle, there was the “Bleeding Kansas, Bloody Kansas, or the Border War”. That was “a series of violent civil confrontations in Kansas Territory, and to a lesser extent in western Missouri, between 1854 and 1859. It emerged from a political and ideological debate over the legality of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas.”
Last question:
“When might a third American Civil War” begin?”
In labeling the January 6, 2021 conflagration outside the U.S. Capitol Building an “insurrection,” the left tacitly alleged that a Third American Revolution has begun led by MAGA Republicans.
Some who attended the event remain jailed without trial. “In the three years since the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol, federal prosecutors have charged more than 1,265 defendants across nearly all 50 states and D.C. and secured sentences of incarceration for more than 460 people, according to newly released numbers from the U.S. Attorney's Office in D.C.” (source)

I agree with the author and his op-ed.
Ask anyone who has graduated High School in the last twelve years these qustions and they will stare at you blankly.
The battle at the Concord Bridge "The shot heard round the world" used to be taught as early as the 3rd grade along with Marco Polo and other historical facts.
What Americans in general have not be aware of is that in 2008 Barack Hussein Obama (a man of several aliases) fired the opening shot of the second American Civil War when he proclaimed the "Fundamental Transformation of America".
The riots of 2020 were just a precursor to what is in store for we Americans in 2025.

In 1892 we had national celebrations of Columbus. Now, they trash the great man.
Lincoln couldn't get his West Point generals to make war on their own so he called on an alcoholic general who ordered his troops to commit war crimes and burn cities in the South. The winners write the history books so Union general Sherman comes off as a hero while his sanity is seldom questioned.
Lincoln couldn't get his West Point generals to make war on their own so he called on an alcoholic general who ordered his troops to commit war crimes and burn cities in the South. The winners write the history books so Union general Sherman comes off as a hero while his sanity is seldom questioned.
Lincoln couldn't get his West Point generals to make war on their own so he called on an alcoholic general who ordered his troops to commit war crimes and burn cities in the South. The winners write the history books so Union general Sherman comes off as a hero while his sanity is seldom questioned.
The Only War Crime Is Losing

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