The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Wtf are you saying ? The electricity from rebewables is different ? Geesus, you’re crazy Are you saying Solar and wind are not hooked into the local and national grid ? Really ? Cause otherwise, your bogus made up comment makes no sense at all. You seem to think that every power company in the United States that has started using renewables does what with the electricity ? Just let it float into the air. Just fucking go on line with YOUR own power COMPANY . You’re foolish. Ask them how they manage the electricity from renewables. Ask them. Go ahead. Or are they getting paid to make up shit too ?
BTW, YOU JOKERS KEEP referring to Solar and wind. Renewables includes hydro and a few other sources too. Get a dictionary.
an article for you to read.

You think you have a point. What is it ? Are you finally admitting that batteries can be used for storage ?
it's not exactly what they use them for and it's explained in the link. You should read it.
So, you admit that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Good. Now look up what a green house gas is.
sure, it isn't a heating source, it holds heat and then releases it to cool off the planet.

Why do you want to reduce it? That was my question and of course you didn't answer.
it's not exactly what they use them for and it's explained in the link. You should read it.
So batteries are not used for storage ? I know what batteries are used for. They store electricity.
sure, it isn't a heating source, it holds heat and then releases it to cool off the planet.

Why do you want to reduce it? That was my question and of course you didn't answer.
You’re funny…..
Electricity is stored.

Yes, the tiny amount stored is awesome.
Just for fun, post the amount stored versus one day's production.

And you idiots think somehow, we’re incapable of storing it for 12 hours,

What location is capable of storing enough for 12 hours of usage?
The tiny amount ? Ha ha. Why don’t you stick your hand in a megawatt power source then. Tiny ? Hilarious. So now that you’ve been proven wrong, we‘re now just debating by how much.
The tiny amount ? Ha ha. Why don’t you stick your hand in a megawatt power source then. Tiny ? Hilarious. So now that you’ve been proven wrong, we‘re now just debating by how much.
Link :link: :dunno::dunno::dunno::link::link::dunno::dunno:
it's not exactly what they use them for and it's explained in the link. You should read it.
It’s exactly what it says. BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE. Have someone read it to you if you can’t. Con Ed uses batteries for electrical storage.
Dumbo. I and others have posted links discribing that the power company grids contain electricity storage facilities…and what they are. Gee, you just told us one uses batteries. You’re a lunatic.
it’s your turn to get of your lazy ass.
It’s exactly what it says. BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE. Have someone read it to you if you can’t. Con Ed uses batteries for electrical storage.
I never said it didn't store energy, I gave you why they did. You still haven't provided a link to your reasons.
Dumbo. I and others have posted links discribing that the power company grids contain storage facilities…and what 5hey are
it’s your turn to get of your lazy ass.
no you didn't. Here, what post number was it? Just a bit outside!!!!!

demofk ploy 101 on supplying links to back their claims. Right here!!! Already gave you one. hahahahahaahahahahha the fk you did. prove me wrong and post the numbered post it's in.
Do what I did….google “ how is electricity stored” it’s not hard…just type “ how is electricity stored”
no, post a link that backs your claim you lazy fk!!!

you meant that for some turd with no knowledge of demfk ploy 102
I never said it didn't store energy, I gave you why they did. You still haven't provided a link to your reasons.
Really ? You keep saying we can’t store solar energy. I keep correcting you. We store electricity FROM SOLAR ENERGY. Dufus, solar energy ( photons ) is free. It’s reliable. The sun provides it more reliably AND FREE then Exxon delivers fuel oil. You’re funny.

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