The Homosexual Agenda, The aclu, And Your Children...

The only liar here is you.

Remind me again how marriage is sexual discrimination.

I've explained how it is, and the only response you can come up with "omg thats ignorant". If I were so wrong, it would be easy to disprove me. But you can't, because I'm not wrong.

How Homosexual behavior is normal.

Depends on the definition of normal. I've specifically said under certain definitions it is NOT normal. What a surprise. Yet another lie.

How Civil Unions are separate but equal.

They are. Again I've explained this to you and you have no response. What a surprise.

How Homosexuals are like blacks and the civil rights fight.

See above.
I notice you NEVER tell Larkinn his opinion the other way when he tells me I am lying is a "bit unfair", I wonder why that is?

Maybe because the FACT that I never said that homosexuality is hardwired isn't an opinion, its a fact. subtle and complicated, right RGS?
The only liar here is you.

I've explained how it is, and the only response you can come up with "omg thats ignorant". If I were so wrong, it would be easy to disprove me. But you can't, because I'm not wrong.

Depends on the definition of normal. I've specifically said under certain definitions it is NOT normal. What a surprise. Yet another lie.

They are. Again I've explained this to you and you have no response. What a surprise.

See above.

All you have provided is YOUR opinion. No proof, no evidence. But do keep claiming otherwise.
I'm not telling you what you believe. I'm telling you what you've lead me to believe about you.

Then you don't have very good critical reading skills. I specifically never stated my position on it because I don't think there is an answer out there now, and I don't really care. Its a non-issue to me. Homosexuality is acceptable, and should be accepted, whether its biological or not.

Just because somebody believes it doesn't make it true. This is one of those comments I was telling you about that won't fly in court. The fact that people believe marriage is tantamount to separate but equal doesn't make it true.

No but because someone believes it makes it not a lie. She didn't say it was true because people believed it, she said that made it not a lie.

The “Report on Infantile Development in Same-Sex Couples” has examined findings from multiple international studies, and concluded homosexual parenting carries significant risks for children, including an increase in low self-esteem, stress, confusion regarding sexual identity, mental illness, drug use, and promiscuity.

Until its translated and I can look at the study myself, its useless. I'm not going to trust a study on homosexuality which is filtered through the eyes of christian right-wing sites.
All you have provided is YOUR opinion. No proof, no evidence. But do keep claiming otherwise.

Actually I've provided a concrete unassailable analogy to race, which you haven't even bothered to address.

Really...either argue the point, or shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to hear you bitching about this shit over and over again. If you want to address my claims, go for it. But repeating "omg your wrong, have no substance, blah blah blah" over and over again is really annoying.
Just because somebody believes it doesn't make it true. This is one of those comments I was telling you about that won't fly in court. The fact that people believe marriage is tantamount to separate but equal doesn't make it true.

Lots of people believe in martians. It doesn't mean there are martians.

Now do you understand what faulty logic REALLY looks like?

It isn't faulty logic, however. And Larkinn actually did a very good job explaining why.

I do understand what faulty logic looks like... yours. :thup:
Then you don't have very good critical reading skills. I specifically never stated my position on it because I don't think there is an answer out there now, and I don't really care. Its a non-issue to me. Homosexuality is acceptable, and should be accepted, whether its biological or not.

No but because someone believes it makes it not a lie. She didn't say it was true because people believed it, she said that made it not a lie.

Until its translated and I can look at the study myself, its useless. I'm not going to trust a study on homosexuality which is filtered through the eyes of christian right-wing sites.

I can see it's really a non-issue to you. That's made evident by the way you fly into the fray to contest the very idea that it might be a choice.

"No but because someone believes it makes it not a lie."
That is one of the most asinine comments I've heard in a while. It's STILL A LIE, EVEN IF PEOPLE BELIEVE IT.

Go to the gay sites for references to the Spanish study. It's all over. Maybe it will be more palatable filtered through them.
Actually I've provided a concrete unassailable analogy to race, which you haven't even bothered to address.

Really...either argue the point, or shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to hear you bitching about this shit over and over again. If you want to address my claims, go for it. But repeating "omg your wrong, have no substance, blah blah blah" over and over again is really annoying.

You have provided YOUR opinion, nothing more. Your the one BITCHING. OVER and OVER, so YOU shut the hell up, Mr Mensa.

Using your logic one can argue that murderers are discriminated against, that Pologymists are discriminated against, hell that any type or kind of minority situation is "discriminated" against.

It amounts to nothing more than your PERSONAL Opinion.
It isn't faulty logic, however. And Larkinn actually did a very good job explaining why.

I do understand what faulty logic looks like... yours. :thup:

I suggest you prosecute before you defend. Otherwise, you're going to have a lot of criminals really mad at you when you get creamed in court.
I can see it's really a non-issue to you. That's made evident by the way you fly into the fray to contest the very idea that it might be a choice.

I'm aware of the significance that others put on the issue.

"No but because someone believes it makes it not a lie."
That is one of the most asinine comments I've heard in a while. It's STILL A LIE, EVEN IF PEOPLE BELIEVE IT.

It is NOT a lie to claim something is true if you believe it EVEN if it is factually wrong. This is true in both fact and law, if you know anything about Perjury or intent you know this is true.

Go to the gay sites for references to the Spanish study. It's all over. Maybe it will be more palatable filtered through them.

Lmao...its all over? Ignoring all the other studies which say it has no effect, or positive effects?...its "all over". don't have a bias at all, no you don't.

By the way...I know a LOT of kids with homosexual parents. Most of them are the same as any other kid. The most harm I've ever seen come to a kid of gay parents is from other homophobic individuals.
You have provided YOUR opinion, nothing more. Your the one BITCHING. OVER and OVER, so YOU shut the hell up, Mr Mensa.

Actually we had moved on from that topic until YOU decided to come in here making the same old accusations which you don't even know what they mean. What a surprise.

Using your logic one can argue that murderers are discriminated against, that Pologymists are discriminated against, hell that any type or kind of minority situation is "discriminated" against.

We have laws against discriminating against people on the basis of sex. Its seen to be a bad thing. This is not the case discriminating against people who kill others. Hence this was pretty much the worst analogy ever. Care to try again?

Now...notice how I didn't just say "that is sooooooo ignorant omg"? THAT is what you need to do to refute my point. Give an example of why they are different. Or, as I said before, shut the fuck up.

It amounts to nothing more than your PERSONAL Opinion.

Which you are too stupid to refute.
I'm aware of the significance that others put on the issue.

It is NOT a lie to claim something is true if you believe it EVEN if it is factually wrong. This is true in both fact and law, if you know anything about Perjury or intent you know this is true.

Lmao...its all over? Ignoring all the other studies which say it has no effect, or positive effects?...its "all over". don't have a bias at all, no you don't.

By the way...I know a LOT of kids with homosexual parents. Most of them are the same as any other kid. The most harm I've ever seen come to a kid of gay parents is from other homophobic individuals.

Perjury is INTENTIONALLY telling a lie. Lying on the stand can get a pass if a person isn't aware they're lying (that would be someone who's mentally ill). That doesn't mean it's not a lie. It just means they're stupid, or incompetent.

But whether or not people believe a lie or not doesn't affect whether it's actually a lie to begin with. A lie is a lie.

So you know a lot of gays. Good for you. But your opinion about your circle of friends a scientific study does not make.

And when I said "it's all over" I meant it's all over the gay sites.
Actually we had moved on from that topic until YOU decided to come in here making the same old accusations which you don't even know what they mean. What a surprise.

We have laws against discriminating against people on the basis of sex. Its seen to be a bad thing. This is not the case discriminating against people who kill others. Hence this was pretty much the worst analogy ever. Care to try again?

Now...notice how I didn't just say "that is sooooooo ignorant omg"? THAT is what you need to do to refute my point. Give an example of why they are different. Or, as I said before, shut the fuck up.

Which you are too stupid to refute.

Provide ONE case of a Court ruling marriage is discrimination against sex. Failing that it remains NOTHING but your ignorant opinion.
Perjury is INTENTIONALLY telling a lie. Lying on the stand can get a pass if a person isn't aware they're lying (that would be someone who's mentally ill). That doesn't mean it's not a lie. It just means they're stupid, or incompetent.

Or, wrong. There is a reason complaints have in them "to the best of my knowledge".

But whether or not people believe a lie or not doesn't affect whether it's actually a lie to begin with. A lie is a lie.

*shrug* this is merely a definitional difference and not really important.

So you know a lot of gays. Good for you. But your opinion about your circle of friends a scientific study does not make.

True it doesn't, but it does mean I have a fair bit of ancedotal evidence. There are also factors which you can't get at in a study.
Provide ONE case of a Court ruling marriage is discrimination against sex. Failing that it remains NOTHING but your ignorant opinion.

A court ruling doesn't make it fact. And again you just make baseless assertions about ignorance with nothing to back it up. Yes its an opinion. But guess what, its one that you are too stupid to refute, and too dishonest to acknowledge. So instead you come up with this bullshit.
Or, wrong. There is a reason complaints have in them "to the best of my knowledge".

*shrug* this is merely a definitional difference and not really important.

True it doesn't, but it does mean I have a fair bit of ancedotal evidence. There are also factors which you can't get at in a study.

Well, if it's merely a definitinoal difference and not really important, I wonder why you stuck at it?

Anectdotal evidence means nothing if the control group is contaminated.
A court ruling doesn't make it fact. And again you just make baseless assertions about ignorance with nothing to back it up. Yes its an opinion. But guess what, its one that you are too stupid to refute, and too dishonest to acknowledge. So instead you come up with this bullshit.

I do not need to REFUTE an opinion, nor can I prove you wrong, since you believe it without facts. As you pointed out it is against the law to discriminate based on sex, so provide a court case backing your assertion it is sexual discrimination. None of the Judges that have ruled for Homosexual marriage have made that claim, instead ruling that the State Constitution does not preclude it.

It is ignorant for the very fact that it would be illegal if true, there would in fact be court cases to cite. You have none.
Well, if it's merely a definitinoal difference and not really important, I wonder why you stuck at it?

Because it was interesting until it became clear that we were arguing over 2 valid conceptions of the same word.

Anectdotal evidence means nothing if the control group is contaminated.

It still means something, it is still evidence if not entirely scientific.
I do not need to REFUTE an opinion, nor can I prove you wrong, since you believe it without facts.

Opinions can, and usually are, believed with facts. Evolution is, in a sense, an opinion. But yet there are tons of facts supporting it.

Besides that, my opinion isn't arrived at from thin air. I showed exactly how I came by that opinion using logical reasoning, which you haven't bothered to address. Show the logic is bad, the analogy is flawed, do something besides scream and whine and bitch for once.

As you pointed out it is against the law to discriminate based on sex, so provide a court case backing your assertion it is sexual discrimination.

And it took how many years for the court to overturn Plessy? These things don't exactly happen overnight.

None of the Judges that have ruled for Homosexual marriage have made that claim, instead ruling that the State Constitution does not preclude it.

Umm, no the Judges that have ruled for Homosexual marriage has said that the State Constitution mandates it generally. That is when its been judges forcing it on the state.

It is ignorant for the very fact that it would be illegal if true, there would in fact be court cases to cite. You have none.

Because the courts are perfect, right?

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