The Homosexual Agenda, The aclu, And Your Children...

You can choose to believe whatever you want.

But it's not genetics. The guys with the big brains accept it, why can't you?
This from the boy who ran away from the argument. Whatsa matter RGS, can't answer my responses to you?

You mean your ignorant claim, that you can not support , that marriage is sexual discrimination? No need to answer it, it is ignorant. Without merit and just another of your games you play.
You can choose to believe whatever you want.

Nice dodge, that wasn't the question.

But it's not genetics. The guys with the big brains accept it, why can't you?

Thats the point. They don't accept it. Few well known scientists are saying its purely environmental. Most people nowadays are saying its a combination.
You mean your ignorant claim, that you can not support , that marriage is sexual discrimination? No need to answer it, it is ignorant. Without merit and just another of your games you play.

What a surprise. Another assertion of opinion without anything to back it up. No need to answer it? Translation: "I can't think up a good response, so I will bluster and throw insults instead".

Go away child. Even Allie's logic can run circles around you.
Nice dodge, that wasn't the question.

Thats the point. They don't accept it. Few well known scientists are saying its purely environmental. Most people nowadays are saying its a combination.

A combination? Say it is not so? You have insisted it is hard wired and has NOTHING to do with choice or environment. You have argued that teaching our young to accept homosexuals has no effect on them, that homosexual parents have no sexual influence on their children. Perhaps you care to change your statement?
A combination? Say it is not so? You have insisted it is hard wired and has NOTHING to do with choice or environment. You have argued that teaching our young to accept homosexuals has no effect on them, that homosexual parents have no sexual influence on their children. Perhaps you care to change your statement?

Ask him to prove it's hardwired. Though now he's saying he never said that.
A combination? Say it is not so? You have insisted it is hard wired and has NOTHING to do with choice or environment.

Please quote me saying it is solely genetic, has nothing to do with choice or environment, or any one of those things. Or retract that statement. Not that I expect either, you are a habitual liar.

You have argued that teaching our young to accept homosexuals has no effect on them,

I haven't argued that, but it doesn't.

that homosexual parents have no sexual influence on their children. Perhaps you care to change your statement?

I haven't argued that. But no I don't believe they do.
Ask him to prove it's hardwired. Though now he's saying he never said that.

I'm sure it will be easy enough for you to find if I said that it is hardwired. So go back and find it. Or else, like RGS, I expect a retraction. Like him, I doubt I will get one however.
Please quote me saying it is solely genetic, has nothing to do with choice or environment, or any one of those things. Or retract that statement. Not that I expect either, you are a habitual liar.

I haven't argued that, but it doesn't.

I haven't argued that. But no I don't believe they do.

So what "environment" do they mean?
So what "environment" do they mean?

Not going to retract the statement I see? Its alright...I'm getting used to you habitually lying.

And environment is generally a vague term meant as non-genetic. Could be anything from parental influence to how long they were in the womb, what kinds of food they ate when they were little, etc, etc.

I believe that kids with homosexual parents are more likely to be outwardly gay themselves...that is act on their homosexuality, but not actually more likely to be gay. In fact there is at least one interesting study out there that I read a while ago which said that the children of lesbians are more likely to be both male, and straight, than the general population.
I am sorry, I forgot you never actually make any statements, just wishy washy comments that you can later claim didn't mean what they obviously did mean.

I take that to mean you looked, and couldn't find anything which supported your bald faced lie?

Nothing new there.
I'm sure it will be easy enough for you to find if I said that it is hardwired. So go back and find it. Or else, like RGS, I expect a retraction. Like him, I doubt I will get one however.

Hell no, you won't get one from me. Because while you may or may not have actually said homosexuality is genetic, I know very well you are taking the stance that homosexuals don't have a choice in the matter, and nothing on God's green earth (including scientific studies) will make you think differently. You have faith in homosexuality being a non-choice.

And homosexual parents are harmful to kids. I just ran across a study today while racing around trying to make it easy for you to lay hands on some actual knowledge about homosexuality. I'll see if I can find that one. Though you probably won't believe that, either.
I take that to mean you looked, and couldn't find anything which supported your bald faced lie?

Nothing new there.

The only liar here is you. Remind me again how marriage is sexual discrimination. How Homosexual behavior is normal. How Civil Unions are separate but equal. How Homosexuals are like blacks and the civil rights fight.
The only liar here is you. Remind me again how marriage is sexual discrimination. How Homosexual behavior is normal. How Civil Unions are separate but equal. How Homosexuals are like blacks and the civil rights fight.

Those aren't lies, RGS. Many people believe marriage for some people and civil unions for others is tantamount to separate but equal and that the way gays are being treated now is very much like the way blacks used to be treated. It's fair for you to have a difference of opinion. But they aren't lies, so I think that's a bit unfair.
The “Report on Infantile Development in Same-Sex Couples” has examined findings from multiple international studies, and concluded homosexual parenting carries significant risks for children, including an increase in low self-esteem, stress, confusion regarding sexual identity, mental illness, drug use, and promiscuity.

The report also warned that same-sex relationships show much higher rates of separation and break-up than heterosexual relationships, increasing the likelihood that the child will experience familial instability.

Unfortunately, the study hasn't been translated to English yet. But when it is, I'll grab a link for you.
Those aren't lies, RGS. Many people believe marriage for some people and civil unions for others is tantamount to separate but equal and that the way gays are being treated now is very much like the way blacks used to be treated. It's fair for you to have a difference of opinion. But they aren't lies, so I think that's a bit unfair.

I notice you NEVER tell Larkinn his opinion the other way when he tells me I am lying is a "bit unfair", I wonder why that is?
Hell no, you won't get one from me. Because while you may or may not have actually said homosexuality is genetic, I know very well you are taking the stance that homosexuals don't have a choice in the matter, and nothing on God's green earth (including scientific studies) will make you think differently. You have faith in homosexuality being a non-choice.

Please don't attempt to tell me what I believe. You have no idea.

And homosexual parents are harmful to kids. I just ran across a study today while racing around trying to make it easy for you to lay hands on some actual knowledge about homosexuality. I'll see if I can find that one. Though you probably won't believe that, either.

Oh please do. Please explain in detail how they are oh so harmful.
Those aren't lies, RGS. Many people believe marriage for some people and civil unions for others is tantamount to separate but equal and that the way gays are being treated now is very much like the way blacks used to be treated. It's fair for you to have a difference of opinion. But they aren't lies, so I think that's a bit unfair.

Just because somebody believes it doesn't make it true. This is one of those comments I was telling you about that won't fly in court. The fact that people believe marriage is tantamount to separate but equal doesn't make it true.

Lots of people believe in martians. It doesn't mean there are martians.

Now do you understand what faulty logic REALLY looks like?
Please don't attempt to tell me what I believe. You have no idea.

Oh please do. Please explain in detail how they are oh so harmful.

I'm not telling you what you believe. I'm telling you what you've lead me to believe about you.

See below for how they are harmful.

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