What Is It With Sesame Street and Pride?

Together, let’s build a world where every person and family feels loved and welcomed for who they are

What is your problem?
Next: "Minor attracted people should feel loved and accepted"
If I wrote on this forum to you in 2009 that Sesame street would make a public announcement supporting transexuals... you would have rolled your eyes.
So before you roll your eyes at this one... come back in 5 years.
Next: "Minor attracted people should feel loved and accepted"
If I wrote on this forum to you in 2009 that Sesame street would make a public announcement supporting transexuals... you would have rolled your eyes.
So before you roll your eyes at that one... come back in 5 years.
Are you aware that pedophilia is a crime?
If a child has two mommies or two daddies (as wrong as it is) it's just a fact to them. You don't need to try and explain it to them because that's the part that they won't understand and they certainly won't get the fake gender nonsense. I don't completely understand it so how do you expect a two, three, or four year old to.
That’s your problem you’re too closed minded to understand, that’s why SA did what they did so the next generation will not end up like you . If they had done this when you were a kid you would have become a better person who understands love.
Why should pre-schoolers be taught its a good thing, something to be proud of, to have one's butt hole violated?

When I was in preschool, we watched Popeye and the 3 Stooges on TV, and I learned what an "imbecile" was, and the virtues of canned spinach.

A lot more appropriate in my view than encouraging kids to be "bi curious"
When I was in preschool, we watched Popeye and the 3 Stooges on TV, and I learned what an "imbecile" was, and the virtues of canned spinach.

So beating people is acceptable for preschoolers but not knowing that there are same sex couples?
There are worse shows that kids could watch, especially with the heavier merchandising, but there are other activities besides watching TV that would be healthier for kids.

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