What Is It With Sesame Street and Pride?

Toddlers and preschoolers don't need to know all of this. They don't even understand heterosexual relationships at this age so why would they understand homosexual relationships?

There was nothing remotely sexual in that tweet

Sesame Street has always made it perfectly clear that inclusivity is one of their main objectives. From day one

If you don’t like it and don’t want your kids to watch it, fine, don’t let your kids watch it. Easy peasy. No one is forcing anyone or anyone’s kids to watch anything
Toddlers and preschoolers don't need to know all of this. They don't even understand heterosexual relationships at this age so why would they understand homosexual relationships?

Sesame Street is run by homo pedophiles obviously.
How can little kids love and accept something that they don't even understand?
You don’t think little kids understand other people different from them exist in the world? That it’s ok for their friends to have a different parental makeup than themselves? You underestimate kids
Sesame Street is run by homo pedophiles obviously.

I can just see it now if how they're probably ending every episode this month. Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the letters LGBTQI and A.

Start them early and maybe they won’t grow up to be some kind of homophobic assholes:

They don't even know anything about regular romantic love yet at this age though.

You don’t think little kids understand other people different from them exist in the world? That it’s ok for their friends to have a different parental makeup than themselves? You underestimate kids

No they don't grasp the concept at this age of what being different actually means in this circumstance.
No they don't grasp the concept at this age of what being different actually means in this circumstance.
You are doing kids a disservice and underestimating them. Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean kids suffer that same affliction
You don’t think little kids understand other people different from them exist in the world? That it’s ok for their friends to have a different parental makeup than themselves? You underestimate kids
I think since they DO understand that other people can be different we don't need to teach them that sexuality is changeable.
Can't you figure it out? Not all people who deal with children and children's games and monitor children for a living are pedophiles but many are.
EVERYONE doesn't deserve love and respect. Everyone should initially be presumed to be worthy of loving and respectful treatment, until they demonstrate that they are not worthy. Many of the people prancing around in the Gay Pride events deserve nothing but scorn. Not that I would tell that to a kid.
I second this. When a person has only proven themself to be vile enough, there is only one way to display your love for that person, you wash your hands of them completely. If the vile person wants better form of love badly enough, there is only one way to get it: Work for it and not by being the vile person that you have been this whole time. Instead, you work to become a better person.

God bless you always!!!

It’s only necessary if you turn the channel on.

Turn the channel off and it’s gone.

Simple Enough for you?
I turned the channel off and still had to pay more for gas, more for groceries and had more tax dollars taken for war.
You are doing kids a disservice and underestimating them. Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean kids suffer that same affliction

If a child has two mommies or two daddies (as wrong as it is) it's just a fact to them. You don't need to try and explain it to them because that's the part that they won't understand and they certainly won't get the fake gender nonsense. I don't completely understand it so how do you expect a two, three, or four year old to.

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