What Is It With Sesame Street and Pride?

There was nothing remotely sexual in that tweet

Sesame Street has always made it perfectly clear that inclusivity is one of their main objectives. From day one

If you donā€™t like it and donā€™t want your kids to watch it, fine, donā€™t let your kids watch it. Easy peasy. No one is forcing anyone or anyoneā€™s kids to watch anything
ICU Intensively Don't Care

By repeating that superficial logic, you intentionally ignore the social pressure put on kids by those who do watch SS's seductive multicultie propaganda.
God made them gay

They can be proud of standing up for who they are, not hiding in the shadows pretending, accepting yourself even though others donā€™t.
yeh, the old Blame God excuse!

I guess according to your logic, God made man sin?

So man can't be expected to give it up?

Is that what you believe?
No shit thatā€™s part of love and acceptance. You could have used a few more of those episodes and lessons growing up if this bothers you.
oh, so loving someone means accepting anything they do, not matter how wrong/destructive?

even self mutilation?

self hatred

self abuse

abuse of others?
How can little kids love and accept something that they don't even understand?
Good point. But perverts these days seem to want children to lose their innocence ASAP.

That is about the sickest thing I've heard of. Why would anyone want children to lose such a precious and beautiful thing?

You donā€™t think little kids understand other people different from them exist in the world? That itā€™s ok for their friends to have a different parental makeup than themselves? You underestimate kids
kids automatically accept others unless the others are abusive or cruel. You even allude to this in your post.

But why draw attention to what many say is perverted behavior? to encourage kids to engage in it?

That appears to what the pervs want
kids automatically accept others unless the others are abusive or cruel. You even allude to this in your post.

But why draw attention to what many say is perverted behavior? to encourage kids to engage in it?

That appears to what the pervs want
Then those who think that way should take a look at themselves and fix their personal issues. The attention needs to be drawn because there are still so many closed minded fools who consider consenting adults expressing love as a perverted behavior.
Then those who think that way should take a look at themselves and fix their personal issues. The attention needs to be drawn because there are still so many closed minded fools who consider consenting adults expressing love as a perverted behavior.
homosexuality IS perverted and you come up against THOUSANDS of years of Judeo-Christian tradition to say otherwise. Accepting someone's perversion that will land them in Hell

is the LEAST LOVING THING you can do. But you don't really care... probably have convinced yourself there is no Hell..?

As the saints have said

Most in Hell didn't believe in Hell
homosexuality IS perverted and you come up against THOUSANDS of years of Judeo-Christian tradition to say otherwise. Accepting someone's perversion that will land them in Hell

is the LEAST LOVING THING you can do. But you don't really care... probably have convinced yourself there is no Hell..?

As the saints have said

Most in Hell didn't believe in Hell
Whatā€™s perverted is believing what someone else told you a sky fairy said. There is nothing perverse about consenting adults expressing their love. There is a far greater amount of human history that is fine with homosexuality it wasnā€™t until the hateful Christian cult started to spread that they took their message of hate and intolerance with them.


I heard from a reliable source that the reason people were burned at the stake (the Church pronounced them a heretic, they refused to retract their heresy and the state executed them, not the Church)

but anyhow... they were burnt at the stake (and no, I do not say this was righteous!) because the fire represents the fires of Hell

And I have heard from reliable sources that the fires of Hell are far worse than anything that can be found on Earth..

We should fear going there, but sadly, people lie to themselves and say there is no Hell
Whatā€™s perverted is believing what someone else told you a sky fairy said. There is nothing perverse about consenting adults expressing their love. There is a far greater amount of human history that is fine with homosexuality it wasnā€™t until the hateful Christian cult started to spread that they took their message of hate and intolerance with them.
guess you'll find out after u die

Jesus said most people go to Hell (in so many words)
God made them that way

Homosexuals say they always felt that way meaning God made them homosexuals
some day maybe you'll consider thinking like God instead of just indulging your own fallible, human thoughts..

Isaiah: "Your ways are no my ways; My thoughts are not your thoughts"

God is perverted so why wouldn't he?

And God makes us sin so Jesus was WRONG to tell us

Sin no more!

God is Perfect

He does not make mistakes
He makes homosexuals that way for a reason

God LOVES all his children

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