The Homosexual Agenda, The aclu, And Your Children...

Actually, there are quite a few baseless opinions out there.

But just because somebody believes it doesn't make it true. Gosh, we've been here before. Do you have short term memory loss, Sir Mensa?
Actually, there are quite a few baseless opinions out there.

Yes there are. Hence the difference between "can, and usually are" and always.

But just because somebody believes it doesn't make it true. Gosh, we've been here before. Do you have short term memory loss, Sir Mensa?

Just because something is based on facts doesn't make it true either. Gosh, no we haven't been here before. Do you have a problem understanding simple logic?...oh wait, yeah we've been here.
:clap2: To Jillian and Larkin for pretty much mopping up the floor in here.

Busting her for quoting studies that don't even say what was suggested? Asking to prove god, despite belief, when being asked to do the same with homosexuality?

Well played..

There's more proof against it being hardwired than there is for it, and I've listed several prestigious sources which agree. I'm a little unclear on the whole, "gayness is hardwired" is NOT an opinion but fact, while "gayness is not hardwired" backed up by science is opinion.

Christian discrimination in schools. Back in a flash.
School asks student to replace Bible reading with book about witches
Rusty Pugh
September 6, 2007

In one Pennsylvania public school, reading from the Bible is forbidden -- but reading about witches and Halloween is encouraged.

Wesley Busch is a kindergarten student at Culbertson Elementary School in Newton Square, Pennsylvania -- and all he wanted to do was have his mother read aloud from his favorite book, the Bible. The book reading was part of a classroom assignment called "All About Me," the purpose of which was to provide students an opportunity to identify individual interests and learn about each other through the use of items such as stuffed animals, posters, books and other mediums.

Jeremy Tedesco, legal counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), says the school district had a big problem with Wesley's favorite book. "When Wesley told his mom 'I want you to read the Bible, that's my favorite book,' the school said no -- even though they let every other book reading go forward," the attorney explains. "And even though they told Mrs. Busch 'no, you can't read the Bible,' [they said] 'but here, read this book on witches and Halloween instead,'" says Tedesco.

In May, a federal court sided with the school and the case is now on appeal. Tedesco says public school officials need to understand that Christian students cannot be treated as second-class citizens.
"The lower court's decision said that it was okay to restrict the Bible. But the bottom line is that Christian students and their parents aren't second-class citizens at school, and shouldn't be discriminated against based on their religious speech that they want to engage in when they're invited to engage in private expression," he says.

According to ADF, although reading from the Bible was forbidden the teacher allowed another parent to discuss the Jewish religious holidays of Passover and Hanukkah with the class.

All Original Content Copyright 2006-2007

And the Chicago Sun-Times ran a story about a school in Illinois that tried to eradicate any reference/symbol of Christmas because it was offensive to Muslims.

"Earlier this month, the district's top official called on principals to tone down holiday celebrations after complaints the activities offend some Muslim families.",CST-NWS-oaklawn04.article

They changed their tune. But if there hadn't been a huge outcry, they would have just done it.

THIS is what you call being fed to lions? HOLY SHIT! It's JUST LIKE being drug behind a truck and strung up to a fence post! Shadrac, Meshak and Abendigo didn't go through SHIT compared to this!


I would have let the kid's mother read his bible similarly to letting the jewish kid read his book... But to call this an example of PERSICUTION is so fucking rediculous that it's obvious that you would take any effort to acknowledge anything but jesus as hatefulness and trigger the martyr routine.

if only Mat Shepherd were merely told not to read The Advocate in class, eh?
I suspect Matt Shepard went looking for rough trade, and found it.

One of the facts about homosexuality is that it involves throwing off various social restraints, starting with choice of sexual partner, but not ending there.

That's why a lot of people don't want to start treating it as just another "choice". Choose it, and all the other boundary-breaking behaviors that seem to go along with it, if you want to, but don't make us "celebrate" it.
You suspect he was looking for a rough trade?

care to elaborate on that?
I don't have the original articles I read this in, but I will try to find them. They pointed out that he went into a lowlife trailer-trash bar.

Now if this were true, why did he do that?

By the way, I absolutely would agree that propositioning rednecks does not deserve the death penalty -- or even a beating. His murderers should have been strapped in the electric chair and fried.

But if what I read was true, it tells you something about the derangement of at least a part of the "homosexual community".
you might as well have just said that rape victims are partly to blame because they wore a sexy dress.

or that emmet till was partly to blame for looking at a white woman.
Yes, no one is responsible for their own behavior, if they are a member of the Left's preferred victim classes.
Yes, no one is responsible for their own behavior, if they are a member of the Left's preferred victim classes.

Are you suggesting that rape victims are responsible for being raped according to what they choose to wear?

Perhaps I misunderstood you there.. Did you just suggest that Emmet Till Should have been more responsible for looking at a white woman?

you are blaming victims. I don't care if some gay dude blows you a kiss and bats his eyes at you in your favorite good ole boy country bar - raping a gal dressed like a hooker, lynching a black boy for looking at a white woman and a gay dude in a goat-roping bar is no excuse for criminal behaviour.

and tossing out the "lefty this lefty that" routine wont make your answer any less transparently despicable.
I suspect Matt Shepard went looking for rough trade, and found it.

One of the facts about homosexuality is that it involves throwing off various social restraints, starting with choice of sexual partner, but not ending there.

That's why a lot of people don't want to start treating it as just another "choice". Choose it, and all the other boundary-breaking behaviors that seem to go along with it, if you want to, but don't make us "celebrate" it.

When I read things like that, my stomach turns. Matthew Shepard was savagely beaten by a couple of animals whose manhood got threatened by a gay guy. And being gay is NOT a choice. You couldn't make yourself lust after a man any more than I could force myself to lust after a woman. Nor can you force yourself to lust after someone who doesn't do it for you. Given that our sexuality is a basic part of who we are, short of becoming celibate (which no one should have to do) we are who we are... for whatever the reasons.

We are responsible for our actions. We are responsible NOT to victimize someone else. One of the first things battered women have to learn in order to go on with their lives is that no... you didn't get beaten because dinner was late to the table. There is nothing you can do, short of violence, to make someone act violently toward you. If they act violently that's on THEM... not the victim.
Well, let's see what I actually said:

By the way, I absolutely would agree that propositioning rednecks does not deserve the death penalty -- or even a beating. His murderers should have been strapped in the electric chair and fried.

Now if a some woman had a desire for risky sex which drove her to walk naked through Central Park in New York City at midnight, and she were raped and murdered (by white stockbrokers, I hasten to add), would she have "deserved" it? No, absolutely not.

And if some poor homosexual's twisted desire to have rough sex with some rednecks led him to lowlife bar, and he was beaten to death, would he have "deserved" it? See my answer above.

And having said that, would sensible people draw any conclusions about the kind of perverse sexual desires, and the "non-judgemental" people who champion them, that led the victims to take such risks? Yes, they would. But lefty (oops, said it again) ideologues are incapble of seeing that. They are on the hunt for victims, and "rights".
you didn't get beaten because dinner was late to the table.

Apparently, some of us tend to think that having dinner on the table at the correct time would have been the responsible thing to do in order to keep from being beaten...

Doug's answer took me by surprise, I must admit. Usually, his posts are a leaf from a different tree. I was kinda surprised to see him run to the "lefty this lefty that" routine. You can tell that he knows how stupid his logic is by how far he goes to try to convey that he doesn't believe the victims DESERVE it, necessarily, even if he believes they are partly to blame.

Notice the difference in the tone of words he uses when softly tiptoeing around the RAPE example and damn near blatantly throwing blame on a gay dude who DARED walk into a goat roping bar.

So, Doug. Did Emmet Till deserve it too or should he have been more responsible with his line of vision? Do battered women need to just learn to have dinner ready on time? Is that responsibility?
you didn't get beaten because dinner was late to the table.

Apparently, some of us tend to think that having dinner on the table at the correct time would have been the responsible thing to do in order to keep from being beaten...

Doug's answer took me by surprise, I must admit. Usually, his posts are a leaf from a different tree. I was kinda surprised to see him run to the "lefty this lefty that" routine.

I was kind of surprised at that myself. For some reason the whole concept that homosexuals are entitled to what everyone else is seems to be too much for some people to take. No matter how smart and reasonable they usually are.
I was kind of surprised at that myself. For some reason the whole concept that homosexuals are entitled to what everyone else is seems to be too much for some people to take. No matter how smart and reasonable they usually are.

oh I know.

I can imagine the same sentiment at the trial for Till's killers by whitey wondering why those uppety ******* couldn't have been more responsible with looking at a white woman. Didn't they know how the white south would react to a black boy taking in the image of a white girl?
It's tricky, isn't it? If we had some real raving feminists here, they would now be telling us that any man who whistles at any woman deserves whatever bad things happen to him.

And they would jump on me for saying, once again, that although everyone should have the right to behave foolishly, we should also have the right to call certain behavior foolish.

And then to look more closely at the twisted compulsions which might have driven foolish behavior.

Whistling at a pretty girl is no big deal, it's normal behavior in fact -- sorry, raving feminists -- which cannot be said for one male looking for rough sex from other males, especially from non homosexual males from the lower classes -- that's ... OH GOD, I FEEL JUDGMENTALISM COMING ... abnormal, and sad.

So, if boys at the local school whistle at the girls, I won't get upset.

But if someone wants the right to come to that school to tell the boys that actually, everything is permitted so long as it is consensual, and that they really should loosen up and throw off those restricting old-fashioned inhibitions they have and try to develop any buried desires they might find to be tied up and whipped and sodomized by other boys, I will vote against.
Yes there are. Hence the difference between "can, and usually are" and always.

Just because something is based on facts doesn't make it true either. Gosh, no we haven't been here before. Do you have a problem understanding simple logic?...oh wait, yeah we've been here.

No, we haven't be here because I never said anything like that. My logic is fine, thank you.
:clap2: To Jillian and Larkin for pretty much mopping up the floor in here.

Busting her for quoting studies that don't even say what was suggested? Asking to prove god, despite belief, when being asked to do the same with homosexuality?

Well played..


Read the studies, and you'll come to the same conclusion that every egghead at the universities, including geneticists, has come to.

Try actually researching stuff instead of just going on things you hear from your heroes, who didn't even know the studies were out there before they started popping off.
THIS is what you call being fed to lions? HOLY SHIT! It's JUST LIKE being drug behind a truck and strung up to a fence post! Shadrac, Meshak and Abendigo didn't go through SHIT compared to this!


I would have let the kid's mother read his bible similarly to letting the jewish kid read his book... But to call this an example of PERSICUTION is so fucking rediculous that it's obvious that you would take any effort to acknowledge anything but jesus as hatefulness and trigger the martyr routine.

if only Mat Shepherd were merely told not to read The Advocate in class, eh?

Let's say discrimination, then. If you really want to quibble.
I suspect Matt Shepard went looking for rough trade, and found it.

One of the facts about homosexuality is that it involves throwing off various social restraints, starting with choice of sexual partner, but not ending there.

That's why a lot of people don't want to start treating it as just another "choice". Choose it, and all the other boundary-breaking behaviors that seem to go along with it, if you want to, but don't make us "celebrate" it.

That's exactly the point I was making and the correlation I was pointing out to allowing a homosexual agenda to be taught in public schools, but not religious ones.

Allow one, allow the other. Otherwise, keep it at home.

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