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The Homosexual Agenda, The aclu, And Your Children...

Lol. You're obviously a real sensitive guy.
BTW, I made a truckload of bad choices, or I wouldn't have been with the SOB to begin with. That's the point, Einstein.

And Jillian isn't posting right now because she's busy sending me insulting private messages which are too juvenile for her to put up here.

Quite a cart and pony show.

So, then you take the blame for choosing to be with a guy that turned out to be an abuser, eh?

I hope to god you are not in the counselling field...
So, then you take the blame for choosing to be with a guy that turned out to be an abuser, eh?

I hope to god you are not in the counselling field...

Me, too...

But she's also a liar. Didn't think it was insulting to tell someone that if they don't care that they got negged, then they shouldn't be writing to me about it and whining ;o)

Normally, pm's are private, but the genius decided to make a show of it ;)
More lies from Ali-baby...

The link is two letters in The Advocate (one must question WHY she's saved them, but there ya go...)

One says nurture... one says nature. D'uh!

Advocate, The, July 17, 2001 by Dahir Mubarak
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My mother died when I was 8 months old. My father remarried when I was i year old. His new wife did not want him to have much to do with his first children. I had five older brothers and three older sisters. My brothers did not want to have much to do with me. My three sisters adored me, so I spent most of my time with them. The sisters painted my deceased mother as being almost a saint. I think I naturally identified with my sisters' values and the values of my mother, which they told me about in detail. This included their sexual orientation.

We all inherit certain physical characteristics from our parents and we can inherit certain abstract characteristics such as temperament. I do not think that these genetically inherited qualities lead to homosexuality.

J.D., via the Internet


I personally believe I am gay because God made me such. I believe it is a gift and that he has a special reason for creating me as a lesbian. It doesn't matter if I was created this way biologically or if circumstances in my life molded me; this is who I am meant to be. I am proud to be a lesbian and at peace.

D.S., Poland, Ohio

I embrace the gift God gave me. I believe God chose each and every gay, lesbian, bi, and transgendered individual to teach others about love, tolerance, and acceptance. So I remind all my gay brothers and sisters: Don't worry. God did not make a mistake. He has a plan and a reason for your existence.

A.G., Oxnard, Calif.

And they would jump on me for saying, once again, that although everyone should have the right to behave foolishly, we should also have the right to call certain behavior foolish.

Walking into a sleazy bar is foolish? Umm there are plenty of dive bars around where I live and generally I don't associate going in them with a risk of being killed.

And then to look more closely at the twisted compulsions which might have driven foolish behavior.

And now you are assuming its "twisted".

Whistling at a pretty girl is no big deal, it's normal behavior in fact -- sorry, raving feminists -- which cannot be said for one male looking for rough sex from other males, especially from non homosexual males from the lower classes -- that's ... OH GOD, I FEEL JUDGMENTALISM COMING ... abnormal, and sad.

Ahh normal, the key bullshit word used to justify homophobia. How surprising. And you have NO idea what kind of sex Shephard was looking for.

But if someone wants the right to come to that school to tell the boys that actually, everything is permitted so long as it is consensual, and that they really should loosen up and throw off those restricting old-fashioned inhibitions they have and try to develop any buried desires they might find to be tied up and whipped and sodomized by other boys, I will vote against.

So its ok to objectify someone (which does harm), but not ok to do non-harmful things? Really awesome standard of morality there doug.
Me, too...

But she's also a liar. Didn't think it was insulting to tell someone that if they don't care that they got negged, then they shouldn't be writing to me about it and whining ;o)

Normally, pm's are private, but the genius decided to make a show of it ;)

NORMALLY? what Normally? These are not the normal PMs. in fact, in umpteen years of posting, this is first Forum I have run into which has a rep point system, either Negative or Positive.

It would seem that I have been complaining about the same thing. Great Minds...........!.


I tellya.. If I had the answer to the nature v nurture question i'd be the next pavlov.

Ya gotta watch this new batch, Jillian.. They get wrapped up in their confused misunderstanding of concepts that they refuse to acknowledge at the first sign that it chaffes with their formed opinion.

not that one stinking letter written to a mag means anything broadly.

Hell, There are gays who feel shamed enough to attempt to deny themselves for the sake of some "turn your son back to being strait with god and boot camp" program too... What, exactly does that say about the population of homosexuals though? nothing.

I had hopes for this one too.
People can program themselves to lust after dogs.

You know this how exactly?

We do have control over who we are.

Really? So tell me what I can do to become a gay black man.

How you can say that those guys are accountable for their behavior, but because that kid was gay, he is not, obviously causes some logistical problems.

He is accountable for going into a rough bar. There is nothing wrong with that. Blaming him for going into a rough bar is idiotic.

He went into a rough bar, in a town where everybody knew he was gay. That was a BAAAAD choice on his part. But not illegal.
They killed him. That was a BAAAD choice on their part, which is also illegal.

The problem is that the solution here is NOT to restrict where gays can and cannot go, but to educate people NOT to do things like kill gays, and teach tolerance and acceptance.

But spare me the "poor little gay peeps, they can't control themselves, they're all angels" bit. It's juvenile. Just as it's juvenile that you keep re-iterating over and over that being gay is not a choice when nobody else in the learned community is saying that. Which you know.

*sigh* we've gone over this child. There is no evidence for your proposition.

That's exactly the point I was making and the correlation I was pointing out to allowing a homosexual agenda to be taught in public schools, but not religious ones.

Allow one, allow the other. Otherwise, keep it at home.

Except that teaching the "homosexual agenda" as it is so amusingly called, will teach people tolerance so they don't go out and kill the Shephards of the world. Teaching people the Bible is not only unconstitutional, but is likely to do the opposite.
As for Doug...

You and your ilk have NO right to complain about gays being outside the norm. You and assholes like you ostracize them, make them feel unwelcome from society, abuse them, taunt them, and generally treat them like shit. And then you blame them when they don't feel the need to follow societies other conventions? If you want them to follow other conventions, then accept them as part of society. Until you do that, fuck off.
To the Politically-Correct, the only behavior that is to be "judged" is anything that might injure the feelings of one of their favored client victim groups.

Here's a test: does someone have the right to say that he believes Negroes are genetically inferior to whites? Yes. Does a Black person who is offended by this have the right to kick the person who made this statement to death? No.

But the person with the racialist theories is still under an obligation to use his common sense. He should stay out of bars that are frequented by Black people, or, if he finds himself in one, he should keep his opinions to himself.

Does a male have the right to solicit a strange male for sex? Yes, provided he uses his common sense: put an ad in the appropriate newspaper; go to a gay bar. Or go to a place where the men are not guaranteed to be violently-inclined homophobes, and send out the usual signals.

Now, I don't know what that poor kid did. Maybe he was just thirsty and happened to see a bar and went in, and was recognized by one of the low-lifes there. In which case he was just a bit foolish.

But if he did go into a redneck bar looking for rough trade, then he was either suicidally-unwise, or driven by some sort of terrible and unnatural compulsion.

Perhaps he had been encouraged in this foolish behavior by the sort of "non-judgmental" folks who see all human behaviors as equally good, so long as they are challenging tradition or authority.

Anyway, back to Emmett Till. Have you considered that there is another aspect to this case?

I think there may be something to this conservative commentary on the case written some time ago but relevant to the issue of unwanted sexual advances made in public:

And what of the wolf-whistle, Till's "gesture of adolescent bravado"? We are rightly aghast that a whistle could be cause for murder but we must also accept that Emmett Till and JW Millam [one of his white murderers] had something in common. They both understood that the whistle was no small tweet of hubba-hubba or melodious approval for a well-turned ankle. Given the deteriorated situation ... it was a deliberate insult just short of physical assault, a last reminder to Carolyn Bryant that this black boy, Till, had in mind to possess her.

... the insult implied in Emmett Till's whistle, the depersonalized challenge of "I can have you" with or without the racial aspect.
You know this how exactly?

Really? So tell me what I can do to become a gay black man.

He is accountable for going into a rough bar. There is nothing wrong with that. Blaming him for going into a rough bar is idiotic.

The problem is that the solution here is NOT to restrict where gays can and cannot go, but to educate people NOT to do things like kill gays, and teach tolerance and acceptance.

*sigh* we've gone over this child. There is no evidence for your proposition.

Except that teaching the "homosexual agenda" as it is so amusingly called, will teach people tolerance so they don't go out and kill the Shephards of the world. Teaching people the Bible is not only unconstitutional, but is likely to do the opposite.

I never blamed him for anything. Use those critical reading skills, bucko. Neither did I say anything about restricting anything. Simply making an observation.

And there was no proposition. That, also, is in your head.

And you're right. Teaching a homosexual agenda teaches tolerance and that it's ok to be gay. Just as teaching a Christian agenda will teach tolerance and that it's okay to be Christian.
To the Politically-Correct, the only behavior that is to be "judged" is anything that might injure the feelings of one of their favored client victim groups.

Here's a test: does someone have the right to say that he believes Negroes are genetically inferior to whites? Yes. Does a Black person who is offended by this have the right to kick the person who made this statement to death? No.

But the person with the racialist theories is still under an obligation to use his common sense. He should stay out of bars that are frequented by Black people, or, if he finds himself in one, he should keep his opinions to himself.

And if he is killed for those opinions we should NOT be blaming him for having those opinions or daring to go out in the wrong part of town, we should be blaming the killers.

Does a male have the right to solicit a strange male for sex? Yes, provided he uses his common sense: put an ad in the appropriate newspaper; go to a gay bar. Or go to a place where the men are not guaranteed to be violently-inclined homophobes, and send out the usual signals.

The men are not "guaranteed" to be violently-inclined homophobes. That is retarded.

But if he did go into a redneck bar looking for rough trade, then he was either suicidally-unwise, or driven by some sort of terrible and unnatural compulsion.

Or perhaps thought that decent rules of society governed, even in redneck bars. I know...terrible to think that we live in a society where we might not get murdered.

Perhaps he had been encouraged in this foolish behavior by the sort of "non-judgmental" folks who see all human behaviors as equally good, so long as they are challenging tradition or authority.

And which are these folks who see all human beaviors as equally good? Tell me who thinks that saving an old woman from drowning is equally good as raping a small child?
I never blamed him for anything. Use those critical reading skills, bucko. Neither did I say anything about restricting anything. Simply making an observation.

And I was simply making obersvations about how blaming him for that is idiotic.

And there was no proposition. That, also, is in your head.

Really? You didn't assert that homosexuality is a choice? Thats all in my head?

And you're right. Teaching a homosexual agenda teaches tolerance and that it's ok to be gay. Just as teaching a Christian agenda will teach tolerance and that it's okay to be Christian.

Gee...I wonder which one its more important to teach tolerance for. On one hand we have homosexuals (get killed for being gay), and the other hand we have Christians...what was the terribly egregious discriminatory practice you pointed out? Oh yes...he can't engage in reading the Bible in school. Wow...those two things really are comparable.
And when the behavior of the vast majority is "influenced" (read: having it shoved down their throats) via tyranny of the minority, the majority rebels. All such legislation does is foster resentment and hatred.

Oh no! Should I buy a bullet-proof vest! Stuff isn’t being shoved down your throat than is stuff being shoved down my throat. Get over it. You totally misinterpreted my point. I’ll spell it out for you. Legislation does not make one think that something is right. It is legal for blacks to get married to whites and for whites to get married to blacks. Yet, some people still think that interracial marriage is wrong and should be outlawed. You alleged that homosexuals want people to think that gay marriage is right and that legislation will cause people to think that it is right. Well, I would disagree with those homosexuals. Legislation does not change people’s hearts.
And I was simply making obersvations about how blaming him for that is idiotic.

Really? You didn't assert that homosexuality is a choice? Thats all in my head?

Gee...I wonder which one its more important to teach tolerance for. On one hand we have homosexuals (get killed for being gay), and the other hand we have Christians...what was the terribly egregious discriminatory practice you pointed out? Oh yes...he can't engage in reading the Bible in school. Wow...those two things really are comparable.

Who blamed him? Not me. So I fail to understand why you would make that statement to me. Moron.

I did assert homosexuality is a choice. Is that a proposition? Maybe you meant preposition, though it isn't that, either, Mr. Mensa. It's a comment apropos of nothing, and with no point. But thanks for sharing.

Christians are killed everyday, too. I guess since they aren't killed in your neighborhood or under your nose, that makes it okay to deny them the same so-called "tolerance" you would allow homosexual nazis who want to indoctrinate our children in schools.
Who blamed him? Not me. So I fail to understand why you would make that statement to me. Moron.

Not everything I say to you is directly negating previous statements you've made.

I did assert homosexuality is a choice. Is that a proposition? Maybe you meant preposition, though it isn't that, either, Mr. Mensa. It's a comment apropos of nothing, and with no point. But thanks for sharing.


prop·o·si·tion /&#716;pr&#594;p&#601;&#712;z&#618;&#643;&#601;n/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prop-uh-zish-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the act of offering or suggesting something to be considered, accepted, adopted, or done.
2. a plan or scheme proposed.
3. an offer of terms for a transaction, as in business.
4. a thing, matter, or person considered as something to be dealt with or encountered: Keeping diplomatic channels open is a serious proposition.
5. anything stated or affirmed for discussion or illustration.

Yes its a proposition. If I were you I'd look things up before trying to correct me.

Christians are killed everyday, too.

I'd like a link to these individuals who are being killed because of their Christianity.

I guess since they aren't killed in your neighborhood or under your nose, that makes it okay to deny them the same so-called "tolerance" you would allow homosexual nazis who want to indoctrinate our children in schools.

Oops. Godwins law. You lose, have a nice day.
Actually, I don't think it works as a proposition. I didn't present it for illustration or for discussion, even, I presented it as a fact. Which I think takes it out of the proposition field. I didn't propose they are gay by choice, I said they were gay by choice. That may be one and the same, but I don't think it is. But I'll go ahead and let you have that point if it makes you happy.

I'll find you some dead Christians.

You don't really think Christians aren't killed for their beliefs, do you?
Actually, I don't think it works as a proposition.

It does.

I didn't present it for illustration or for discussion, even, I presented it as a fact.

You presented it as an assertion, which does NOT take it out of the proposition field.

Perhaps you missed the border but it says US message board. We are talking about the United States here, not other countries.
Suppose I walk into a certain lesbian bar in San Francisco, go up to the biggest bull-dyke I see, and then turn to and proposition her lover, telling her all she needs is a good **** from a real man.

Am I in any way, in any sense, responsible for what might then happen to me? (And for the sweet souls who think that I would only be firmly but gently escorted to the door ... God help you!)
Suppose I walk into a certain lesbian bar in San Francisco, go up to the biggest bull-dyke I see, and then turn to and proposition her lover, telling her all she needs is a good **** from a real man.

Am I in any way, in any sense, responsible for what might then happen to me? (And for the sweet souls who think that I would only be firmly but gently escorted to the door ... God help you!)

No kidding. I was on a job once and had to spend a number of hours in a pub frequented not just by gay men but lesbians and other assorted bohemian types, it was quite fun actually. But unfortunately the girlfriend of one of my (straight) victim's girlfriends took a shine to me and jeez if looks could kill (from her lesbian partner) I'd have been on the bar-room floor in big trouble. My partner (working partner) thought it was a hoot. I was less than comfortable with the attention from both the ladies (and I ain't no oil painting so I have no idea what got into the other sheila's head).

Anyway, this thread turned into a bloodfest didn't it?

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