The Homosexual Agenda, The aclu, And Your Children...

Diuretic: As usual, you are the voice of sweet reason. (How the hell can you be an Aussie!?) This is not the first thread where a potential good argument was cut off at the knees by people flinging dung at each other.

Anyway, speaking of lesbian bars, there was this Texas cowhand, on a very remote ranch in West Texas, who never watched the news nor read a newspaper or even left his boss's ranch.

Well, one day his boss asked him to take the pickup and drive all the way into Fort Worth to get a part for the combine harvester. Since it would take him most of the day to get there, the boss gave him money to get a hotel room for the night, and come back with the part the next day.

He made the journey, picked up the part, and then checked into his hotel. After having dinner in the hotel dining room, he wondered what to do. Picking up a "Guide to Fort Worth Night Life" he noticed that near his hotel there was a "Gay Bar".

"Huh," he said to himself. "A bar where they're all happy and cheerful. I reckon I ought to check that place out."

So he made his way to the establishment in question, and went in. To his surprise, it was full of women. Not another man in sight. "Whoa," he said to himself. "I guess this could make a man pretty happy and gay. I'll just mosy over to the bar and settle in."

Which he did. The other patrons looked at him quizzically, but ... used to the occasional country simpleton who wandered in and finally got the idea and left ... they just ignored him.

But finally, one woman's curiousity got the better of her, and she came over and sat next to the cowboy. "Howdy," he said. "Hello," she replied. "I just was curious about you, Mister ... why you're here and all. I mean, what are you?"

"Why, I'm a cowboy," he replied.

"A cowboy?" she asked, thinking maybe this was some new sexual identity. "What's a cowboy? What's a cowboy do?"

"Well, ma'am, what a cowboy does ... what I do ... is deal with cows all day. Hell, when I get up in the morning, I'm thinking about cows. And all day, I'm worrying about cows. And when I go to sleep at night, why I even dream about cows. And now, ma'am, can I ask, what are you?"

"Me?" she smiled. "Well, cowboy ... I'm a lesbian."

"A what?"

"A lesbian."

"A les-bee-ann? What the heck's that?"

She laughed and said, "Well, it means that when I get up in the morning, I'm thinking about women. And all day, I'm worrying about women. And when I go to sleep at night, why I even dream about women."

"Oh," said the cowboy, puzzled. "I see, I guess."

He left the bar soon after and went back to his hotel and went to sleep. Next day he drove home.

"Well, Bill," said his boss, on his arrival. "I see you survived the Big Bad City. Did you learn any new tricks there?"

"Well, boss," replied his employee, "I did learn one thing. You know, if you hadda asked me what I was, for all my grown-up life, I would have answered you, 'I'm a cowboy'. But not now."

"No?" said his boss ... "What are you then if you ain't a cowboy?"

"I'm a lesbian!"
That was the one! And did you visit "Sappho's Lair" too? One of my favorite drinking spots when passing through -- they are tolerant of the occasional man (I guess they assume I'm gay) and the atmosphere is a lot less seedy than at most bars.
That was the one! And did you visit "Sappho's Lair" too? One of my favorite drinking spots when passing through -- they are tolerant of the occasional man (I guess they assume I'm gay) and the atmosphere is a lot less seedy than at most bars.

It wasn't offered :( I was offered the rodeo but I gave it a miss (I do ride horses but I'm stuffed if I'll get on a lunatic Bos Indicus bull, jumping and pig-rooting). But then I was a guest of the Forth Worth Police Officers Association and CLEAT (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas) so I think they may have thought it might have been a bit risque. But I've been to quite a number of gay and lesbian establishments (duty requirements) and found them to be very pleasant indeed. I must say I enjoyed the bar at the Stockyards Hotel though, those western saddles instead of bar stools!! Damn stirrup irons :D
Anyway, back to Emmett Till. Have you considered that there is another aspect to this case?

I think there may be something to this conservative commentary on the case written some time ago but relevant to the issue of unwanted sexual advances made in public:

No Doug. I don't care if if the kid walked into the store and blatantly asked the woman to suck his cock. His WORDS are no excuse for retributive lynching. He didn't touch her, didn't RAPE her, didn't stick his finger up her ass. If the ADOLESCENT BOY from Chicago didn't comprehend the stain of racism in the south then this is NOT a fault of his. It's a fault of the SOUTH and the white people who make excuses for racist reactions to behaviour acceptable according to skin color.

Trying to parse some retarded "but, the block boy whistled and, lemme tellya, it was a lascivious tune" excuse to rationalize the racism is pretty lame. If your kid were beaten and killed for whistling at a woman in a latino neighborhood in L.A. I garenfuckingtee you wouldn't be reaching for such lame shit. this isn't about being PC. This is about being HUMAN. You may not like gays like the south didn't like blacks but you both reach for the same excuses at the same hint of the same supposed behavioural threat.

also, I notice Allie didn't want to tell us what SHE did wrong to invoke the wrath of an abusive man... I guess the rules change when it's your turn to walk that mile.
No Doug. I don't care if if the kid walked into the store and blatantly asked the woman to suck his cock. His WORDS are no excuse for retributive lynching. He didn't touch her, didn't RAPE her, didn't stick his finger up her ass. If the ADOLESCENT BOY from Chicago didn't comprehend the stain of racism in the south then this is NOT a fault of his. It's a fault of the SOUTH and the white people who make excuses for racist reactions to behaviour acceptable according to skin color.

Trying to parse some retarded "but, the block boy whistled and, lemme tellya, it was a lascivious tune" excuse to rationalize the racism is pretty lame. If your kid were beaten and killed for whistling at a woman in a latino neighborhood in L.A. I garenfuckingtee you wouldn't be reaching for such lame shit. this isn't about being PC. This is about being HUMAN. You may not like gays like the south didn't like blacks but you both reach for the same excuses at the same hint of the same supposed behavioural threat.

also, I notice Allie didn't want to tell us what SHE did wrong to invoke the wrath of an abusive man... I guess the rules change when it's your turn to walk that mile.

I love the tirade which then ends with the claim that Allie must have caused the "wrath of an abusive man", pretty much negates your entire rant.
re read the thread, RGS....

I asked that question because she insists that victims share responsibility for acting stupid. Thus, by her own admissions I asked that question.

I'll wait for you to read up...
re read the thread, RGS....

I asked that question because she insists that victims share responsibility for acting stupid. Thus, by her own admissions I asked that question.

I'll wait for you to read up...

I do not need to. The fact is that men and women batter spouses and significant others for reasons not related to being provoked. That is a medical fact.

As to whether or not it was this guys fault, you have one part right, it does not excuse what happened in the slightest, BUT it could be why it happened none the less.

Or do you routinely advice people to go to establishments that serve people that do not like the individual for what ever reason and BAIT the patrons? It is a valid question, what would happen if ,as asked already, a guy goes to a lesbian bar and baits them? Would you recommend that course of action?
Shogun: I would never, ever, ever advise a white boy to exercise his liberal-supported "right" to go into a Black or Latino neighborhood and come on, in any way, to the women there. I hope I would have taught him enough about the joys of multicultural diversity.

Just as I would not advise pious Christians to exercise their God-given right to spread the "Good News" about Jesus in Iraq right now.

If, despite my wise advice, the white boy or pious Christian went ahead and exercised their "rights" ... I would be sad, even violently angry, depending on my feelings towards the deceased.

If I didn't know them well, though, I might be tempted to nominate them for posthumous Darwin Awards.
I do not need to. The fact is that men and women batter spouses and significant others for reasons not related to being provoked. That is a medical fact.

As to whether or not it was this guys fault, you have one part right, it does not excuse what happened in the slightest, BUT it could be why it happened none the less.

Or do you routinely advice people to go to establishments that serve people that do not like the individual for what ever reason and BAIT the patrons? It is a valid question, what would happen if ,as asked already, a guy goes to a lesbian bar and baits them? Would you recommend that course of action?

I sure as hell wouldn't make excuses for the lesbians if they whupped his ass and drug him outback and shot him in the head, dude. No amount of provoking qualifies the violence.

This is why you really should go re read the thread before pouncing here. If she insists that Till, Shepherd etc SHARE the responsibility for poor behaviour in their respective situations then it is fair to ask her what, exactly, were HER errors in HER situation.

I don't care if you are overly sensitive to being baited. This is still a free country where speech is protected and reacting violently is not. I don't care if a gay man sits next to you at the bar and bats is eyes and blows you kisses, RGS.. you STILL don't have the right to react violently. And, if you do, the gay man doesn't share responsibility for YOUR inability to control yourself and seek a non-violent path. shepherds killers COULD have asked the bar owner to evict him from the bar if he was such a distraction instead of deciding to torture and kill him. Tills killers COULD have asked for a restraining order if they hadn't decided that a black kid looking at their white girl was just too much for their racist egos to handle. Hell, dude... WE BAIT EACH OTHER ON THIS BOARD ALL DAMN DAY LONG. Tell me, to what degree of shit talking should I wonder if you are going to come hunting me down? I hope your answer is NONE because that is the correct answer here, there and everywhere.
I sure as hell wouldn't make excuses for the lesbians if they whupped his ass and drug him outback and shot him in the head, dude. No amount of provoking qualifies the violence.

This is why you really should go re read the thread before pouncing here. If she insists that Till, Shepherd etc SHARE the responsibility for poor behaviour in their respective situations then it is fair to ask her what, exactly, were HER errors in HER situation.

I don't care if you are overly sensitive to being baited. This is still a free country where speech is protected and reacting violently is not. I don't care if a gay man sits next to you at the bar and bats is eyes and blows you kisses, RGS.. you STILL don't have the right to react violently. And, if you do, the gay man doesn't share responsibility for YOUR inability to control yourself and seek a non-violent path. shepherds killers COULD have asked the bar owner to evict him from the bar if he was such a distraction instead of deciding to torture and kill him. Tills killers COULD have asked for a restraining order if they hadn't decided that a black kid looking at their white girl was just too much for their racist egos to handle. Hell, dude... WE BAIT EACH OTHER ON THIS BOARD ALL DAMN DAY LONG. Tell me, to what degree of shit talking should I wonder if you are going to come hunting me down? I hope your answer is NONE because that is the correct answer here, there and everywhere.

Totally irrelevant to the issue.
Shogun: I would never, ever, ever advise a white boy to exercise his liberal-supported "right" to go into a Black or Latino neighborhood and come on, in any way, to the women there. I hope I would have taught him enough about the joys of multicultural diversity.

Just as I would not advise pious Christians to exercise their God-given right to spread the "Good News" about Jesus in Iraq right now.

If, despite my wise advice, the white boy or pious Christian went ahead and exercised their "rights" ... I would be sad, even violently angry, depending on my feelings towards the deceased.

If I didn't know them well, though, I might be tempted to nominate them for posthumous Darwin Awards.

The fact remains, regardless of where you want to draw your lines of segregation, that being provoked is not an excuse for violent behaviour. Only liberals support the right of individuals to exercise their liberty to enter public places despite race? WE'll, you got me there!

Good grief, you act as if a white boy going into a latino area and having a latina girlfriend is a fucking capital crime! It's not. Nor is it a reason to excuse a violent reaction. Lessons in multiculturalism? Yea, that's a hellofa lesson as long as everyone stays in their own little area, eh?

Since you brought up christianity in Iraq...

Whose fault would it be if muslims killed a missionary in Iraq? The missionary for being stupid enough to enter the lions den or the iraqis for reacting violently towards being BAITED?

MY answer is the muslims. What's yours?
Totally irrelevant to the issue.

If you want to be obtuse to the point of ignorance then so be it.

Ill pass wasting my time.

If you want to actually read the thread and find out what mile marker we are on then catch up.

If you want to be obtuse to the point of ignorance then so be it.

Ill pass wasting my time.

If you want to actually read the thread and find out what mile marker we are on then catch up.


Already know, a claim was made that perhaps these people went somewhere and acted in a way they shouldn't have, not as an excuse for the results or the murderers that killed them, but as a point that this world actually works that way.

So it is simple, would you advice people in similar situations to act in a manner that may result in their justice being putting their murderers in prison?
Already know, a claim was made that perhaps these people went somewhere and acted in a way they shouldn't have, not as an excuse for the results or the murderers that killed them, but as a point that this world actually works that way.

So it is simple, would you advice people in similar situations to act in a manner that may result in their justice being putting their murderers in prison?

funny how we can shrug and say "thats how the world works" when we identify with the crowd who reacted poorly. Is this concept broadly applicable? 'Cause I can think of a few other scenerios that such logic might be a tight fit for you.

So it is simple, would you advice people in similar situations to act in a manner that may result in their justice being putting their murderers in prison?

I would advise people to remember that this is America and that victims are not the cause of their attackers violence regardless HOW short the dress was, how many times he winked at a man, or how many dinners Allie didnt get to the table on time.

Your sentence is not the clearest written either. YOU may shy away from a certain neighborhood because you think this is how the world works but your decision to walk your dog in gangland doesn';t excuse gangland for your murder. And no, it's not your fault for being stupid enough to enter gangland. Neither is it the rapee's fault for wearing a short skirt, nor is it sheppherds fault for blowing kisses or Till's fault for whistling at a while woman.

It's too bad that your attitude is not "the world doesn't make excuses for criminal behaviour based on the actions of the victim".... Funny, I thought the right were the ones insisting that it's the left who eternally makes excuses for criminal behaviour....

and yes, you would be better served in this thread if you actually took the time to read it and find out who is saying what and for what reasons.
funny how we can shrug and say "thats how the world works" when we identify with the crowd who reacted poorly. Is this concept broadly applicable? 'Cause I can think of a few other scenerios that such logic might be a tight fit for you.

So it is simple, would you advice people in similar situations to act in a manner that may result in their justice being putting their murderers in prison?

I would advise people to remember that this is America and that victims are not the cause of their attackers violence regardless HOW short the dress was, how many times he winked at a man, or how many dinners Allie didnt get to the table on time.

Your sentence is not the clearest written either. YOU may shy away from a certain neighborhood because you think this is how the world works but your decision to walk your dog in gangland doesn';t excuse gangland for your murder. And no, it's not your fault for being stupid enough to enter gangland. Neither is it the rapee's fault for wearing a short skirt, nor is it sheppherds fault for blowing kisses or Till's fault for whistling at a while woman.

It's too bad that your attitude is not "the world doesn't make excuses for criminal behaviour based on the actions of the victim".... Funny, I thought the right were the ones insisting that it's the left who eternally makes excuses for criminal behaviour....

and yes, you would be better served in this thread if you actually took the time to read it and find out who is saying what and for what reasons.

Your tirade is old, and once again, NO ONE made an EXCUSE for the murders or the fact that sometimes rights and laws have to be ignored if one wants to stay alive or unharmed.

Further your attempt to claim because someone notes the obvious that somehow means they identify with the killers is baseless. You do not know any of the people that have tried to educate you on real world conditions but you do not mind making ignorant claims about what they believe and who they admire or associate with.

It really is simple. One can note that someones actions could have exasperated a condition or that their actions could have brought them to the attention of people that they really shouldn't have been associating with. Be so kind now to QUOTE where anyone has actually said it EXCUSES the illegal activity. That it lessens the murder or provides an excuse for the murderers.

I have another question for you... Suppose your in a bank and a person is robbing it. That is illegal. Would it be wise to walk towards them and explain to them their actions are illegal and that you want them to surrender and to then attempt to take the gun away from them? If you were then shot and killed, would it be unreasonable for others to note your actions exasperated the condition? Especially if NO ONE else was shot?

Would noting it be some how making an excuse for your murder or making excuses for the murderer? Would it indicate you identified with robbers and murderers for noting it?
re read the thread, RGS....

I asked that question because she insists that victims share responsibility for acting stupid. Thus, by her own admissions I asked that question.

I'll wait for you to read up...

Where did I say that? Please provide a link. (I think this is one of the examples of someone taking words and putting any meaning they want with them...because they think they know what you REALLY meant).

Once again, I never said, and never would say any victim shares responsibility. All I did was say he made a bad choice. Everyone makes bad choices.

I propose you get some help.

I also find it amusing that for two nights now, after I've posted off and on for hours and then finally turned off the computer, you allege that I'm no longer posting because I've been somehow defeated in some way. I understand how important this is to you, but honestly, I just go to bed. I'm not a meth freak, so I can't jitter over the computer 24-7, as some can.
And after it's all said and done, even after some moron queer hits on a bully in a straight bar and gets his ass beat to death, the queers still have an agenda, and things like the butt boy getting his head beat in just creates more fervor for them to push their sick agenda.

And nice going AllieBaba. You stood off the attacks and usual mouthy smart ass sass of four liberals beating up on you. It just goes to show, armed with sound reasoning and facts, an argument can never be lost, and that's why conservatives kick the shit out of liberals all the time in debates. Liberals argue their "feelings," while conservatives argue the "facts."
What makes me sick is the way they use the poor kid, and set others up for the exact same sort of victimization.
What makes me sick is the way they use the poor kid, and set others up for the exact same sort of victimization.

Again, their whole argument is based on "feelings." No "facts." Just keep doing what you're doing. You're kicking their asses. I can see it, and so can everybody else. When they get all indignant and mouthy, they're losing, and that's what they're doing.

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