The Homosexual Dilemma

I believe they are so held now by a majority of Americans.

Their dissent is not a rational part of American political activity but one of a viciousness not seen since the CR era.
Just by faggots and faggot lovers like you.
Your hatred and self loathing is an example of the exception that proves the rule.

I don't loathe anyone except people like you. I am perfectly fine with myself.

Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true. I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong.
Greenbean and the other social cons can't grasp that their opinion about anal sex (which heterosexuals loves as much as homosexuals), their opinions about the Bible, and the Bible itself has no standing in federal courts.

All of their above whining is . . . unhappy whining.

You can't stand that your belief about fags being normal is accepted by everyone.

I think he can.

Certainly I can stand that my belief that homosexuals are normal is being accepted by everyone everyone other than a few bigots like yourself.
Only by faggots and you faggot lovers.

f*ggot, n*gger, c*nt, k*ke- all the same kinds of words, used by the same kinds of people, for the exact same purpose.
To clear up what someone is.

Well....yes. Using such words certainly clears up what the speaker is.
Anyway - After 308 pages - thoroughly laced with interference and deflection by the Fag Militia -.

308 pages of steaming piles of homophobic lies and bigotry- showing the homophobes to be no different from those who yell 'die N*gger die"

I believe they are so held now by a majority of Americans.

Their dissent is not a rational part of American political activity but one of a viciousness not seen since the CR era.
Just by faggots and faggot lovers like you.
Your hatred and self loathing is an example of the exception that proves the rule.

I don't loathe anyone except people like you. I am perfectly fine with myself.

Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true. I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong.

Which of course makes you a hateful bigot- just like the bigots who hated 'people like you' who happen to be Jewish or happen to be black.

You are all consumed with hating Americans because you identify them as those 'people'.
From 1996 to 2014- acceptance rose 28%

:blahblah: See my post to which you responded re: additional variables - big brother yada yada yada and kindly stop trying to convince everyone that black is white

28% increase in 18 years- that averages out to 1.5% a year- almost exactly the average percentage change per year from 1959 to 2014 for acceptance of mixed race marriages.

In 15 years homophobic bigots like yourself will be held with the same contempt by most Americans as the bigots who were yelling 'die n*gger d*e'.

Once again douche bag - ethnicity is not related to mental illness and your continuous racial slurs against blacks and other minorities in attempting to equate them with mental deviants and degenerates is disgusting.

You are Racist and a Pervert

I haven't mentioned mental illness- not being discussed anywhere in this thread.


28% increase in 18 years- that averages out to 1.5% a year- almost exactly the average percentage change per year from 1959 to 2014 for acceptance of mixed race marriages.

In 15 years homophobic bigots like yourself will be held with the same contempt by most Americans as the bigots who were yelling 'die n*gger d*e'.
The italicized from the once Jackson majoritarian side once they lost the majority: "Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true." Before that they were yelling because they were the majority, their way should be the law. It's about the Constitution, not majorities.

"I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong." What makes you wrong is that marriage equality is right.
From 1996 to 2014- acceptance rose 28%

:blahblah: See my post to which you responded re: additional variables - big brother yada yada yada and kindly stop trying to convince everyone that black is white

28% increase in 18 years- that averages out to 1.5% a year- almost exactly the average percentage change per year from 1959 to 2014 for acceptance of mixed race marriages.

In 15 years homophobic bigots like yourself will be held with the same contempt by most Americans as the bigots who were yelling 'die n*gger d*e'.

Once again douche bag - ethnicity is not related to mental illness t

Yet mentally ill bigots like yourself attack people based upon their race or their sexual preference.

In 15 years homophobic bigots like yourself will be held with the same contempt by most Americans as the bigots who were yelling 'die n*gger d*e'

There is no Racial Issue involved in this thread -

I never said there was a racial issue involved in this thread.

I am saying homophobic bigots like yourself who proclaim that you want to 'bitch slap' f*ggots are indistinguishable from racist bigots who proclaim that they would like to 'bitch slap' n*ggers.

For them its race. For you its sexual identity. But your mindset is exactly the same- just look at your choice of words.


Wouldn't be any different than "God hates N*ggers" in 1960
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Where is the controversy in simply observing that fags are a bunch of cock-sucking bitches that like to take it up the ass?

What's controversial about that? Hell, everyone knows it.

When they have to walk around with a colostomy bag because nature does not provide for large objects to traverse the wrong way through the colon with repeated, violent thrusts, I don't want to pay for their medical care. That's the controversy.

Well I am glad we finally got to the root of your homophobia.......
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Where is the controversy in simply observing that fags are a bunch of cock-sucking bitches that like to take it up the ass?

What's controversial about that? Hell, everyone knows it.

When they have to walk around with a colostomy bag because nature does not provide for large objects to traverse the wrong way through the colon with repeated, violent thrusts, I don't want to pay for their medical care. That's the controversy.
So...that's why some people have to wear those things.


The 10 Biggest Misconceptions About Anal Sex

The myth: It will cause you physical damage.
The truth: Having any sort of sex the "wrong way" could cause damage. Think about it: If you are vaginally dry and don't use additional lube, you can cause micro-tears in the vagina. The same thing can happen in anal sex. Granted the vagina does create it's own lubrication usually (depending on hormones etc.) and the anus does not but that just means real lube (not saliva) needs to be used for a healthy experience.

The myth: Your anus will get all stretched out.
The truth: Just like the myth that the vagina gets irreparably stretched out from childbirth, this is also a misconception. There were rumors in the late seventies of groups of men who engaged in so much anal activity that they actually lost control of bowel movements. Regular, healthy use of anal sex will not lead to this outcome. Through regular anal sex, your anus does learn to become more relaxed but much of that has to do with your ability to relax yourself mentally for the act. And we all know that the vagina accommodates a wide range of penises, the anus can too — with the right introduction.​

And just as an aside:

Roughly half of all men and women have attempted anal sex, according to a national sexual health survey from Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute.

The anus lacks the natural lubrication the vagina has. Penetration can tear the tissue inside the anus, allowing bacteria and viruses to enter the bloodstream. This can result in the spread of sexually transmitted infections including HIV. Studies have suggested that anal exposure to HIV poses 30 times more risk for the receptive partner than vaginal exposure.

The anus was designed to hold in feces. The anus is surrounded with a ring-like muscle, called the anal sphincter, which tightens after we defecate. When the muscle is tight, anal penetration can be painful and difficult. Repetitive anal sex may lead to weakening of the anal sphincter, making it difficult to hold in feces until you can get to the toilet

The anus is full of bacteria. Even if both partners do not have a sexually-transmitted infection or disease, bacteria normally in the anus can potentially infect the giving partner.

Anal sex can carry other risks as well. Oral contact with the anus can put both partners at risk for hepatitis,herpes, HPV, shigelosis and other infections.

Anal Sex Safety and Health Concerns

Thanks for the information. I absolutely agree that no one should have anal sex unless they want to.
Best way to catch a few of these republicans, start a thread about gays. They will flock to the thread in droves.
"A few" is the right descriptor.

Most Republicans no more care about sexual nonsense than most Democrats.

But . . . make an issue political . . . but sides will come winging it for points instead of the right thing.
I believe they are so held now by a majority of Americans.

Their dissent is not a rational part of American political activity but one of a viciousness not seen since the CR era.
Just by faggots and faggot lovers like you.
Your hatred and self loathing is an example of the exception that proves the rule.

I don't loathe anyone except people like you. I am perfectly fine with myself.

Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true. I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong.

Which of course makes you a hateful bigot- just like the bigots who hated 'people like you' who happen to be Jewish or happen to be black.

You are all consumed with hating Americans because you identify them as those 'people'.

It means I look at things differently and you equate that with bigotry. Typical Lib mentality of he doesn't believe like me so he's a bigot.

I despise people who think that because they like something a I should like it, too.
I believe they are so held now by a majority of Americans.

Their dissent is not a rational part of American political activity but one of a viciousness not seen since the CR era.
Just by faggots and faggot lovers like you.
Your hatred and self loathing is an example of the exception that proves the rule.

I don't loathe anyone except people like you. I am perfectly fine with myself.

Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true. I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong.

Which of course makes you a hateful bigot- just like the bigots who hated 'people like you' who happen to be Jewish or happen to be black.

You are all consumed with hating Americans because you identify them as those 'people'.

It means I look at things differently and you equate that with bigotry. Typical Lib mentality of he doesn't believe like me so he's a bigot.

I despise people who think that because they like something a I should like it, too.

You are describing yourself.

No one cares whether you like it, but act the butt and it will get kicked. Move along.
I believe they are so held now by a majority of Americans.

Their dissent is not a rational part of American political activity but one of a viciousness not seen since the CR era.
Just by faggots and faggot lovers like you.
Your hatred and self loathing is an example of the exception that proves the rule.

I don't loathe anyone except people like you. I am perfectly fine with myself.

Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true. I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong.

Which of course makes you a hateful bigot- just like the bigots who hated 'people like you' who happen to be Jewish or happen to be black.

You are all consumed with hating Americans because you identify them as those 'people'.

It means I look at things differently and you equate that with bigotry. Typical Lib mentality of he doesn't believe like me so he's a bigot.

I despise people who think that because they like something a I should like it, too.
Who said you need to like something? YOu don't have to like me, but don't think it's acceptable to keep me a second class citizen.
I believe they are so held now by a majority of Americans.

Their dissent is not a rational part of American political activity but one of a viciousness not seen since the CR era.
Just by faggots and faggot lovers like you.
Your hatred and self loathing is an example of the exception that proves the rule.

I don't loathe anyone except people like you. I am perfectly fine with myself.

Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true. I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong.

Which of course makes you a hateful bigot- just like the bigots who hated 'people like you' who happen to be Jewish or happen to be black.

You are all consumed with hating Americans because you identify them as those 'people'.

It means I look at things differently and you equate that with bigotry. Typical Lib mentality of he doesn't believe like me so he's a bigot.

I despise people who think that because they like something a I should like it, too.

Your words: Just by faggots and faggot lovers like you.

You are no different from the bigot who says "Just by N*ggers and N*gger lovers like you"

You just hate a different flavor of humans.
Where is the controversy in simply observing that fags are a bunch of cock-sucking bitches that like to take it up the ass?

What's controversial about that? Hell, everyone knows it.

When they have to walk around with a colostomy bag because nature does not provide for large objects to traverse the wrong way through the colon with repeated, violent thrusts, I don't want to pay for their medical care. That's the controversy.
So...that's why some people have to wear those things.


The 10 Biggest Misconceptions About Anal Sex

The myth: It will cause you physical damage.
The truth: Having any sort of sex the "wrong way" could cause damage. Think about it: If you are vaginally dry and don't use additional lube, you can cause micro-tears in the vagina. The same thing can happen in anal sex. Granted the vagina does create it's own lubrication usually (depending on hormones etc.) and the anus does not but that just means real lube (not saliva) needs to be used for a healthy experience.

The myth: Your anus will get all stretched out.
The truth: Just like the myth that the vagina gets irreparably stretched out from childbirth, this is also a misconception. There were rumors in the late seventies of groups of men who engaged in so much anal activity that they actually lost control of bowel movements. Regular, healthy use of anal sex will not lead to this outcome. Through regular anal sex, your anus does learn to become more relaxed but much of that has to do with your ability to relax yourself mentally for the act. And we all know that the vagina accommodates a wide range of penises, the anus can too — with the right introduction.​

And just as an aside:

Roughly half of all men and women have attempted anal sex, according to a national sexual health survey from Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute.

The anus lacks the natural lubrication the vagina has. Penetration can tear the tissue inside the anus, allowing bacteria and viruses to enter the bloodstream. This can result in the spread of sexually transmitted infections including HIV. Studies have suggested that anal exposure to HIV poses 30 times more risk for the receptive partner than vaginal exposure.

The anus was designed to hold in feces. The anus is surrounded with a ring-like muscle, called the anal sphincter, which tightens after we defecate. When the muscle is tight, anal penetration can be painful and difficult. Repetitive anal sex may lead to weakening of the anal sphincter, making it difficult to hold in feces until you can get to the toilet

The anus is full of bacteria. Even if both partners do not have a sexually-transmitted infection or disease, bacteria normally in the anus can potentially infect the giving partner.

Anal sex can carry other risks as well. Oral contact with the anus can put both partners at risk for hepatitis,herpes, HPV, shigelosis and other infections.

Anal Sex Safety and Health Concerns

Thanks for the information. I absolutely agree that no one should have anal sex unless they want to.
Yup - and attempted suicide should be punishable by Death !
Just by faggots and faggot lovers like you.
Your hatred and self loathing is an example of the exception that proves the rule.

I don't loathe anyone except people like you. I am perfectly fine with myself.

Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true. I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong.

Which of course makes you a hateful bigot- just like the bigots who hated 'people like you' who happen to be Jewish or happen to be black.

You are all consumed with hating Americans because you identify them as those 'people'.

It means I look at things differently and you equate that with bigotry. Typical Lib mentality of he doesn't believe like me so he's a bigot.

I despise people who think that because they like something a I should like it, too.
Who said you need to like something? YOu don't have to like me, but don't think it's acceptable to keep me a second class citizen.

No one is making you a second class citizen , or even an inferior human being - you did that all by yourself.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Where is the controversy in simply observing that fags are a bunch of cock-sucking bitches that like to take it up the ass?

What's controversial about that? Hell, everyone knows it.

When they have to walk around with a colostomy bag because nature does not provide for large objects to traverse the wrong way through the colon with repeated, violent thrusts, I don't want to pay for their medical care. That's the controversy.

Well I am glad we finally got to the root of your homophobia.......

JAMMING AGAIN !? Can't you find something New - what a loser !

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Mentally healthy human beings will naturally feel a sense of shame and exclusion when they perceive that they are not part of the the pack, both in their thoughts and actions. The Jammimg tactic is to evoke a sense of shame in the opponent when his opposition to the gay movement and sexual perversion surfaces. Gay propaganda will depict opponents as homophobic and queer hating redneck bigots, as crude obnoxious loudmouths. It can depict them being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict gays as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion.
Jamming employs the science of Direct Emotional Modeling and Associative Conditioning.

Jamming makes use of the rules of Associative Conditioning ... and Direct Emotional Modeling. [After The Ball pg. 152-53 ] the bigot ..made to believe ... that others will now despise him .[the]effect is achieved without reference to facts, logic, or proof .whether he is conscious of the attack or not....the more he [the bigot] is distracted ... the less conscious he will be of the true nature of the process .

Dr. Laura is a prime example of this facet of the campaign at work, a visible victim of this new assault on freedom of speech and free thought. The LGBT machine mobilized and launched a vicious campaign against Dr. Laura following comments on her shows which accurately described gays as deviant, biological errors and a mistake of nature. Talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger was forced to issue an apology to gays.

I deeply regret the hurt this situation has caused the gay and lesbian community..
..While I express my opinions from the perspective of an Orthodox Jew and a staunch defender of the traditional family, in talking about gays and lesbians, some of my words have been poorly chosen. Many people perceive them as hate speech. This fact has been personally and professionally devastating to me as well as to many others...

In 2000 she attempted to launch a Television program and was beaten down by gay agendaites. The show aired only briefly but advertisers largely shunned the program due to harassment and manipulation from the Gay machine. While other shows such as the several early failed attempts by the gay machine to get Ellen [Degennaris] into the public eye met with a number of failures due to poor quality, Dr. Laura, having ample quality, failed due to leftist censorship and manipulation induced by Jamming and Associative conditioning Gay Brainwashing Techniques
Your hatred and self loathing is an example of the exception that proves the rule.

I don't loathe anyone except people like you. I am perfectly fine with myself.

Your mindset that because a majority believe something that makes it correct isn't true. I may look at thing differently than you but that doesn't make me wrong.

Which of course makes you a hateful bigot- just like the bigots who hated 'people like you' who happen to be Jewish or happen to be black.

You are all consumed with hating Americans because you identify them as those 'people'.

It means I look at things differently and you equate that with bigotry. Typical Lib mentality of he doesn't believe like me so he's a bigot.

I despise people who think that because they like something a I should like it, too.
Who said you need to like something? YOu don't have to like me, but don't think it's acceptable to keep me a second class citizen.

No one is making you a second class citizen , or even an inferior human being - you did that all by yourself.
How so?
I haven't mentioned mental illness- not being discussed anywhere in this thread.
So you are saying this thread isn't about homosexuals ?

If there were a thread pertaining to Mongoilism we would be discussing mental retardation - this thread pertains to homosexuals so hence we are discussing Mental Illness - Capice MF ?

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