The Homosexual Dilemma

but thats exactly what you want. you want a minority to dictate to the majority.

The 3 branches of government were established to prevent the tyranny of the majority over the minority. No one is forcing you to become gay, attend a gay wedding, condone or endorse gay marriage, or marry gay people. But, you don't get to determine what someone else's rights should be.

Nope. You faggots are just forcing people to conduct the ceremonies, bake wedding cakes, and offer photography services for fag weddings. I love how how you turd pirates pretend like you're not in everyone's face and not forcing your beliefs on anyone. Bull fcking shit!

Oh! I didn't realize the extent of the oppression! Christians in untold numbers are being forced to conduct ceremonies (untrue), bake cakes, and take photographs of gay people getting married! It's as if this is Nero's Rome! What terrible persecution!

Is there some distinction in principle where one person is forced into servitude, as opposed to a million or ten million?

What would that distinction be? And do you see any potential for expansion of forced servitude, where the first passes without contest, then the second and third and so on?

I ask, because it is clear that tens of millions of voters disagreed in the last election, wherein a large percentage of the political clout of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality was kicked to the curb by that significant majority.

So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Was marriage equality on the ballot last November? Would it matter if it was? Does the Constitution protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority?
I suspect the reason why homosexuals, in the past, hid in the closet was because of a hateful, raging, smug, intolerant, closed-minded, despicable bigot like you.



Let's test that...

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Huh... That's weird. You called ME a bigot, even as YOU WERE DEMONSTRATING THE PRECISE COMPOSITION of "Bigotry".

LOL! ... who could've seen THAT comin'?

You feed off of marginalizing people...

Wait... is it me, or is that YOU, trying to marginalize ME?

I only ask because it really looks like YOU'RE TRYING TO MARGINALIZE ME... and ya seem to be doing so, even as ya imply that doin' so, is wrong.

So you seem to be suffering some sort of cognitive dissonance. And ya might want to get that checked out. Could be a serious problem for ya.

trying to make them feel inferior as if they don't belong in your world.

But... You're trying to make me feel inferior, and clearly your premise, is that I don't belong in your world.

I mean... this is you, right? >>
But I've news for you, it's not your world and your wicked, evil ways are no longer valid in the 21st Century. Shame on you!

All I'm doing is stating a fact: Homosexuality deviates from the physiological standard established by the natural, intrinsic design of the human being. And that it not only deviates from that standard, it deviates as FAR OFF THE STANDARD AS CAN BE PRODUCED, WHERE THE SUBJECTS IN CONSIDERATION REMAIN HUMAN.

Meaning that it's not possible to deviate FURTHER FROM THE HUMAN SEXUALITY NORM, THAN HOMOSEXUALITY.

With the overriding point being that it's beyond foolish to claim that THAT DEVIATION is normal.

Because... it's not normal. It's demonstrably abnormal... and nothing short of a presentation of a profound mental disorder... (cognitive dissonance, for instance.)

Which, again... is why homosexuals have spent the bulk of human existence up on the top shelf, pushed toward the back of the closet. "It's a problem..."
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but thats exactly what you want. you want a minority to dictate to the majority.

The 3 branches of government were established to prevent the tyranny of the majority over the minority. No one is forcing you to become gay, attend a gay wedding, condone or endorse gay marriage, or marry gay people. But, you don't get to determine what someone else's rights should be.

Nope. You faggots are just forcing people to conduct the ceremonies, bake wedding cakes, and offer photography services for fag weddings. I love how how you turd pirates pretend like you're not in everyone's face and not forcing your beliefs on anyone. Bull fcking shit!

Oh! I didn't realize the extent of the oppression! Christians in untold numbers are being forced to conduct ceremonies (untrue), bake cakes, and take photographs of gay people getting married! It's as if this is Nero's Rome! What terrible persecution!

Is there some distinction in principle where one person is forced into servitude, as opposed to a million or ten million?

What would that distinction be? And do you see any potential for expansion of forced servitude, where the first passes without contest, then the second and third and so on?

I ask, because it is clear that tens of millions of voters disagreed in the last election, wherein a large percentage of the political clout of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality was kicked to the curb by that significant majority.

So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Was marriage equality on the ballot last November? Would it matter if it was? Does the Constitution protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority?

will you lefties ever get it? minority rights were established by the majority. Rights were made law by majority vote. There is no tyranny in one man/one vote. Its called democracy.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
will you lefties ever get it? minority rights were established by the majority. Rights were made law by majority vote. There is no tyranny in one man/one vote. Its called democracy.
You don't live in a democracy, you live in a Democratic Republic, and the rights of others should never be up for a vote, especially the rights of the minority. How long before you get that?

And should you not like that then get the fuck out of my country and move to Jesusland.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
Why do you bother saying this when it isn't true? You lost, the fags won. Suck it up like a big black dick faggot-hater.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Kinda like forcing someone to remain single instead marrying the person he/she loves?

Marriage is whatever the people marrying define it as.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Kinda like forcing someone to remain single instead marrying the person he/she loves?

Marriage is whatever the people marrying define it as.
Actually. here, it's what the State defines it as, unless you want a non-binding one without legal support like a church thing or whatever else you came up with. That is what is pissing people off, the states have figured out that fags have equal rights.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Kinda like forcing someone to remain single instead marrying the person he/she loves?

Marriage is whatever the people marrying define it as.
Actually. here, it's what the State defines it as, unless you want a non-binding one without legal support like a church thing or whatever else you came up with. That is what is pissing people off, the states have figured out that fags have equal rights.

Yes. It wasn't well made, but my point was he doesn't get to define what marriage is for others.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Kinda like forcing someone to remain single instead marrying the person he/she loves?

Marriage is whatever the people marrying define it as.
Actually. here, it's what the State defines it as, unless you want a non-binding one without legal support like a church thing or whatever else you came up with. That is what is pissing people off, the states have figured out that fags have equal rights.

Yes. It wasn't well made, but my point was he doesn't get to define what marriage is for others.
Society does that but it isn't up for a vote, and society has found some more people who should be married.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Consider how those who describe themselves as homophobic are always more turned on by gay porn than self-identified gay men. They conceal they're own homosexuality by coming out (heh) against it.

We're on to you. :)

Who describes themselves as homophobic?
but thats exactly what you want. you want a minority to dictate to the majority.

The 3 branches of government were established to prevent the tyranny of the majority over the minority. No one is forcing you to become gay, attend a gay wedding, condone or endorse gay marriage, or marry gay people. But, you don't get to determine what someone else's rights should be.

Nope. You faggots are just forcing people to conduct the ceremonies, bake wedding cakes, and offer photography services for fag weddings. I love how how you turd pirates pretend like you're not in everyone's face and not forcing your beliefs on anyone. Bull fcking shit!

Have you abandoned all pretext of being a Christian?

Did you know that Public Accommodation laws protect Christians in all 50 states but gays in only a handful? Gays must serve Christians in all 50 states, but Christians don't have to serve gays in all 50. You aren't really going to try to pretend that the law treats Christians unfairly are you?
What gay person or atheist has ever been forced to perform a wedding service for Christians?

Right. None. Let's stop with the irrelevant comparisons shall we?

And Christians don't take advice from non Christians as to what Christian conduct should be. That would just be absurd.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Kinda like forcing someone to remain single instead marrying the person he/she loves?

Marriage is whatever the people marrying define it as.
No, it's not like that at all

The lack of "gay marriage" has not kept anyone single. You people pair up with or without a piece of paper.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Kinda like forcing someone to remain single instead marrying the person he/she loves?

Marriage is whatever the people marrying define it as.
Actually. here, it's what the State defines it as, unless you want a non-binding one without legal support like a church thing or whatever else you came up with. That is what is pissing people off, the states have figured out that fags have equal rights.

Yes. It wasn't well made, but my point was he doesn't get to define what marriage is for others.

Actually I do. It's called democracy.
It's funny when people like Seawytch say such things then demand society function the way she wants when it comes to marriage.

its called hypocrisy and she is very good at it.

Most lefties are. They live by the concept that it's OK for them to do something they say is wrong if done in a way they don't like. Use the marriage argument they put forth. Their claim is that two consenting adults that want to be married should be able to do so and no one should prevent it. At that point, although I don't personally believe it, pose a brother/sister marriage. They are quick to deny the equality they claim for same sex couples. They do toward those situations what they say is wrong to do for consenting adults. They try to justify it with hypocrisy by claiming there are compelling reasons in those cases. The hypocrisy they don't see is that they think they can determine what is compelling when they don't like it but in cases they support, no reason is compelling.

The Ideological Left does not contest incest marriage, nor do they contest polygamy, or bestiality... And they don't care about it, because they're idiots without the slightest means to reason through the equation and recognize the immorality of such and the destructive nature of immorality... and they do so, because they can't stand the idea that someone else should tell them how to act.

The Left wants to be free, without bearing ANY of the responsibilities that are intrinsic to such.

FTR: That's OKA: Evil...

Take note, apathetic dimwit, this country has evolved immensely. Why are you so afraid of people?
If you really want to discuss hypocrisy, take a look at the Eugenics Movement headed by old Republican men. States allowed social workers to designate people for sterilization. The standards by which individuals could be forcibly sterilized were the most lax in the nation: unmarried women with children, African Americans, individuals with I.Q.'s under 70, the mentally ill, and children from poor families. Does the majority really rule?

Do you have a link for that or are you just pulling stuff out of your cock dilated ass? The only eugenic proponent I know of is Margaret Sanger who opened abortion clinics to kill off black people. One of yours, of course.

At least you've admitted you don't very much, which proves most bigots are uneducated. Slide your fingers over your keyboard and locate the letters GOOGLE. You do know how to Google, don't you?
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Kinda like forcing someone to remain single instead marrying the person he/she loves?

Marriage is whatever the people marrying define it as.
Actually. here, it's what the State defines it as, unless you want a non-binding one without legal support like a church thing or whatever else you came up with. That is what is pissing people off, the states have figured out that fags have equal rights.

Yes. It wasn't well made, but my point was he doesn't get to define what marriage is for others.

Actually I do. It's called democracy.
You don't live in a Democracy.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Consider how those who describe themselves as homophobic are always more turned on by gay porn than self-identified gay men. They conceal they're own homosexuality by coming out (heh) against it.

We're on to you. :)

Who describes themselves as homophobic?
Who describes themselves as racist?
Who describes themselves as misogynist?
Who describes themselves as ageist?
Who describes themselves as anti-semetic?
its called hypocrisy and she is very good at it.

Most lefties are. They live by the concept that it's OK for them to do something they say is wrong if done in a way they don't like. Use the marriage argument they put forth. Their claim is that two consenting adults that want to be married should be able to do so and no one should prevent it. At that point, although I don't personally believe it, pose a brother/sister marriage. They are quick to deny the equality they claim for same sex couples. They do toward those situations what they say is wrong to do for consenting adults. They try to justify it with hypocrisy by claiming there are compelling reasons in those cases. The hypocrisy they don't see is that they think they can determine what is compelling when they don't like it but in cases they support, no reason is compelling.

The Ideological Left does not contest incest marriage, nor do they contest polygamy, or bestiality... And they don't care about it, because they're idiots without the slightest means to reason through the equation and recognize the immorality of such and the destructive nature of immorality... and they do so, because they can't stand the idea that someone else should tell them how to act.

The Left wants to be free, without bearing ANY of the responsibilities that are intrinsic to such.

FTR: That's OKA: Evil...

Take note, apathetic dimwit, this country has evolved immensely. Why are you so afraid of people?
If you really want to discuss hypocrisy, take a look at the Eugenics Movement headed by old Republican men. States allowed social workers to designate people for sterilization. The standards by which individuals could be forcibly sterilized were the most lax in the nation: unmarried women with children, African Americans, individuals with I.Q.'s under 70, the mentally ill, and children from poor families. Does the majority really rule?

Do you have a link for that or are you just pulling stuff out of your cock dilated ass? The only eugenic proponent I know of is Margaret Sanger who opened abortion clinics to kill off black people. One of yours, of course.

At least you've admitted you don't very much, which proves most bigots are uneducated. Slide your fingers over your keyboard and locate the letters GOOGLE. You do know how to Google, don't you?

When you make outlandish claims, it's up to you to prove them. Short of that, we can just assume you made it up.
So having to bake a cake is equal to not having equality because one is attracted to one's own gender?

"Having" to bake a cake, is forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do... which is forced servitude. Try that in my shop and see how it goes for ya.

Are you saying that gay marriage is a slippery slope to Christian slavery?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Kinda like forcing someone to remain single instead marrying the person he/she loves?

Marriage is whatever the people marrying define it as.
No, it's not like that at all

The lack of "gay marriage" has not kept anyone single. You people pair up with or without a piece of paper.
So you don't believe that gay Americans should be afforded the SAME 1000+ rights and protections that Straight Americans can get thru a simple legal marriage license.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Consider how those who describe themselves as homophobic are always more turned on by gay porn than self-identified gay men. They conceal they're own homosexuality by coming out (heh) against it.

We're on to you. :)

Who describes themselves as homophobic?
Who describes themselves as racist?
Who describes themselves as misogynist?
Who describes themselves as ageist?
Who describes themselves as anti-semetic?

Who describes themselves as faggot?

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