The Homosexual Dilemma

Homosexuality isn't a choice. I have Epilepsy I didn't chose that either. It brings on a lot of bad side affects. I am not asking for sympathy. But I am not asking for special privileges, either. I didn't ask for this. But there isn't anything in the Constitution that gives me special protections, either. I am so offended by people with weird sexual neuroses that DEMAND special "rights" it is sickening. Really?

Name these "special rights". Give us a list of what you believe is as special right. Do you think if you were denied a marriage license because of your epilepsy that fighting for it would be a "special right"?

Supreme Court Declares Gays a Protected Class

When a group is given a special consideration, it puts them in a special rights category.
Those who are attracted to children can't make a different choice either. Compulsive hoarding isn't a choice. No compulsive disorder leaves the sufferer with a choice.
God these assholes are dumb. One thinks that if walks into his daughter's bedroom and finds her on her knees stripped to her panties, her boyfriend standing over her with his jeans and tighty whiteys at his ankles, and his cock in her mouth that he would react by saying, Oh good, I was worried that you two might be having sex but I can see it's just foreplay so have fun kids. Morons here, total fucking morons.

Hey House, I don't make these definitions up. Society and nature does. It appears it is my job to educate those that don't know any better.
You "definition" is that only of horny teenage girls who are "technical virgins". The rest of us know that a cock in your ass or your mouth means you are having sex. We, unlike you, have common fucking sense, literally.
Not according to Bill Clinton.

And you agree with Bill Clinton?

It's not a matter of agreement. However, if one is going to apply a definition a certain way and it be accepted by his supporters, those supporters should apply the definition the same way in other situations.
The fact of the matter remains that Where R My Keys can neither recognize nor comprehend "truth". He fails to serve the good because he willfully and arrogantly supplants common sense with his own half-baked beliefs. He demeans critical thinking and replaces it with his own relative and unstable belief system that he wants accepted as infallible. He is here only for our amusement.
Doesn't matter what the anti-marriage equality crowd, believe, think, or pray for. Their confirmation bias and associated group cognitive dissonance will not stave off the embedding of marriage equality nationally and locally in a short time, and it will not stave off their children from chiding them, "Quit being goobers. If you are right about it, God will take care of it, because you have shown you can't."
My children applaude my stance that faggots are abnormal.

F*ggots, C*nts, N*ggers, K*kes.....

Bigots use these words for the same purpose.

Calling someone what they are isn't bigotry.
"However, if one is going to apply a definition a certain way and it be accepted by his supporters, those supporters should apply the definition the same way in other situations."

I certainly wish the far right social Christian conservatives would follow what they preach.
Second silly statement of the day: "Therefore, they're chasing something that can't be had until THEY turn from that which renders them illegitimate."

You can't prove the path is illegitimate, only alternate.
1. It is about science and how different conlcusions can come from the same research.

People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Except that's not what happened. What happened was an anti gay group misinterpreted the study.

UK ‘gay cure’ group red-faced as psychiatrists point out they are wrong

Speaking to Gay Star News, a Royal College of Psychiatrists spokeswoman said it was a clear ‘misinterpretation’ of their actual statement.

‘Homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder,’ it reads. ‘The College believes strongly in evidence-based treatment. There is no sound scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed.

‘The College would not support a therapy for converting people from homosexuality any more than we would do so from heterosexuality.

‘Psychiatrists should be committed to reducing inequalities, not supporting practices that are explicitly based on pathologizing homosexuality. As such, the College remains in favor of legislative efforts to ban such conversion therapies.’

There was a lot more than just "saying something" in that case. Also, you can't "say anything" at work, you know that right? Your "free speech" goes only as far as your employer allows.

Tebow's action of praying got media attention. However, had he not scored a toughdown, etc. there would have been no attention because he wouldn't have Tebowed. For Sam, the attention came before ever stepping foot on an NFL field. Tebow also had high school accomplishments. You don't start at Florida and win the Heisman if you don't.

You can't pretend Michael Sam didn't have accomplishments prior to coming out. He was SEC defensive player of the year and I think would be on a roster right now if he hadn't come out as gay.

Do you think role models are important? You obviously see Tebow as a role model for Christians and have no problem with that. Why can't Michael Sam be a role model for gay athletes? You may not realize it, but it is important for the gay High School football player in Iowa to see that there are others like him and it's okay to be athletic and gay.

5. Define equal. It doens't mean you get to do exactly the same things I do or vice versa.

Just ask them about polygamy or a sibling marriage. They are quicker to say no to it coming up with why equality should be denied than they are about bending over and taking one in the ass for the homos.

Polygamy and incest are both illegal so bringing them up is what is referred to in polite circles as a "slippery slope fallacy". They are completely unrelated to gays having equal access to civil marriage, and would either have a valid argument for legalization or they would not regardless of gays civilly marrying.

Quite a few countries have been marrying the gays for a while now. Even more countries perform legal polygamist marriages. None do both. There is no slippery slope.
1. Perhaps you can explain why homosexuality isn't considered a disorder but pedophelia is? I don't equate that homos are pedos but how can one be and not the other?

Perhaps you should catch up with the scientific community.

Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Says In New DSM

2. My free speech extends until some little thin skinned, pussified homo gets his panties in a wad and gets his feelings hurt because someone doesn't like that he sucks dicks.

Your "free speech" extends until anyone is offended by it in the workplace. I don't think you understand the concept of free speech. You not being able to be a bigoted asshole in the workplace is not an infringement on your free speech. The government throwing you in jail for it is.

And the case you cited wasn't just about "saying something". The man was harassed and discriminated against in the workplace because of his sexual orientation.

3. I don't discount Michael Sam's accomplishments. I have clearly stated that far, far more was made of his sexual orientation than of his accomplishments when he was drafted. All you have to do is Google his name and see how many stories related to his sexual orientation vs. his accomplishment come up.

In typical fashion, this happens: Michael Sam -- I m Not in the NFL ... Because I m Gay

So what? He is still an accomplished athlete and his reasoning for coming out was sound. He was already out and he wanted to get ahead of it. Better for him to announce it than for TMZ to do it in typical rag fashion.

The exact same thing can be said of Tebow. He was made "a star" because of his outside involvements not his on field accomplishments.

Have you heard Tebow say he wasn't in the NFL because he was a Christian. Sounds like the gay boy can't face the fact that he couldn't cut it in the NFL just like Tebow. Guess that means he sucked in more ways than one.

How many SEC Defensive players of the year didn't get drafted historically? I do think a lot of teams did not pick him up because they didn't want to deal with the controversy. Tebow got his chance and he whoofed it. He did not perform up to the hype. How about letting Michael Sam have the chance?

By the way, you don't know who I see as a role model. Where I played college football showing off after your scored would have gotten you benched. Scoring alone got you the attention you deserved. Also, I don't hold professional athletes as role models. I view them as overpaid men playing a kid's game.

Okay, fine, but some people do see professional athletes as role models and it's especially important for gay kids. It's not as bad now as it was when I was growing up, but when television only depicted the stereotypical effeminate gay person, it was really hard for the young gay athlete to know where they fit in. It is important for gay kids to see someone successful and famous and openly gay, especially if they don't live in tolerant states or go to tolerant schools.

5. That's the point. The equality of marriage crowd should be fighting to make them legal just like they did for the faggots. If they don't and fight against it, they are doing exactly the same thing they claimed those of us opposed to same sex marriage were doing only they say they are OK doing it.

If they do, their argument would be separate from gays seeking marriage equality. Either you believe they have a valid argument for marriage equality or they don't. If they do, they do with or without gay marriage equality.

Let's see if I can make the fallacy of your argument easier for you to understand. If we don't lock up first time drug offenders, does that mean we are going to release all murderers on death row?

Please name all the countries that have been civilly marrying gays that also civilly marry polygamists. How about vice versa? Which polygamist countries also allow gays to civilly marry?

If the argument is EQUALITY and you deny it to marriages you don't like, you're the typical fucking piece of shit hypocrite on the left.

I'm not. I say if those people believe that they have a fundamental right to civilly marry, they can petition the courts and let them decide. I have no skin in the game and don't care. I will even wish them luck in their fight. Are there a lot of them? 1st cousins can already civilly marry in a few long as they cannot procreate. Did you know that?
Homosexuality isn't a choice. I have Epilepsy I didn't chose that either. It brings on a lot of bad side affects. I am not asking for sympathy. But I am not asking for special privileges, either. I didn't ask for this. But there isn't anything in the Constitution that gives me special protections, either. I am so offended by people with weird sexual neuroses that DEMAND special "rights" it is sickening. Really?

Name these "special rights". Give us a list of what you believe is as special right. Do you think if you were denied a marriage license because of your epilepsy that fighting for it would be a "special right"?

poor wytchey, so confused, so conflicted, so angry, I really do feel sorry for you.

What do you think I'm confused and conflicted about, Fishy? Angry? Not in the least. I'm sorry that you're wasting your pity 'cause I'm doing great. Okay, I am a little pissed that my coffee maker took a shit this morning and I'm having to boil water and use an old trip thingy on top of my cup each time...but I'll load DAI and kill some Darkspawn and Red Templars to make it all better again.

Can you name these "special rights" Mary is claiming?
Homosexuality isn't a choice. I have Epilepsy I didn't chose that either. It brings on a lot of bad side affects. I am not asking for sympathy. But I am not asking for special privileges, either. I didn't ask for this. But there isn't anything in the Constitution that gives me special protections, either. I am so offended by people with weird sexual neuroses that DEMAND special "rights" it is sickening. Really?

Name these "special rights". Give us a list of what you believe is as special right. Do you think if you were denied a marriage license because of your epilepsy that fighting for it would be a "special right"?

Supreme Court Declares Gays a Protected Class

When a group is given a special consideration, it puts them in a special rights category.

Oh, you mean protected from discrimination based on race, religion, country of origin, gender, veterans status, disability, etc. Tell you what, don't discriminate against us based on animus and we won't need to be a protected class.
Those who are attracted to children can't make a different choice either. Compulsive hoarding isn't a choice. No compulsive disorder leaves the sufferer with a choice.

There is a choice in acting. For me, as a gay woman, the only choice is in acting upon my natural or god given inclinations. As long as I am acting upon those natural inclinations with another consenting adult, whose fucking business is it and why should I be denied the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage because my life partner of choice happens to be the same gender I am?
I could choose to be a criminal. Does that make me one?

I don't find men sexually attractive either because I choose not to.

So with a mere choice you could find a man's hairy ass as sexually attractive as a woman's shapely backside?

Then Sy's right. You're probably bi already. For most of us, its not a choice. Its just an attribute.

If its not a choice, then how come some are choosing it...or not:

Some Gays Can Go Straight Study Says - ABC News

Of course, gay groups are fighting this study, because if homosexuality was a choice, there can be no discrimination.

Since I personally know gays that have went straight, I have to ask why the appeal of a "big hairy ass" left them and was replaced by a vagina.


You really should have researched further...

Psychiatry Giant Sorry for Backing Gay 'Cure'

You should really stop sucking dicks. It's not normal.

You're right, it's not normal for me since I'm a lesbian and only lick pussy. I've never sucked a dick in my life nor do I ever intend to.
Well, no one is perfect.
A family-run business went under because they chose not to bake a fucking cake for a gay wedding?

That's not only the Gay agenda at work, but the twisted brains of the Liberals who will not stand for dissent or disagreement.

Choose to disobey the law at your own risk.

Recognizing our authoritarian State for what it is doesn't justify it.

Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.
The fact of the matter remains that Where R My Keys can neither recognize nor comprehend "truth". He fails to serve the good because he willfully and arrogantly supplants common sense with his own half-baked beliefs. He demeans critical thinking and replaces it with his own relative and unstable belief system that he wants accepted as infallible. He is here only for our amusement.

Keyes is a hoot. And your best friend in a debate in favor of gay marriage. As he so conveniently demonstrates all the classic mistakes, misconceptions and fallacies of gay marriage opponents. From 'Appeal to Authority' fallacies to thuggish threats of a war against gays if they don't 'sit down and shut the fuck up'.

You couldn't ask for a better participant in this thread.
I think it's funny that a bunch of folks who AREN'T gay are trying to explain they do not understand to folks who ARE gay.

That's one of my favorite parts. Listening to anti-gay hysterics try to dictate to someone else their own sexuality. As if our hysterics have the slightest clue what they're talking about.
A family-run business went under because they chose not to bake a fucking cake for a gay wedding?

That's not only the Gay agenda at work, but the twisted brains of the Liberals who will not stand for dissent or disagreement.

Choose to disobey the law at your own risk.

Recognizing our authoritarian State for what it is doesn't justify it.

Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.

I'm not a Christian, retard.

In your overt stupidity, you cannot get past the idea that anyone can make their own choices. Either we want government to use force to compel one citizen to do business with another, in this case because they are gay, or we oppose gays. The idea that it's just not government's job to make that choice isn't part of your dim witted world.

Personally as a business owner, I want my competition to discriminate. More work for me. You seriously need to expand your world though.
You really should have researched further...

Psychiatry Giant Sorry for Backing Gay 'Cure'

You should really stop sucking dicks. It's not normal.

You're right, it's not normal for me since I'm a lesbian and only lick pussy. I've never sucked a dick in my life nor do I ever intend to.
Well, no one is perfect.

Wanna know what the ultimate irony is? I have no gag reflex. I can deep throat a banana no problem. I used to love to fuck with the guys in the Chief's Mess by doing just that. :lol:
That's just fucked up, Sw.

You weren't there, don't know!!!

I had to make those guys swear, on Thanksgiving, that I did not have to hear ANYTHING about ANY of their bodily functions for one whole day. I didn't want to hear about their bowel movements, their "underway socks", their peeing in the shower, none of it on that one freaking day. I had my reasons for revenge :D

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