The Homosexual Dilemma

And there is no question that homosexuality is replicated in every generation. It is part of Nature and has never threatened the continuation of mankind.

Now that depends. Every other generation didn't celebrate it.


And yet here it is. Now the question you have to ask yourself what?

There are certain things that are wrong because they cause genuine harm (rape, murder, theft) and certain things that are wrong because someone believes the are (pork, gays, cheeseburgers, working on sunday). We're rational enough in this day and age to glean that homosexuality is clearly in that latter camp.

Which begs the question, why should we give a fuck? They're just people. Treat them like people and be done with it. Generally speaking, how a person gets their nut is about the least interesting thing about them.
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A family-run business went under because they chose not to bake a fucking cake for a gay wedding?

That's not only the Gay agenda at work, but the twisted brains of the Liberals who will not stand for dissent or disagreement.

Choose to disobey the law at your own risk.

Recognizing our authoritarian State for what it is doesn't justify it.

Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.

I'm not a Christian, retard

Nor did I say you were. I said you were LIKE a born again Christian....where no matter the topic you turn the conversation to your personal obsession.

This isn't a thread about your personal obsession: your hatred of government. We don't give a shit about your anarchism. We don't give a fiddler's fuck about your libertarian ideals. Not here.

You seriously need to expand your world though.

Try telling me that once you figure out what a simile is.
A family-run business went under because they chose not to bake a fucking cake for a gay wedding?

That's not only the Gay agenda at work, but the twisted brains of the Liberals who will not stand for dissent or disagreement.

Choose to disobey the law at your own risk.

Recognizing our authoritarian State for what it is doesn't justify it.

Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.

I'm not a Christian, retard.

In your overt stupidity, you cannot get past the idea that anyone can make their own choices. Either we want government to use force to compel one citizen to do business with another, in this case because they are gay, or we oppose gays. The idea that it's just not government's job to make that choice isn't part of your dim witted world.

Personally as a business owner, I want my competition to discriminate. More work for me. You seriously need to expand your world though.

He didn't say you were, he said you were like a born again Christian...a Born Again Libertarian.

A business owner should think getting rid of ALL public accommodation laws is a great idea....but nobody is even trying to do that. That's not happening anywhere. Instead, anti gay bigots want a special carve out just for them that says only they get to discriminate.

In some places gays are also protected. Either get rid of them all or quitcherbitchin.
You should really stop sucking dicks. It's not normal.

You're right, it's not normal for me since I'm a lesbian and only lick pussy. I've never sucked a dick in my life nor do I ever intend to.
Well, no one is perfect.

Wanna know what the ultimate irony is? I have no gag reflex. I can deep throat a banana no problem. I used to love to fuck with the guys in the Chief's Mess by doing just that. :lol:
That's just fucked up, Sw.

You weren't there, don't know!!!

I had to make those guys swear, on Thanksgiving, that I did not have to hear ANYTHING about ANY of their bodily functions for one whole day. I didn't want to hear about their bowel movements, their "underway socks", their peeing in the shower, none of it on that one freaking day. I had my reasons for revenge :D

As a man I can testify that's just cruel and unusual punishment.
A family-run business went under because they chose not to bake a fucking cake for a gay wedding?

That's not only the Gay agenda at work, but the twisted brains of the Liberals who will not stand for dissent or disagreement.

Choose to disobey the law at your own risk.

Recognizing our authoritarian State for what it is doesn't justify it.

Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.

I'm not a Christian, retard

Nor did I say you were. I said you were LIKE a born again Christian....where no matter the topic you turn the conversation to your personal obsession.

This isn't a thread about your personal obsession: your hatred of government. We don't give a shit about your anarchism. We don't give a fiddler's fuck about your libertarian ideals. Not here.

You seriously need to expand your world though.

Try telling me that once you figure out what a simile is.

Ah, so you were saying that thinking people should make their own choices about who to do business with is "like" being a born again christian.

Why am I talking about politics on a political message board in the politics session.

Small government libertarians are "anarchists."

And saying that gay should be a private matter, not government policy has nothing to do with a thread on gays and government polices.

LOL, you're all over this one, Homey. That's too funny.
Homosexuality isn't a choice. I have Epilepsy I didn't chose that either. It brings on a lot of bad side affects. I am not asking for sympathy. But I am not asking for special privileges, either. I didn't ask for this. But there isn't anything in the Constitution that gives me special protections, either. I am so offended by people with weird sexual neuroses that DEMAND special "rights" it is sickening. Really?

Name these "special rights". Give us a list of what you believe is as special right. Do you think if you were denied a marriage license because of your epilepsy that fighting for it would be a "special right"?

poor wytchey, so confused, so conflicted, so angry, I really do feel sorry for you.

And while you're feeling sorry, SW and those like her will continue to get married, raise families and enjoy the full rights and benefits of equal protection under the law.

Sounds like a win-win to me.
He didn't say you were, he said you were like a born again Christian...a Born Again Libertarian.

From the ultimate one trick pony, every thread turns into a gay thread. Thanks for that clarification. It's not like you two geniuses consistently advocate liberalism, what a great point. LOL.
Choose to disobey the law at your own risk.

Recognizing our authoritarian State for what it is doesn't justify it.

Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.

I'm not a Christian, retard

Nor did I say you were. I said you were LIKE a born again Christian....where no matter the topic you turn the conversation to your personal obsession.

This isn't a thread about your personal obsession: your hatred of government. We don't give a shit about your anarchism. We don't give a fiddler's fuck about your libertarian ideals. Not here.

You seriously need to expand your world though.

Try telling me that once you figure out what a simile is.

Ah, so you were saying that thinking people should make their own choices about who to do business with is "like" being a born again christian.

You trying to turn the conversations into another one of your hysteric anti-government screeds is what makes you like a born against Christian.

We get it. You don't like government. Start yet another thread on the topic. This one isn't it.
He didn't say you were, he said you were like a born again Christian...a Born Again Libertarian.

From the ultimate one trick pony, every thread turns into a gay thread. Thanks for that clarification. It's not like you two geniuses consistently advocate liberalism, what a great point. LOL.

Save this thread actually is about gays.

Do try and keep up.
Recognizing our authoritarian State for what it is doesn't justify it.

Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.

I'm not a Christian, retard

Nor did I say you were. I said you were LIKE a born again Christian....where no matter the topic you turn the conversation to your personal obsession.

This isn't a thread about your personal obsession: your hatred of government. We don't give a shit about your anarchism. We don't give a fiddler's fuck about your libertarian ideals. Not here.

You seriously need to expand your world though.

Try telling me that once you figure out what a simile is.

Ah, so you were saying that thinking people should make their own choices about who to do business with is "like" being a born again christian.

You trying to turn the conversations into another one of your hysteric anti-government screeds is what makes you like a born against Christian.

We get it. You don't like government. Start yet another thread on the topic. This one isn't it.

And you say that while you try to turn the thread into another of your hysteric OMG we need government to solve all our problems for us thread. What a dumb ass.
Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.

I'm not a Christian, retard

Nor did I say you were. I said you were LIKE a born again Christian....where no matter the topic you turn the conversation to your personal obsession.

This isn't a thread about your personal obsession: your hatred of government. We don't give a shit about your anarchism. We don't give a fiddler's fuck about your libertarian ideals. Not here.

You seriously need to expand your world though.

Try telling me that once you figure out what a simile is.

Ah, so you were saying that thinking people should make their own choices about who to do business with is "like" being a born again christian.

You trying to turn the conversations into another one of your hysteric anti-government screeds is what makes you like a born against Christian.

We get it. You don't like government. Start yet another thread on the topic. This one isn't it.

And you say that while you try to turn the thread into another of your hysteric OMG we need government to solve all our problems for us thread. What a dumb ass.
What a still wet behind the ears useless little piece of shit the kid is, and cocky. So typical of that mindless mentality. The government is evil, I must run to Mommy Rand and tell her to fix it.
Dear're like a born again Christian, where no matter the topic - be it World Politics or Captain Crunch, its 'all about Jay-Sus". This conversation isn't about libertarianism. It isn't about your anarchism. Its about some rather amusing misconceptions of gay people.

I'm not a Christian, retard

Nor did I say you were. I said you were LIKE a born again Christian....where no matter the topic you turn the conversation to your personal obsession.

This isn't a thread about your personal obsession: your hatred of government. We don't give a shit about your anarchism. We don't give a fiddler's fuck about your libertarian ideals. Not here.

You seriously need to expand your world though.

Try telling me that once you figure out what a simile is.

Ah, so you were saying that thinking people should make their own choices about who to do business with is "like" being a born again christian.

You trying to turn the conversations into another one of your hysteric anti-government screeds is what makes you like a born against Christian.

We get it. You don't like government. Start yet another thread on the topic. This one isn't it.

And you say that while you try to turn the thread into another of your hysteric OMG we need government to solve all our problems for us thread. What a dumb ass.

I'm discussing gay rights. You're the one talking about 'government fixing everything'.

This isn't the thread for your typical, monotonous anti-governmnent hysterics. No one gives a fuck that you're a libertarian. Not here.
There are certain things that are wrong because they cause genuine harm (rape, murder, theft) and certain things that are wrong because someone believes the are (pork, gays, cheeseburgers, working on sunday). We're rational enough in this day and age to glean that homosexuality is clearly in that latter camp.

Which begs the question, why should we give fuck? They're just people. Treat them like people and be done with it. Generally speaking, how a person gets their nut is about the least interesting thing about them.

Many people seem incapable of distinguishing between morality and social mores, and so accept the arbitrary social mores as representing morality even when they don't.

Morality is a product of reason, established from a baseline akin to the golden rule, whereas social mores are simply customs that have been passed down through the generations and accepted with no analysis.

I would refer people to Kohlberg's work in regards to moral reasoning here, as arbitrary taboos represent what he calls a "preconventional" morality, which is the most unevolved moral state.
He didn't say you were, he said you were like a born again Christian...a Born Again Libertarian.

From the ultimate one trick pony, every thread turns into a gay thread. Thanks for that clarification. It's not like you two geniuses consistently advocate liberalism, what a great point. LOL.

Really? Naturally you can cite instances of that occurring, right? I comment in quite a few threads, I'm sure you can find instances of MY turning the thread "gay", right?

This thread is about marriage equality. We know you claim that you are against all people getting a "gubmit" marriage. I'm sure you go down to the courthouse on your days off and protest all those "gubmit" weddings that take place day in and day out. I'm sure you're protesting, signing petitions, calling your congressman and talking to all your friends and neighbors about how evil the government marriage license is...all the while enjoying the benefits of your government marriage license.

How's that fight to abolish Public Accommodation laws going?...or are we just hoping "activist judges" take care of it for ya'll?
I'm not a Christian, retard

Nor did I say you were. I said you were LIKE a born again Christian....where no matter the topic you turn the conversation to your personal obsession.

This isn't a thread about your personal obsession: your hatred of government. We don't give a shit about your anarchism. We don't give a fiddler's fuck about your libertarian ideals. Not here.

You seriously need to expand your world though.

Try telling me that once you figure out what a simile is.

Ah, so you were saying that thinking people should make their own choices about who to do business with is "like" being a born again christian.

You trying to turn the conversations into another one of your hysteric anti-government screeds is what makes you like a born against Christian.

We get it. You don't like government. Start yet another thread on the topic. This one isn't it.

And you say that while you try to turn the thread into another of your hysteric OMG we need government to solve all our problems for us thread. What a dumb ass.
What a still wet behind the ears useless little piece of shit the kid is, and cocky. So typical of that mindless mentality.

I've debated Kaz. Even on his topic of choice, he's not terribly well informed nor willing to do the research to become so. Most of his own threads become little more than Kaz reduced cursing at anyone who doesn't agree with him.

I'd prefer to just skip the entire schtick, and stick with the topic of gay rights and the imaginary 'homosexual dillema'.
He didn't say you were, he said you were like a born again Christian...a Born Again Libertarian.

From the ultimate one trick pony, every thread turns into a gay thread. Thanks for that clarification. It's not like you two geniuses consistently advocate liberalism, what a great point. LOL.

Save this thread actually is about gays.

Do try and keep up.

Right, and my answer, simpleton, is to give gays the greatest protection, the protection of the marketplace. Let the odd screwball who limits who they do business with harm themselves. Only government can enforce discrimination. A free market rewards those who don't discriminate.
I'd prefer to just skip the entire schtick, and stick with the topic of gay rights and the imaginary 'homosexual dillema'.

So why don't you address my point if that's what you keep saying you want? Free markets are the best protection for gay rights.
This thread is about marriage equality. We know you claim that you are against all people getting a "gubmit" marriage

So if your standard is that if one's view is known then they should STFU, why don't you go first?
There are certain things that are wrong because they cause genuine harm (rape, murder, theft) and certain things that are wrong because someone believes the are (pork, gays, cheeseburgers, working on sunday). We're rational enough in this day and age to glean that homosexuality is clearly in that latter camp.

Which begs the question, why should we give fuck? They're just people. Treat them like people and be done with it. Generally speaking, how a person gets their nut is about the least interesting thing about them.

Many people seem incapable of distinguishing between morality and social mores, and so accept the arbitrary social mores as representing morality even when they don't.

Morality is a product of reason, established from a baseline akin to the golden rule, whereas social mores are simply customs that have been passed down through the generations and accepted with no analysis.

It depends on who you talk to. There are many who will argue that the only basis of morality is god. And if you use your reason, you're a relativist who is evil and believes in nothing. And that their faith is objective truth, as it comes directly from god. I'm not joking or inaccurately paraphrasing here. I can show you virtually exact quotes that say as much.

They're literally arguing that whatever they feel is objective truth. Which kinda fucks the concept of 'objective' and 'truth' right in the ass. And they will flat out ignore you if you don't accept their personal beliefs as axiomatic.

There's really not much you can do with people like that save pat them on the head and put them on a display to demonstrate various fallacies of logic on command.

I would refer people to Kohlberg's work in regards to moral reasoning here, as arbitrary taboos represent what he calls a "preconventional" morality, which is the most unevolved moral state.

I agree. Generally speaking those who follow such 'preconventional' moralities don't really examine them or ask questions about them.
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