The Homosexual Dilemma

And? My point was that some people have converted. Are you going to deny that? As for your link, if homosexuality is "ingrained", then I contend that every sexual deviancy is and that treatment should stop on all of them.

Homosexuality is not "special".


People can choose who to have sex with.

There is no evidence that people chose who to be attracted to.

Homosexuality is not 'special'- it is humans attracted to the same gender instead of the opposite gender.

No need to treat homosexuals special at all- just treat them without discrimination.

So if people don't choose what they're attracted to and should be able to shag whoever they're attracted to, why doesn't that also go for people who are attracted to children? I mean, who are you to say your homo love is right, but their pedo love is wrong?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

“But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not?Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.”

This fails as a slippery slope fallacy, and in fact is a lie.


Recognizing the present slope is slippery is not fallacious.

And there is no more glaring demonstration of a present and slippery slope as the slope of lowering the standards of sexual propriety.

I've already covered the specifics of this slippery slope on this thread, so I won't repeat them here, but the culture is presently in free fall after jumping off the sexual standard cliff.
People can choose who to have sex with.

There is no evidence that people chose who to be attracted to.

Homosexuality is not 'special'- it is humans attracted to the same gender instead of the opposite gender.

No need to treat homosexuals special at all- just treat them without discrimination.

So if people don't choose what they're attracted to and should be able to shag whoever they're attracted to, why doesn't that also go for people who are attracted to children? I mean, who are you to say your homo love is right, but their pedo love is wrong?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution
Hey dumbass, the Age of Consent is unrelated to faggot marriage. Clear now?
People can choose who to have sex with.

There is no evidence that people chose who to be attracted to.

Homosexuality is not 'special'- it is humans attracted to the same gender instead of the opposite gender.

No need to treat homosexuals special at all- just treat them without discrimination.

So if people don't choose what they're attracted to and should be able to shag whoever they're attracted to, why doesn't that also go for people who are attracted to children? I mean, who are you to say your homo love is right, but their pedo love is wrong?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.
"the person they love" seriously?

Give me another law that changes based on what someone wants.
He's already argued that there are loveless hetero marriages.

Here's the dealio: For every single point made in arguing for gay marriage, the exact same argument can be made for unlimited plural marriage.

Come to think of it...all those arguments apply to hetero marriage too - OMG - why have ANY marriage?
That's what keys has been saying. :)

And yet...and yet. If the government doesn't have the right to deny two people equal rights, how then does it have the right to deny millions, or billions?


We can take anything - any law - to the point of absurbity. But the chances of it happening are virtually nil. So because of that do you have no laws?

I don't have an issue with polygamy if people want it. But that's also another argument. If people want polygamy then they need to make a compelling case for it on it's own merits. The case for same sex marriage is being argued on it's own merits - not alongside polygamy.
Hey it's YOUR argument. You're the one who wants to apply equal rights to everyone. It turns out you don't want that at all, because your arbitrary limitations only desire your political....and possibly personal....cause. You are either advocating for the equal rights of everyone, or you are advocating for the extremely limited rights of two people to engage in a false agreement that you would deny to the rest of the world. Certainly the rest of America.
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You are limiting consent to two people. Hundreds, thousands of consenting humans should all be allowed to marry each other.

:dunno: why not?
Exactly. We are redefining the meaning of the word. Let's redefine it.

Marriage has only recently (in terms of human history) been redefined as one woman/one man.

Well, the enlightenment was fairly recent, so that serves reason.

What enlightenment? It's still pretty dark in here.

You're being facetious... .

But as a courtesy to the Idiots in Ignore, the enlightenment was the period during which humanity clawed its way out of the dark ages, which had come as a result of the Islamic crusades having burned civilization to the ground... humanity re-discovered reason and that essential element of truth known as objectivity; through which we came to recognize the laws of nature which govern human behavior, not the least of which are human rights, that such are sustained through correlating responsibilities... and so forth.

Through these self evident truths, we came to recognize that Nature designed the species with certain, self evident traits and that it follows that these traits served essential purposes and that happiness and success are found consistent in recognizing and adhering to those correlations.
So if people don't choose what they're attracted to and should be able to shag whoever they're attracted to, why doesn't that also go for people who are attracted to children? I mean, who are you to say your homo love is right, but their pedo love is wrong?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

Yeah it does -but that's not the entire content of the last dozen posts -which dealt with NAMBLA and "Shagging a Child" and slippery slopes etc.... Nice try at deflecting though -somehow I thought you were above that .
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

Yeah it does -but that's not the entire content of the last dozen posts -which dealt with NAMBLA and "Shagging a Child" and slippery slopes etc.... Nice try at deflecting though -somehow I thought you were above that .

It really doesn't. It's that slippery slope fallacy attempting to tie in gay rights with pedophihlia. NAMBLA, in case you haven't realized it, is not an "elephant" but a tiny organization that at most consisted of a few thousand. Gay actovists don't have to demonstrate a "categorical rejection" of pedophilia any more than heterosexuals do.
So if people don't choose what they're attracted to and should be able to shag whoever they're attracted to, why doesn't that also go for people who are attracted to children? I mean, who are you to say your homo love is right, but their pedo love is wrong?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

They actually do, because they demonstrate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality as a movement, thus demonstrating the nature of the slippery slope, as well as how the slope more closely resembles a cliff.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

They actually do, because they demonstrate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality as a movement, thus demonstrating the nature of the slippery slope, as well as how the slope more closely resembles a cliff.
Fathers, step-fathers, and family friends in heterosexual relationships are the biggest danger to children sexually. And girls are victims way more....shall you blame that on gays too?
They actually do, because they demonstrate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality as a movement, thus demonstrating the nature of the slippery slope, as well as how the slope more closely resembles a cliff.
The wife blowing me and me licking her snatch used to be abnormal, not to mention fucking her ass. Times change as we learn more, grow up.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

They actually do, because they demonstrate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality as a movement, thus demonstrating the nature of the slippery slope, as well as how the slope more closely resembles a cliff.

Exactly - Which is a long term goal of the Perverts Agenda - Gay Marriage being just one stepping stone on this so called "slippery slope" - Gay Adoption and Inter generational intimacy - which are closely intertwined as well.
But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

Yeah it does -but that's not the entire content of the last dozen posts -which dealt with NAMBLA and "Shagging a Child" and slippery slopes etc.... Nice try at deflecting though -somehow I thought you were above that .

It really doesn't. It's that slippery slope fallacy attempting to tie in gay rights with pedophihlia. NAMBLA, in case you haven't realized it, is not an "elephant" but a tiny organization that at most consisted of a few thousand. Gay actovists don't have to demonstrate a "categorical rejection" of pedophilia any more than heterosexuals do.

There is no fallacy, when the appeal to the slope is present... and as you pointed out, the evidence GreenBean produced, irrefutably demonstrates WHY the slope exists, that it is a creation of those whose intentions are to drive all standards of sexual propriety over the cliff they have created.

It's evil personified. And it can no longer be tolerated and it will no longer be tolerated.

What the Advocacy is about to discover is that they pushed themselves back into the closet.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

They actually do, because they demonstrate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality as a movement, thus demonstrating the nature of the slippery slope, as well as how the slope more closely resembles a cliff.

A tiny group does. A minority does not a slippery slope make. Westboro Baptists anyone?
So if people don't choose what they're attracted to and should be able to shag whoever they're attracted to, why doesn't that also go for people who are attracted to children? I mean, who are you to say your homo love is right, but their pedo love is wrong?
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

This issue concerns only two consenting adults eligible to enter into a marriage contract who are disallowed from doing so in violation of the Constitution.

To attempt to reference children is irrelevant demagoguery.

But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

The thread isn't just about same sex marriage.
But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

Yeah it does -but that's not the entire content of the last dozen posts -which dealt with NAMBLA and "Shagging a Child" and slippery slopes etc.... Nice try at deflecting though -somehow I thought you were above that .

It really doesn't. It's that slippery slope fallacy attempting to tie in gay rights with pedophihlia. NAMBLA, in case you haven't realized it, is not an "elephant" but a tiny organization that at most consisted of a few thousand. Gay actovists don't have to demonstrate a "categorical rejection" of pedophilia any more than heterosexuals do.

I wonder if the first pro gay organizations were "but a tiny organization that at most consisted of a few thousand". I'm inspired to recall the famous saying, "Don't despise small beginnings."
But there's just as much right to shag a child as their is for gay marriage in the Constitution, so why not? Do you hear those footsteps behind you? It's NAMBLA marching proudly through all the doors you opened for them. That's what happens when "rights" are made up. I bet they even start winning some court battles because, after all, not being allowed to bugger children is a violation of the 14th Amendment, using the twisted logic of the Left.


Oh yeah!

No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

They actually do, because they demonstrate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality as a movement, thus demonstrating the nature of the slippery slope, as well as how the slope more closely resembles a cliff.
Fathers, step-fathers, and family friends in heterosexual relationships are the biggest danger to children sexually. And girls are victims way more....shall you blame that on gays too?
Furthermore, children are in much greater danger of being either physically or sexually assaulted by a hetero male family member or friend than any stranger.
No there isn't. This is the typical slippery slope fallacy that you guys employ.

A person does not have the right to harm another person and that is what "shagging" a child does.

..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

Yeah it does -but that's not the entire content of the last dozen posts -which dealt with NAMBLA and "Shagging a Child" and slippery slopes etc.... Nice try at deflecting though -somehow I thought you were above that .

It really doesn't. It's that slippery slope fallacy attempting to tie in gay rights with pedophihlia. NAMBLA, in case you haven't realized it, is not an "elephant" but a tiny organization that at most consisted of a few thousand. Gay actovists don't have to demonstrate a "categorical rejection" of pedophilia any more than heterosexuals do.

I wonder if the first pro gay organizations were "but a tiny organization that at most consisted of a few thousand". I'm inspired to recall the famous saying, "Don't despise small beginnings."

NAMBLA is not new, yet it remains a few thousand, at most, marginalized and unsupported by the mainstream movement. The movement for gay rights and same sex marriage has grown exponentially into the mainstream over the past 30 or more years. NAMBLA has not.
..... the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.” ..................................

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this? .............................. activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet - Voice of Revolution

None of his anything to do with same sex marriage. Nice red herring though.

Yeah it does -but that's not the entire content of the last dozen posts -which dealt with NAMBLA and "Shagging a Child" and slippery slopes etc.... Nice try at deflecting though -somehow I thought you were above that .

It really doesn't. It's that slippery slope fallacy attempting to tie in gay rights with pedophihlia. NAMBLA, in case you haven't realized it, is not an "elephant" but a tiny organization that at most consisted of a few thousand. Gay actovists don't have to demonstrate a "categorical rejection" of pedophilia any more than heterosexuals do.

I wonder if the first pro gay organizations were "but a tiny organization that at most consisted of a few thousand". I'm inspired to recall the famous saying, "Don't despise small beginnings."

NAMBLA is not new, yet it remains a few thousand, at most, marginalized and unsupported by the mainstream movement. The movement for gay rights and same sex marriage has grown exponentially into the mainstream over the past 30 or more years. NAMBLA has not.
It seems we have to go to our hetero "anti-gay marriage" members to find out info about NAMBLA. I sure as hell don't look up anything about that group.
Coyote -Gay Rights and Pedophile rights are all part of the same ball of wax. The so called "slippery slope" you keep referring to began back in the 70s when the perverts infiltrated the APA - and they have been steadily gaining ground ever since . They basically own the entertainment industry and there is nothing you are permitted to watch on the movies or TV that doesn't contain some element of Gay or leftist propaganda - they are weaseling their ways into the school system under devious guises and frames such as "Bullying" which has been always been a fact of life - but framed properly it's a foot into the door and an opportunity to further indoctrinate children -you don't believe Gays want to indoctrinate Children - here's a quote from a mainstream gay publication - there are many many more - but this one suits the current issue ....

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids Queerty

" The younger generation doesn’t fear homosexuality as much because they’re exposed to fags on TV, online, and at school. And I don’t know a single lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender person who wants that to stop. I for one certainly want tons of school children to learn that it’s OK to be gay, that people of the same sex should be allowed to legally marry each other, and that anyone can kiss a person of the same sex without feeling like a freak. And I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box."

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