The Horowitz Report: Yes, It Gets Worse

Sorry but a FISA attempting to spy on a presidential candidate should have been rock solid, there is no way the 17 mistakes uncovered should have occurred unless such mistakes were a common practice, or unless the mistakes were in fact intention in order to deceive the courts.

how can you spy on a presidential candidate by wiretapping some who left the campaign a month ago?

You posted this at least 20 times to muddy the water, and NEVER read any response. Are you INCOMPETENT!

When a FISA is issued, it does NOT go from that day forward, it goes from that day forward, and BACKWARDS, meaning---------------------->any person(s) that they have spoken to or corresponded with in the past, now is invoked under the two hop rule; meaning also------------------>that they have 1 hop AFTER the person that was corresponded with, to hop to.

If you doubt me, all you have to do is look up the statute, and if you want to make it easier than that, listen to what Barr said in his interview. He explains it perfectly.

Now then, if you EVER bring forth that red herring again, you show to be a PAID troll! I have given you the facts, told you how to access the facts in more ways than 1, and if you continue to blather about misinformation, then you show yourself to be either another lazy Leftist, or an out and out LIAR! How the rest of the forum paints you is up to them!

Thats a lot of words to not say much at all.

how do you wiretape retroactively?

conversations are not stored, only metadata, so at most FBI could have found out who Carter called and when.

Lol, e-mails, texts, and as you pointed out meta data.

Let me ask you something------------------>were you aware that if in ANY of my or your posts that the words ASSASINATE, Obama, Trump, or President anywhere in that post, the 5 eyes would be looking at it from meta data? (which means they will review this post, sometime within 24hrs. Sorry fellas and gals)

How do they do that?

I expect that if they want to follow up on me, they are going to want to know where I am. (I am going to be in Florida. Stop by law enforcement, have a Coke, and I will cook you a steak. I like law enforcement!)

Ummm, by the way, voice mails on your cellphone. You delete them correct? Did you know you really didn't, lol.

I don't know about you dude, but I am not worried. I don't think it is right they have access, but I hope you are clean as the wind driven snow, lol.

By the way, in case you didn't know, a burner phone doesn't help much. It just takes a few hrs longer-)

They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.
you’ve got it backwards - problem is if the improprieties are common and the issue is systemic to FISA system.

If this is more or less isolated to FBI playing hardball with Carter because they trusted Steele’s work too much then the changes FBI is already making in the process will be sufficient.

Sorry but a FISA attempting to spy on a presidential candidate should have been rock solid, there is no way the 17 mistakes uncovered should have occurred unless such mistakes were a common practice, or unless the mistakes were in fact intention in order to deceive the courts.

how can you spy on a presidential candidate by wiretapping some who left the campaign a month ago?

You posted this at least 20 times to muddy the water, and NEVER read any response. Are you INCOMPETENT!

When a FISA is issued, it does NOT go from that day forward, it goes from that day forward, and BACKWARDS, meaning---------------------->any person(s) that they have spoken to or corresponded with in the past, now is invoked under the two hop rule; meaning also------------------>that they have 1 hop AFTER the person that was corresponded with, to hop to.

If you doubt me, all you have to do is look up the statute, and if you want to make it easier than that, listen to what Barr said in his interview. He explains it perfectly.

Now then, if you EVER bring forth that red herring again, you show to be a PAID troll! I have given you the facts, told you how to access the facts in more ways than 1, and if you continue to blather about misinformation, then you show yourself to be either another lazy Leftist, or an out and out LIAR! How the rest of the forum paints you is up to them!

Thats a lot of words to not say much at all.

how do you wiretape retroactively?

conversations are not stored, only metadata, so at most FBI could have found out who Carter called and when. In terms of political material, that’s less than a pot to piss in.

They could've gone through his emails, but again his role was foreign policy advisory, and not amajor one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Where are you getting the team decided to not get a FISA against Manafort? The FBI had a FISA on Manafort that expired and they had no new evidence to renew the previous warrant.

Either way Manafort was indicted on charges not associated with TRUMP or his campaign.

Nope, as it turned out FBI had no FISA warrant on Manafort before or after election, nor did they seek it.
how can you spy on a presidential candidate by wiretapping some who left the campaign a month ago?

You posted this at least 20 times to muddy the water, and NEVER read any response. Are you INCOMPETENT!

When a FISA is issued, it does NOT go from that day forward, it goes from that day forward, and BACKWARDS, meaning---------------------->any person(s) that they have spoken to or corresponded with in the past, now is invoked under the two hop rule; meaning also------------------>that they have 1 hop AFTER the person that was corresponded with, to hop to.

If you doubt me, all you have to do is look up the statute, and if you want to make it easier than that, listen to what Barr said in his interview. He explains it perfectly.

Now then, if you EVER bring forth that red herring again, you show to be a PAID troll! I have given you the facts, told you how to access the facts in more ways than 1, and if you continue to blather about misinformation, then you show yourself to be either another lazy Leftist, or an out and out LIAR! How the rest of the forum paints you is up to them!

Thats a lot of words to not say much at all.

how do you wiretape retroactively?

conversations are not stored, only metadata, so at most FBI could have found out who Carter called and when.

Lol, e-mails, texts, and as you pointed out meta data.

Let me ask you something------------------>were you aware that if in ANY of my or your posts that the words ASSASINATE, Obama, Trump, or President anywhere in that post, the 5 eyes would be looking at it from meta data? (which means they will review this post, sometime within 24hrs. Sorry fellas and gals)

How do they do that?

I expect that if they want to follow up on me, they are going to want to know where I am. (I am going to be in Florida. Stop by law enforcement, have a Coke, and I will cook you a steak. I like law enforcement!)

Ummm, by the way, voice mails on your cellphone. You delete them correct? Did you know you really didn't, lol.

I don't know about you dude, but I am not worried. I don't think it is right they have access, but I hope you are clean as the wind driven snow, lol.

By the way, in case you didn't know, a burner phone doesn't help much. It just takes a few hrs longer-)

They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.

Just because Carter co-operated with CIA on something does not mean he didn’t have something going on with Russia.
On December 9, 2019, the United States Department of Justice released a PDF version of its report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant applications against Carter Page, who had been a foreign policy adviser to then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. The IG Report contains several curiosities that deserve further explanation. Some background information is necessary to understand these curiosities.

You will see that

1) the FBI and DOJ appear to have deliberately and knowingly failed to monitor a British court case in which they knew that former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, a defendant in the case, would be making statements regarding his so-called “dossier” that could affect the accuracy of the warrant applications,

2) the FBI and DOJ failed to tell the FISA Court in their June 2017 warrant application that Steele had admitted in the British court case that part of his “dossier” was unverified,

3) in a letter purporting to tell the FISA Court about material omissions from the warrant applications, the DOJ failed to tell the FISA Court about the omission from the June 2017 warrant application of Steele’s admission that part of his “dossier” was unverified,

4) the IG failed to tell the public about Steele’s admission that part of his “dossier” was unverified, and

5) the IG failed to tell the public about the DOJ’s failure in its letter to the FISA Court, to report the omission of Steele’s admission about part of his “dossier” being unverified....(leter to be admitted to by Steele that virtually NOTHING was verified!)

(Excerpt) Read more at ..


All of this based on hearsay and no evidence. A truly Dangerous and UNETHICAL precedent. The DemonRAT Party has been taken over by Americas ENEMIES!!!!!

meanwhile back in reality the report found that the investigation into the Cheeto stained blob was fully warranted and no bias existed in the investigation
And we have a HIGHER POWE . AG Barr who disagrees and is still on Biden . Ergo The Surrender Monkeys also.....ah, CandyPorn ALWAYS brings the lies and insanity...ROTFLMFAO!

The president’s campaign manager disagrees? Shocking
And he is the ultimate source?....Find some brains...if you can....

Doesn't seem likely
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
'Corroboration Zero': An Inspector General's Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Press figures have derided the idea that Steele was crucial to the FISA application, with some insisting it was only a “small part” of the application. Horowitz is clear:

We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team’s receipt of Steele’s election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.

The report describes how, prior to receiving Steele’s reports, the FBI General Counsel (OGC) and/or the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence (OI) wouldn’t budge on seeking FISA authority. But after getting the reports, the OGC unit chief said, “receipt of the Steele reporting changed her mind on whether they could establish probable cause.”

And that is from the rollingstone!
You posted this at least 20 times to muddy the water, and NEVER read any response. Are you INCOMPETENT!

When a FISA is issued, it does NOT go from that day forward, it goes from that day forward, and BACKWARDS, meaning---------------------->any person(s) that they have spoken to or corresponded with in the past, now is invoked under the two hop rule; meaning also------------------>that they have 1 hop AFTER the person that was corresponded with, to hop to.

If you doubt me, all you have to do is look up the statute, and if you want to make it easier than that, listen to what Barr said in his interview. He explains it perfectly.

Now then, if you EVER bring forth that red herring again, you show to be a PAID troll! I have given you the facts, told you how to access the facts in more ways than 1, and if you continue to blather about misinformation, then you show yourself to be either another lazy Leftist, or an out and out LIAR! How the rest of the forum paints you is up to them!

Thats a lot of words to not say much at all.

how do you wiretape retroactively?

conversations are not stored, only metadata, so at most FBI could have found out who Carter called and when.

Lol, e-mails, texts, and as you pointed out meta data.

Let me ask you something------------------>were you aware that if in ANY of my or your posts that the words ASSASINATE, Obama, Trump, or President anywhere in that post, the 5 eyes would be looking at it from meta data? (which means they will review this post, sometime within 24hrs. Sorry fellas and gals)

How do they do that?

I expect that if they want to follow up on me, they are going to want to know where I am. (I am going to be in Florida. Stop by law enforcement, have a Coke, and I will cook you a steak. I like law enforcement!)

Ummm, by the way, voice mails on your cellphone. You delete them correct? Did you know you really didn't, lol.

I don't know about you dude, but I am not worried. I don't think it is right they have access, but I hope you are clean as the wind driven snow, lol.

By the way, in case you didn't know, a burner phone doesn't help much. It just takes a few hrs longer-)

They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.
You posted this at least 20 times to muddy the water, and NEVER read any response. Are you INCOMPETENT!

When a FISA is issued, it does NOT go from that day forward, it goes from that day forward, and BACKWARDS, meaning---------------------->any person(s) that they have spoken to or corresponded with in the past, now is invoked under the two hop rule; meaning also------------------>that they have 1 hop AFTER the person that was corresponded with, to hop to.

If you doubt me, all you have to do is look up the statute, and if you want to make it easier than that, listen to what Barr said in his interview. He explains it perfectly.

Now then, if you EVER bring forth that red herring again, you show to be a PAID troll! I have given you the facts, told you how to access the facts in more ways than 1, and if you continue to blather about misinformation, then you show yourself to be either another lazy Leftist, or an out and out LIAR! How the rest of the forum paints you is up to them!

Thats a lot of words to not say much at all.

how do you wiretape retroactively?

conversations are not stored, only metadata, so at most FBI could have found out who Carter called and when.

Lol, e-mails, texts, and as you pointed out meta data.

Let me ask you something------------------>were you aware that if in ANY of my or your posts that the words ASSASINATE, Obama, Trump, or President anywhere in that post, the 5 eyes would be looking at it from meta data? (which means they will review this post, sometime within 24hrs. Sorry fellas and gals)

How do they do that?

I expect that if they want to follow up on me, they are going to want to know where I am. (I am going to be in Florida. Stop by law enforcement, have a Coke, and I will cook you a steak. I like law enforcement!)

Ummm, by the way, voice mails on your cellphone. You delete them correct? Did you know you really didn't, lol.

I don't know about you dude, but I am not worried. I don't think it is right they have access, but I hope you are clean as the wind driven snow, lol.

By the way, in case you didn't know, a burner phone doesn't help much. It just takes a few hrs longer-)

They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.

Just because Carter co-operated with CIA on something does not mean he didn’t have something going on with Russia.
He didn’t! He was charged with Nothing! What don’t you get??
Thats a lot of words to not say much at all.

how do you wiretape retroactively?

conversations are not stored, only metadata, so at most FBI could have found out who Carter called and when.

Lol, e-mails, texts, and as you pointed out meta data.

Let me ask you something------------------>were you aware that if in ANY of my or your posts that the words ASSASINATE, Obama, Trump, or President anywhere in that post, the 5 eyes would be looking at it from meta data? (which means they will review this post, sometime within 24hrs. Sorry fellas and gals)

How do they do that?

I expect that if they want to follow up on me, they are going to want to know where I am. (I am going to be in Florida. Stop by law enforcement, have a Coke, and I will cook you a steak. I like law enforcement!)

Ummm, by the way, voice mails on your cellphone. You delete them correct? Did you know you really didn't, lol.

I don't know about you dude, but I am not worried. I don't think it is right they have access, but I hope you are clean as the wind driven snow, lol.

By the way, in case you didn't know, a burner phone doesn't help much. It just takes a few hrs longer-)

They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.
Thats a lot of words to not say much at all.

how do you wiretape retroactively?

conversations are not stored, only metadata, so at most FBI could have found out who Carter called and when.

Lol, e-mails, texts, and as you pointed out meta data.

Let me ask you something------------------>were you aware that if in ANY of my or your posts that the words ASSASINATE, Obama, Trump, or President anywhere in that post, the 5 eyes would be looking at it from meta data? (which means they will review this post, sometime within 24hrs. Sorry fellas and gals)

How do they do that?

I expect that if they want to follow up on me, they are going to want to know where I am. (I am going to be in Florida. Stop by law enforcement, have a Coke, and I will cook you a steak. I like law enforcement!)

Ummm, by the way, voice mails on your cellphone. You delete them correct? Did you know you really didn't, lol.

I don't know about you dude, but I am not worried. I don't think it is right they have access, but I hope you are clean as the wind driven snow, lol.

By the way, in case you didn't know, a burner phone doesn't help much. It just takes a few hrs longer-)

They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.

Just because Carter co-operated with CIA on something does not mean he didn’t have something going on with Russia.
He didn’t! He was charged with Nothing! What don’t you get??

Warrant based on reasonable suspicion is not the same as getting charged. That’s why they do investigations. DUH.
meanwhile back in reality the report found that the investigation into the Cheeto stained blob was fully warranted and no bias existed in the investigation

That is not what he said at all.

Who did he say was biased when they were investigating your blob? Just give us a name

If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?
meanwhile back in reality the report found that the investigation into the Cheeto stained blob was fully warranted and no bias existed in the investigation

That is not what he said at all.

Who did he say was biased when they were investigating your blob? Just give us a name

If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?

He also found no testimony from many many many people interviewed that indicated political bias.
meanwhile back in reality the report found that the investigation into the Cheeto stained blob was fully warranted and no bias existed in the investigation

That is not what he said at all.

Who did he say was biased when they were investigating your blob? Just give us a name

If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?

He also found no testimony from many many many people interviewed that indicated political bias.

Even from those who refused to be interviewed?
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.

McCabe said under oath that without the Steele Dossier there would have been no FISA application on Carter Page.
IG Report: No FISA Warrant On Carter Page Without Steele Dossier

Thanks for playing. Please stop lying all the time, and put up links to prove your assertions.

Also, the Steele Dossier has been proven to be totally bogus.

"updated report reflects the accurate description of the Carter Page FISA applications that did not contain the information the FBI obtained from Steele’s Primary Sub-source in January 2017 that raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele reporting. "

Amazing when you can read it yourself... Getting the right wing rags you want to read it for you and then lie to you...
Lol, e-mails, texts, and as you pointed out meta data.

Let me ask you something------------------>were you aware that if in ANY of my or your posts that the words ASSASINATE, Obama, Trump, or President anywhere in that post, the 5 eyes would be looking at it from meta data? (which means they will review this post, sometime within 24hrs. Sorry fellas and gals)

How do they do that?

I expect that if they want to follow up on me, they are going to want to know where I am. (I am going to be in Florida. Stop by law enforcement, have a Coke, and I will cook you a steak. I like law enforcement!)

Ummm, by the way, voice mails on your cellphone. You delete them correct? Did you know you really didn't, lol.

I don't know about you dude, but I am not worried. I don't think it is right they have access, but I hope you are clean as the wind driven snow, lol.

By the way, in case you didn't know, a burner phone doesn't help much. It just takes a few hrs longer-)

They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.
Lol, e-mails, texts, and as you pointed out meta data.

Let me ask you something------------------>were you aware that if in ANY of my or your posts that the words ASSASINATE, Obama, Trump, or President anywhere in that post, the 5 eyes would be looking at it from meta data? (which means they will review this post, sometime within 24hrs. Sorry fellas and gals)

How do they do that?

I expect that if they want to follow up on me, they are going to want to know where I am. (I am going to be in Florida. Stop by law enforcement, have a Coke, and I will cook you a steak. I like law enforcement!)

Ummm, by the way, voice mails on your cellphone. You delete them correct? Did you know you really didn't, lol.

I don't know about you dude, but I am not worried. I don't think it is right they have access, but I hope you are clean as the wind driven snow, lol.

By the way, in case you didn't know, a burner phone doesn't help much. It just takes a few hrs longer-)

They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.

Just because Carter co-operated with CIA on something does not mean he didn’t have something going on with Russia.
He didn’t! He was charged with Nothing! What don’t you get??

Warrant based on reasonable suspicion is not the same as getting charged. That’s why they do investigations. DUH.
Here, a repeat for you-
'Corroboration Zero': An Inspector General's Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Press figures have derided the idea that Steele was crucial to the FISA application, with some insisting it was only a “small part” of the application. Horowitz is clear:

We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team’s receipt of Steele’s election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.

The report describes how, prior to receiving Steele’s reports, the FBI General Counsel (OGC) and/or the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence (OI) wouldn’t budge on seeking FISA authority. But after getting the reports, the OGC unit chief said, “receipt of the Steele reporting changed her mind on whether they could establish probable cause.”

And that is from the rollingstone
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.

McCabe said under oath that without the Steele Dossier there would have been no FISA application on Carter Page.
IG Report: No FISA Warrant On Carter Page Without Steele Dossier

Thanks for playing. Please stop lying all the time, and put up links to prove your assertions.

Also, the Steele Dossier has been proven to be totally bogus.

"updated report reflects the accurate description of the Carter Page FISA applications that did not contain the information the FBI obtained from Steele’s Primary Sub-source in January 2017 that raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele reporting. "

Amazing when you can read it yourself... Getting the right wing rags you want to read it for you and then lie to you...
Care to give the page # so we can read the entire excerpt??
Last edited:
meanwhile back in reality the report found that the investigation into the Cheeto stained blob was fully warranted and no bias existed in the investigation

That is not what he said at all.

Who did he say was biased when they were investigating your blob? Just give us a name

If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?

He also found no testimony from many many many people interviewed that indicated political bias.
No, he stated they all claimed no political bias, not that he didn’t think there was none.
meanwhile back in reality the report found that the investigation into the Cheeto stained blob was fully warranted and no bias existed in the investigation

That is not what he said at all.

Who did he say was biased when they were investigating your blob? Just give us a name

If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?

He also found no testimony from many many many people interviewed that indicated political bias.
No, he stated they all claimed no political bias, not that he didn’t think there was none.

I don't know what Horowitz "thought", but his report is clear - his investigation found no evidence of political bias against Trump.
They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.
They could've gone through his emails, but his role was foreign policy advisory, and not a major one at that. He would not be expected to be involved in high level campaign strategy....unlike someone like Manafort for example, who the investigating team descided NOT to pursue a warrant on.

Seems most obvious explanation of FBI playing hardball with Carter is that they really thought he had something going on with Russians. Political angle just doesn't add up much.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.

Just because Carter co-operated with CIA on something does not mean he didn’t have something going on with Russia.
He didn’t! He was charged with Nothing! What don’t you get??

Warrant based on reasonable suspicion is not the same as getting charged. That’s why they do investigations. DUH.
Here, a repeat for you-
'Corroboration Zero': An Inspector General's Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Press figures have derided the idea that Steele was crucial to the FISA application, with some insisting it was only a “small part” of the application. Horowitz is clear:

We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team’s receipt of Steele’s election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.

The report describes how, prior to receiving Steele’s reports, the FBI General Counsel (OGC) and/or the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence (OI) wouldn’t budge on seeking FISA authority. But after getting the reports, the OGC unit chief said, “receipt of the Steele reporting changed her mind on whether they could establish probable cause.”

And that is from the rollingstone

I don't know what you think you are refuting, but it's certainly not that Carter could've been working with Russians, even if he was cooperating with CIA at one point.
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.

McCabe said under oath that without the Steele Dossier there would have been no FISA application on Carter Page.
IG Report: No FISA Warrant On Carter Page Without Steele Dossier

Thanks for playing. Please stop lying all the time, and put up links to prove your assertions.

Also, the Steele Dossier has been proven to be totally bogus.

"updated report reflects the accurate description of the Carter Page FISA applications that did not contain the information the FBI obtained from Steele’s Primary Sub-source in January 2017 that raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele reporting. "

Amazing when you can read it yourself... Getting the right wing rags you want to read it for you and then lie to you...
Oh, I found it-

On page 413, we changed the word, “three” to “second and third.” The corrected information appearing in this updated report reflects the accurate description of the Carter Page FISA applications that did not contain the information the FBI obtained from Steele’s Primary Sub-source in January 2017 that raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele reporting. This information previously appeared,
and still appears, accurately on pages xi, xiii, 368, and 372.

like to try again...
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.

Just because Carter co-operated with CIA on something does not mean he didn’t have something going on with Russia.
He didn’t! He was charged with Nothing! What don’t you get??

Warrant based on reasonable suspicion is not the same as getting charged. That’s why they do investigations. DUH.
Here, a repeat for you-
'Corroboration Zero': An Inspector General's Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Press figures have derided the idea that Steele was crucial to the FISA application, with some insisting it was only a “small part” of the application. Horowitz is clear:

We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team’s receipt of Steele’s election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.

The report describes how, prior to receiving Steele’s reports, the FBI General Counsel (OGC) and/or the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence (OI) wouldn’t budge on seeking FISA authority. But after getting the reports, the OGC unit chief said, “receipt of the Steele reporting changed her mind on whether they could establish probable cause.”

And that is from the rollingstone

I don't know what you think you are refuting, but it's certainly not that Carter could've been working with Russians, even if he was cooperating with CIA at one point.

He was a CIA asset, and there isn't one shred of evidence that says Carter was not loyal to the US. What the CIA did say is that Russia did try to recruit Carter Page, unsuccessfully. The fake evidence on Carter was only used to get a bogus FISA warrant on the Trump campaign, period. The FBI falsified emails and ignored other exculpatory evidence. Even then there were zero charges against Carter Page, and he is suing the FBI. Bullshit allegations isn't getting you any more credibility.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.
Carter Page who was a cia asset? Funny.

Just because Carter co-operated with CIA on something does not mean he didn’t have something going on with Russia.
He didn’t! He was charged with Nothing! What don’t you get??

Warrant based on reasonable suspicion is not the same as getting charged. That’s why they do investigations. DUH.
Here, a repeat for you-
'Corroboration Zero': An Inspector General's Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Press figures have derided the idea that Steele was crucial to the FISA application, with some insisting it was only a “small part” of the application. Horowitz is clear:

We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team’s receipt of Steele’s election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.

The report describes how, prior to receiving Steele’s reports, the FBI General Counsel (OGC) and/or the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence (OI) wouldn’t budge on seeking FISA authority. But after getting the reports, the OGC unit chief said, “receipt of the Steele reporting changed her mind on whether they could establish probable cause.”

And that is from the rollingstone

I don't know what you think you are refuting, but it's certainly not that Carter could've been working with Russians, even if he was cooperating with CIA at one point.
Quit. You don’t see how foolish you sound. As an asset if you think they weren’t watching him like a hawk...
Dance all you want but the conclusion of the Horowitz report was that there was NO political bias in any actions taken

Read that slowly and let it sink in

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