The Horowitz Report: Yes, It Gets Worse

Dance all you want but the conclusion of the Horowitz report was that there was NO political bias in any actions taken

Read that slowly and let it sink in

From the report:

"As part of our review, we sought to determine whether there was evidence that political bias or other improper considerations affected decision making in Crossfire Hurricane, including the decision to open the investigation. Such evidence would raise questions as to whether Crossfire Hurricane was opened for an authorized purpose, and serious concerns about whether the decision compromised the constitutional rights of any U.S. persons. We discussed the issue of political bias in a prior OIG report, Review of Various Actions in Advance of the 2016 Election, where we described text messages between then Special Counsel to the Deputy Director Lisa Page and then Section Chief Peter Strzok, among others. These text messages included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for then candidate Hillary Clinton. These messages, most of which pertained to the Russia investigation, potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper considerations. Our prior review stated that the text messages were "not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, imply a willingness to take official action to impact [Trump's] electoral prospects."

In this review, we found that, while Lisa Page attended some of the discussions regarding the opening of the investigations, she did not play a role in the decision to open Crossfire Hurricane or the four individual cases. We further found that while Strzok was directly involved in the decisions to open Crossfire Hurricane and the four individual cases, he was not the sole, or even the highest-level, decision maker as to any of those matters. As noted above, then CD AD Priestap, Strzok's supervisor, was the official who ultimately made the decision to open the investigation, and evidence reflected that this decision by Priestap was reached by consensus after multiple days of discussions and meetings that included Strzok and other leadership in CD, the FBI Deputy Director, the FBI General Counsel, and a FBI Deputy General Counsel. We concluded that Priestap's exercise of discretion in opening the investigation was in compliance with Department and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced his decision.

I have one question why don't we know who was anti Clinton and in favor of tramp, no names , no emails, no nothing, in the report it says some were anti Hillary Clilnton, why are we not privy to their emails??
Dance all you want but the conclusion of the Horowitz report was that there was NO political bias in any actions taken

Read that slowly and let it sink in
Honey, listen carefully-

I am not putting any stock in the DC Caller cherry picking of certain tidbits and the republican's who are trampers. A ultra conservative website.
He didn’t! He was charged with Nothing! What don’t you get??

Warrant based on reasonable suspicion is not the same as getting charged. That’s why they do investigations. DUH.
Here, a repeat for you-
'Corroboration Zero': An Inspector General's Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Press figures have derided the idea that Steele was crucial to the FISA application, with some insisting it was only a “small part” of the application. Horowitz is clear:

We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team’s receipt of Steele’s election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.

The report describes how, prior to receiving Steele’s reports, the FBI General Counsel (OGC) and/or the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence (OI) wouldn’t budge on seeking FISA authority. But after getting the reports, the OGC unit chief said, “receipt of the Steele reporting changed her mind on whether they could establish probable cause.”

And that is from the rollingstone

I don't know what you think you are refuting, but it's certainly not that Carter could've been working with Russians, even if he was cooperating with CIA at one point.

He was a CIA asset, and there isn't one shred of evidence that says Carter was not loyal to the US.

There is MUCH of evidence Carter was a sketchy character constantly flying out to Moscow trying to make money in energy sector relate...whatever the fuck.

Don't know if FBI would have gotten the warrant if they played it straight, but there were PROPER FISA warrants on him well before he ever got with Trump's campaign, so your story about "not a shred!" is kinda ridiculous.

1. Carter was employed by Merrill-Lynch, he was not a free-lance wildcard double-agent working for Russian oligarchs. His Merrrill-Lynch supervisor had to know exactly what he was doing in Russia.
2. The fact that Carter Page flew to Moscow is NOT a crime, or even suspicious.
3. Carter Page graduated from the US Naval Academy
4. If there were warrants on him what did they find? Nothing. Which is why they had to get a new one, and it was very hard to justify, which is why the FBI had to lie to the FISA court to get it. The ONLY reason to get a new warrant was to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
5. The IG found zero evidence that the FISA warrant on Carter Page was justified, which is why they falsified evidence. The FBI never charged Carter with anything, so that proves they only wanted to use Carter to spy on Trump.
That is not what he said at all.

Who did he say was biased when they were investigating your blob? Just give us a name

If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?

So he identified no one who was biased.

thanks for confirming that fact.

Since you're extra stupid, let me repeat it just for you:

From the report:

"As part of our review, we sought to determine whether there was evidence that political bias or other improper considerations affected decision making in Crossfire Hurricane, including the decision to open the investigation. Such evidence would raise questions as to whether Crossfire Hurricane was opened for an authorized purpose, and serious concerns about whether the decision compromised the constitutional rights of any U.S. persons. We discussed the issue of political bias in a prior OIG report, Review of Various Actions in Advance of the 2016 Election, where we described text messages between then Special Counsel to the Deputy Director Lisa Page and then Section Chief Peter Strzok, among others. These text messages included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for then candidate Hillary Clinton. These messages, most of which pertained to the Russia investigation, potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper considerations. Our prior review stated that the text messages were "not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, imply a willingness to take official action to impact [Trump's] electoral prospects."

Again...stupid....just give us the name of an FBI investigator who was found by the IG to be biased in their investigation of your blob.

Read my post, dunce.
Warrant based on reasonable suspicion is not the same as getting charged. That’s why they do investigations. DUH.
Here, a repeat for you-
'Corroboration Zero': An Inspector General's Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Press figures have derided the idea that Steele was crucial to the FISA application, with some insisting it was only a “small part” of the application. Horowitz is clear:

We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team’s receipt of Steele’s election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.

The report describes how, prior to receiving Steele’s reports, the FBI General Counsel (OGC) and/or the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence (OI) wouldn’t budge on seeking FISA authority. But after getting the reports, the OGC unit chief said, “receipt of the Steele reporting changed her mind on whether they could establish probable cause.”

And that is from the rollingstone

I don't know what you think you are refuting, but it's certainly not that Carter could've been working with Russians, even if he was cooperating with CIA at one point.

He was a CIA asset, and there isn't one shred of evidence that says Carter was not loyal to the US.

There is MUCH of evidence Carter was a sketchy character constantly flying out to Moscow trying to make money in energy sector relate...whatever the fuck.

Don't know if FBI would have gotten the warrant if they played it straight, but there were PROPER FISA warrants on him well before he ever got with Trump's campaign, so your story about "not a shred!" is kinda ridiculous.

1. Carter was employed by Merrill-Lynch, he was not a free-lance wildcard double-agent working for Russian oligarchs. His Merrrill-Lynch supervisor had to know exactly what he was doing in Russia.
2. The fact that Carter Page flew to Moscow is NOT a crime, or even suspicious.
3. Carter Page graduated from the US Naval Academy
4. If there were warrants on him what did they find? Nothing. Which is why they had to get a new one, and it was very hard to justify, which is why the FBI had to lie to the FISA court to get it. The ONLY reason to get a new warrant was to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
5. The IG found zero evidence that the FISA warrant on Carter Page was justified, which is why they falsified evidence. The FBI never charged Carter with anything, so that proves they only wanted to use Carter to spy on Trump.

1. You are not refuting that there was a legitimate basis for FISA warrants on this guy before he was with Trump campaign, so you can't tell us there was nothing conspicous about his behavior.

2. You are not refuting Carter made piss poor target to do any actual spying on the campaign...unless of course he left the campaign officially only to go straight to Moscow to do covert work for campaign, like setting up a back channel of communications.

If FBI wanted to spy on the campaign then Manafort and Gates would make much better targets because unlike Carter they were actually involved in the high level campaign strategy and had much more criminal baggage to justify the surveilance. Like the fact that they were undeclared foreign agents working for pro-Russia Ukranian politicians.
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I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant.

We all know that the Steele dossier is nothing but garbage and lies.

What does that say about those who were running this scam, and more importantly, what does that say about a FISA court that rejected them at first, and then did not show the least bit of concern when they returned and said, "Well, look at this then.".

That would be a time for alarm bells and red flags.
Who did he say was biased when they were investigating your blob? Just give us a name

If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?

So he identified no one who was biased.

thanks for confirming that fact.

Since you're extra stupid, let me repeat it just for you:

From the report:

"As part of our review, we sought to determine whether there was evidence that political bias or other improper considerations affected decision making in Crossfire Hurricane, including the decision to open the investigation. Such evidence would raise questions as to whether Crossfire Hurricane was opened for an authorized purpose, and serious concerns about whether the decision compromised the constitutional rights of any U.S. persons. We discussed the issue of political bias in a prior OIG report, Review of Various Actions in Advance of the 2016 Election, where we described text messages between then Special Counsel to the Deputy Director Lisa Page and then Section Chief Peter Strzok, among others. These text messages included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for then candidate Hillary Clinton. These messages, most of which pertained to the Russia investigation, potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper considerations. Our prior review stated that the text messages were "not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, imply a willingness to take official action to impact [Trump's] electoral prospects."

Again...stupid....just give us the name of an FBI investigator who was found by the IG to be biased in their investigation of your blob.

Read my post, dunce.
I have one question why don't we know who was anti Clinton and in favor of tramp, no names , no emails, no nothing, in the report it says some were anti Hillary Clilnton, why are we not privy to their emails??
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant.

We all know that the Steele dossier is nothing but garbage and lies.

What does that say about those who were running this scam, and more importantly, what does that say about a FISA court that rejected them at first, and then did not show the least bit of concern when they returned and said, "Well, look at this then.".

That would be a time for alarm bells and red flags.

No one was running a scam , they should have FISA warrants on those who talk to Russian spies.
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant.

We all know that the Steele dossier is nothing but garbage and lies.

What does that say about those who were running this scam, and more importantly, what does that say about a FISA court that rejected them at first, and then did not show the least bit of concern when they returned and said, "Well, look at this then.".

That would be a time for alarm bells and red flags.

No one was running a scam , they should have FISA warrants on those who talk to Russian spies.
You don't get warrants on CIA members whose job is to talk to Russians, spies or otherwise.

It was a scam. It became even more of one and a crime when an FBI lawyer altered a legal document to change its meaning.
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant.

We all know that the Steele dossier is nothing but garbage and lies.

What does that say about those who were running this scam, and more importantly, what does that say about a FISA court that rejected them at first, and then did not show the least bit of concern when they returned and said, "Well, look at this then.".

That would be a time for alarm bells and red flags.

No one was running a scam , they should have FISA warrants on those who talk to Russian spies.
You don't get warrants on CIA members whose job is to talk to Russians, spies or otherwise.

It was a scam. It became even more of one and a crime when an FBI lawyer altered a legal document to change its meaning.

Wtf are you talking about? Carter was never a CIA member and there is nothing about him actively cooperating with CIA during or after Trump's campaign.
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant..

It was a close call and dossier was that extra corraboration that pushed the needle over to the other side.
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant.

We all know that the Steele dossier is nothing but garbage and lies.

What does that say about those who were running this scam, and more importantly, what does that say about a FISA court that rejected them at first, and then did not show the least bit of concern when they returned and said, "Well, look at this then.".

That would be a time for alarm bells and red flags.

Evidence? Link? Do you have even a shred of evidence to support this assertion? In fact, Page was under FISA surveillance BEFORE he "volunteered" for the Trump campaign.

Why did so many people who could ill afford to give away their services for free, "volunteer" for the Trump Campaign? Paul Manafort was in deep financial trouble, deeply in debt to criminal Russian oligarchsm and being investigated for bank fraud and other criminal activities, when he volunteered to work for Trump.

Trumpbots never discuss or even bring up the idea that all of these people with deep connections to Russia, both financial and otherwise, offered to work for Trump for free. Papadopolous, Gates, Manafort, Page.
Who did he say was biased when they were investigating your blob? Just give us a name

If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?

So he identified no one who was biased.

thanks for confirming that fact.

Since you're extra stupid, let me repeat it just for you:

From the report:

"As part of our review, we sought to determine whether there was evidence that political bias or other improper considerations affected decision making in Crossfire Hurricane, including the decision to open the investigation. Such evidence would raise questions as to whether Crossfire Hurricane was opened for an authorized purpose, and serious concerns about whether the decision compromised the constitutional rights of any U.S. persons. We discussed the issue of political bias in a prior OIG report, Review of Various Actions in Advance of the 2016 Election, where we described text messages between then Special Counsel to the Deputy Director Lisa Page and then Section Chief Peter Strzok, among others. These text messages included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for then candidate Hillary Clinton. These messages, most of which pertained to the Russia investigation, potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper considerations. Our prior review stated that the text messages were "not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, imply a willingness to take official action to impact [Trump's] electoral prospects."

Again...stupid....just give us the name of an FBI investigator who was found by the IG to be biased in their investigation of your blob.

Read my post, dunce.

there was no name mentioned....again confirmation that no FBI agent was found to investigate your blob out of bias
If you watch the hearings, you would notice that Horowitz couldn't mention any names during Senate hearings.

He also said that based on documents that were available to him, he couldn't find the bias in initial FISA warrant. I don't expect any official document to show bias, but unofficial documents including text and emails gave more than enough.

Did you read the report or you're parrotting Fredo and Madcow?

So he identified no one who was biased.

thanks for confirming that fact.

Since you're extra stupid, let me repeat it just for you:

From the report:

"As part of our review, we sought to determine whether there was evidence that political bias or other improper considerations affected decision making in Crossfire Hurricane, including the decision to open the investigation. Such evidence would raise questions as to whether Crossfire Hurricane was opened for an authorized purpose, and serious concerns about whether the decision compromised the constitutional rights of any U.S. persons. We discussed the issue of political bias in a prior OIG report, Review of Various Actions in Advance of the 2016 Election, where we described text messages between then Special Counsel to the Deputy Director Lisa Page and then Section Chief Peter Strzok, among others. These text messages included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for then candidate Hillary Clinton. These messages, most of which pertained to the Russia investigation, potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper considerations. Our prior review stated that the text messages were "not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, imply a willingness to take official action to impact [Trump's] electoral prospects."

Again...stupid....just give us the name of an FBI investigator who was found by the IG to be biased in their investigation of your blob.

Read my post, dunce.

there was no name mentioned....again confirmation that no FBI agent was found to investigate your blob out of bias
Durham disagrees
Here, a repeat for you-
'Corroboration Zero': An Inspector General's Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Press figures have derided the idea that Steele was crucial to the FISA application, with some insisting it was only a “small part” of the application. Horowitz is clear:

We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team’s receipt of Steele’s election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI’s and Department’s decision to seek the FISA order.

The report describes how, prior to receiving Steele’s reports, the FBI General Counsel (OGC) and/or the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence (OI) wouldn’t budge on seeking FISA authority. But after getting the reports, the OGC unit chief said, “receipt of the Steele reporting changed her mind on whether they could establish probable cause.”

And that is from the rollingstone

I don't know what you think you are refuting, but it's certainly not that Carter could've been working with Russians, even if he was cooperating with CIA at one point.

He was a CIA asset, and there isn't one shred of evidence that says Carter was not loyal to the US.

There is MUCH of evidence Carter was a sketchy character constantly flying out to Moscow trying to make money in energy sector relate...whatever the fuck.

Don't know if FBI would have gotten the warrant if they played it straight, but there were PROPER FISA warrants on him well before he ever got with Trump's campaign, so your story about "not a shred!" is kinda ridiculous.

1. Carter was employed by Merrill-Lynch, he was not a free-lance wildcard double-agent working for Russian oligarchs. His Merrrill-Lynch supervisor had to know exactly what he was doing in Russia.
2. The fact that Carter Page flew to Moscow is NOT a crime, or even suspicious.
3. Carter Page graduated from the US Naval Academy
4. If there were warrants on him what did they find? Nothing. Which is why they had to get a new one, and it was very hard to justify, which is why the FBI had to lie to the FISA court to get it. The ONLY reason to get a new warrant was to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
5. The IG found zero evidence that the FISA warrant on Carter Page was justified, which is why they falsified evidence. The FBI never charged Carter with anything, so that proves they only wanted to use Carter to spy on Trump.

1. You are not refuting that there was a legitimate basis for FISA warrants on this guy before he was with Trump campaign, so you can't tell us there was nothing conspicous about his behavior.

2. You are not refuting Carter made piss poor target to do any actual spying on the campaign...unless of course he left the campaign officially only to go straight to Moscow to do covert work for campaign, like setting up a back channel of communications.

If FBI wanted to spy on the campaign then Manafort and Gates would make much better targets because unlike Carter they were actually involved in the high level campaign strategy and had much more criminal baggage to justify the surveillance. Like the fact that they were undeclared foreign agents working for pro-Russia Ukrainian politicians.

1. Yes I'm refuting the FISA warrants on Carter Page. He is suing to get his reputation back. What does the FBI have on him that's legitimate to warrant surveillance?? NOTHING. In-fact he was a CIA asset!!

2. Using Carter the FBI could spy on anyone in the campaign using the "2 hop rule" whereby the FBI can spy on anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. Like you either have facts or you don't.....hint: you don't.

3. Manafort was not part of the campaign in the beginning as was Page, he was a "convention consultant vote counter" . The FBI should have warned Trump about Manafort like they warned Feinstein about her Chinese spy driver. They didn't warn Trump, probably to try and get something on him, anything on him, but they didn't, just ask Mueller. If Manafort was so bad why not warn Trump?
I don't know what you think you are refuting, but it's certainly not that Carter could've been working with Russians, even if he was cooperating with CIA at one point.

He was a CIA asset, and there isn't one shred of evidence that says Carter was not loyal to the US.

There is MUCH of evidence Carter was a sketchy character constantly flying out to Moscow trying to make money in energy sector relate...whatever the fuck.

Don't know if FBI would have gotten the warrant if they played it straight, but there were PROPER FISA warrants on him well before he ever got with Trump's campaign, so your story about "not a shred!" is kinda ridiculous.

1. Carter was employed by Merrill-Lynch, he was not a free-lance wildcard double-agent working for Russian oligarchs. His Merrrill-Lynch supervisor had to know exactly what he was doing in Russia.
2. The fact that Carter Page flew to Moscow is NOT a crime, or even suspicious.
3. Carter Page graduated from the US Naval Academy
4. If there were warrants on him what did they find? Nothing. Which is why they had to get a new one, and it was very hard to justify, which is why the FBI had to lie to the FISA court to get it. The ONLY reason to get a new warrant was to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
5. The IG found zero evidence that the FISA warrant on Carter Page was justified, which is why they falsified evidence. The FBI never charged Carter with anything, so that proves they only wanted to use Carter to spy on Trump.

1. You are not refuting that there was a legitimate basis for FISA warrants on this guy before he was with Trump campaign, so you can't tell us there was nothing conspicous about his behavior.

2. You are not refuting Carter made piss poor target to do any actual spying on the campaign...unless of course he left the campaign officially only to go straight to Moscow to do covert work for campaign, like setting up a back channel of communications.

If FBI wanted to spy on the campaign then Manafort and Gates would make much better targets because unlike Carter they were actually involved in the high level campaign strategy and had much more criminal baggage to justify the surveillance. Like the fact that they were undeclared foreign agents working for pro-Russia Ukrainian politicians.

1. Yes I'm refuting the FISA warrants on Carter Page. He is suing to get his reputation back. What does the FBI have on him that's legitimate to warrant surveillance?? NOTHING. In-fact he was a CIA asset!!

2. Using Carter the FBI could spy on anyone in the campaign using the "2 hop rule" whereby the FBI can spy on anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. Like you either have facts or you don't.....hint: you don't.

3. Manafort was not part of the campaign in the beginning as was Page, he was a "convention consultant vote counter" . The FBI should have warned Trump about Manafort like they warned Feinstein about her Chinese spy driver. They didn't warn Trump, probably to try and get something on him, anything on him, but they didn't, just ask Mueller. If Manafort was so bad why not warn Trump?

1. No you aren't, he may have a case about one warrant cited by Horowitz, but there has been nothing inapropriate found about original warrants on him.

2. Carter was not involved in high level campaign strategy, he was a foreign policy advisor and not a top one either, the way Flynn was.

3, Manafort and his aid Gates CHAIRED the campaign, it's straight crazy to say that they were not much higher level officials than Carter and presented far more intnerest in terms of actual political spying.
He was a CIA asset, and there isn't one shred of evidence that says Carter was not loyal to the US.

There is MUCH of evidence Carter was a sketchy character constantly flying out to Moscow trying to make money in energy sector relate...whatever the fuck.

Don't know if FBI would have gotten the warrant if they played it straight, but there were PROPER FISA warrants on him well before he ever got with Trump's campaign, so your story about "not a shred!" is kinda ridiculous.

1. Carter was employed by Merrill-Lynch, he was not a free-lance wildcard double-agent working for Russian oligarchs. His Merrrill-Lynch supervisor had to know exactly what he was doing in Russia.
2. The fact that Carter Page flew to Moscow is NOT a crime, or even suspicious.
3. Carter Page graduated from the US Naval Academy
4. If there were warrants on him what did they find? Nothing. Which is why they had to get a new one, and it was very hard to justify, which is why the FBI had to lie to the FISA court to get it. The ONLY reason to get a new warrant was to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
5. The IG found zero evidence that the FISA warrant on Carter Page was justified, which is why they falsified evidence. The FBI never charged Carter with anything, so that proves they only wanted to use Carter to spy on Trump.

1. You are not refuting that there was a legitimate basis for FISA warrants on this guy before he was with Trump campaign, so you can't tell us there was nothing conspicous about his behavior.

2. You are not refuting Carter made piss poor target to do any actual spying on the campaign...unless of course he left the campaign officially only to go straight to Moscow to do covert work for campaign, like setting up a back channel of communications.

If FBI wanted to spy on the campaign then Manafort and Gates would make much better targets because unlike Carter they were actually involved in the high level campaign strategy and had much more criminal baggage to justify the surveillance. Like the fact that they were undeclared foreign agents working for pro-Russia Ukrainian politicians.

1. Yes I'm refuting the FISA warrants on Carter Page. He is suing to get his reputation back. What does the FBI have on him that's legitimate to warrant surveillance?? NOTHING. In-fact he was a CIA asset!!

2. Using Carter the FBI could spy on anyone in the campaign using the "2 hop rule" whereby the FBI can spy on anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. Like you either have facts or you don't.....hint: you don't.

3. Manafort was not part of the campaign in the beginning as was Page, he was a "convention consultant vote counter" . The FBI should have warned Trump about Manafort like they warned Feinstein about her Chinese spy driver. They didn't warn Trump, probably to try and get something on him, anything on him, but they didn't, just ask Mueller. If Manafort was so bad why not warn Trump?

1. No you aren't, he may have a case about one warrant cited by Horowitz, but there has been nothing inapropriate found about original warrants on him.

2. Carter was not involved in high level campaign strategy, he was a foreign policy advisor and not a top one either, the way Flynn was.

3, Manafort and his aid Gates CHAIRED the campaign, it's straight crazy to say that they were not much higher level officials than Carter and presented far more intnerest in terms of actual political spying.

So Trump has every right to nest FBI spies on the Biden Money Laundering operating, right? Far far far more reason than Obama ever had with Trump

We'll see if you're still singing this tune with the Coup Plotters AND BACKERS are asked if they'd prefer to be blindfolded
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant.

We all know that the Steele dossier is nothing but garbage and lies.

What does that say about those who were running this scam, and more importantly, what does that say about a FISA court that rejected them at first, and then did not show the least bit of concern when they returned and said, "Well, look at this then.".

That would be a time for alarm bells and red flags.

No one was running a scam , they should have FISA warrants on those who talk to Russian spies.
You don't get warrants on CIA members whose job is to talk to Russians, spies or otherwise.

It was a scam. It became even more of one and a crime when an FBI lawyer altered a legal document to change its meaning.

Wtf are you talking about? Carter was never a CIA member and there is nothing about him actively cooperating with CIA during or after Trump's campaign.

so uninformed
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant.

We all know that the Steele dossier is nothing but garbage and lies.

What does that say about those who were running this scam, and more importantly, what does that say about a FISA court that rejected them at first, and then did not show the least bit of concern when they returned and said, "Well, look at this then.".

That would be a time for alarm bells and red flags.

No one was running a scam , they should have FISA warrants on those who talk to Russian spies.
You don't get warrants on CIA members whose job is to talk to Russians, spies or otherwise.

It was a scam. It became even more of one and a crime when an FBI lawyer altered a legal document to change its meaning.

Wtf are you talking about? Carter was never a CIA member and there is nothing about him actively cooperating with CIA during or after Trump's campaign.

so uninformed

So not constructive. You've got evidence to the contrary? Ok, put it up.
Last edited:
There is MUCH of evidence Carter was a sketchy character constantly flying out to Moscow trying to make money in energy sector relate...whatever the fuck.

Don't know if FBI would have gotten the warrant if they played it straight, but there were PROPER FISA warrants on him well before he ever got with Trump's campaign, so your story about "not a shred!" is kinda ridiculous.

1. Carter was employed by Merrill-Lynch, he was not a free-lance wildcard double-agent working for Russian oligarchs. His Merrrill-Lynch supervisor had to know exactly what he was doing in Russia.
2. The fact that Carter Page flew to Moscow is NOT a crime, or even suspicious.
3. Carter Page graduated from the US Naval Academy
4. If there were warrants on him what did they find? Nothing. Which is why they had to get a new one, and it was very hard to justify, which is why the FBI had to lie to the FISA court to get it. The ONLY reason to get a new warrant was to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
5. The IG found zero evidence that the FISA warrant on Carter Page was justified, which is why they falsified evidence. The FBI never charged Carter with anything, so that proves they only wanted to use Carter to spy on Trump.

1. You are not refuting that there was a legitimate basis for FISA warrants on this guy before he was with Trump campaign, so you can't tell us there was nothing conspicous about his behavior.

2. You are not refuting Carter made piss poor target to do any actual spying on the campaign...unless of course he left the campaign officially only to go straight to Moscow to do covert work for campaign, like setting up a back channel of communications.

If FBI wanted to spy on the campaign then Manafort and Gates would make much better targets because unlike Carter they were actually involved in the high level campaign strategy and had much more criminal baggage to justify the surveillance. Like the fact that they were undeclared foreign agents working for pro-Russia Ukrainian politicians.

1. Yes I'm refuting the FISA warrants on Carter Page. He is suing to get his reputation back. What does the FBI have on him that's legitimate to warrant surveillance?? NOTHING. In-fact he was a CIA asset!!

2. Using Carter the FBI could spy on anyone in the campaign using the "2 hop rule" whereby the FBI can spy on anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. Like you either have facts or you don't.....hint: you don't.

3. Manafort was not part of the campaign in the beginning as was Page, he was a "convention consultant vote counter" . The FBI should have warned Trump about Manafort like they warned Feinstein about her Chinese spy driver. They didn't warn Trump, probably to try and get something on him, anything on him, but they didn't, just ask Mueller. If Manafort was so bad why not warn Trump?

1. No you aren't, he may have a case about one warrant cited by Horowitz, but there has been nothing inapropriate found about original warrants on him.

2. Carter was not involved in high level campaign strategy, he was a foreign policy advisor and not a top one either, the way Flynn was.

3, Manafort and his aid Gates CHAIRED the campaign, it's straight crazy to say that they were not much higher level officials than Carter and presented far more intnerest in terms of actual political spying.

So Trump has every right to nest FBI spies on the Biden Money Laundering operating, right? Far far far more reason than Obama ever had with Trump

We'll see if you're still singing this tune with the Coup Plotters AND BACKERS are asked if they'd prefer to be blindfolded

Nonsence, President driving ANY DOJ investigation from top-down is HIGHLY inapropriate. The way Trump is normalizing such swamp is doing big time damage to our country.

There is ZERO evidence to date that Obama directed any DOJ investigations. He knew better than to do crazy shit like cornering FBI Director and start telling him about how he should let Hillary go. :rolleyes:
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