The Horowitz Report: Yes, It Gets Worse

Wtf are you talking about? Carter was never a CIA member and there is nothing about him actively cooperating with CIA during or after Trump's campaign.

so uninformed

He might be a CIA member, but we will never know. Its all irrelevant, the Russia Investigation was warranted and unbias.

Facts- (per the report)

Definitely a CIA asset
The launching was justified - from there - all evidence shows "no"
A definite bias was shown, none of the people that voluntarily spoke with Horowitz were dumb enough to say - yes it was political.

A CIA asset isn't always by choice. Also no there was no bias in the investigation, and the FISA warrant , if real, was a separate issue.

There are different categories of assets, including people who:

  • Willingly work for a foreign government for ideological reasons such as being against their government, but live in a country that doesn't allow political opposition. They may elect to work with a foreign power to change their own country because there are few other ways available.
  • Work for monetary gain. Intelligence services often pay good wages to people in important positions that are willing to betray secrets.
  • Have been blackmailed and are forced into their role.
  • Do not even know they are being used (so called "useful idiots"). Assets can be loyal to their country, but may still provide a foreign agent with information through failures in information safety, such as using insecure computers or not following proper OPSEC procedures during day-to-day chatting.
  • Asset (intelligence) - Wikipedia

I dismiss you.

I understand, you can't stand knowledgeable people.
so uninformed

He might be a CIA member, but we will never know. Its all irrelevant, the Russia Investigation was warranted and unbias.

Facts- (per the report)

Definitely a CIA asset
The launching was justified - from there - all evidence shows "no"
A definite bias was shown, none of the people that voluntarily spoke with Horowitz were dumb enough to say - yes it was political.

A CIA asset isn't always by choice. Also no there was no bias in the investigation, and the FISA warrant , if real, was a separate issue.

There are different categories of assets, including people who:

  • Willingly work for a foreign government for ideological reasons such as being against their government, but live in a country that doesn't allow political opposition. They may elect to work with a foreign power to change their own country because there are few other ways available.
  • Work for monetary gain. Intelligence services often pay good wages to people in important positions that are willing to betray secrets.
  • Have been blackmailed and are forced into their role.
  • Do not even know they are being used (so called "useful idiots"). Assets can be loyal to their country, but may still provide a foreign agent with information through failures in information safety, such as using insecure computers or not following proper OPSEC procedures during day-to-day chatting.
  • Asset (intelligence) - Wikipedia

I dismiss you.

I understand, you can't stand knowledgeable people.

Do you know any?
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.
In fact, prior to the dossier being used, the FISA court had refused the warrant. It was only after they included the dossier that the court granted the warrant.

We all know that the Steele dossier is nothing but garbage and lies.

What does that say about those who were running this scam, and more importantly, what does that say about a FISA court that rejected them at first, and then did not show the least bit of concern when they returned and said, "Well, look at this then.".

That would be a time for alarm bells and red flags.

Evidence? Link? Do you have even a shred of evidence to support this assertion? In fact, Page was under FISA surveillance BEFORE he "volunteered" for the Trump campaign.

Why did so many people who could ill afford to give away their services for free, "volunteer" for the Trump Campaign? Paul Manafort was in deep financial trouble, deeply in debt to criminal Russian oligarchsm and being investigated for bank fraud and other criminal activities, when he volunteered to work for Trump.

Trumpbots never discuss or even bring up the idea that all of these people with deep connections to Russia, both financial and otherwise, offered to work for Trump for free. Papadopolous, Gates, Manafort, Page.
Its called the IG report. read it.
So Manafort was Trump's campaign chair for at most 4-months of a 22-month campaign, or about 18% of the campaign, not much.
What part of the FBI spied on the Trump campaign AND transition team with impunity don't you get?

WTF? There was ONLY FISA warrants on Carter.

He chaired or had a major role in the campaign for exactly ZERO days.

Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period."

Trump camp backs away from adviser suspected of Kremlin ties

Weird huh?

Like I said, the FBI can use the "2-hop rule" to spy on the suspect, anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. So the Trump campaign was under surveillance, just ask Admiral Rogers (NSA) who warned Trump.

This article shows that Carter Page was part of the Trump campaign for 6-months.

IG report: A timeline of the FBI's Russia probe
March 21, 2016
Donald Trump, a contender for the Republican presidential nomination, announces Carter Page as his campaign's foreign policy adviser.
Sept. 23, 2016
Yahoo News reports that U.S. intelligence officials are investigating whether Page communicated privately with senior Russian officials about U.S. sanctions under a potential Trump administration. The next day, Page is removed from the Trump campaign.

two-hop rule applies only to call metadata, that’s hardly the same as wiretapping anyone Carter ever talked to.
Why is the FBI still in business?

Why are there still policemen??
Why are you so silly?
Everything you know about phony scandals the go nowhere ever is pure garbage propaganda. And stop disrespecting our fine public servants. Because emails right? Absolute idiocy. FBI agents can have personal feelings and they still do their job perfectly as the Inspector General says as if it's necessary except in super duper world. You live on an imaginary planet
So Manafort was Trump's campaign chair for at most 4-months of a 22-month campaign, or about 18% of the campaign, not much.
What part of the FBI spied on the Trump campaign AND transition team with impunity don't you get?

WTF? There was ONLY FISA warrants on Carter.

He chaired or had a major role in the campaign for exactly ZERO days.

Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period."

Trump camp backs away from adviser suspected of Kremlin ties

Weird huh?

Like I said, the FBI can use the "2-hop rule" to spy on the suspect, anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. So the Trump campaign was under surveillance, just ask Admiral Rogers (NSA) who warned Trump.

This article shows that Carter Page was part of the Trump campaign for 6-months.

IG report: A timeline of the FBI's Russia probe
March 21, 2016
Donald Trump, a contender for the Republican presidential nomination, announces Carter Page as his campaign's foreign policy adviser.
Sept. 23, 2016
Yahoo News reports that U.S. intelligence officials are investigating whether Page communicated privately with senior Russian officials about U.S. sanctions under a potential Trump administration. The next day, Page is removed from the Trump campaign.

two-hop rule applies only to call metadata, that’s hardly the same as wiretapping anyone Carter ever talked to.

Ok, so you say, then why did Admiral Rogers (NSA) tell Trump that the FBI had his Trump Tower under surveillance?
What justification was used, if any? Why are we assuming that the FBI needed to follow the rules?
So Manafort was Trump's campaign chair for at most 4-months of a 22-month campaign, or about 18% of the campaign, not much.
What part of the FBI spied on the Trump campaign AND transition team with impunity don't you get?

WTF? There was ONLY FISA warrants on Carter.

He chaired or had a major role in the campaign for exactly ZERO days.

Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period."

Trump camp backs away from adviser suspected of Kremlin ties

Weird huh?

Like I said, the FBI can use the "2-hop rule" to spy on the suspect, anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. So the Trump campaign was under surveillance, just ask Admiral Rogers (NSA) who warned Trump.

This article shows that Carter Page was part of the Trump campaign for 6-months.

IG report: A timeline of the FBI's Russia probe
March 21, 2016
Donald Trump, a contender for the Republican presidential nomination, announces Carter Page as his campaign's foreign policy adviser.
Sept. 23, 2016
Yahoo News reports that U.S. intelligence officials are investigating whether Page communicated privately with senior Russian officials about U.S. sanctions under a potential Trump administration. The next day, Page is removed from the Trump campaign.

two-hop rule applies only to call metadata, that’s hardly the same as wiretapping anyone Carter ever talked to.

Ok, so you say, then why did Admiral Rogers (NSA) tell Trump that the FBI had his Trump Tower under surveillance?
What justification was used, if any? Why are we assuming that the FBI needed to follow the rules?

Why do cats have two tails?

Seriously, you introduce some bullshit and I'm supposed to explain it?

In Congressional testimony last spring, Mr. Rogers disputed Mr. Trump’s claim that Mr. Obama ordered his “‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower.”

I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.

FACT CHECK: Did Former NSA Chief Mike Rogers Warn Trump of a 'Deep State' Plot? - Roughly Explained
Why is the FBI still in business?

Why are there still policemen??
Why are you so silly?
Everything you know about phony scandals the go nowhere ever is pure garbage propaganda. And stop disrespecting our fine public servants. Because emails right? Absolute idiocy. FBI agents can have personal feelings and they still do their job perfectly as the Inspector General says as if it's necessary except in super duper world. You live on an imaginary planet
After months of the far right radical extremists saying that the IG report would result in people being arrested and put in prison.

The reality is that the IG investigation didn't result in anything that the far right radical extremists said would happen.


Just as the result of all the prior investigations into Hillary and Obama.

You far right radical extremists have dragged our nation through hell for decades all in a desperate fight to find something. ANYTHING on Hillary and Obama. You have wasted millions of dollars with the results being zero people being indicted much less being put in prison.

When reports come out with the truth, you people dispute it. Even though you spend months saying that the report will be the truth and put people in prison.

People are getting sick of this. All you people do is investigate in an attempt to destroy people's lives.

All of your accusations are nothing but lies.

After all of your countless investigations turning out to exonerate the people who are being investigated, people now don't believe anything you people say anymore. We've been put through your lies way too many times for people with working brains to fall for your lies and conspiracy theories anymore.
After months of the far right radical extremists saying that the IG report would result in people being arrested and put in prison.

The reality is that the IG investigation didn't result in anything that the far right radical extremists said would happen.


Just as the result of all the prior investigations into Hillary and Obama.

You far right radical extremists have dragged our nation through hell for decades all in a desperate fight to find something. ANYTHING on Hillary and Obama. You have wasted millions of dollars with the results being zero people being indicted much less being put in prison.

When reports come out with the truth, you people dispute it. Even though you spend months saying that the report will be the truth and put people in prison.

People are getting sick of this. All you people do is investigate in an attempt to destroy people's lives.

All of your accusations are nothing but lies.

After all of your countless investigations turning out to exonerate the people who are being investigated, people now don't believe anything you people say anymore. We've been put through your lies way too many times for people with working brains to fall for your lies and conspiracy theories anymore.

No dummy. IG Horowitz does not have subpoena powers, he could not force anyone to interview and he cannot make an arrest. His investigation and produced report is simply an audit/fact finding.

Unlike Horowitz, Durham has all investigative powers that based on findings could result in indictments and arrests.The indictments are the non-politicized factual results.
So Manafort was Trump's campaign chair for at most 4-months of a 22-month campaign, or about 18% of the campaign, not much.
What part of the FBI spied on the Trump campaign AND transition team with impunity don't you get?

WTF? There was ONLY FISA warrants on Carter.

He chaired or had a major role in the campaign for exactly ZERO days.

Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period."

Trump camp backs away from adviser suspected of Kremlin ties

Weird huh?

Like I said, the FBI can use the "2-hop rule" to spy on the suspect, anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. So the Trump campaign was under surveillance, just ask Admiral Rogers (NSA) who warned Trump.

This article shows that Carter Page was part of the Trump campaign for 6-months.

IG report: A timeline of the FBI's Russia probe
March 21, 2016
Donald Trump, a contender for the Republican presidential nomination, announces Carter Page as his campaign's foreign policy adviser.
Sept. 23, 2016
Yahoo News reports that U.S. intelligence officials are investigating whether Page communicated privately with senior Russian officials about U.S. sanctions under a potential Trump administration. The next day, Page is removed from the Trump campaign.

So the Trump campaign was under surveillance, just ask Admiral Rogers (NSA) who warned Trump.
“I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.
FACT CHECK: Did Former NSA Chief Mike Rogers Warn Trump of a 'Deep State' Plot? - Roughly Explained
So Manafort was Trump's campaign chair for at most 4-months of a 22-month campaign, or about 18% of the campaign, not much.
What part of the FBI spied on the Trump campaign AND transition team with impunity don't you get?

WTF? There was ONLY FISA warrants on Carter.

He chaired or had a major role in the campaign for exactly ZERO days.

Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period."

Trump camp backs away from adviser suspected of Kremlin ties

Weird huh?

Like I said, the FBI can use the "2-hop rule" to spy on the suspect, anyone he talks to, and anyone they talk to. So the Trump campaign was under surveillance, just ask Admiral Rogers (NSA) who warned Trump.

This article shows that Carter Page was part of the Trump campaign for 6-months.

IG report: A timeline of the FBI's Russia probe
March 21, 2016
Donald Trump, a contender for the Republican presidential nomination, announces Carter Page as his campaign's foreign policy adviser.
Sept. 23, 2016
Yahoo News reports that U.S. intelligence officials are investigating whether Page communicated privately with senior Russian officials about U.S. sanctions under a potential Trump administration. The next day, Page is removed from the Trump campaign.

So the Trump campaign was under surveillance, just ask Admiral Rogers (NSA) who warned Trump.
“I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.
FACT CHECK: Did Former NSA Chief Mike Rogers Warn Trump of a 'Deep State' Plot? - Roughly Explained

I'm not saying that the NSA spied on the Trump Tower. But Admiral Rogers did warn Trump that some agency (FBI?) had the Trump campaign under surveillance. Apparently Rogers was NOT part of the deep state coup plot (Operation Crossfire Hurricane) that Brennan and Clapper were part of. Read this entire article, it summarizes what happened perfectly:
Why Ash Carter, Clapper and Brennan tried to get NSA's Mike Rogers fired
Barack Obama’s shadow government of coup plotters in exile
But there were deeper reasons for the sudden, public move by the now exposed “putsch” leaders, Clapper, Carter, and CIA Director John Brennan.
First, Donald Trump had just been elected President.
Second, the NSA chief had discovered and revealed to FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer overwhelming evidence of sustained, illegal use of FISA 702 authority by Brennan and Clapper to employ NSA surveillance systems to spy on Americans. He then put an end to it. He testified about his findings to Judge Collyer on October 26, 2016, four days after Peter Strzok and Andrew Weissmann obtained a FISA warrant on Carter Page.
Third, and most egregiously, Admiral Rogers had briefed President-elect Donald Trump in Trump Tower. He did it without telling Brennan or Clapper in advance. He told Trump in detail what he knew and what Trump was facing. (Behind the Obama administration’s shady plan to spy on the Trump campaign)
He informed Trump that Trump Tower was under surveillance. Rogers did his patriotic duty to the constitution.
Durham probing Bond villains in the Obama White House
In other words, he exposed the emerging coup de’ tat, waged by the Obama White House against the duly elected incoming president. No wonder Brennan was concerned. (How NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis)
The next day, Trump moved his transition headquarters from Trump Tower to Bedminster Country Club in New Jersey. When Brennan and Clapper learned of the private Rogers briefing, they panicked. They immediately launched counter measures.
Read this article, no one is saying "Obama" ordered the Trump Tower "wire-tapped", or that the NSA did it, but it happened.

Why Ash Carter, Clapper and Brennan tried to get NSA's Mike Rogers fired
"He informed Trump that Trump Tower was under surveillance. Rogers did his patriotic duty to the constitution."

Stop being so dense.

You source is total shit. A hard right mill known for promotion of conspiracy theories and very poor sourcing.

Communities Digital News (CDN) - Media Bias/Fact Check

Actual words from Rogers before Congress:

I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.

I don't even know where the fuck you get this idea that Rogers said anything like that to Trump, but it's certianly not from Rogers himself.
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Read this article, no one is saying "Obama" ordered the Trump Tower "wire-tapped", or that the NSA did it, but it happened.

Why Ash Carter, Clapper and Brennan tried to get NSA's Mike Rogers fired
"He informed Trump that Trump Tower was under surveillance. Rogers did his patriotic duty to the constitution."

Stop being so dense.

You source is total shit. A hard right mill known for promotion of conspiracy theories and very poor sourcing.

Communities Digital News (CDN) - Media Bias/Fact Check

Actual words from Rogers before Congress:

I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.

I don't even know where the fuck you get this idea that Rogers said anything like that to Trump, but it's certainly not from Rogers himself.

If you don't like the content whine about the source. Okay, how about this one?
How NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis | Combat Veterans For Congress
(there are tons of sources for the story, just pick one you can believe)
You do know that if/when Durham starts issuing indictments then the jig is up?
That will be the proof one of us needs.
Durham either has the evidence and indicts, or the deep state covers their asses and lies low.
Read this article, no one is saying "Obama" ordered the Trump Tower "wire-tapped", or that the NSA did it, but it happened.

Why Ash Carter, Clapper and Brennan tried to get NSA's Mike Rogers fired
"He informed Trump that Trump Tower was under surveillance. Rogers did his patriotic duty to the constitution."

Stop being so dense.

You source is total shit. A hard right mill known for promotion of conspiracy theories and very poor sourcing.

Communities Digital News (CDN) - Media Bias/Fact Check

Actual words from Rogers before Congress:

I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.

I don't even know where the fuck you get this idea that Rogers said anything like that to Trump, but it's certainly not from Rogers himself.

If you don't like the content whine about the source. Okay, how about this one?
How NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis | Combat Veterans For Congress
(there are tons of sources for the story, just pick one you can believe)
You do know that if/when Durham starts issuing indictments then the jig is up?
That will be the proof one of us needs.
Durham either has the evidence and indicts, or the deep state covers their asses and lies low.

Dude do you seriously not get that just because someone wrote something on the internetz does not mean it's true?

I can get you a million links talking about how 9/11 attacks was an inside job. Doesn't mean it's true, doesn't mean it's not a crazy conspiracy theory.

You go ahead and show me a SINGLE STATEMENT by Rogers himself supporting your assertions about what he supposedly said to Trump, because for now all I see is him directly contradicting it.
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