The Horowitz Report: Yes, It Gets Worse

Remember when Guiliani was running around the media in 2016 talking about "I've been talking to my buddies in the FBI, and they're telling me interesting things about'll soon see."

He did this multiple times, months, weeks and even days before the election.

Is that the corrupt FBI that Republicans are referring to?
Read this article, no one is saying "Obama" ordered the Trump Tower "wire-tapped", or that the NSA did it, but it happened.

Why Ash Carter, Clapper and Brennan tried to get NSA's Mike Rogers fired
"He informed Trump that Trump Tower was under surveillance. Rogers did his patriotic duty to the constitution."

Stop being so dense.

You source is total shit. A hard right mill known for promotion of conspiracy theories and very poor sourcing.

Communities Digital News (CDN) - Media Bias/Fact Check

Actual words from Rogers before Congress:

I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.

I don't even know where the fuck you get this idea that Rogers said anything like that to Trump, but it's certainly not from Rogers himself.

If you don't like the content whine about the source. Okay, how about this one?
How NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis | Combat Veterans For Congress
(there are tons of sources for the story, just pick one you can believe)
You do know that if/when Durham starts issuing indictments then the jig is up?
That will be the proof one of us needs.
Durham either has the evidence and indicts, or the deep state covers their asses and lies low.

Dude do you seriously not get that just because someone wrote something on the internetz does not mean it's true?

I can get you a million links talking about how 9/11 attacks was an inside job. Doesn't mean it's true, doesn't mean it's not a crazy conspiracy theory.

You go ahead and show me a SINGLE STATEMENT by Rogers himself supporting your assertions about what he supposedly said to Trump, because for now all I see is him directly contradicting it.
Rogers said that "the NSA did not illegally spy on Trump", he did NOT say "no one illegally spied on Trump". In fact, Rogers was worried that unauthorized "contractors" (like Snowden) were accessing the NSA database illegally and spying on the Trump campaign

Rogers did not make statements to the MSM, he was the head of the most secret agency the US has. Just read the article linked below and the excerpt I copied. If you can read between the lines you will understand. If you have partisan colored glasses you won't understand what he told Trump that got him to move out of the Trump Tower the next day.

NSA Director Rogers Disclosed FISA Abuse Days After Page Warrant Was Issued
"On the morning of Nov. 17, 2016, Rogers traveled to meet President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team at Trump Tower, but didn’t inform DNI Clapper about the meeting. That evening, the Trump team announced they were moving all transition activity to Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey. It makes one wonder what, exactly, Rogers communicated to Trump."
I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.

McCabe said under oath that without the Steele Dossier there would have been no FISA application on Carter Page.
IG Report: No FISA Warrant On Carter Page Without Steele Dossier

Thanks for playing. Please stop lying all the time, and put up links to prove your assertions.

Also, the Steele Dossier has been proven to be totally bogus.
Morning! Merry Christmas!

True, sort of....

The FBI tried two times to get a FISA on Page before they were given the Dossier.

The FBI legal counsel turned down their requests, because with the evidence they had, the lawyers that oversee the FISA process for the FBI did not believe the FBI had enough evidence to get the FISA approved by the FISC.

So, the FBI had their eye on Page for a month or two, before they finally got the approval to apply to FISC for the FISA. They had interest in Page, BEFORE they even had the dossier to add to their previous evidence, and finally get the FISA go ahead approval. (IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE, that the Dossier is NOT what drew their attention towards Page, he was on their radar, prior to even having the dossier)

The dossier was NOT the ONLY evidence they had for the FISA request, but it was additional evidence that put the request over the top, for evidence needed to get their legal counsel's approval to apply to the FISC.

They would NOT have gotten the APPROVAL FROM THEIR LEGAL COUNSEL for Page's surveillance if they ONLY had the dossier for the application either.... the dossier alone, ALSO would not have gotten legal counsel approval to move over FISC.

It was the dossier, ADDED to their other evidence which they had accumulated earlier, COMBINED, that got the legal counsel go ahead.
Why is the FBI still in business?

Why are there still policemen??
Why are you so silly?

Because you are being silly.
So you think a rogue agency like the FBI which has committed unconstitutional acts since J Edgar, is entirely okay.

No institution is entirely OK.

Why anyone would try to justify or minimize the criminal acts of the FBI that have gone for decades is hard to understand, until you see that it is LL.
Why are there still policemen??
Why are you so silly?

Because you are being silly.
So you think a rogue agency like the FBI which has committed unconstitutional acts since J Edgar, is entirely okay.

No institution is entirely OK.

Why anyone would try to justify or minimize the criminal acts of the FBI that have gone for decades is hard to understand, until you see that it is LL.
Merry Christmas!

But imo, it is absurd to demonize an entire agency with tens of thousands, that handles a great deal for the Nation for a handful or two of problems....

ya fix, what is wrong...and punish who did wrong, not kill the Nation's entire national security forces, and intelligence capabilities, and investigative agencies, and federal law enforcement forces because of 'some problems'.

just work on fixing the real problems and abuses.
Why are there still policemen??
Why are you so silly?

Because you are being silly.
So you think a rogue agency like the FBI which has committed unconstitutional acts since J Edgar, is entirely okay.

No institution is entirely OK.

Why anyone would try to justify or minimize the criminal acts of the FBI that have gone for decades is hard to understand, until you see that it is LL.

Anarchy is fucking stupid. It is defeatist. The stuff of weak minds.
Why are you so silly?

Because you are being silly.
So you think a rogue agency like the FBI which has committed unconstitutional acts since J Edgar, is entirely okay.

No institution is entirely OK.

Why anyone would try to justify or minimize the criminal acts of the FBI that have gone for decades is hard to understand, until you see that it is LL.

Anarchy is fucking stupid. It is defeatist. The stuff of weak minds.
Dumb. No one is suggesting anarchy. Fool.
Because you are being silly.
So you think a rogue agency like the FBI which has committed unconstitutional acts since J Edgar, is entirely okay.

No institution is entirely OK.

Why anyone would try to justify or minimize the criminal acts of the FBI that have gone for decades is hard to understand, until you see that it is LL.

Anarchy is fucking stupid. It is defeatist. The stuff of weak minds.
Dumb. No one is suggesting anarchy. Fool.

Sure you are. Why be shy about it now?
Oooops! Took a fucking minute.

I believe the Steele dossier. It had little to do with FiSA warrant on Page.

McCabe said under oath that without the Steele Dossier there would have been no FISA application on Carter Page.
IG Report: No FISA Warrant On Carter Page Without Steele Dossier

Thanks for playing. Please stop lying all the time, and put up links to prove your assertions.

Also, the Steele Dossier has been proven to be totally bogus.
Morning! Merry Christmas!

True, sort of....

The FBI tried two times to get a FISA on Page before they were given the Dossier.

The FBI legal counsel turned down their requests, because with the evidence they had, the lawyers that oversee the FISA process for the FBI did not believe the FBI had enough evidence to get the FISA approved by the FISC.

So, the FBI had their eye on Page for a month or two, before they finally got the approval to apply to FISC for the FISA. They had interest in Page, BEFORE they even had the dossier to add to their previous evidence, and finally get the FISA go ahead approval. (IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE, that the Dossier is NOT what drew their attention towards Page, he was on their radar, prior to even having the dossier)

The dossier was NOT the ONLY evidence they had for the FISA request, but it was additional evidence that put the request over the top, for evidence needed to get their legal counsel's approval to apply to the FISC.

They would NOT have gotten the APPROVAL FROM THEIR LEGAL COUNSEL for Page's surveillance if they ONLY had the dossier for the application either.... the dossier alone, ALSO would not have gotten legal counsel approval to move over FISC.

It was the dossier, ADDED to their other evidence which they had accumulated earlier, COMBINED, that got the legal counsel go ahead.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Lets just say that when the FBI changed Brennan's email from "Carter was an FBI asset" to "Carter is NOT an FBI asset" that FISA warrant was criminal, "fruit from the poisoned tree". On top of that after all the surveillance of Carter Page, the FBI did not indict him for anything. To me that proves that the Carter Page FISA was only used for the contractors to sift thru the NSA database for anything on Trump or his campaign. Using the "2-hop rule" they could legally spy on Carter Page, anyone he talked to, and anyone they talked to. That's why the FBI wanted the FISA on Carter Page, just to spy on the Trump campaign and all their contacts.
Oooops! Took a fucking minute.

View attachment 296612
I will gladly take anarchy over the corrupt system we have now. You being you, don’t know anything about the meaning of anarchy.

At any rate, we were debating the topic of this thread, fool. Anarchy was not mentioned by me. I don’t suppose you understand the meaning of debating a topic.
Oooops! Took a fucking minute.

View attachment 296612
I will gladly take anarchy over the corrupt system we have now. You being you, don’t know anything about the meaning of anarchy.

At any rate, we were debating the topic of this thread, fool. Anarchy was not mentioned by me. I don’t suppose you understand the meaning of debating a topic.

Debate doesn't happen here. You are an anarchist. You've given up on the American experiment. I haven't. I still believe that we can overcome corruption. You don't. You are of no use to me.
Read this article, no one is saying "Obama" ordered the Trump Tower "wire-tapped", or that the NSA did it, but it happened.

Why Ash Carter, Clapper and Brennan tried to get NSA's Mike Rogers fired
"He informed Trump that Trump Tower was under surveillance. Rogers did his patriotic duty to the constitution."

Stop being so dense.

You source is total shit. A hard right mill known for promotion of conspiracy theories and very poor sourcing.

Communities Digital News (CDN) - Media Bias/Fact Check

Actual words from Rogers before Congress:

I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.

I don't even know where the fuck you get this idea that Rogers said anything like that to Trump, but it's certainly not from Rogers himself.

If you don't like the content whine about the source. Okay, how about this one?
How NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis | Combat Veterans For Congress
(there are tons of sources for the story, just pick one you can believe)
You do know that if/when Durham starts issuing indictments then the jig is up?
That will be the proof one of us needs.
Durham either has the evidence and indicts, or the deep state covers their asses and lies low.

Dude do you seriously not get that just because someone wrote something on the internetz does not mean it's true?

I can get you a million links talking about how 9/11 attacks was an inside job. Doesn't mean it's true, doesn't mean it's not a crazy conspiracy theory.

You go ahead and show me a SINGLE STATEMENT by Rogers himself supporting your assertions about what he supposedly said to Trump, because for now all I see is him directly contradicting it.
Rogers said that "the NSA did not illegally spy on Trump", he did NOT say "no one illegally spied on Trump". In fact, Rogers was worried that unauthorized "contractors" (like Snowden) were accessing the NSA database illegally and spying on the Trump campaign

Rogers did not make statements to the MSM, he was the head of the most secret agency the US has. Just read the article linked below and the excerpt I copied. If you can read between the lines you will understand. If you have partisan colored glasses you won't understand what he told Trump that got him to move out of the Trump Tower the next day.

NSA Director Rogers Disclosed FISA Abuse Days After Page Warrant Was Issued
"On the morning of Nov. 17, 2016, Rogers traveled to meet President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team at Trump Tower, but didn’t inform DNI Clapper about the meeting. That evening, the Trump team announced they were moving all transition activity to Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey. It makes one wonder what, exactly, Rogers communicated to Trump."

When you are done "wondering" and have ACTUAL statement from Rogers or solid record of him saying it, you come on back. Untill then all you got is rumors.
Read this article, no one is saying "Obama" ordered the Trump Tower "wire-tapped", or that the NSA did it, but it happened.

Why Ash Carter, Clapper and Brennan tried to get NSA's Mike Rogers fired
"He informed Trump that Trump Tower was under surveillance. Rogers did his patriotic duty to the constitution."

Stop being so dense.

You source is total shit. A hard right mill known for promotion of conspiracy theories and very poor sourcing.

Communities Digital News (CDN) - Media Bias/Fact Check

Actual words from Rogers before Congress:

I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.

I don't even know where the fuck you get this idea that Rogers said anything like that to Trump, but it's certainly not from Rogers himself.

If you don't like the content whine about the source. Okay, how about this one?
How NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis | Combat Veterans For Congress
(there are tons of sources for the story, just pick one you can believe)
You do know that if/when Durham starts issuing indictments then the jig is up?
That will be the proof one of us needs.
Durham either has the evidence and indicts, or the deep state covers their asses and lies low.

Dude do you seriously not get that just because someone wrote something on the internetz does not mean it's true?

I can get you a million links talking about how 9/11 attacks was an inside job. Doesn't mean it's true, doesn't mean it's not a crazy conspiracy theory.

You go ahead and show me a SINGLE STATEMENT by Rogers himself supporting your assertions about what he supposedly said to Trump, because for now all I see is him directly contradicting it.
Rogers said that "the NSA did not illegally spy on Trump", he did NOT say "no one illegally spied on Trump". In fact, Rogers was worried that unauthorized "contractors" (like Snowden) were accessing the NSA database illegally and spying on the Trump campaign

Rogers did not make statements to the MSM, he was the head of the most secret agency the US has. Just read the article linked below and the excerpt I copied. If you can read between the lines you will understand. If you have partisan colored glasses you won't understand what he told Trump that got him to move out of the Trump Tower the next day.

NSA Director Rogers Disclosed FISA Abuse Days After Page Warrant Was Issued
"On the morning of Nov. 17, 2016, Rogers traveled to meet President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team at Trump Tower, but didn’t inform DNI Clapper about the meeting. That evening, the Trump team announced they were moving all transition activity to Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey. It makes one wonder what, exactly, Rogers communicated to Trump."

When you are done "wondering" and have ACTUAL statement from Rogers or solid record of him saying it, you come on back. Until then all you got is rumors.

It's NOT a "rumor" when Rogers talks with Trump, and then out of the blue, Trump moves his entire campaign from the Trump Tower to his golf club in NJ. What could Rogers have told Trump? Think real hard, use your brain....Rogers is way to smart to tell the MSM anything...especially the truth....and get misquoted...
NSA Director Rogers Disclosed FISA Abuse Days After Page Warrant Was Issued
"On the morning of Nov. 17, 2016, Rogers traveled to meet President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team at Trump Tower, but didn’t inform DNI Clapper about the meeting. That evening, the Trump team announced they were moving all transition activity to Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey. It makes one wonder what, exactly, Rogers communicated to Trump."
Oooops! Took a fucking minute.

View attachment 296612
I will gladly take anarchy over the corrupt system we have now. You being you, don’t know anything about the meaning of anarchy.

At any rate, we were debating the topic of this thread, fool. Anarchy was not mentioned by me. I don’t suppose you understand the meaning of debating a topic.

Debate doesn't happen here. You are an anarchist. You've given up on the American experiment. I haven't. I still believe that we can overcome corruption. You don't. You are of no use to me.
Good because you clearly are a fool.

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