The horrifc video of what went on in the Capital building on January 6th. TikTok

Just watched HBOs 1:40 documentary on Jan 6. I am totally disgusted. The right wing has a large pocket of ignorant morons. Basically a goon squad for the wealthy to steer by feeding their dumbasses misinformation and culture war fodder. Almost feel sorry for the sheep over there. Almost.
View attachment 579558

Even you know that they had a strong bias going in plus they only had a tiny sliver of information available. What they have is what the far left wants you to believe.

But, you got what you wanted, confirmation of what you had already been fed.

Where are all those videos depicting "horrendous violence" on January 6th?
There are hundreds, if not thousands of high-quality security cameras covering every square inch of the Capitol in glorious color. Over 13,000 hours! Where are they? Why won't Pelosi release them to the public? IF, as you allege, they show "horrendous violence" don't you think s
he would release at least the most violent? In an effort to justify the folks arrested during that demonstration who are still being held in deplorable conditions?

13,000 hours of video!
Why won't Pelosi release them?
Don't you think she should? In an effort to justify the folks arrested?
Held in horrible conditions?

Boy, poster Markle you offer a bountiful buffet.
Let's dig in.

First, yupper, I quite agree that there would be---should be---a lot of security cameras with various views of the interior and exterior of the Capitol. Good for America that there are such. But Pelosi releasing their images? C'mon! You really should know better. It is an ongoing investigation...and will be for some time. Those videos likely will be, likely already are....being used to prosecute the attackers (be they ANTIFA, BLM, Gay Oathkeepers, or MAGA Losers, take your choice.)

If those government videos are in the hands of the FBI or the DOJ and are useful in prosecuting......that's good enough for me. I doubt "Pelosi" has a say in "releasing" them. Why release any ---unless in court --- while they are still looking for some attackers? Duh!
(BTW, if you reallly want to see 'em........don't ask anonymous posters on an internet gossipboard. Ask your local FBI office, ask your two Senators, ask your Representative. Your outrage appears fake. And silly. You know better.)

Besides, ain't there enough images in the public sphere now? I've seen a ginormous number of images and videos that have been released by the losers who attacked, by their companions, by crowd members, by news organiazations. Much of that stuff was posted on some social media site as a form of boasting by the attackers (much to their regret now).

There were cameras everywhere...not just those government security cams that you hyperventilate about.
Lemme give you an example, in last Sunday's New York Times (Dec. 19th) they have a section on 'the Year in Pictures'. One scene of the Capitol riot showed (I did a nano count) )......showed at least 25 upraised & aimed cameras ---cellphones, big 35mm cams, and big video cams. That's at least 25 cams in a MAGA crowd around that doorway of about 60 people (I counted both).

And that was just one entry with a small part of the crowd of attackers and the police. Multiply that by all other locales and I'd suggest you have a several thousand cams in the hands of civilians, all of them recording the events of January 6th.

PS.....I'd sorta kinda suspect that pertinent images from the security cams are being reviewed by the Congressional Committee. Don't you, good poster Markle?

Lastly, your complaint about "horrible conditions" sounds, to my ear, uninformed. Even sounds fake.
You should know that those still in jail are: in for violent assault; flight risk; demnostrated beligerence and no remorse; are considered ringleaders. And even many....most .... of them have been moved off to facilities in, if memory serves, Pennsylvania or Virginia, because 700+ arrestees is far far more than the DC jail or system can handle in a short period.

And notably, the conditions of the DC jail with staffing and the physical plant have been recognized for years and years. But, until a bunch of white guys professiong to be Trump Supporters get locked didn't whine about the conditions.

After all, the low level blacks arrested have experienced those conditions for as long as they existed. Yet, it took a bunch of whites in MAGAHats to get tossed in before Conservatives, Republicans, and other MAGAHats began to whine about jail conditions.

"Privileged"......ring a bell?
As I said, Nancy Pelosi blocked their release. President Biden could order their release, but he's not sure where he is or what he's supposed to even say.


wrong. but you keep the faith!
What a load of shit. You still won't accept the fact you guys are fascist loving terrorists. No a brain amongst the bloody lot.
Wait you are a gay tea sipping Englishman?

BTW, you have proven nothing other than using the same stupid drawn out platitudes.

Not one of you. We know the truth. Including the stealing of the election and only a brain dead brainwashed little dandy like you would think the January 6th protests weren't staged by antifa and the government.

Still haven't seen any of you explain to any of us why capital police were given an order to stand down.

Why am I even wasting my time with you. Might as well start hitting myself over the head with a hammer.

Should have known you are a dandy English man with a name like "collin." How white.
"Wait you are a gay tea sipping Englishman? BTW, you have proven nothing other than using the same stupid drawn out platitudes. Not one of you. We know the truth. Including the stealing of the election and only a brain dead brainwashed little dandy like you would think the January 6th protests weren't staged by antifa and the government. Still haven't seen any of you explain to any of us why capital police were given an order to stand down. Why am I even wasting my time with you. Might as well start hitting myself over the head with a hammer. Should have known you are a dandy English man with a name like "collin." How white."
Can we have a hammer here? Anyone with a hammer? Anyone? Hurry!!!

Just kiddin' on that, good poster 'owl'. I don't want you to hit yourself with a hammer....big or small. I kinda like your stuff.
Reading your contributions helps me feel somewhat superior. No disrespect intended.

Anyway, good poster 'owl'.......first, thank you for your earlier post justifying the need and usefulness of the Congressional Committee. Your efforts in explaining the desire to find out if it was ANTIFA, FBI, or Gay Oathkeepers, or MAGALosers, did not go unnoticed.
So, a hat-tip.
Someone should send you an 'Vote Cheney' flag for your pick-up. (instead of that hammer. maybe.)

Now to your latest hissyfit. Namely, "we know the truth"..."including the stealing of the election.....staged by antifa and the government".

OK, cool. You know that is true. Got it.
However, and I don't mean to be mean, but.......but, show us.
Show the forum you have deadsolidperfect proof that Joe Biden's 81,2668,924 votes were stolen.

While you are at that.....try to prove to the forum that Don Trump's 71,216, 154 votes were not stolen. You know, like what happened in Maricopa County, where the experienced Cyber Ninjas found that Don Trump was strangely awarded more votes than he really received. And Joe Biden was given less. Not to mention all those stories of Republicans voting for Trump via their dead wife. Or those old blue-hairs in Florida's 'The Villages' who decided they'd vote multiple times for Trump.

The country and the world have legitimate questions about the validity of those 71,216,154 votes for Trump. No?

So saddle up, Slim. Show us how your little pony can trot. Whatcha got?
Can we have a hammer here? Anyone with a hammer? Anyone? Hurry!!!

Just kiddin' on that, good poster 'owl'. I don't want you to hit yourself with a hammer....big or small. I kinda like your stuff.
Reading your contributions helps me feel somewhat superior. No disrespect intended.

Anyway, good poster 'owl'.......first, thank you for your earlier post justifying the need and usefulness of the Congressional Committee. Your efforts in explaining the desire to find out if it was ANTIFA, FBI, or Gay Oathkeepers, or MAGALosers, did not go unnoticed.
So, a hat-tip.
Someone should send you an 'Vote Cheney' flag for your pick-up. (instead of that hammer. maybe.)

Now to your latest hissyfit. Namely, "we know the truth"..."including the stealing of the election.....staged by antifa and the government".

OK, cool. You know that is true. Got it.
However, and I don't mean to be mean, but.......but, show us.
Show the forum you have deadsolidperfect proof that Joe Biden's 81,2668,924 votes were stolen.

While you are at that.....try to prove to the forum that Don Trump's 71,216, 154 votes were not stolen. You know, like what happened in Maricopa County, where the experienced Cyber Ninjas found that Don Trump was strangely awarded more votes than he really received. And Joe Biden was given less. Not to mention all those stories of Republicans voting for Trump via their dead wife. Or those old blue-hairs in Florida's 'The Villages' who decided they'd vote multiple times for Trump.

The country and the world have legitimate questions about the validity of those 71,216,154 votes for Trump. No?

So saddle up, Slim. Show us how your little pony can trot. Whatcha got?
So, gonna answer why the CAPITAL POLICE were given a stand down order?

What, was it something they weren't prepared for? Hmmmm?

Everyone knew about the rally and protest to protest the fraud committed in the 2020 elections.

And there was fraud. You all don't answer those facts whatever Mr intellectual.

I guess you will be getting to the reasons there was a stand down order and also...

Are you denying antifa was there? Dressed up as Trump supporters?

Are you really actually doing that Mr intellectual?

Watch out man. Omnicron is gonna getcha.
Just watched HBOs 1:40 documentary on Jan 6. I am totally disgusted. The right wing has a large pocket of ignorant morons. Basically a goon squad for the wealthy to steer by feeding their dumbasses misinformation and culture war fodder. Almost feel sorry for the sheep over there. Almost.
View attachment 579558
So you swallowed that pile of crap?
Just watched HBOs 1:40 documentary on Jan 6. I am totally disgusted. The right wing has a large pocket of ignorant morons. Basically a goon squad for the wealthy to steer by feeding their dumbasses misinformation and culture war fodder. Almost feel sorry for the sheep over there. Almost.
They won't watch it. Some amazing footage.

They'll just say it was Antifa and/or BLM and/or the FBI, as they are programmed to say.

Their ideology and their cult have turned them into gutless liars. Or made them MORE so.
13,000 hours of video!
Why won't Pelosi release them?

Don't you think she should? In an effort to justify the folks arrested?
Held in horrible conditions?

Boy, poster Markle you offer a bountiful buffet.
Let's dig in.

First, yupper, I quite agree that there would be---should be---a lot of security cameras with various views of the interior and exterior of the Capitol. Good for America that there are such. But Pelosi releasing their images? C'mon! You really should know better. It is an ongoing investigation...and will be for some time. Those videos likely will be, likely already are....being used to prosecute the attackers (be they ANTIFA, BLM, Gay Oathkeepers, or MAGA Losers, take your choice.)

If those government videos are in the hands of the FBI or the DOJ and are useful in prosecuting......that's good enough for me. I doubt "Pelosi" has a say in "releasing" them. Why release any ---unless in court --- while they are still looking for some attackers? Duh!
(BTW, if you reallly want to see 'em........don't ask anonymous posters on an internet gossipboard. Ask your local FBI office, ask your two Senators, ask your Representative. Your outrage appears fake. And silly. You know better.)

Besides, ain't there enough images in the public sphere now? I've seen a ginormous number of images and videos that have been released by the losers who attacked, by their companions, by crowd members, by news organiazations. Much of that stuff was posted on some social media site as a form of boasting by the attackers (much to their regret now).

There were cameras everywhere...not just those government security cams that you hyperventilate about.
Lemme give you an example, in last Sunday's New York Times (Dec. 19th) they have a section on 'the Year in Pictures'. One scene of the Capitol riot showed (I did a nano count) )......showed at least 25 upraised & aimed cameras ---cellphones, big 35mm cams, and big video cams. That's at least 25 cams in a MAGA crowd around that doorway of about 60 people (I counted both).

And that was just one entry with a small part of the crowd of attackers and the police. Multiply that by all other locales and I'd suggest you have a several thousand cams in the hands of civilians, all of them recording the events of January 6th.

PS.....I'd sorta kinda suspect that pertinent images from the security cams are being reviewed by the Congressional Committee. Don't you, good poster Markle?

Lastly, your complaint about "horrible conditions" sounds, to my ear, uninformed. Even sounds fake.
You should know that those still in jail are: in for violent assault; flight risk; demnostrated beligerence and no remorse; are considered ringleaders. And even many....most .... of them have been moved off to facilities in, if memory serves, Pennsylvania or Virginia, because 700+ arrestees is far far more than the DC jail or system can handle in a short period.

And notably, the conditions of the DC jail with staffing and the physical plant have been recognized for years and years. But, until a bunch of white guys professiong to be Trump Supporters get locked didn't whine about the conditions.

After all, the low level blacks arrested have experienced those conditions for as long as they existed. Yet, it took a bunch of whites in MAGAHats to get tossed in before Conservatives, Republicans, and other MAGAHats began to whine about jail conditions.

"Privileged"......ring a bell?
Once again...
The good poster 'owl' suggests that "everyone knew about the rally and the protest".
Yupper, I think the 'owl' is right on that one, poster.

Everyone knew about the rally and protest at the Ellipse.
After all, the President of the United States of America had texted to 70 million of his Twitter subscribers in mid-December to come to Washington on the "it will be wild". And texted them again that he'd be speaking to them at the Ellipse.

So they came to the Ellipse to hear his words. At the Ellipse.
And at that Ellipse the President and his cohorts on stage ---Rudy Giuliani, Donny jr., Roger Stone, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Paul Gosar, et al, ... incited the crowd to anger----and urged them to fight, fight.
Rudy-the-Shirttucker urged "trial by combat".

The clear result was that Trump and his cohorts on stage turned these passionate American citizens who had concerns about the just completed elections.....they turned them into an angry mob.
So, with a clearly agitated crowd in front of him... what did Trump do next?

Without a heads-up to the Capitol Police, to the Mayor to Washington DC, to the DC police, to the National Guard.....hell, even to the staff of event-planners who had gotten the permit for the 'Ellipse rally'.

He directed them to march to the Capitol and he would lead them there.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

The police----Capitol and DC ----were blindsided by those instructions from the President. The permit was for an assembly at the Ellipse. But Trump went off script and directed the agitated mob to go direct to the Capitol.......and fight for their country and their President. For him.

It was clear derliction of duty for a man responsible for the safety of America and Americans. He sent an angry agitated mob of his supporters to the Capitol with their belief they could stop the Constitutional tally of Electoral Votes.

And we saw the shocking result. The shaming of America. The shaming of those who supported Don Trump.
The buck for what happened on January 6th stops at his desk.
The good poster 'owl' suggests that "everyone knew about the rally and the protest".
Yupper, I think the 'owl' is right on that one, poster.

Everyone knew about the rally and protest at the Ellipse.
After all, the President of the United States of America had texted to 70 million of his Twitter subscribers in mid-December to come to Washington on the "it will be wild". And texted them again that he'd be speaking to them at the Ellipse.

So they came to the Ellipse to hear his words. At the Ellipse.
And at that Ellipse the President and his cohorts on stage ---Rudy Giuliani, Donny jr., Roger Stone, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Paul Gosar, et al, ... incited the crowd to anger----and urged them to fight, fight.
Rudy-the-Shirttucker urged "trial by combat".

The clear result was that Trump and his cohorts on stage turned these passionate American citizens who had concerns about the just completed elections.....they turned them into an angry mob.
So, with a clearly agitated crowd in front of him... what did Trump do next?

Without a heads-up to the Capitol Police, to the Mayor to Washington DC, to the DC police, to the National Guard.....hell, even to the staff of event-planners who had gotten the permit for the 'Ellipse rally'.

He directed them to march to the Capitol and he would lead them there.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

The police----Capitol and DC ----were blindsided by those instructions from the President. The permit was for an assembly at the Ellipse. But Trump went off script and directed the agitated mob to go direct to the Capitol.......and fight for their country and their President. For him.

It was clear derliction of duty for a man responsible for the safety of America and Americans. He sent an angry agitated mob of his supporters to the Capitol with their belief they could stop the Constitutional tally of Electoral Votes.

And we saw the shocking result. The shaming of America. The shaming of those who supported Don Trump.
The buck for what happened on January 6th stops at his desk.
"Incited the the crowd to anger?" He didn't say anything that hundreds of Democrats have said.

You're a douchebag.

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