The horrifc video of what went on in the Capital building on January 6th. TikTok

Only the stupidest of the very stupid would believe that this an accurate portrayal of what happened that day

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What happened "that day?" How many deaths?

And how?

So on "thaaaat day" where many Trump supporters knew the election was and still is a complete fraud protested what we all know is happening.

On on "that day" how many deaths?
Only the stupidest of the very stupid would believe that this an accurate portrayal of what happened that day

View attachment 579043
Hey dumb dumb leftists. Explain this part of THAT DAY.

Oh that's right. The cops weren't given stand down orders. They all just had the same idea to not do anything and we all wonder what antifa was doing there in masses dressed as Trump supporters.



Yes, they say it was the worst attack on the country since Pearl Harbor.

The horror!!!!!


And this is what the, Democrats, are trying to hide:

"Study: up to 95 percent of 2020 U.S. riots are linked to Black Lives Matter

ACLED is a nonprofit organization that tracks conflict across the globe. Its U.S. project that collected the summer protest data is supported by Princeton University. The project’s spreadsheet collating tens of thousands of data points documents 12,045 incidents of U.S. civil unrest from May 26, 2020 to Sept. 5, 2020. May 26 is the day after George Floyd’s death in police custody with enough fentanyl in his system to have died of an overdose if police had never touched him.

Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetrators’ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetrators’ affiliation.

Violent demonstrations, meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations —

Study: up to 95 percent of 2020 U.S. riots are linked to Black Lives Matter - The Frontier Post

Monitoring Desk WASHINGTON: Contrary to corporate media narratives, up to 95 percent of this summer’s riots are linked to Black Lives Matter activism, according to data collected by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED). The data also show that nearly 6 percent — or more...

“Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death of George Floyd in May.The MCCA, which has members in 69 of the largest cities in the U.S., released the findings of their survey in October and compiled data from May 25 to July 31, 2020. In total, 8,700 protests took place in major American cities during that time period.Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.

During the riots cities experienced, the MCCA said their survey found at least 2,000 police officers were injured:

"In cities where violence did occur, assaults on police officers, looting, and arson were the most common criminal activities. Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed during the protests. This included nearly every agency that experienced at least one violent protest. In total, over the course of the civil unrest from May to July, more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. One agency reported 50 officers being injured in a single week of protests. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their jurisdiction.

"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities. “

Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death

Every single one due to Biden voters.

Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.
Nothing like a USMB gaslighting thread to get you in the mood to call right wing nuts out.
10 min mark is the storming of the grounds
13 mins mark starts police casualties
16 min mark breaking glass and storming building
17 mins the back stairs are breached and fight is on the ground
18:30 mark the capital is breached.
18:50 the confederate flag is paraded through the capital
10 mins of mayhem and at 28:30 a rioter is shot dead
30:20 a detailed view of police being assaulted begins.

What a shit show.
Right back at you. There are dozens of videos of horrendous violence that happened on January 6. One Tik Tok video does not tell the story, and I highly doubt the video was even shot on January 6, at the very least, it was shot very early. But you keep that head of yours stuck right up your ass. Bless your heart.

Please show us these dozens of videos so we can see your definition of "horrendous". If you're going to make a claim then back it up.

Oh and fake video context doesn't count. Like the video showing someone swinging a fire extinguisher and the news media saying it was a officer killed by the "rioters" which was a lie. The dead officers family showed the coroner's report where he died of a stroke and deemed natural causes.
Nothing like a USMB gaslighting thread to get you in the mood to call right wing nuts out.
10 min mark is the storming of the grounds
13 mins mark starts police casualties
16 min mark breaking glass and storming building
17 mins the back stairs are breached and fight is on the ground
18:30 mark the capital is breached.
18:50 the confederate flag is paraded through the capital
10 mins of mayhem and at 28:30 a rioter is shot dead
30:20 a detailed view of police being assaulted begins.

What a shit show.

But remember, those were BLM - Antifa - FBI plants.

The Trumpsters were just there to peacefully voice their displeasure, and that's all they did.

So it is written in the Alternate Universe.
I mean compared to antifa violence. Those Trump people sure are horrible.

Thanks for admitting they were "Trump's people". They're rotting in jail as Trump lives large on a fucking golf course. But, who's surprised?

Same shit for his buddies like Jordan.
What happened "that day?" How many deaths?

And how?

So on "thaaaat day" where many Trump supporters knew the election was and still is a complete fraud protested what we all know is happening.

On on "that day" how many deaths?
That orange Kool - Aid goes down easy for Trump cult fanatics like you, right Skeeter?

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