The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

It's as accurate as data that old can be. That's not my fucking point. When the weatherman tells you they've got a new rainfall record for this day in Austin, does he mean back to the fucking Cretaceous? No. On the subject of temperature, the "historical record" goes back to about 1850 for the US and Europe.

So the earth has warmed and cooled for thousands of years. What caused the other warm periods in our history?
Oh lots of them have changed locations. But that wasn't the key part of your claim and you know it. And you have NO evidence to support your actual claim.
Why were the locations changed? If you want a real accurate change, leave them where they are forever. If you start moving them around, then you will change their recording hotter or colder based on your ideology you want to spew out to the world.
Basically, the earth warms until it collapses into another ice age. True or false?

And that's what the earth Was doing until WE SPIKED The Heat.
That's us CHANGING a Natural cycle in just One Century instead of Nature's 5000+ years.
And we've gone Higher/Hotter just in the 20 yrs since this graph.


I asked you a question.
A rather stupid one. The Milankovitch Cycles are multiple, overlapping cycles with differing periods all of which affect the illumination of the Earth by the sun. It is not a binary state. Get it?
And that's what the earth Was doing until WE SPIKED The Heat.
That's us CHANGING a Natural cycle in just One Century instead of Nature's 5000+ years.
And we've gone Higher/Hotter just in the 20 yrs since this graph.


According to science, CO2 LEADS temperature by 600 years in the other cycles. Is it possible that a CO2 increase during this cycle is following the same way?
A rather stupid one. The Milankovitch Cycles are multiple, overlapping cycles with differing periods all of which affect the illumination of the Earth by the sun. It is not a binary state. Get it?
And yet, my graph is correct.
And that's what the earth Was doing until WE SPIKED The Heat.
That's us CHANGING a Natural cycle in just One Century instead of Nature's 5000+ years.
And we've gone Higher/Hotter just in the 20 yrs since this graph.


Yes but they moved the gages to register hotter to create an illusion that it's getting that much hotter.
Yes but they moved the gages to register hotter to create an illusion that it's getting that much hotter.
Asking for the second time, do you have a reputable source for your claim that weather stations were moved to increase the temperature readings?
Asking for the second time, do you have a reputable source for your claim that weather stations were moved to increase the temperature readings?
When you say “reputable” you mean only those who agree with the liberal left winger Democrats. So, what’s the point of giving this to you?
When you say “reputable” you mean only those who agree with the liberal left winger Democrats. So, what’s the point of giving this to you?
Who is your source? We can certainly debate whether or not they're reputable. And, you'd have to admit, if weather stations were actually being intentionally moved to warmer locations, you would have a VERY big new story. This should be getting covered all over town. Is it?

And you should give your source in any case. If you were starting a new thread with this, it would be required.
According to science, CO2 LEADS temperature by 600 years in the other cycles. Is it possible that a CO2 increase during this cycle is following the same way?
It DOES in a Natural Cycle!
Virtually All Warming cycles ARE driven by earth axis tilt or position enabling more sun/solar forcing.
With CO2 and other GHGs lagging BUT also exacerbating.
Scientists have measured THIS time and solar forcing is NOT the case.

But there is more CO2 and other GHGs Blocking the radiation that would normally be reflected back out at the exact spectral wavelengths of the GHGs.
We've increased CO2 50% in 150 years.
That's one reason we know it's AGW.
Because 'we' did it, it also happened 100-200x faster than nature would. Thus the Unique 100 yr spike on a 12,000 year graph.
I've repeated this hundreds of times. (some in even more detail/link) Now for YOU.
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Yes but they moved the gages to register hotter to create an illusion that it's getting that much hotter.
If they had to move the gauges it was probably to get out of the way of civilization and urban sprawl, which would have made the gauges read hotter (heat islands) not cooler.
Who is your source? We can certainly debate whether or not they're reputable. And, you'd have to admit, if weather stations were actually being intentionally moved to warmer locations, you would have a VERY big new story. This should be getting covered all over town. Is it?

And you should give your source in any case. If you were starting a new thread with this, it would be required.
Nope! You won’t debate who’s reputable. Only lying experts who support the communist Democrats.
If they had to move the gauges it was probably to get out of the way of civilization and urban sprawl, which would have made the gauges read hotter (heat islands) not cooler.
Nope. They weren’t showing global warming. So, they moved them to warmer locations.

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