The house and Senate should pass a crime bills making white supremacy a crime

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Read this and piss your pink panties.
The Tampa Bay Bucaneers are the supreme football team
Tom Brady is the supreme quarterback
The Japanese are supreme in Japan
Caucasians happen to be supreme in America
Supremacy is determined by accomplishments, Caucasians founded, built, fund and run America....they’ll be SUPREME in America for a long, long time. You should thank God they’ll reign supreme...Look around at EVERYTHING run by darkies.

No black people built the USA, your ancestors were white peasant farmers who earned crumbs, not builders of anything
LOL the south built very little in the States and that is where the majority of blacks were. Remind us what they BUILT. Name the leaders and producers. Inventors and such.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
I see you can not actually back up any of your claims how very unique of you.

I'm waiting to see proof of what your white peasant farmer ancestors built.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country


I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Read this and piss your pink panties.
The Tampa Bay Bucaneers are the supreme football team
Tom Brady is the supreme quarterback
The Japanese are supreme in Japan
Caucasians happen to be supreme in America
Supremacy is determined by accomplishments, Caucasians founded, built, fund and run America....they’ll be SUPREME in America for a long, long time. You should thank God they’ll reign supreme...Look around at EVERYTHING run by darkies.

No black people built the USA, your ancestors were white peasant farmers who earned crumbs, not builders of anything
LOL the south built very little in the States and that is where the majority of blacks were. Remind us what they BUILT. Name the leaders and producers. Inventors and such.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
I see you can not actually back up any of your claims how very unique of you.

I'm waiting to see proof of what your white peasant farmer ancestors built.
The History of the White Race

The negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous ; i.e., the lower face projects forward in the manner of an animal's muzzle. The negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the "simian shelf," a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites.
They emit a peculiar offensive body odor similar to apes.
Just as their black skin protected them from the intense African sun, they are inherently lazy in order to prevent over exertion in that intense sun.
The arms and legs of the negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the ape form.
The eye often has a yellowish scierotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The negro has a shorter trunk; the cross-section of the chest is more circular than Whites. Similar to an ape.
The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of apes.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the ape form.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees, like an ape, as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.
Taxonomists and geneticists believe that negros should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the negros are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification as a different species.
Coon, Carleton S. The Origin of Races, 1962, Alfred A. Knopf
Howells, William. Mankind So Far, Doubleday, Garden City, NY
Weisman, Charles A. The Origins of Race and Civilization, 1990
R. Jones

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Sure and while you are at it do the same for Antifa and BLM.
Lol, next thing they will do is make it a crime to disagree with government. We are a free country, if you want to be a white supremacists. You have that right, government has too much power.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Don’t we already have a hate crime bill? Also targeting just one segment of society might be a violation of the Equal Protection clause.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
The men and women who first came to the continent and then spread out through the wilderness which was the whole what would become the United states were the builders. They spread out and farmed and built businesses and conquered the continent. It was all kinds. Good and not so good as the population grew. The government helped in ways. The 19th Century was Manifest Destiny. The people were a hearty and strong breed. Industrialization started in that century. A civility was spreading from just the aristocrats. Survival was still to what each person could do and who that person could support. The blueprint of foundation was laid. Cities were formed and had to be built up. The latter 19th Century and early 20th Century saw the foundations of cities built up. At a price we can only dream of today. Builders! All people helped to build no matter how little to how much. Burgeoning Industrialists became some of the richest on the planet. Visionaries in inventions and producing products was in open season as the government did not stop the idealism like we see today from tyranny statists. Today we fight over the past injustices in established foundations that are in decline with people getting paid more and more from rising taxes and inflated stock markets by fiat money printing press. We have homes vastly overpriced through inflation and putting all the extra fiat currency into them. The younger generations can not afford many of the homes as of now. So we keep the fiat currency interest rates lower as the debts expand and the inflation is held in check by cheap labor overseas working as slaves as the former slaves in this nation biatch about the past.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
I ask you to name them, you can not.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

The First Amendment, which protects free speech and freedom of assembly would effectively make such legislation unconstitutional. There are currently no domestic terrorism laws on the books for the same reason.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Read this and piss your pink panties.
The Tampa Bay Bucaneers are the supreme football team
Tom Brady is the supreme quarterback
The Japanese are supreme in Japan
Caucasians happen to be supreme in America
Supremacy is determined by accomplishments, Caucasians founded, built, fund and run America....they’ll be SUPREME in America for a long, long time. You should thank God they’ll reign supreme...Look around at EVERYTHING run by darkies.

No black people built the USA, your ancestors were white peasant farmers who earned crumbs, not builders of anything
LOL the south built very little in the States and that is where the majority of blacks were. Remind us what they BUILT. Name the leaders and producers. Inventors and such.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
I see you can not actually back up any of your claims how very unique of you.

I'm waiting to see proof of what your white peasant farmer ancestors built.
you made the claim you first.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
I ask you to name them, you can not.

What did YOUR ancestors build? Lets see the results. Matter of fact what have you built? Nothing.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
The men and women who first came to the continent and then spread out through the wilderness which was the whole what would become the United states were the builders. They spread out and farmed and built businesses and conquered the continent. It was all kinds. Good and not so good as the population grew. The government helped in ways. The 19th Century was Manifest Destiny. The people were a hearty and strong breed. Industrialization started in that century. A civility was spreading from just the aristocrats. Survival was still to what each person could do and who that person could support. The blueprint of foundation was laid. Cities were formed and had to be built up. The latter 19th Century and early 20th Century saw the foundations of cities built up. At a price we can only dream of today. Builders! All people helped to build no matter how little to how much. Burgeoning Industrialists became some of the richest on the planet. Visionaries in inventions and producing products was in open season as the government did not stop the idealism like we see today from tyranny statists. Today we fight over the past injustices in established foundations that are in decline with people getting paid more and more from rising taxes and inflated stock markets by fiat money printing press. We have homes vastly overpriced through inflation and putting all the extra fiat currency into them. The younger generations can not afford many of the homes as of now. So we keep the fiat currency interest rates lower as the debts expand and the inflation is held in check by cheap labor overseas working as slaves as the former slaves in this nation biatch about the past.

They did not, they were piss poor indentured servants that became peasant farmers in the south that hated blacks for having land and farms and they are still in the south poor as hell living in trailer parks off of welfare, food stamps and section 8 housing.
I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

What we need to do is change our laws to call militias, Klansmen, Neo-Nazis, Q-Kooks, White Nationalists, Proud Boys, Boogaloos and andy other Deplorables (including AntiFa) who commits violence against our country, our law enforcement and our citizens what they are - Domestic TERRORISTS.

Try them as we would have tried radical Islamists had they committed the crimes of 1-6. Lock them in a super-max and throw away the key.
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They did not, they were piss poor indentured servants that became peasant farmers in the south that hated blacks for having land and farms and they are still in the south poor as hell living in trailer parks off of welfare, food stamps and section 8 housing.
Nice summary of the democrats, north and south.
Absolutely correct the BLM Marxist organization and ANTIFA didn’t kill anyone only their loyal supporters did.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Read this and piss your pink panties.
The Tampa Bay Bucaneers are the supreme football team
Tom Brady is the supreme quarterback
The Japanese are supreme in Japan
Caucasians happen to be supreme in America
Supremacy is determined by accomplishments, Caucasians founded, built, fund and run America....they’ll be SUPREME in America for a long, long time. You should thank God they’ll reign supreme...Look around at EVERYTHING run by darkies.

No black people built the USA, your ancestors were white peasant farmers who earned crumbs, not builders of anything
LOL the south built very little in the States and that is where the majority of blacks were. Remind us what they BUILT. Name the leaders and producers. Inventors and such.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
I see you can not actually back up any of your claims how very unique of you.

I'm waiting to see proof of what your white peasant farmer ancestors built.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
I ask you to name them, you can not.

It is not allowed to talk about the greatness of the white race on this board now.....I just presented two referenced articles that would answer all your was deleted. Here is another one.....
The History of the White Race
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
I ask you to name them, you can not.

What did YOUR ancestors build? Lets see the results. Matter of fact what have you built? Nothing.
LOL keep changing the goal post, YOU claimed blacks built this Country, Name them or shut up you racist piece of garbage,
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
I ask you to name them, you can not.

What did YOUR ancestors build? Lets see the results. Matter of fact what have you built? Nothing.
LOL keep changing the goal post, YOU claimed blacks built this Country, Name them or shut up you racist piece of garbage,

You came with the claim that your ancestors built great things, but I exposed that they haven't done jack.
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
I ask you to name them, you can not.

What did YOUR ancestors build? Lets see the results. Matter of fact what have you built? Nothing.
LOL keep changing the goal post, YOU claimed blacks built this Country, Name them or shut up you racist piece of garbage,

The negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous ; i.e., the lower face projects forward in the manner of an animal's muzzle. The negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the "simian shelf," a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites.
They emit a peculiar offensive body odor similar to apes.
Just as their black skin protected them from the intense African sun, they are inherently lazy in order to prevent over exertion in that intense sun.
The arms and legs of the negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the ape form.
The eye often has a yellowish scierotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The negro has a shorter trunk; the cross-section of the chest is more circular than Whites. Similar to an ape.
The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of apes.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the ape form.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees, like an ape, as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.
Taxonomists and geneticists believe that negros should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the negros are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification as a different species.

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