The house and Senate should pass a crime bills making white supremacy a crime

Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
The men and women who first came to the continent and then spread out through the wilderness which was the whole what would become the United states were the builders. They spread out and farmed and built businesses and conquered the continent. It was all kinds. Good and not so good as the population grew. The government helped in ways. The 19th Century was Manifest Destiny. The people were a hearty and strong breed. Industrialization started in that century. A civility was spreading from just the aristocrats. Survival was still to what each person could do and who that person could support. The blueprint of foundation was laid. Cities were formed and had to be built up. The latter 19th Century and early 20th Century saw the foundations of cities built up. At a price we can only dream of today. Builders! All people helped to build no matter how little to how much. Burgeoning Industrialists became some of the richest on the planet. Visionaries in inventions and producing products was in open season as the government did not stop the idealism like we see today from tyranny statists. Today we fight over the past injustices in established foundations that are in decline with people getting paid more and more from rising taxes and inflated stock markets by fiat money printing press. We have homes vastly overpriced through inflation and putting all the extra fiat currency into them. The younger generations can not afford many of the homes as of now. So we keep the fiat currency interest rates lower as the debts expand and the inflation is held in check by cheap labor overseas working as slaves as the former slaves in this nation biatch about the past.

That is a completely false reading of what is currently going on. The world is shifting from up from carbon-based energy and a cowboy economy dependent upon endless gross two and a Konomi using clean energy, and a conserver economy, based on providing a reasonable quality of life for citizens at all economic levels.

Conservatives in general and Republicans in particular are extremely focussed on conserving a way of life that is no longer sustainable on this planet. Instead of focussing on the job opportunities, and the opportunities provided in the conserver economy and the transition from the cowboy economy, conservatives are focussed only the loss of the carbon-based economy.

We must have 1000 wind turbines in my county. Sanyo went through this county and slapped lease options on every farm within 5 miles of Lake Erie. They have been a huge economic boon for the local farmers who all get $60,000/year from Sanyo for every 5 acre windmill parcel they lease to Sanyo. Our county farm bankruptcy rate is 9%. And they’re all running today in the bitter cold because unlike Texas we built them to withstand Canadian winters. And my power didn’t go out for five seconds throughout the storm.

There are billions to be made with good paying jobs in the green economy in Canada. Asia and Europe are investing here because we’re embracing the 21st century, not trying to go back to coal.
Sure and while you are at it do the same for Antifa and BLM.
Lol, next thing they will do is make it a crime to disagree with government. We are a free country, if you want to be a white supremacists. You have that right, government has too much power.

All that is going to be changing as the biden regime progresses further and further down the road of political correctness and totalatarianism.
There are billions to be made with good paying jobs in the green economy in Canada. Asia and Europe are investing here because we’re embracing the 21st century, not trying to go back to coal.
Let us know when you're completely finished using fossil fuels. :popcorn:
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
I ask you to name them, you can not.

What did YOUR ancestors build? Lets see the results. Matter of fact what have you built? Nothing.
LOL keep changing the goal post, YOU claimed blacks built this Country, Name them or shut up you racist piece of garbage,

You came with the claim that your ancestors built great things, but I exposed that they haven't done jack.
I never claimed anything you did prove it or go the fuck away.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

The way to go is to make Domestic Terrorism a felony in the US Code; with a sentence of 25 to life upon conviction.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

The way to go is to make Domestic Terrorism a felony in the US Code; with a sentence of 25 to life upon conviction.

I agree 100%

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?
So why not just make being white illegal?
Remind us what your white peasant farmer ancestors built in the USA that was so great
The longest standing Document the world has ever seen, and a country where there are lines a decade long to get in.
Documents was written by white peasant farmers and they didn't build this country, todays trailer trash have built nothing just like their ancestors, blacks and Jews built this country
The men and women who first came to the continent and then spread out through the wilderness which was the whole what would become the United states were the builders. They spread out and farmed and built businesses and conquered the continent. It was all kinds. Good and not so good as the population grew. The government helped in ways. The 19th Century was Manifest Destiny. The people were a hearty and strong breed. Industrialization started in that century. A civility was spreading from just the aristocrats. Survival was still to what each person could do and who that person could support. The blueprint of foundation was laid. Cities were formed and had to be built up. The latter 19th Century and early 20th Century saw the foundations of cities built up. At a price we can only dream of today. Builders! All people helped to build no matter how little to how much. Burgeoning Industrialists became some of the richest on the planet. Visionaries in inventions and producing products was in open season as the government did not stop the idealism like we see today from tyranny statists. Today we fight over the past injustices in established foundations that are in decline with people getting paid more and more from rising taxes and inflated stock markets by fiat money printing press. We have homes vastly overpriced through inflation and putting all the extra fiat currency into them. The younger generations can not afford many of the homes as of now. So we keep the fiat currency interest rates lower as the debts expand and the inflation is held in check by cheap labor overseas working as slaves as the former slaves in this nation biatch about the past.

They did not, they were piss poor indentured servants that became peasant farmers in the south that hated blacks for having land and farms and they are still in the south poor as hell living in trailer parks off of welfare, food stamps and section 8 housing.
As the nation formed or before it, the southern states were more agrarian as the northern ones became more industrial. The differences were not a lot, but enough to give more power to the northern states. And we see the same things in the world. There are vulgar people in all backgrounds in this nation today. But those who came here and expanded it from the Atlantic basin to the Pacific coast were hearty people. Most African Americans were living in the South. Then in the middle of the 20th Century, wealth powerful blue bloods and early Prog political factions with powerful families enticed African Americans to move North. They did as the industrial age peaked and declined with factories closing in those cities. African Americans bore the worst of it. Pelosi's family was powerful in Baltimore. Regardless there has been tens of trillions of dollars spent to make things right. As long as it is one way and no vice by African Americans that must be reduced is achieved, you will never see things better. No matter how much power is achieved. In fact you will have to make whites as slaves to you.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

And how much time would you give for the crime of thinking the wrong thing? Orr do you want to move straight to mass executions?
I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

What we need to do is change our laws to call militias, Klansmen, Neo-Nazis, Q-Kooks, White Nationalists, Proud Boys, Boogaloos and andy other Deplorables (including AntiFa) who commits violence against our country, our law enforcement and our citizens what they are - Domestic TERRORISTS.

Try them as we would have tried radical Islamists had they committed the crimes of 1-6. Lock them in a super-max and throw away the key.

But you make no mention of America’s most dangerous group by far....BLACK MEN.....Weird huh?
Why are you okay with the subhuman, savage animals in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and Loon York running amok?
The plan should be to stop them from stockpiling weapons, having gun shows, gathering together with weapons

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Conservatives have the right to be hateful, ignorant racists and bigots.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Conservatives have the right to be hateful, ignorant racists and bigots.

Watch it clayton. YOu only get a pass as long as you kowtow to the lefty agenda. As a white person you know you have to constantly prove yourself a "good" white person.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Excellent idea.

At the same time, Congress should pass a law mandating a one year jail sentence (no probation) for sucker punching & looting.
Things will continue to worsen until and unless we as a people end the ability of a hostile minority to control the narrative. The New York Times is the enemy. It needs to be shut down.

I mean sure, they passed a resolution condemning it(the House) but what about special laws against it in a crime bill?

Conservatives have the right to be hateful, ignorant racists and bigots.
Says bigot C_Clayton_Jones hatefully and ignorantly

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