The House has Passed Two Stimulus Bills. The Senate has not acted.

But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?
The American people are not going to bail out poorly run Democrat cities. Clean up your own mess.

Ahh, the old "red/blue" canard. What about the republicans who live in those cities? Should those business owners just get screwed as well?
they should be allowed to live or die by their own hand without a handout from the government,,,
MAGA at its finest! Wow.
doesnt have anything to do with MAGA,,,
if you cant live by your own actions you dont deserve what you have and surely dont deserve my money,,,

and I see you skipped over how the dem policies are whats responsible for most of the failures of the states,,, but thats OK I understand why,,,

It was off topic which is why I skipped it.

Earlier you were stating that there will be no bail out of cities. I pointed out that people in these cities are from all different political affiliations. Then you stated that they should "die by their own hand". Its a bizarrely stupid comment.
how so???

when I said die I meant in a financial way,,,
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?
The American people are not going to bail out poorly run Democrat cities. Clean up your own mess.

Ahh, the old "red/blue" canard. What about the republicans who live in those cities? Should those business owners just get screwed as well?
So you admit that Democrat run cities are poorly run. Thanks.
The best cities in the nation are run by democrats. That has been the case for about 230+ years.
hahahahah,,,you said a funny,,,,
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?
they did ..pretty much told the botox douchebag to go screw itself . the demands this douche wants, that has nothing to do with AMERICAS economy. and you demoncrats get right behind, like schumer, this evil, vile scum of AMERICA

Meanwhile, we're a nation of laws and government that operates by passing bills. What bills has the Senate passed? Can you try to focus on the question instead of profanity? Thanks in advance.
profanity? you must live under a rock. as most have said to you already---go play with yourself. you are a broken record
Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?
Are you really this uninformed??
How it is possible you don't know the Republicans have increased and accepted two compromises to Pelos, but she keeps raising the anti??
How could you not know that?

Really? What bills did the Senate pass?
You are trolling, and therefore, as usual, should be ignored.
The premise of your whole posting in this thread is "I am ignoring 100% of all actions taken by my side, and everything they are doing wrong - and only keep talking about what I see the other side is doing wrong.

A tool.
A sheep.
A shill.

You are a fantastic example of what is wrong with American politics - and exactly why despite in 2016 the legislative branch had less than 20% approval rating yet over 95% of incumbents won anyway. Because NO ONE critiques THEIR side. So the same shit keeps happening over and over and over.
Congratulations for being a prime example of it.

Your tantrum is noted.

I'm not a Democrat but I am a liberal I have called part of the Democratic party the "looney left" about 4 times on this thread alone. So fuck off.

The reason Nancy doesn't pass a single function bill is because she probably cannot do it because there are a lot on the looney left who oppose such a thing. AOC is one of them if you want an emblem of whom I'm talking about.

The House has passed 2 covid relief bills which sit un-acted upon in the Senate. Either bill could be taken up, marked up, chopped up, and sent to the Senate floor tomorrow. The R's in the senate do have the votes. They can do this. They choose not to.

The way our system works is that one house passes a bill, the other side considers it and votes on it. If it passes, if there are changes, a conference committee is appointed. They hammer out differences. The product of the committee then goes to both houses for consideration. If it passes both goes to the President.

My opinion is this...There is plenty the President wants to get done so, politically speaking, the Senate that is controlled by Republicans could put those things into the bill. They won't do it because I don't think the Senate really wants Trump to win personally. Otherwise it's a very easy thing to do---use one problem to solve another.
Thats just my opinion.

Anyway, the Senate could take up either of the bills the House sent them and strip everything away except what they want passed. It could happen in a few hours. They just won't do it. So, again, Where is the Senate?
I can see this thread.
And what I see, and everyone else CLEARLY sees... is that you ignore the answers people give you, and just keep repeating yourself.
What was sent to the Senate is impassable. It is a garbage bill that Pelosi KNOWS has no chance of passing.
Think of it this way - you have a neighbor. Let's say there is a creek that runs between your two properties. The creek keeps flooding both of your yards. You approach this neighbor about fixing it. You know the cost is going to be $X. Your neighbor says great... I will put together a paper for us to sign to pay to get it fixed. You get the paper and they added more than 20 times the money needed and want you to agree. You say no. This proposal has all kinds of things that have nothing whatsoever to do with the flooding.
But you NEED to get the flooding fixed, so you even agree to pay more for these other things, but cannot agree to the outrageous expenses they list. HE REFUSES. So you come back again, this time agreeing to even more... but no way will you agree to pay 20 times the cost which include ridiculous things. HE REFUSES AND HE BLAMES YOU FOR NOT GETTING THE FLOODING FIXED.

And here you sit - in this thread. Agreeing with the neighbor.

Seldom in the history of the nation has the House ever sent a bill of any importance to the Senate that was passed without changes. The ACA comes to mind as the one most recently--about 11 years ago. Other than that...there isn't many.

The process is to consider the bill, change it, add to it , etc... and then hammer out a compromise. The Senate is missing in action.
the senate is right where they need to be,,,all the house has to do is send a clean bill,,,

You don't seem to know that the House has sent two bills already and either one can be "cleaned" by the Senate.
it would be faster for the house to send a clean bill,,,
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?
The American people are not going to bail out poorly run Democrat cities. Clean up your own mess.

Ahh, the old "red/blue" canard. What about the republicans who live in those cities? Should those business owners just get screwed as well?
they should be allowed to live or die by their own hand without a handout from the government,,,
MAGA at its finest! Wow.
doesnt have anything to do with MAGA,,,
if you cant live by your own actions you dont deserve what you have and surely dont deserve my money,,,

and I see you skipped over how the dem policies are whats responsible for most of the failures of the states,,, but thats OK I understand why,,,

It was off topic which is why I skipped it.

Earlier you were stating that there will be no bail out of cities. I pointed out that people in these cities are from all different political affiliations. Then you stated that they should "die by their own hand". Its a bizarrely stupid comment.
Taxpayers are not responsible for bailing out incompetent Democrats. They need to be held accountable.

And the conservative who happened to own a business that was affected by the riots... "let them die by their own hand"?
it wasnt their hand that effected their business dumbass,,,,
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?
The American people are not going to bail out poorly run Democrat cities. Clean up your own mess.

Ahh, the old "red/blue" canard. What about the republicans who live in those cities? Should those business owners just get screwed as well?
So you admit that Democrat run cities are poorly run. Thanks.
The best cities in the nation are run by democrats. That has been the case for about 230+ years.
Then why do they need bailing out?
Some do because of the civil unrest. Most do not.
Democrats allowed the so called "civil unrest". Get the money from George Soros.
Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?
Are you really this uninformed??
How it is possible you don't know the Republicans have increased and accepted two compromises to Pelos, but she keeps raising the anti??
How could you not know that?

Really? What bills did the Senate pass?
You are trolling, and therefore, as usual, should be ignored.
The premise of your whole posting in this thread is "I am ignoring 100% of all actions taken by my side, and everything they are doing wrong - and only keep talking about what I see the other side is doing wrong.

A tool.
A sheep.
A shill.

You are a fantastic example of what is wrong with American politics - and exactly why despite in 2016 the legislative branch had less than 20% approval rating yet over 95% of incumbents won anyway. Because NO ONE critiques THEIR side. So the same shit keeps happening over and over and over.
Congratulations for being a prime example of it.

Your tantrum is noted.

I'm not a Democrat but I am a liberal I have called part of the Democratic party the "looney left" about 4 times on this thread alone. So fuck off.

The reason Nancy doesn't pass a single function bill is because she probably cannot do it because there are a lot on the looney left who oppose such a thing. AOC is one of them if you want an emblem of whom I'm talking about.

The House has passed 2 covid relief bills which sit un-acted upon in the Senate. Either bill could be taken up, marked up, chopped up, and sent to the Senate floor tomorrow. The R's in the senate do have the votes. They can do this. They choose not to.

The way our system works is that one house passes a bill, the other side considers it and votes on it. If it passes, if there are changes, a conference committee is appointed. They hammer out differences. The product of the committee then goes to both houses for consideration. If it passes both goes to the President.

My opinion is this...There is plenty the President wants to get done so, politically speaking, the Senate that is controlled by Republicans could put those things into the bill. They won't do it because I don't think the Senate really wants Trump to win personally. Otherwise it's a very easy thing to do---use one problem to solve another.
Thats just my opinion.

Anyway, the Senate could take up either of the bills the House sent them and strip everything away except what they want passed. It could happen in a few hours. They just won't do it. So, again, Where is the Senate?
I can see this thread.
And what I see, and everyone else CLEARLY sees... is that you ignore the answers people give you, and just keep repeating yourself.
What was sent to the Senate is impassable. It is a garbage bill that Pelosi KNOWS has no chance of passing.
Think of it this way - you have a neighbor. Let's say there is a creek that runs between your two properties. The creek keeps flooding both of your yards. You approach this neighbor about fixing it. You know the cost is going to be $X. Your neighbor says great... I will put together a paper for us to sign to pay to get it fixed. You get the paper and they added more than 20 times the money needed and want you to agree. You say no. This proposal has all kinds of things that have nothing whatsoever to do with the flooding.
But you NEED to get the flooding fixed, so you even agree to pay more for these other things, but cannot agree to the outrageous expenses they list. HE REFUSES. So you come back again, this time agreeing to even more... but no way will you agree to pay 20 times the cost which include ridiculous things. HE REFUSES AND HE BLAMES YOU FOR NOT GETTING THE FLOODING FIXED.

And here you sit - in this thread. Agreeing with the neighbor.

Seldom in the history of the nation has the House ever sent a bill of any importance to the Senate that was passed without changes. The ACA comes to mind as the one most recently--about 11 years ago. Other than that...there isn't many.

The process is to consider the bill, change it, add to it , etc... and then hammer out a compromise. The Senate is missing in action.
Once again - we can see you dismiss the answer and just go back to where you are,
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?

Harry Reid tabled 400 bills while he was the Senate Majority Leader, I said back then that he could do this and if the tables were turned, they had no one to blame but Reid.

It’s sad that the two leaders in the House and Senate are not leaders but petty partisan hacks. The House has a lot of BS in the bill and the Senate needs to look at it and make changes where they want and then compromise. We live at a time when partisan assholes need to be voted out, left and right.

And we also live in a time we've seldom seen where the economy is going into the shitter due to a disease that many still claim isn't all that bad. If there was a time to is now. Where is the Senate?

Your guess is as good as mine. I'd vote out all of Congress, playing politics at this time is BS. The House passes a bill they know the Senate won't pass is however the Senate needs to present so they can compromise. It all boils down to party over country and we have allowed it.
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?

Harry Reid tabled 400 bills while he was the Senate Majority Leader, I said back then that he could do this and if the tables were turned, they had no one to blame but Reid.

It’s sad that the two leaders in the House and Senate are not leaders but petty partisan hacks. The House has a lot of BS in the bill and the Senate needs to look at it and make changes where they want and then compromise. We live at a time when partisan assholes need to be voted out, left and right.

And we also live in a time we've seldom seen where the economy is going into the shitter due to a disease that many still claim isn't all that bad. If there was a time to is now. Where is the Senate?

Your guess is as good as mine. I'd vote out all of Congress, playing politics at this time is BS. The House passes a bill they know the Senate won't pass is however the Senate needs to present so they can compromise. It all boils down to party over country and we have allowed it.
And meanwhile small businesses are dropping like flies in all 50 states.
The only reason they can be so egregiously irresponsible is because they KNOW WE WILL RE-ELECT THEM NO MATTER WHAT - because of people like CANDYCORN who will never - ever -ever - ever criticize their own party. And Republican voters who do the same.
So they have absolutely no incentive to do the right thing
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?
The American people are not going to bail out poorly run Democrat cities. Clean up your own mess.

Ahh, the old "red/blue" canard. What about the republicans who live in those cities? Should those business owners just get screwed as well?
So you admit that Democrat run cities are poorly run. Thanks.
The best cities in the nation are run by democrats. That has been the case for about 230+ years.
Well that may have been true at some time in the past but today all of those cities have been transformed into dangerous unliveable shitholes with rampant crime and little to no law and order.
Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?
thats what they are trying to do but the dems in the house want to pack it full of stuff that has nothing to do with relief,,,
The House Dems want illegal aliens to not only receive a stimulus check, but get double the amount that American citizens would get.

They know that's completely unacceptable to the Senate and President.
Looks like the Republicans are hunkering down just a bit--are they leaving Trump to dangle in the breeze?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told a Kentucky event on Friday that a coronavirus stimulus deal is "unlikely in the next three weeks," per the Washington Post's Erica Werner.

" What they're saying:
" You’re never going to get a deal out of Pelosi that Republicans can support. So do you really want to divide your party within days of an election?" said a source close to Senate leadership about McConnell's calculations.
  • "This entire exercise from Pelosi is basically trying to jam up the Senate in the midst of a Supreme Court confirmation. They know that from a procedural standpoint McConnell can drive this train to conclusion, so what they’re trying do is throw as many roadblocks in the way as possible — and the best way to do that is get the president focused on some extraneous issue."
  • "Pelosi’s out there doing 25th Amendment s--t today. Does this sound like a lady who wants a deal? There’s no way McConnell takes his eye off the ball. Republicans are intently focused on the Supreme Court."
Senate Republicans, including McConnell, have largely been left out of the recent negotiating process between congressional Democrats and the White House.
  • Even if Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin were to strike a deal — and that's a big if — there is little chance the Senate GOP would get on board with it.
  • Complicating matters, Senate Republicans remain far apart on what they want as a conference. They also view Trump and Mnuchin as far more willing to give more to Pelosi than what they're comfortable with — both numbers-wise and on policy.
The bottom line: McConnell doesn’t want to do anything to interrupt the only visible Republican win before the election in his chamber — the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.
Pelosi is at fault. She's punishing Americans because she thinks she can pin the blame on Trump. She's truly political scum. I don't ever want to hear that Democrats are the party of compassion. They are the party that wants to keep everyone poor, pissed off and dependent on government. Marxist Democrats are evil. MAGA
Trump's in charge. He's to blame.

Another reason for new leadership.
Looks like the Republicans are hunkering down just a bit--are they leaving Trump to dangle in the breeze?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told a Kentucky event on Friday that a coronavirus stimulus deal is "unlikely in the next three weeks," per the Washington Post's Erica Werner.

" What they're saying:
" You’re never going to get a deal out of Pelosi that Republicans can support. So do you really want to divide your party within days of an election?" said a source close to Senate leadership about McConnell's calculations.
  • "This entire exercise from Pelosi is basically trying to jam up the Senate in the midst of a Supreme Court confirmation. They know that from a procedural standpoint McConnell can drive this train to conclusion, so what they’re trying do is throw as many roadblocks in the way as possible — and the best way to do that is get the president focused on some extraneous issue."
  • "Pelosi’s out there doing 25th Amendment s--t today. Does this sound like a lady who wants a deal? There’s no way McConnell takes his eye off the ball. Republicans are intently focused on the Supreme Court."
Senate Republicans, including McConnell, have largely been left out of the recent negotiating process between congressional Democrats and the White House.
  • Even if Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin were to strike a deal — and that's a big if — there is little chance the Senate GOP would get on board with it.
  • Complicating matters, Senate Republicans remain far apart on what they want as a conference. They also view Trump and Mnuchin as far more willing to give more to Pelosi than what they're comfortable with — both numbers-wise and on policy.
The bottom line: McConnell doesn’t want to do anything to interrupt the only visible Republican win before the election in his chamber — the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Senate repubs doesn't want trump to win they want him out. Now congress has the fucking wacko's that suck his butt. Oh maybe Lindsay.
Trump's in charge. He's to blame.

Another reason for new leadership.

Trump isn't in charge of the House.

The only thing he is in charge of is signing or not signing a bill the Senate sends to him. The Senate will only vote on a stand alone Covid relief bill, not the pork loaded bill the House sent.

Pelousy is in charge of the House. She and her House Dems loaded the bill with pork. The Senate won't vote on it till the pork is removed.

So far Pelousy is making a fool out of herself. Guess that second stimulus check to Americans doesn't mean jack shit to that old hag. Pork does.

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