The Huber Investigation of all things Hillary issues its report on the crimes of Hillary Clinton

However, it's true she does not need to be investigated, we already know she illegally destroyed evidence. The discussion now should be whether to bring hangings back or not.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.
Justice Dept. winds down Clinton-related inquiry once championed by Trump. It found nothing of consequence. Jan. 9, 2020 at 4:56 p.m. MST

"A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.

John Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, was tapped in November 2017 by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into concerns raised by President Trump and his allies in Congress that the FBI had not fully pursued cases of possible corruption at the Clinton Foundation and during Clinton’s time as secretary of state, when the U.S. government decided not to block the sale of a company called Uranium One.

As a part of his review, Huber examined documents and conferred with federal law enforcement officials in Little Rock who were handling a meandering probe into the Clinton Foundation, people familiar with the matter said. Current and former officials said that Huber has largely finished and found nothing worth pursuing — though the assignment has not formally ended and no official notice has been sent to the Justice Department or to lawmakers, these people said....

The effective conclusion of his investigation, with no criminal charges or other known impacts, is likely to roil some in the GOP who had hoped the prosecutor would vindicate their long-held suspicions about a political rival. Trump, though, has largely shifted his focus to a different federal prosecutor tapped to do a separate, special investigation: U.S. attorney in Connecticut John Durham, who Attorney General William P. Barr assigned last year to explore the origins of the FBI’s 2016 probe into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia." [ Emphasis added ]
~~ ~~

When is that stupid Orange Clown going to figure out that his infantile temper & witch hunts only make him look smaller any more petty as each one is exposed. How about starting another Benghazi investigation you desperate fucks!
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Hillary must be the most legally clean woman in history. No one has been investigated more than her.

ZERO indictments. ZERO convictions.
Witch hunts... that's the specialty of leftists.

Of course, everyone knows Hillary illegally destroyed evidence. She just happened to be above the law while doing it.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.

....Attacking our embassy, killing a US citizen, and planning more embassy attacks/bombings. Soleimani needed to go. The Joint Chiefs said that if Trump did NOT kill Soleimani when he had the opportunity, that would be negligence.
Yet another right wing fever swamp wet dream of producing evidence of criminal activity on Hillary's part goes up in smoke.

"A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything."

Here's the thing. The false accusations served their purpose.............and that is really all the Conman-in-Chief cares about. They got the mobs of nitwits at his rallies mindlessly chanting "lock her up," making great viewing on Trump TV..........who obediently televised 20 hours of Don's carnival barker act. And they helped perpetuate the rabid hatred of Hillary by The Following that Big Fat Don constantly needed to stoke in order to deflect attention away from his own unethical and criminal behavior. He probably knew himself there was never anything to the allegations.
IOW, the drooling dolts who fawn over Dear Leader's every word were duped again.

Have their figured out how easily they are being manipulated? No. If they had they wouldn't currently be fixated on the absolutely baseless, evidence free allegations being made about Joe Biden.
Yet another right wing fever swamp wet dream of producing evidence of criminal activity on Hillary's part goes up in smoke.

"A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything."

Here's the thing. The false accusations served their purpose.............and that is really all the Conman-in-Chief cares about. They got the mobs of nitwits at his rallies mindlessly chanting "lock her up," making great viewing on Trump TV..........who obediently televised 20 hours of Don's carnival barker act. And they helped perpetuate the rabid hatred of Hillary by The Following that Big Fat Don constantly needed to stoke in order to deflect attention away from his own unethical and criminal behavior. He probably knew himself there was never anything to the allegations.
IOW, the drooling dolts who fawn over Dear Leader's every word were duped again.

Have their figured out how easily they are being manipulated? No. If they had they wouldn't currently be fixated on the absolutely baseless, evidence free allegations being made about Joe Biden.

Who first brought up the illegal bathroom server and her mishandling of classified info? Hint: Not Trump or the GOP, it was Comey
It was Hillary's campaign who colluded with Russians to fabricate the Steele Dossier and interfere in the 2016 election.
How did Comey give Hillary a pass on her apparent "crimes"? He declared her "lack of intent".

So stop whining about Hillary's "innocence". Guys are in prison for doing less than her mishandling of classified info.
Durham has better cases against the deep state conspirators who illegally spied on the Trump campaign by falsifying FISA warrants. The biggest scandal in US history is the Obama admin's "break into" the Trump campaign using foreign intel assets. I wouldn't be celebrating just yet.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.

It’s on Trump for tearing up the nuclear accord. That’s what started this mess.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.

It’s on Trump for tearing up the nuclear accord. That’s what started this mess.

Ah the Canadian comes in to comment more.

Iran just butchered a bunch of your citizens, but... but... IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT!!!

Insufferable election meddler this cat lady is. The fact that Trump offends leftists not just in America but all around the world is a testament to his supreme effectiveness.
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and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.

....Attacking our embassy, killing a US citizen, and planning more embassy attacks/bombings. Soleimani needed to go. The Joint Chiefs said that if Trump did NOT kill Soleimani when he had the opportunity, that would be negligence.

The Joint Chiefs support killing all time, any time......while they hide in their underground bunkers.....
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.

....Attacking our embassy, killing a US citizen, and planning more embassy attacks/bombings. Soleimani needed to go. The Joint Chiefs said that if Trump did NOT kill Soleimani when he had the opportunity, that would be negligence.

The Joint Chiefs support killing all time, any time......while they hide in their underground bunkers.....
They support killing terrorists all the time, and you should be more grateful that rough men with guns are protecting your candy ass from the terrorists.

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