The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

Appeals to authority are always helpful...ROFL

westwall said:
You couldn't humiliate my 6 yer old girl when it comes to science sunshine. PB eats you for lunch every time you open your trap.

Lackluster tongue work, you two. PolarBear is going to make you do it again. Get back down there, and don't come up until his asshole is squeaky clean.

Anyways, your buddy PolarBear has responded to me on other threads, but not this one. He doesn't seem to want to address the bet. I'll give him a little more time.

What about you two? Will you take the bet, or are you equally 'nadless? No wonder you 3 on TeamDickless are so good at rim jobs. As you lack dicks, it's the only thrill you can get.

Sorry admiral I dozed off again.. what were you saying?

A phony says what?
Okay, gslack has officially gone chickenshit on the wager, and thus admits he's been lying about me.

Westwall, what about you?

By the way, you three birther retards, President Obama's Birth Certificate is real too. That's one reason why everyone is laughing at you.
Okay, gslack has officially gone chickenshit on the wager, and thus admits he's been lying about me.

Westwall, what about you?

By the way, you three birther retards, President Obama's Birth Certificate is real too. That's one reason why everyone is laughing at you.

WHat bet this time? Last time it was a fake DD214 what is it now, a fake birth certificate? A certification of your being a sock? What???

Look junior, I am touched you want my acceptance and respect, really... But it just ain't gonna happen. You had chances and you blew them.

You want my respect and acceptance? Man up, quit playing with socks and alter-egos,be yourself and be sincere and honest when you post. then MAYBE, just maybe I will consider it...

A bet is only as good as the honor of the persons involved. You have shown yourself to be dishonorable time and again. Betting you is pointless...
Okay, gslack has officially gone chickenshit on the wager, and thus admits he's been lying about me.

Westwall, what about you?

By the way, you three birther retards, President Obama's Birth Certificate is real too. That's one reason why everyone is laughing at you.

When have I ever claimed otherwise,silly person? I voted for the man the first time doofus. I see you're as uninformed as you are ignorant....and yes I realize I'm being superfluously redundant!

And for the record....I don't make wagers with proven liars. You can't be trusted.
It's so sad. You two could have just swallowed your pride at the start and said "Mamooth, you're right about the science, thanks for pointing that out." I mean, being a grownup, I admit error all the time. You have to be some kind of emotional toddler to refuse to admit an error.

Alas, that's y'all. You went full metal retard, and set out on your quest for eternal vengeance. And now you've dug way too deep down into the stupid hole to ever climb out. You've lied yourselves into a corner, and your only option is to keep lying harder. And I get to sit back and laugh at it. Life is good.

By the way, the other vets here don't think I'm lying. Would you two like to raise the stupid stakes and declare other vets on the board are lying on my behalf now? If you are, you should head over and tell them. I just want to see how far you're going to ride the stupid train for the sake of this vendetta.

Now, since PolarBear is MIA, he's clearly not taking the bet either. So my work is done there, he's a chicken liar as well. As I promised him, new image available for viewing, with the pennies PolarBear demanded. I'll link to photobucket instead of wasting space here, since it's been seen before. TTFN.

That Thing PolarBear Wanted Photo by mamooth1 | Photobucket
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It's so sad. You two could have just swallowed your pride at the start and said "Mamooth, you're right about the science, thanks for pointing that out." I mean, being a grownup, I admit error all the time. You have to be some kind of emotional toddler to refuse to admit an error.

Alas, that's y'all. You went full metal retard, and set out on your quest for eternal vengeance. And now you've dug way too deep down into the stupid hole to ever climb out. You've lied yourselves into a corner, and you're only option is to keep lying harder. And I get to sit back and laugh at it. Life is good.

By the way, the other vets here don't think I'm lying. Would you two like to raise the stupid stakes and declare other vets on the board are lying on my behalf now? If you are, you should head over and tell them. I just want to see how far you're going to ride the stupid train for the sake of this vendetta.

Now, since PolarBear is MIA, he's clearly not taking the bet either. So my work is done there, he's a chicken liar as well. As I promised him, new image available for viewing, with the pennies PolarBear demanded. I'll link to photobucket instead of wasting space here, since it's been seen before. TTFN.

That Thing PolarBear Wanted Photo by mamooth1 | Photobucket

The newspaper it's on is from 2003 or 2008 too blurry to be sure.. LOL, next excuse...


[ame=]Black Knight - YouTube[/ame]
It's so sad. You two could have just swallowed your pride at the start and said "Mamooth, you're right about the science, thanks for pointing that out." I mean, being a grownup, I admit error all the time. You have to be some kind of emotional toddler to refuse to admit an error.

Alas, that's y'all. You went full metal retard, and set out on your quest for eternal vengeance. And now you've dug way too deep down into the stupid hole to ever climb out. You've lied yourselves into a corner, and you're only option is to keep lying harder. And I get to sit back and laugh at it. Life is good.

By the way, the other vets here don't think I'm lying. Would you two like to raise the stupid stakes and declare other vets on the board are lying on my behalf now? If you are, you should head over and tell them. I just want to see how far you're going to ride the stupid train for the sake of this vendetta.

Now, since PolarBear is MIA, he's clearly not taking the bet either. So my work is done there, he's a chicken liar as well. As I promised him, new image available for viewing, with the pennies PolarBear demanded. I'll link to photobucket instead of wasting space here, since it's been seen before. TTFN.

That Thing PolarBear Wanted Photo by mamooth1 | Photobucket
What "other vets"?...You mean like OldRocksinthehead?....That's some character witness...:lmao:
The newspaper it's on is from 2003 or 2008 too blurry to be sure.. LOL, next excuse...

Given that "2013" is clearly visible, that's a particularly dumb lie on your part. Like I said, you keep digging deeper into the stupid hole.

You should have, from the start, used the conspiracy theory that I had printed out a fake. Instead, you claimed it was a downloaded image, and now you look stupid, because it clearly wasn't. And you'll look desperate if you try to backpedal now to the "well, you printed out a fake!" conspiracy theory.

Here's a crazy thought. Just admit you screwed up. Wouldn't that be a lot simpler than trying to keep track of all your conflicting conspiracy theories?
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The newspaper it's on is from 2003 or 2008 too blurry to be sure.. LOL, next excuse...

Given that "2013" is clearly visible, that's a particularly dumb lie on your part. Like I said, you keep digging deeper into the stupid hole.

You should have, from the start, used the conspiracy theory that I had printed out a fake. Instead, you claimed it was a downloaded image, and now you look stupid, because it clearly wasn't. And you'll look desperate if you try to backpedal now to the "well, you printed out a fake!" conspiracy theory.

Here's a crazy thought. Just admit you screwed up. Wouldn't that be a lot simpler than trying to keep track of all your conflicting conspiracy theories?

I said it was too blurry to tell dipshit. Didn't see a zoom feature on there..

Nope, I call you a fake, a fraud, a phony, a BS artist, a wannabe, need I go on? I will leave the thing to PB or west. One of them asked you to post it again, I could care less. I knew you would pull another scam somehow, your history shows it...

I call you a fake because your BS kept changing, and what you DID say each time was inaccurate.. You can pull as many pics out of your ass as you want, won't change shit. You had your chance to be legit ya blew it junior..

Sorry, too late now you are a known liar already...


The total biomass of planet Earth (the total mass of all plants and animals and other organisms all over the world, on land and in the seas) is about 75 billion tonnes.

The total biomass of the human species is about 250 million tonnes, or about one part in 300 of the total biomass.

If the total biomass of 75 billion tonnes were to be spread evenly over the 500 million square kilometres of the surface of the Earth, it would form a film approximately one-tenth of a millimetre thick.

Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems

In any one year, humans utilize, alter or consume between one-tenth to one-twentieth of the total biomass of the Earth, depending on how you analyze the figures.


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Nope, I call you a fake, a fraud, a phony, a BS artist, a wannabe, need I go on?

No need. Like I said, you've lied yourself into a corner, so you don't need to keep demonstrating it.

I call you a fake because your BS kept changing,

That was just one of the many things you lied your ass off about.

I batted .980. I got one small thing wrong, a recent change allowing black suit jackets instead of Navy Blue. I was perfect on everything else, and entirely consistent in every detail. I got everything exactly correct, even the very obscure details that can't be googled.

In contrast, you batted a perfect zero. You started with a lunatic claim of secret black uniforms, then went downhill from there, getting it totally wrong on security clearances, uniform materials, nuke training, everything. You were not only a perfect storm of wrongness, you flipflopped helplessly during it all.

Remember when I pointed out service dress wasn't allowed in the engine room, because it was polyester and melted? You had a meltdown and screamed I was a liar, that there was no such thing as a polyester uniform. So I post the newspaper article backing that up, and you pissed your pants and ran.

Remember when you claimed a nuke cruiser had separate reactor and engineering departments, while I correctly pointed out it was a single department? Then PolarBear posted the cruise book showing I was correct, and you pissed your pants and ran.

There's a theme going there. You constantly pulled BS out of your ass, got caught, pissed your pants and ran. It's kind of what defines you, the pissing of the pants and the running.
It's so sad. You two could have just swallowed your pride at the start and said "Mamooth, you're right about the science, thanks for pointing that out." I mean, being a grownup, I admit error all the time. You have to be some kind of emotional toddler to refuse to admit an error.

Alas, that's y'all. You went full metal retard, and set out on your quest for eternal vengeance. And now you've dug way too deep down into the stupid hole to ever climb out. You've lied yourselves into a corner, and your only option is to keep lying harder. And I get to sit back and laugh at it. Life is good.

By the way, the other vets here don't think I'm lying. Would you two like to raise the stupid stakes and declare other vets on the board are lying on my behalf now? If you are, you should head over and tell them. I just want to see how far you're going to ride the stupid train for the sake of this vendetta.

Now, since PolarBear is MIA, he's clearly not taking the bet either. So my work is done there, he's a chicken liar as well. As I promised him, new image available for viewing, with the pennies PolarBear demanded. I'll link to photobucket instead of wasting space here, since it's been seen before. TTFN.

That Thing PolarBear Wanted Photo by mamooth1 | Photobucket

Had you been correct about the science I WOULD have said so. That's the difference between you a simpleton propagandist and me a geologist. I CARE about science. You don't. You don't understand the bare bones of it. Thus you don't care about it in the slightest.
Nope, I call you a fake, a fraud, a phony, a BS artist, a wannabe, need I go on?

No need. Like I said, you've lied yourself into a corner, so you don't need to keep demonstrating it.

I call you a fake because your BS kept changing,

That was just one of the many things you lied your ass off about.

I batted .980. I got one small thing wrong, a recent change allowing black suit jackets instead of Navy Blue. I was perfect on everything else, and entirely consistent in every detail. I got everything exactly correct, even the very obscure details that can't be googled.

In contrast, you batted a perfect zero. You started with a lunatic claim of secret black uniforms, then went downhill from there, getting it totally wrong on security clearances, uniform materials, nuke training, everything. You were not only a perfect storm of wrongness, you flipflopped helplessly during it all.

Remember when I pointed out service dress wasn't allowed in the engine room, because it was polyester and melted? You had a meltdown and screamed I was a liar, that there was no such thing as a polyester uniform. So I post the newspaper article backing that up, and you pissed your pants and ran.

Remember when you claimed a nuke cruiser had separate reactor and engineering departments, while I correctly pointed out it was a single department? Then PolarBear posted the cruise book showing I was correct, and you pissed your pants and ran.

There's a theme going there. You constantly pulled BS out of your ass, got caught, pissed your pants and ran. It's kind of what defines you, the pissing of the pants and the running.

This is the equivalent statement as when the perp is being interviewed by the cops and he say's "you can't prove anything".

Priceless! What a phony you are. And ANYTHING can be googled you twit. You just have to know where to look and what to ask. You didn't and you don't. You're a fraud just like oltrollingblundertrakerfraud. In fact I think you are just another in a long line of socks.

In fact I think oltrollingblundermammytrakarfraud sounds just about right.

Nope, I call you a fake, a fraud, a phony, a BS artist, a wannabe, need I go on?

No need. Like I said, you've lied yourself into a corner, so you don't need to keep demonstrating it.

I call you a fake because your BS kept changing,

That was just one of the many things you lied your ass off about.

I batted .980. I got one small thing wrong, a recent change allowing black suit jackets instead of Navy Blue. I was perfect on everything else, and entirely consistent in every detail. I got everything exactly correct, even the very obscure details that can't be googled.

In contrast, you batted a perfect zero. You started with a lunatic claim of secret black uniforms, then went downhill from there, getting it totally wrong on security clearances, uniform materials, nuke training, everything. You were not only a perfect storm of wrongness, you flipflopped helplessly during it all.

Remember when I pointed out service dress wasn't allowed in the engine room, because it was polyester and melted? You had a meltdown and screamed I was a liar, that there was no such thing as a polyester uniform. So I post the newspaper article backing that up, and you pissed your pants and ran.

Remember when you claimed a nuke cruiser had separate reactor and engineering departments, while I correctly pointed out it was a single department? Then PolarBear posted the cruise book showing I was correct, and you pissed your pants and ran.

There's a theme going there. You constantly pulled BS out of your ass, got caught, pissed your pants and ran. It's kind of what defines you, the pissing of the pants and the running.

Simple then why continue to edit quotes?

LOL, it's your nature phony we know it....

You haven't been right about anything socko. The posts are all here easy for anyone to see. I don't have to edit your words, or change your claims.

But obviously you do...

Here got this for you..

This is the equivalent statement as when the perp is being interviewed by the cops and he say's "you can't prove anything".

Hey Westwall! Want to tell us again how everyone discharged from the military gets a retired military ID card, and that anyone who says otherwise is lying?

Congrats to you as well for your perfect .000 batting average. You and gslack can battle it out for the title.

And ANYTHING can be googled you twit.

What does "Every Little Fucking Pissant Loves the Fucking Navy" refer to?

What is the answer to the joke "How can you tell if your shipmate is gay?"

Hey, you claim everything can be googled, so google away. 'Course, if you were in the Navy nuke program, you wouldn't need to google such things.
Congrats to you as well for your perfect .000 batting average. You and gslack can battle it out for the title.

And ANYTHING can be googled you twit.
What does "Every Little Fucking Pissant Loves the Fucking Navy" refer to?

What is the answer to the joke "How can you tell if your shipmate is gay?"

Hey, you claim everything can be googled, so google away. 'Course, if you were in the Navy nuke program, you wouldn't need to google such things.

Now it`s about 2 heat lamps aimed at a spot which gets hotter, while the contention was that the cooler heat lamp is supposed to be able to heat the hotter heat lamp to even hotter temperatures...

It's not a contention, it's an observation of how the real world works. If I point a 40 watt desk lamp at a 60 watt desk lamp, the 60 watt desk lamp gets hotter.

Only if you subscribe to the retarded notion that all of the heat from a heat sink fin must radiate straight to the other fin. Of course, only a complete moron could claim something that outrageously stupid. Thus, you do claim that.

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bull-freaking-shit.

Again, you don't have a clue about what a black body is, or how it works.

Any other 'tards here want to back up PolarBear's nutty claim about how a dark object radiates more at the same temperature?

If only the world knew that they could make heat sinks more effective by painting them flat black. Once more, PolarBear has made an amazing new discovery in physics that the rest of humanity had somehow missed.
Yeah? How much you wanna bet?
Are you too dumb to try it out yourself?
And you are one of the few "of humanity had somehow missed" ,why that is so!!!
Carbon: candle soot emissivity 0.95
Glass emissivity 0.92

It`s not an "amazing discovery" either.
The fact that black objects radiate more heat per time has been used all over the place.
That`s why power transistor heat sinks are black.

That`s why high performance radiators are black:


Even a dummy like you should know that:
Why are car radiators painted black
Why are car radiators painted black?

Car radiators are painted black because it emits the most heat through radiation (highest emissivity). This improves the heat transfer out of the radiator when air isn't moving through the radiator.
Thermal radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A black body is also a perfect emitter. The radiation of such perfect emitters is called black-body radiation. The ratio of any body's emission relative to that of a black body is the body's emissivity, so that a black body has an emissivity of unity.

Do you get that feeling that you are being "stalked" again ?
Like Waetwall said ,almost everything can be Googled..."numan"`s fake knowledge of physics German is entirely Googled.
Google "Verfolgungswahn" and see a shrink.
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This is the equivalent statement as when the perp is being interviewed by the cops and he say's "you can't prove anything".

Hey Westwall! Want to tell us again how everyone discharged from the military gets a retired military ID card, and that anyone who says otherwise is lying?

Congrats to you as well for your perfect .000 batting average. You and gslack can battle it out for the title.

And ANYTHING can be googled you twit.

What does "Every Little Fucking Pissant Loves the Fucking Navy" refer to?

What is the answer to the joke "How can you tell if your shipmate is gay?"

Hey, you claim everything can be googled, so google away. 'Course, if you were in the Navy nuke program, you wouldn't need to google such things.

That's the worst navy joke.. Up your game Admiral...

Why do the navy ships take marines with them on tour? So they have someone to dance with...

So which were you this time a bilge troll or bilge turd?
More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet......

Allan Savory has turned the causes of global warming/climate change back onto the government enviro wacko scientist who caused the problem. They can't deal with the fact that they fucked up the planet....

Your people live in denial. You can't deal with the facts. You can't accept responsibility. You should be jailed or killed before you become irrational, snap & attempt to poison the planet.
Well, KissMy has finally floated off into the ozone forever.
No surprise there.

I think you global heating denialists should make an alliance with the Flat Earth Society -- who knows? Maybe together you could take over the world!! · · :laugh: · · :D
But then, apart from the gun manufacturers and war profiteers who control it, perhaps the Flat Earthers and global heating Denialists and their ilk already are the membership of the NRA.

Again you continue to post more evidence proving your irrational disconnected snap from reality. I did not deny global warming in my statement. I showed how your debate is over flat earth group think scientific mainstreamers caused global warming. In your detached from reality world of thought you got that all twisted up with the NRA, gun makers & war profiteers. :cuckoo:

You try to point fingers at people living in the governed economy shaped by you mainstream group thinking flat earth / scorched earth scientist. Your reductionist world view caused environmental malfunction that caused global warming. I knew it was to much to think for a minute you could pull your head out of your ass to see natures world view. The symbiotic dependence that our climate, plants, microbes, animals & humans all have on each other. You retards had people reducing animals. That in returned reduced microbes, plants & our climate quality. It increased Desertification, CO2, Methane & Global Warming.

Debate is over, group thinking twaddle like yourself should never be allowed to shape our environment or governing economy. Real science comes from outside your box of follow the leader unthinking faith based brain washed by failed cookie cutter education system.

This Savory Institute Lecture dumbs the science down enough that a 5th grader can understand it. Please try to stay on focus & keep up.

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