The Hunter Biden hard drive story is in my parents local newspaper in nowhere, FL...way to go FB and Twitter! No one knows!

The walking cadaver Ghoulieyani, admitted that it may be "50/50 a Russian hoax".

Of course, the Citrus Chronicle says its a Russian hoax, but it’s in the paper! :laughing0301:

You guys have to read this AP article. It wildly speculates the whole thing is a Russian Hoax.
Its amazing the damage control going on by the media.

Its not enough for journalists to ignore the story, they have to actively cover it up!

Facebook and Twitter were so fucking stupid to damage themselves for fucking Biden, when the story is out anyways. Maybe it bought time for the media to put the story out with their damage control.

Anyway...scroll down to A11 and check out this slanted story about crackhead Biden.

Donald Trump was impeached for something Hunter Biden did and was investigated for 3 years for something Hillary Clinton did.
The walking cadaver Ghoulieyani, admitted that it may be "50/50 a Russian hoax".

Fake News.

Full Story Behind Hunter's Laptop Debunks Latest Russia Conspiracy Theory

"Hunter signed the service ticket..."

By now it's clear that the campaign is NOT going to deny that Hunter dropped off his computer at this repair shop.

It's also clear that the campaign is NOT going to deny that these emails are authentic.

Why is the inference to the best explanation for these dogs that are not barking?

  1. This is Hunter's email and computer contents.
  2. The Emails are real.
Druggy Hunter's laptop scandal threatens to throw the 2020 election into chaos with solid, undisputed evidence of high-level corruption by former Vice President and Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden and his druggy son Hunter.

Yet, if one looks at the actual facts of the case - in particular, that Druggy Hunter dropped his own laptops off at a computer repair shop, signed a service ticket, and the shop owner approached the FBI first and Rudy Giuliani last after Biden failed to pick them up, it's clear why the Biden Camp is not denying that this is Druggy Hunter's computer content, nor that the emails are authentic.

This story is very simple–Druggy Hunter dropped off three computers with liquid damage at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware on April 12, 2019. The owner, John Mac Issac, examined the three and determined that one was beyond recovery, one was okay and the data on the harddrive of the third could be recovered. Hunter signed the service ticket and John Paul Mac Issac repaired the hard drive and down loaded the data. During this process he saw some disturbing images and a number of emails that concerned Ukraine, Burisma, China and other issues. With the work completed, Mr. Mac Issac prepared an invoice, sent it to Druggy Hunter and notified him that the computer was ready to be retrieved. Druggy Hunter did not respond. In the ensuing four months (May, June, July and August), Mr. Mac Issac made repeated efforts to contact Druggy Hunter. Druggy Biden never answered and never responded. More importantly, Druggy Biden stiffed John Paul Mac Issac–i.e., he did not pay the bill.

When the manufactured Ukraine crisis surfaced in August 2019, John Paul realized he was sitting on radioactive material that might be relevant to the investigation. After conferring with his father, Mac and John Paul decided that Mac would take the information to the FBI office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mac walked into the Albuquerque FBI office and spoke with an agent who refused to give his name. Mac explained the material he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost. This was mid-September 2019.

Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John Paul Mac Issac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office–Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak–came to John Paul’s business. He offered immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device.

Two weeks later, the intrepid agents called and asked to come and image the hard drive. John Paul agreed but, instead of taking the hard drive or imaging the drive, they gave him a subpoena. It was part of a grand jury proceeding but neither agent said anything about the purpose of the grand jury. John Paul complied with the subpoena and turned over the hard drive and the computer.

In the ensuing months, starting with the impeachment trial of President Trump, he heard nothing from the FBI and knew that none of the evidence from the hard drive had been shared with President Trump’s defense team.

The lack of action and communication with the FBI led John Paul to make the fateful decision to contact Rudy Giuliani’s office and offer a copy of the drive to the former mayor. We now know that Rudy accepted John Paul’s offer and that Rudy’s team shared the information with the New York Post.

John Paul Mac Issac is not responsible for the emails, images and videos recovered from Hunter Biden’s computer. He was hired to do a job, he did the job and submitted an invoice for the work. Druggy Hunter, for some unexplained reason, never responded and never asked for the computer. But that changed last Tuesday, October 13, 2020. A person claiming to be Druggy Hunter’s lawyer called John Paul Mac Issac and asked for the computer to be returned. Too late. That horse had left the barn and was with the FBI.

John Paul, acting under Delaware law, understood that Hunter’s computer became the property of his business 90 days after it had been abandoned.

At no time did John Paul approach any media outlet or tabloid offering to sell salacious material
. A person of lesser character might have tried to profit. But that is not the essence of John Paul Mac Issac. He had information in his possession that he learned, thanks to events subsequent to receiving the computer for a repair job, was relevant to the security of our nation. He did what any clear thinking American would do–he, through his father, contacted the FBI. When the FBI finally responded to his call for help, John cooperated fully and turned over all material requested.

The failure here is not John Paul’s. He did his job. The FBI dropped the ball and, by extension, the Department of Justice. Sadly, this is becoming a disturbing, repeating theme–the FBI through incompetence or malfeasance is not doing its job.

Any news outlet that is publishing the damnable lie that John Paul is part of some subversive effort to interfere in the United States Presidential election is on notice. That is slander and defamation. Fortunately, the evidence from Druggy Hunter’s computer is in the hands of the FBI and Rudy Giuliani and, I suspect, the U.S. Senate. Those with the power to do something must act. John Paul Mac Issac’s honor is intact. We cannot say the same for those government officials who have a duty to deal with this information.

Eddie Zipperer


The Hunter Biden emails were fabricated by the same Russian operative who beat up Jussie Smollett, wrote homophobic slurs on Joy Reid’s blog, and hacked Steve Scully.
8:22 AM · Oct 17, 2020
Not only was it "discovered", the guy who "found" it didn't call the police, the FBI, or the Justice Department. He called Rudy Guiliani.
This is a BALD FACE LIE!

The shop owner called the FBI and gave them the lap top back in December of 2019... Rudy was given the CLONE of the hard drive that was made to protect the data during the fixing stage of repairs.

Rudy obtained the actual lap top by subpoena.
Now you know why she's a FUNT. The Funt lies like a democrat.
Of course, the Citrus Chronicle says its a Russian hoax, but it’s in the paper! :laughing0301:

You guys have to read this AP article. It wildly speculates the whole thing is a Russian Hoax.
Its amazing the damage control going on by the media.

Its not enough for journalists to ignore the story, they have to actively cover it up!

Facebook and Twitter were so fucking stupid to damage themselves for fucking Biden, when the story is out anyways. Maybe it bought time for the media to put the story out with their damage control.

Anyway...scroll down to A11 and check out this slanted story about crackhead Biden.

The Hunter Biden hard drive story is in my parents local newspaper in nowhere, FL...way to go FB and Twitter! No one knows!
I haven’t heard anything about it here in Mexifornia...weird huh?
Its A Guiliani Russia hoax!

”An unidentified man” dropped the MacBookPro with the Beau Biden Foundation sticker. :auiqs.jpg:

I can identify him and I wasnt even there.

Do you fucking jackasses think a Russian Spy dropped it off the be repaired at some random store in Delaware with the hopes that after 90 days the store owner would realize what he had and then give it to Guliani’s lawyer? :laughing0301:

That is some crazy espionage.

How did Putin make the 12 minute porn of Hunter doing crack and having sex?

Isn't that a coincidence. Do you jackasses think Hunter Biden would take a defective computer to a no name store in Delaware? No he would have a tech come to him. Isn't it amazing that he would be able to contact Giuliani. The whole story sounds phony.

We'll just have to wait and see if anything comes out of this.
We'll just have to wait and see if anything comes out of this.
Isn’t the fact that this is “out there” enough to cause damage? It doesn’t matter if it’s ever verifiably true or not, the narrative exists and is damaging.
We'll just have to wait and see if anything comes out of this.
Isn’t the fact that this is “out there” enough to cause damage? It doesn’t matter if it’s ever verifiably true or not, the narrative exists and is damaging.

It matters to me.
Biden smears reporter rather than simply denying that the emails are Hunter's. Suddenly the Fake News Media is fine with smearing reporters?
Biden smears reporter rather than simply denying that the emails are Hunter's. Suddenly the Fake News Media is fine with smearing reporters?
Calling them reporters at the NY Post is extremely generous.
Its A Guiliani Russia hoax!

”An unidentified man” dropped the MacBookPro with the Beau Biden Foundation sticker. :auiqs.jpg:

I can identify him and I wasnt even there.

Do you fucking jackasses think a Russian Spy dropped it off the be repaired at some random store in Delaware with the hopes that after 90 days the store owner would realize what he had and then give it to Guliani’s lawyer? :laughing0301:

That is some crazy espionage.

How did Putin make the 12 minute porn of Hunter doing crack and having sex?
Fear and loathing in the Biden Crime Family. “I have no response.”

That was Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden’s response Friday when he was finally asked about the devastating expose of his druggy son Hunter’s emails and so much more.

Those revelations included the crack-addled Hunter whining to one of his daughters that he has to pay 50% of all the cash he collects to “Pop,” and that as part of a shady Chinese deal, the so-called “remuneration package” would include “10 held by H for the Big Guy.”

“I have no response,” the Big Guy told a CBS reporter. “It’s another smear campaign, right up your alley.”

But he didn’t deny it.
Biden smears reporter rather than simply denying that the emails are Hunter's. Suddenly the Fake News Media is fine with smearing reporters?
Calling them reporters at the NY Post is extremely generous.

The NY Post was founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton. THE Alexander Hamilton.

Of course your persective as a 7th grade teacher's aide is much more significant... that goes without saying.
Last edited:
Its A Guiliani Russia hoax!

”An unidentified man” dropped the MacBookPro with the Beau Biden Foundation sticker. :auiqs.jpg:

I can identify him and I wasnt even there.

Do you fucking jackasses think a Russian Spy dropped it off the be repaired at some random store in Delaware with the hopes that after 90 days the store owner would realize what he had and then give it to Guliani’s lawyer? :laughing0301:

That is some crazy espionage.

How did Putin make the 12 minute porn of Hunter doing crack and having sex?
Fear and loathing in the Biden Crime Family. “I have no response.”

That was Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden’s response Friday when he was finally asked about the devastating expose of his druggy son Hunter’s emails and so much more.

Those revelations included the crack-addled Hunter whining to one of his daughters that he has to pay 50% of all the cash he collects to “Pop,” and that as part of a shady Chinese deal, the so-called “remuneration package” would include “10 held by H for the Big Guy.”

“I have no response,” the Big Guy told a CBS reporter. “It’s another smear campaign, right up your alley.”

But he didn’t deny it.


Yes, that's exactly what he should have stammered out. If it took 20 minutes, so be it... we'll wait.

We'll call him a fuckin' liar, but it would be nice to have his denial.
Its A Guiliani Russia hoax!

”An unidentified man” dropped the MacBookPro with the Beau Biden Foundation sticker. :auiqs.jpg:

I can identify him and I wasnt even there.

Do you fucking jackasses think a Russian Spy dropped it off the be repaired at some random store in Delaware with the hopes that after 90 days the store owner would realize what he had and then give it to Guliani’s lawyer? :laughing0301:

That is some crazy espionage.

How did Putin make the 12 minute porn of Hunter doing crack and having sex?
Fear and loathing in the Biden Crime Family. “I have no response.”

That was Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden’s response Friday when he was finally asked about the devastating expose of his druggy son Hunter’s emails and so much more.

Those revelations included the crack-addled Hunter whining to one of his daughters that he has to pay 50% of all the cash he collects to “Pop,” and that as part of a shady Chinese deal, the so-called “remuneration package” would include “10 held by H for the Big Guy.”

“I have no response,” the Big Guy told a CBS reporter. “It’s another smear campaign, right up your alley.”

But he didn’t deny it.

A question that answers itself.

Even Lying Fake News WaPo is conceding that the Hunter Biden material really did come out of his computer.

This line is just sitting there:

‘The New York Post published a story based on a trove of leaked emails allegedly found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate.’​

That’s stood for a day and a half, unretracted, even though the commenters over there are screaming about it.
Not to say the story isn't true cause it is.......if it wasn't true the MSM wouldn't bother trying to cover it up.

BUT one huge question is this......why would Hunter allow that type of information on his laptop out of his hands for even a moment? Knowing full well it would be discovered and made public....not only damaging to his own life & career, but his father & family as well. He didn't even attempt to hide it........or was that his intent to ruin Daddy?

Inquiring minds want to know....

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