The hurricane is Trump's fault, the good economic news


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The hurricane is Trump's fault, the good economic news
The hurricane is Trump's fault, the good economic news is not. democrats are nucking futs. The massive storm has not made landfall yet, but the Post published a column on Wednesday headlined, "Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit." The piece also notes that Trump has given 'good advice' when issuing hurricane warnings via his Twitter feed before it launched an attack on the president.... there were no hurricanes before Trump and Obama stopped the rise of the oceans you know, as he was able to stop hurricanes with his mind alone... On the other hand, the economy thunders on and poverty is down.... Business creation is at a record high

It's as if there's some bizarre contest to outdo each other's stupidity, the Progressive left just this morning scored a new low. The geniuses at WaPo are so smart and ingenious, they have created an entire reality, completely different from the one we live in. While the FEMA spokesman was briefing on the impact of the storm and then took questions about the dangers and preparations, some liberal idiot took off on the liberal-induced rumor that Trump had taken funds from FEMA and given them to ICE. Instead of relaying important information, he had to waste time addressing this stupidity. More proof that the safety of the public is not even close to important to liberals.
Insanity brought on the mental disease of Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftism knows no bounds. Will the Left also acknowledge that President Trump is responsible for the downgrade of Florence from Cat 4 to Cat 2. Strange? A similar thing happened to the eye of the hurricane that recently hit Hawaii. Should they also hold Trump complicit in the reduction of the hurricane there too?
We have to understand that to the Progressive Left, government is God and Leftist politics is a religion. They think the government can give us everything they want for 'Free'. Therefore it is only natural for them to believe that now that the devil is in charge of the state , rather than their Mocha Messiah. Castro once claimed that Yankee imperialists caused a hurricane to stall over Cuba. Leftist’s are simply psychotic, delusional and impervious to logic or facts.
Liberals love hurricanes. They create a massive pile of needy people, just primed and ready for democrat handouts (and later, votes.)

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